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Posts posted by unknown1

  1. Originally posted by Brofessor_Geeljire:

    quote:Originally posted by unknown1:

    if you mean dude, then he has disbelieved. indeed he has.

    thats I have something against you, man! You keep on declaring takfeer!
    dude has said many un-islamically things. even those things that make you disbeliever directly. and dont say isqarxis, they fight kuffar while you are sitting here and reading this

  2. The spokesman of the Union of Islamic Courts warns Somalia soldiers to surrender their weapons within 24 hours or face consequences.


    A Press TV correspondent reporting from south Mogadishu says the UIC spokesman, Sheikh Abdirahim Isse Addow, has threatened that Somalia's Ethiopian-trained soldiers will come under attack unless they surrender their weapons.


    After the warning, he said, one Somali army colonel and 12 soldiers deserted the army and joined the UIC.


    The correspondent added that the colonel, who called himself Mohamud Jimaale said that he would prefer cooperating with the UIC for peace and freedom, rather than serving the enemy of his country.


    Meanwhile, two high-ranking Ethiopian officers have arrived in Mogadishu on an urgent visit to meet with the Somali president and discuss issues behind closed doors, the correspondent said citing an offical speaking on condition of anonymity.


    According to the source, the Ethiopians officers are forcing the Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmed to follow the steps of his Prime Minister Nur Hassan Hussein.