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Everything posted by Poker

  1. Lol@training police force Since when does the UN do such thing? If he did this, which I doubt it, he must be the most idoitic TFG member yet including Geedi who once said "WE'RE CLOSING OUR BORDERS INCLUDING SOMALILAND" we all know the rest of that story.....
  2. Originally posted by Malika: Trying too hard isnt he? Mocking the ideology isnt funny at all,he can mock the Alshabaab for their misunderstanding of the deen,but not what Allah has promised those whom will fight in for his cause..Not funny at all! His cause? What cause would that be?
  3. Payne is no body. He's taking this issue way too personally. It was sad the fact that 2 of the three members invited didn't honor his wish. He's a nigga sybdrom....DON'T DISS ME like that. Get over it.
  4. Let see how they burry him. He will get Islamic burriel if he was Muslim.
  5. I prefected some of his moves growing up except the Moon walk. Simply the greatest entainer of all time. MJ was the best ever in making music video. He will be miss The way you make me feel Human Nature Man in the mirror Remmember the time Thriller Billy Jean Simply the best.
  6. ^^^ It didn't take place accordingly, did it? Simply the point....dadku indha adkaa!
  7. Originally posted by Oodweyne: Mr. Somalipride , That is why you are wrong, for he never, ever arrive in Washington; other than to send a note of diplomatic kind to the said chairman of that committee who was organising this meeting through Somaliland's ambassador in the US, namely, the said Dr. Sacad Sh. Noor, in which our foreign minister said his reason in not attending that briefing of the congress. As well as, on the whole, that he will come another day for a "particularistic kind" of briefing that Somaliland will give to this committee, alone; particularly, another time of mutual agreement, indeed. Regards, Oodweyne. Lol@Mr. Oodweyne You didn't have to hit him hard like that?
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Poker lad, you are not that important, go on the website and read before you tell us you cancled the event. I rest my case.
  9. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. Did you even read their website? Obviosuly you know how the Americans think, why dont you get the "recognition you crave" instead of sulking like kids. try and prove me wrong.
  10. Originally posted by Gheelle.T: Poker, it is Faroole who canceled it. Why does it matter to you anyways? yeah right. He's the center point of this so-called meeting for the obvious reasons (pricay). And yes, he was told he CAN'T have a meetings before they finish with him. Just like they did to YEY when he visited the UN few years back in NY. Hint, he's NOT here in his own accord.
  11. I love it. Little girls are something else walaahi. They just steal your heart with ease! LOl@I saw a dead cat and number one and three didn't....priceless, Thanks for the laugh man.
  12. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Sorry for the disappointment lad .... i'm sure you were dying to sit in the same table with our government ,,, JB, Ask him why this briefing/meeting was camcelled. M/weynaha Puntland oo ka hadlaya siyaasada Puntland, burcad badeeda, dhaqdhaqaada Islaamiyiinta Somaliya. Washington, June 24 | M/weynaha Puntland Cabdiraxman Maxamed Maxamuud 'Faroole', oo booqasho ku jooga dalka Maraykanka ayaa ka hadli doona xarunta Wilson Center ee machadka Horn of Africa Policy Institute. Dhacdada ayaa bilaaban doonta 10:00am - 11:30am EDT subaxnimo ee maanta, waqtiga bari ee Maraykanka (Eastern Time). Halkan toos uga daawo khudbada iyo su'aal ... [Akhris ...]
  13. JB, Ask him why the briefing of Faroole was cancelled?
  14. Suldaan, I don't think it has anything to do with Election. This was the right thing to do and I'm glad it was done.
  15. Originally posted by Ducaysane: Here is an other Xaayow Joke. Nin baa waxaa lagu yiri. war illahay ka cabso. markaasuu wuxuu yiri: xaan illaahay ka ba'shay mugaan ka cabsaayo.
  16. Why are you interesting in his pixs? According to you Somalliland doesn't exist so why do you care who welcomes him and who doesn't?