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Everything posted by Sharmarkee

  1. the battle of badr was important in islamic calender, it was turning point between xaq and batil, Qureesh was arrogant, rich and pagan, and they want to impose their belives and traditions to the rest of arab tribes in the desert. Muslims after their flight to medina to escape torture and mal-treatment, that was the first victory they tasted, and letting bite the dust arch-enmey and antagonists like Abu-jahal. the saxaabah,as the a rag-tag army and under the leadership of the prophet(SCW), never ceased to gave all what they got to establish the laws of Allah on earth, and they succeed with the permisson of Allah the Almighty. they scarificed alot,wa Adabuu al sufahaa or they teach them a lesson. anyone who witness the battle of badr was very important in the eyes of the Prophet, read the story of the Saxaabi called Xaadib binu Abi's another story for another time.
  2. from Sept 2005 - to date - NOv 2007, a good two years, and 625 posts in my account, am not addicted atall. there is so many good things i read here in SOL, and Sheekh Nur's soft waano is part of the attraction.
  3. ^^You are addicted adeer, looking internet everywher you go, you're bloody sick you need help.
  4. ^^Ku so dhawow adeer SOL, magaalo weeyaan laga muraadsado, miyina weeyaan maalku daaqaan. have a cuppa of caano geeel.
  5. Sharmarkee


    Welcome onboard, interpol, creative name indeed, Do you just liked the name or you're a one of the undercover lawenforcing agents that have no face? A.W, kuso dhawaw markabaka intaanu qarqmin.
  6. ^^lol. how many more warlords you gonna add the previous ones, ain't you get enough, including Riyaale, your boss .. haha. Sheekhow marbay taladu haadka ka raacda. for the case of somalia way is-ceebasay, no one trust their scholars or their warlords - both groups are tuuug and budhcad, if not nonsenical and Ludicrous, though we don't know this new guy.and what about rumours that the so-called professor Geedi - he took from Saudi's a 30 million dollars to fix the problems of this burning country but definietly it went straight to his pocket that was the last visit overthere, and when he knew the money is in safe place and under-pressure he called the day. now who's the next one to get rich while women and children are rotting away under the shades of sogsog trees.
  7. ^^Wax ku darso topic isakad aaabaa yaaba ayaan cunayaada, iyo jigjiga yaan xalay joogay. and where is inantii ku so ka xaynaysay hope she get rid of you.
  8. ^^ ooh poor Somalia, NG waxaan xussustay too many cooks and a bad soup,first time in your life you outsmarted Duke's.
  9. ^^Who do you work for Sheekh, am suspetious now. you are double agent.
  10. Originally posted by who-me: [QB] I think Sheik Abdulwahab was more concerned about the Fitnah that could have rose if the monarchy was overthrown. For that it is a perfect logic and there is a nothing wrong with it. Also in his days saudis did not have general consensus on matters regarding the religion and the sheik him self was more involved in the act of reforming the Diin. I guess we have to admire his ability to see the bigger picture and it is something his followers the modern day wahabis are lacking, because they are too keen to wage jihad on minor things. May allah have mercy on him he was true visionary and a wise man. I agree with who-me the shiekh at time he came out from Dirciya -small not even town or village but laba dergadood north of riyadh, in 1703 was totally different than nowadays, with all this oil boom, and billions of dollars. the shiekh brought the Hanbali sect of school of thought, he adovacated the return of Quraan, and Sunnah and the practice of the Prophet(SCW), he rejected the practices that had accreted and become permitted in traditional islam such visiting graves(you all remember Cabdulqaadir jilaanow, sheekh Uwaysow,suufiyo braawow,shiekh yussuf kawnaynow)and shrines of the saints. He firmly set himself against all popular superstitions. and what is when Islam slipped from leading the world 800 years to nothing but grave-worshpping, and Akhuzacblaat of suufiyah. the contemporary Saudi creed owes as much, or possibley as little , to Abdulwahab as it deos to Thirteen-centuray muslim political scients Ibn Taymiyah, who stand in heroic and long struggle to stand on the traditions of Salaf or early mulims (athar) or tradtion. the above said shiekh was more concerned with the strenght and survival of muslim community at atime when islam was recovreing from the onslaught of the crusaders and under siege of Mongols. when he saw the dissenion and divisons amongst muslims as their main weakness, he ban plurality of interpretations as everything has to be found in the Quraan and sunnah. he even ban theolog and philosphy Ibn Taymiyyah asserted boldly, had no place in Islam. But modern house of Abdulwahab and house of Saud share power, wealth and intermarriage, and they support against each other from the rest of the community who looks like commoners while they are Aristocratics, The reformers always go behind the bars, people like Dr/Sh.Muhsin AWaji, DR.Sh Salman bin coowdah,Dr.Sa’d al-Faqih(heart surgeon)and hundred others tried and tried but no avail,they failed because the two instiuations become too powerful - in wealth and power both, supporting each other. in that respect Wahabism become manufactured on basis of tribal loyalty. the place of tribal allegiance was now taken by islam, everyone outside this terriotry is by definition a hostile dweller in a domain of unbelief. But the best joke is the new-Salafiyah - mostly subuscribes by the Somalis - saying everthing is bidcah this and bidcah that, calling saudi arabian wadaad evey 5 minutes.
  11. ^^This geeljirato girl(above pic) with the camel remind me - this song which says: Drim drim drim , Dayaxii baa la kooroo aana aan weli awrka doodaahayaa. Oh other bloody nations are ascending to the moon, and am still reining the camel.(off topic indeed but never mind its was intentional).
  12. Originally posted by who-me: [QB] Monkey see and monkey do. When you watch too much hollywood movies acting becomes natural. By the way let the farah milk the mighty dollar off Uncle Sum after all they print the shitt in massive scale and I am sure sparing some of the greens to a needy african refugee wont put the nation in deficit. In the meantime let us applaud the brother trying to win back the Albarakat money... Waan qosolay, wadaadku ha qaniinee daaya. live andlet him live, and let him laugh his way to Dhiigshiil.
  13. Sharmarkee

    A Love Note!

    "Wa Quuluu Anaasa Xusna", ina Shayadaana aynzaqu baynahum" Calayku nuur Yaa Nuur,wa kathra Allahu amthaalkum, wa jamacana wa iyaaku fil farduus alcla. wa ma daalika calal Allahi bi casiis! You remind me Imam shaafici's words which says: Uxibu alsaalixiina wa lasta minhum, Casaa an alqaa minahum shafaacah. Wa Abqadu min kana tijaartahu macaasi Walow kuna sawiyan fil bidaaca. or otherwords when he said: Shakawtu ilal wakiic bi suui'i xefdii Fa arashadani ila tarku ul macaasi Wa Qaala inal cilmu nuurun Wa nuuru Allahi la yu'ta bil caasi. allhuma matcnaa bi absaarina wa asmaacina ma axayaytanaa. --- Aaaamin.
  14. Originally posted by SheekhaJacaylka: I'm travelling to Addis tomorrow IA .... and if everything goes well, then i'll proceed to ???? (Ok i won't tell ya) .... Rumours has it, JB waa la so ka xaynayaa, tu yar oo ka tagtay Cardiff will bring him home before chrismast. loooool, she'll curse the day marku dulfadhiisto internet ka habeen iyo maalin. Waa kaftan JB
  15. ^^Lol, am not proud somali, in fact am digusted markay Masaajid ku dagaalameen. just kibir kibir.
  16. ^^Iskada ayeeyoonkoo what's your opnion, proud Somali or not, xaaji jumcah? if yes why, if no - why not? adeer.
  17. Originally posted by Laba_Xiniinyood: [QB] War weynu is garaneynaaye hadeynu Soomaali nahaye, kani wuu metelayaaye inagama mid aha.Waa sheegato fooqal sheegato! Labo, dad bad baaan arakay oo sheeganya, mostly xabashi, iyo yemeni, iyo kiiniyaan, iyo afrikaan kaleba,runtii waa nice game intay somali isku jeedo, aa magaceedii umad kale ku sharicidoonatay kuna shaqaysata. loool markay so baraarugto meeshii oo lagu kala tagay ha so toosto.
  18. Wasn't that guy was the guy who was mediating the riotings in bradford i think as counsellor or just community spokesman,when did become an MP?.prolly from the backdoor, in Blair's spinning days.
  19. Two young Somalis fought in sat night in bristol, one instantly died while the other is nursing his wounds and in hospital. its seems they been friends but turned against each other. Ironically another two, fought in a mosque few days before that, at a salat time, when people stand up for congregation salat, one of them said let us wait the imam, and the other said why waiting imam let someone else lead the prayer, then it turned into a fist fight infront of all muslims who are mostly pakistanis, one is been inflicted by great harm when he was hited him with a mobile phone, blood was all over the praying carpet, The Pakistanis and the rest of other muslims were dismayed and couldn’t believe someone can fight inside a mosque for this pity and humble argument, they become shell-shocked. very sad indeed, i think this Qaat making our people into a clumsiness and brutalising incivility, what is all this violence,What you think?Peeps.
  20. Good move as Saudi's education was all rote and repetitive Memorization,to a research oriented instituations, Prolly they also head-hunted many brilliant minds from the west, specially professors of emerituses such Cornell university, and many others like MIT, where there is a money there is a way. I was watching the whole episode in their tv, and the whole goverment was there supporting the scheme - King Abdullah Research and Technology university on the redsea.
  21. ^^Jooji hinaasaha oo Rudy fataaxada ugu mar
  22. Originally posted by Valenteenah: I bet you fantasise about that old Somali tale of the perfect raaliyo. The one where she waits for her husband to return home with a jug of milk in one hand, a belt in the other and with her googarad duluc held with her teeth because she doesn't know what he would like to do first - drink the milk, beat her silly or shag her. looool, This was funny, to be honest This wasn't the case for early somali tales, its was neither perverse, nor violent but straightfoward romance, marka uu ka bixiyo 100 halaad iyo faras. gabayo, heeso iyo hal xidhaale ayaa lays waydaarsan jiri, iyado geed lagu maraysanyo while she's picking the flowers in the first encounter. am not buying Unbridled feminism's version of old somali tales. to proof that ask any ayeeyo.
  23. ^^Ghanima, hadaad beentay moodayso waydii Edayday Zenobia iyo Ms D&D they know what am talking about. alas if hablahu know that, war baa ku seegan - dusty farah is like a golden pearl in a deep sea. Doqoni ma garatay
  24. Originally posted by Ghanima: [QB] ^^^^ I don't think anyone baa isxariifinayaa dear they just expressed their believes which does not affect you, why baad uu hoor jook taa! :mad: Sure it deont affect me, but waxaan idin so gaardhsiinayaa or am relating to - my conventional wisdom. runtaan sheegayaa, runtuna waaba kama rays.