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Posts posted by Sharmarkee

  1. new Question: where did Muadh Ibn Jabal(ra) died? with whose hands did he embrace Islam? and what were some of his last words before death?


    Ans: Muadh Bin Jabal(ra) died in Palestine, remember hewas one of the earliest missionaries in yemen, he used to live in dimscus for a while, one of youngest and most knowledgable campanion of the Holy prophet. he died because of the Daacuun(plaque or chlorea which inflicted in the area at the days of Omar. he was one of those Saxaaba who was eager to face the death and join the prophet as soon, such as Abu Dardaa, Bilal, and Maudh each one of them died his own death but they were all similar on saying "Welcome death Welcome death time to depart, and join the Prophet in Jannah". Wa allahu Aclam!!!


    A La Question:

    a little background:

    Khalifah Omar(ra) was one of his journey, it was a dead of the night, and dark, Omar come across a carvan, Abdullah bin Mas'ud(ra) was in that caravan, unkown to Omar, Omar orderd a man with him to ask questions and start where are they coming from?


    Abdullah replied, " From Deep Valley." {min Fajin Camiiq}

    Where are you going? asked Omar's man


    Abdullah Replied," To the Ancient House".{ila al bayati Alcatiiq}

    Omar realise and said,"there must be a man of knowledge among them. Ask him:


    1 - Which Ayah of the Quran is the greatest?

    2 - Which Ayah of the Quran is the wisest?

    3 - Which Ayah of the Quran is the most inclusive?

    4 - Which Ayah of the Quran is the most fearsome?

    5 - Which Ayah of the Quran is most hopeful?


    And When Abdullah answered all, Omar said is inba Mas'ud among you?

    questions are waiting to be answered!

  2. Originally posted by Warrior of Light:



    The Prophet who passed through various stages of authority and slavery was Prophet Yusuf.(Joseph)


    Regarding the death of Prophet Zachariah, beleive it occured after his sons death Prophet Yahya Ibn Zachariah(John)AS except he was killed in Masjidil Aqsa. The reason the tyrant ruler of then in Isreal-(Palestine) Herold wanted to marry his brothers daughter Salome which was haram as its incentous. Due to power, lust and human weakness Salome asked for the Prophets head so that they can rule and go against the Allahs(Jewish) beleif at that time. In the end its known that the children of Isreal were later punished by invasions.


    *I could be wrong, thats what I remember*

    Sis WOLight,

    Right you are on both questions, MaShaAllah.





    When the people of Ad' disobeyed Allah s.w. command and signs, He(Allah s.w.) sent unto them a furious wind, that made a distinct sound-what is the name of this wind?(Hint: there is a river on the East that has the same name as the wind)



    As the quran mentioned the wind was: Sarsar : This means cold, and Atiyah means, it blew fiercely upon them without any mercy or blessing.

    Also a hadith mentions as following:


    (I was helped by an easterly wind and the people of `Ad were destroyed by a westerly wind.)I didn't know if got a proper name - Wa Allahu Aclam.


    Question: the Amir Almuminin: Omar binu Abdulaziz was related to Khalifah Omar ibna Alkhatab, what was the relationship? and give a brief history if you know the story?


    Question: what was the relationship between the prophet(SCW) and the Saxaabi - Zubair ibna Alcawaam?

  3. Salaam,




    Q: A prophet, Who was a son of prophet, and a son of prophet, and a son of prophet? Who was he?


    Who become a slave, then a prisoner, accused of rape, and then become a minister in the same country, while still a prophet ....Who was he?


    How killed Prophet Zakariya and for what reason?

  4. Salaam,


    The Word xikmah is literally is wisdom:Quran, sunnah and the most knowledge that prophets possessed by the permission of Allah, Luqmaan alxakiim is also a prime example and most all prophets were to used to work on that basis. [Wa Alaahu aclam]


    here it is in the Quraan:

    2:269 He granteth wisdom to whom He pleaseth; and he to whom wisdom is granted receiveth indeed a benefit overflowing; but none will grasp the Message but men of understanding.

    Yutee alhikmata man yashao waman yuta alhikmata faqad ootiya khayran katheeran wama yaththakkaru illa oloo alalbabi.


    ** Prophet Idiris(CS) was sent before Nuux (CS).


    71:23 "And they have said (to each other), 'Abandon not your gods: Abandon neither Wadd nor Suwa', neither Yaguth nor


    Dadka ay caabudeen reer Qoom Nuux ee ay Ilaahayda ka dhigteen sida Suwa, Yaguth iyo Wadd, ee aayada kor ku xusani sheegtay waxay ahayeen Dad Saalixiin ah oo reer Qom idiris ah, sida ay uga barakaysanayeen baay Caabudeen markii danbe reer Qoom Nuux - Wa Allahu aclam.

  5. Originally posted by Viking:

    I wonder whether Bashir Goth is equally concerned about the cultural erosion that is taking place among Somalis who live in the west. I'm talking about the 50-cent and Beyonce wannabes that have traded the
    macawiis, guntiino and garbasaar
    for jeans and t-shirts (the size is commonly XXXL for young boys and for the females, garments are preferred somewhat "shrunken" - tightfitting jeans and shirts that have shrunk enough to show the navel). Being the "traditionalist" he is, he must find this too to be a worrying trend.

    I think he's the leading trend-setter for wannabes(old and Young) both, as he changed his name from Good to Gothe - indicates he's more AngloSaxon than the Saxons, what a joke!

  6. Originally posted by Caano Geel:

    intersting, most definetly the UK,

    you can practice in peace with the safe knowledge that the state has no power to interfere with your faith while it doshes out to pay for your lifestyle



    That was before 7/7,the reality on the ground is different now, people get abused infront of the TV camera nowadays, there is a great deal of islamophobia here. in fact since 9/11 fear or intolerance of Muslims because of their religion was increasing to great heights.

  7. Salaam,


    Brother Yonis & the rest.


    in Gulf states the message is - keep your western passport upfront and you can have a pious, and comfortable lifestyle in our countries, you can even buy a house over there without effort.


    I was in Uae last Ramadan and belive me, they let any other nationality but not a Somali Citizen, a humilation par excellence, and all the gulf countries are same in this sad policy, this is the countries which we used to have a long traditional trade and religious ties for centuries. someone may say - respect yourselfs then expect others to respect you,true in that sense, always when the camel fells knives comes out!


    If Somalis pick up the pieces once again and become a tangible entity or respectable country I think we have to re-visit that relationship may be Severe ties to the arabs altogether.


    As which best muslim county to live in? - is Ours - Somalia , which ever part, that is where you need to spend your last penny - there will be a reward to it from Allah(SWT), feed your people, and let your people work for you, they deserve effort.

  8. Originally posted by m u h a m m a d:

    Jafarel. Islamic Quiz includes Islamic History.


    Answer to your question: Zulaykha


    Rashiid - your correct! Ibn Sina(Avecina).


    New Question:
    When did the Battle of Hattin took place, and why is it a significant event in world history?

    The Battle of Hattin took place in today's Palestine near the sea of Galilee, in 4th of July 1187, and that is the battle which Saladin(Salaaxadiin Alayuubi) deafted the european crusaders(Christian army), the major price was to capture Jerusalem(Alquds)from christians, Which he did in victorious manner.


    Why it's significant in world history? - i dont know that .....!


    Question: How do the first ten days of the Month of Dhul Hijjah differ from other days of the year?

  9. Originally posted by ADNAAN:

    Salaam to all,


    Goth's articles regarding Islam and woman to some extent are very controversial to say the least, and for that reason I tend to think of him as someone who is very alien to the cultures of S/land or Somalia for that matter.


    Here is an excellent piece of writing in response to his “Sauditization†theory;


    By Mumina-Shaqlan

    Thanks Adnaan,

    That was a brilliant response to Mr.Gothe's article, I salute Mumina-Shaqalan for her enlighting and superb response.


    For him maybe it was an attempt of out-reach or intensional fitting-in.


    Hats off to the lady!

  10. Originally posted by ilaaliye1:

    quote: I’m sure most people are only too aware of my dislike for pseudo-mullahs.

    Ah No, you’re not only known for that Sir. You are known for being a liberated fella and also having an extraordinarily Comprehension ability higher than most of the SOLERS'


    Not only ...that but dreaming his sometimes running a literary club like hye and wye stuff.




  11. Saxiib you miss the point here!!


    Just another Somali intellectual - making mole out of mountain - bottom line is refering to the title of the thread what is in't for us STarbuck is a gay????

  12. Salaam,


    Coming to Uk with a little english and high expectation my first job was Mcdonalds, flipping the burgers so fast they sent me to Hamburger University in fenchlay,London, for 3 days training and become floor manager, But quit after a year with the best refernce and a fashionable suit from Mark & Spenser, then I became a Baker, then a Postman waking up 3am and start working 5am, finishing job at 11:30. what a life!!! :D

  13. Salaaam,


    Don't we have a pressing issues better than Starbucks is Gay, isn't it non-important arugment/reality went toooo faaaaaar?


    Who cares if Starbuck is gay or Hermaphrodite!


    Don't get me wrong Philosphers and later-day socrates.... just another point of view agree to disagree.

  14. Salaam,


    I think you should ALL remember KAT downgraded the Somali People where ever they are, United nations experts estimated 20 million dollar goes to ethopia and kenya per year - just for qaat, imagine how easily that money can turnaround that country if used as needed to imporve people's life.


    Worst than that in UK alone it destroyed so many young minds - who have got Psychological problems because of lack of moderation of qaat abuse, so qaat isn't only diminshing the proper prospect of clean living but it brings untold sideeffects.


    It will cost us a civil war to stop in Uk, cos so many people can't live without it, but we need a damn campign alteast to try it to stop it.

    SOL should take part of the campign to stop QAT.


    The other thing which destroyed somali's(UK) reptution is they became first class scoungers, claiming social money just for sake of it,they sholuld realise it's there for everyone who needs it specially for old, sick and needy - it's a saftey net for the unemployed.people becoming greedy to apply and manipulate it, and that is why you find a 25 yrs of age young man who can work day and nite but still claiming - bad suckers, such things discourage so many people to work of the community.

  15. Salaam




    Your effort and time you putting in the community is fully apperciated, my point of suggestion is -to encourage, instill, and motivate young people to be successful in school, uni, then be a good citizens and pay their taxes is one thing - the other thing is we need to take part and have our corner in the media, be it national or international, we need young media savvy people who can take part of the national, and international debates,whether it's TV or writing on the national broadsheet newspapers, we are non-existant in that part which implies that we are a voiceless community,we should be part of the public Opinion, not only for damage limitiation, but also that we are here to stay, contribute and part of the whole.


    Fi Amaani Allah

  16. Salaam,


    Oh Well, Compuer Science , did I remeber the Functional programming,the discrete maths, the propositional calculus,the program design, the algorithms, towers of hanoi, the Pascal triangle, the recursive Functions, the systems analysis.


    That was hell of a course I tell you!!


    Count me in though.

  17. Folks,


    Saxiib Qanciye, and the rest


    When it comes not killing each other surely go to bottom of the class(Joke)!


    Remember like the old spaghetti cowboy films - we got the good, bad and the ugly.


    We have the honest, decent, and hardworking individuals coming out above head and shoulder any undertaking,and anthing they put their hands on, such a towering giants whatever their endavour.


    We also got Majlis Mosquitoes, munching chat all the way, making noises, analaysing the chigsaw of world geopolitics,knowing all the cures, and ills of the community and wider world, perscriping medications left and right, but at the crack of the dawn - time is up - hitting the billow(Snoring). They are abundance in numbers.


    We also got those rules the bending and bending the rules, criss-crossing any system in place, keeping an eye on (lacagta xanaadada shacabka), they easily populate the Majlis.


    We also have the 50cent wannabes, rap,dance, and move just like him, want to sell from you they are little 50cents, shall I buy shall I not - matter of consideration.


    We also have the Fish and Chips - pure british - children on the old community, expecting the newcomers should be enlighnted so quick or else they should they get lost.


    We also have the newcomers, they encounter what they were not expecting, have the language barrier, culture barrier, just wait they will split on the above mentioned groups pretty soon.


    So the anaology is people in large community becomes like the shape of the egg, narrow on the top large in the middle and narrowing again at the bottom.


    That is my assumption prove me wrong otherwise - UK people, by the way I left london 97, I live small town on the west country, so if there is big change please peeps update me.


    Thanks all -

  18. Originally posted by 7 0f Nine:

    I've read in the paper that it was $270 million. It isnt fair to compare tragedies... but it does turn a few heads as to the logic behind such discrepancy. Are American lives more worthy? Or is this a political game for the Arabs? :rolleyes:

    Political Stooges[Arabs] they are!!!