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Posts posted by Ariadne

  1. laaaaaaaaaakkad ;) you my dear belong to the cat and she is very posessive and me I dont like to share (very slefish yes I know :D ) so stop being a player ;) :rolleyes: really!

    and I mean that in the sweetest way possible

  2. Bad hypothesis abaayo he likes women too much and that would head to an infidelity and besides he nit picks my posts its actaully kinda funny explaining to him its my OPINION and not a law :D :rolleyes: really when I say I want to fly solo why can't anyone take me seriously? :( manala the cat can have him by all means or all the other girls in line for him.... icon_razz.gif

  3. The organization for african unity was a bunch of dictators that were too cowardly to deal with their own people so if any civilian came too close to whatever magnificent palace they were living in (the leader)they would get shot (while the country GDP and national income would be way to low to support such a monumet they would put the country in a huge debt) ...a bit extreme... very!.

    Also the biggiest rule in that was that no african nation should interfere with what another nation was doing within its own borders but ironically they supposedly promoted african unity through brotherhood. All it was were a bunch of coward dictators that were rotting in debauchery and looking for hand downs from the europeans and I personally don't think the new one is going to be any different.Hope I offended nobody just my opinion so please I don't want my head bitten off ;)

  4. since its summer and for students thats the time for summer jobs. Whats the most horrible summer job you had to do in the past or present. Mine would have to be working in a binder factory when I was 16 I had paper cuts till november :eek: plus side they let us have some so no back to school shopping for binders. ;)

  5. aboo abo manala you matched me with lakkad....I can't beleive you did that, the guy jumps on everything I say! icon_razz.gif ....I want to fly solo thank you very much :D oh by the way manala apology accepted

  6. mobb deep... chocking on a chickhen lol :D even though I like keinaan. Thunder bro why use the most despicable words in the english dictionary its the most dreaded words "boy band" or as I like to say boy toy bands these brothas have talent unlike those boy toY bands so please refrain from using the double B words it send shudders down my spine :eek: and to make it clear to you walaakiis they are a somali hip hop group not a somali b_ y b_n_ ( you can fill in the blanks :D ) I cant't even say it :mad: :D

  7. I think it has to do with self esteem and self love (almost the same thing) because in a lot of societies somalis,other africans,latinos,people of african descent,south east asians,etc,. in these socities light skin is valued and you cannot deny it my aunt bragged up and down to her neighbors that her gabdo were kur cadey. Arrosyal marka laa marsanayo keremka caades. Not only the light skin issue but "good hair" thus we divide ourselves "timo jareere" "timo gelaac" all hair is good hair and all skin tones are beautiful but there are people that will never understand this and so they will alter their hair and their skin tone in thinking it makes them more beautiful or makes them look good period but they didn't realize they probably looked good with the rich dark brown skin and the knappy hair. sad isnt it? :(

  8. sis why should you care what your friends think? if they really are your friends then they will learn to accept him should you date or marry him. And please don't let something as trivial as qaabil get in the way of your love for each other

    youve known him since you were eight? well if you had no problems with him then and up to now then I think it s worth a go. In this life you hve to learn that you were not put on earth to appease humans if they call you a faqqesh? wife (sorry I'm not familiar with the word) you gives a flying cow what they call you? theres this somali story my ayeayo use to tell me its about a man and his son walking in town with their donkey the man tells his son that no matter what you do in life people will always find a way to not accept you. The boy started riding on the donkey and the people in the market were saying oh look at that selfish boy he rides the donkey and lets his poor father walk. And when the father rode the donkey the people would say look at that mean old man he lets his poor son walk while he rides the donkey. And when the son told his father they should both ride the donkey and they did everyone in the market was saying oh look at that horrible old man and his son and how they over burden the poor donkey. I hope in tell ing you this childhood story that I got my point acros abaayo just remeber don't give a flying fart what people think and say cuz theres no way to appease people (such fickle creatures) :rolleyes:

  9. oh come on thats not fair... the faraax's talk almost as much as the xalimo's we are a nationality that loves to talk ;) . Seriously what other nationality will you see sitting in a coffee shop or maqayaad talking to his friend. And what other nationality will you see when women say I'm going next door for a minute which turns into hours so in conclusion to all this yadda yadda yadda ....(as you can see its a nationality thing) :D