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Everything posted by Sikaawe

  1. I respect the guy as a man, but again in my view he does not deserve to be president of Somalia. He would rather be local school/quran teacher, he does not have the credential nor the look.
  2. If this is true it good news for Somaliland's economy and development, adeer. Sidii hore loo yidhi " nin duulay dantii kaa og ".
  3. ONLF always practice these hit and run tacts as they have been doing for over 50 years under different names. One thing for sure is that they are a curse to Somalis live in ****** and Reserve Area or Hawd.
  4. Originally posted by Suldaanka: It is not about free competition here. It is basic business. Aljaabiri Company invested millions into the Berbera animal Quarintine Center. They brought doctors and arranged relevant work with relevant organisation to be certified as an International standard Quarintine. They basically did most of the work. Part of the initial agreement with the SL government was that Aljaabiri would recoupe their millions by not being charged for their use of the center for the first 5 years. Indho-deero and Co could have been in the same position as Aljaabiri's if they invested in the Center themselves in the first place. But they didn't. So for them to take a parallel path to the established one, is just wrong. There is law and order in the country and they need to follow the same path and not take their own. Well said my friend, Indhadeero & Co. must follow the rules set, otherwise they must get their licence revoked by Somaliland government. I know Indhadeero & Co. exercise a greed and belief that they have to control everything for themselves ,but hopefully it won't work for them here.
  5. Originally posted by Muruqmaal: I think federation is only solution for all regions in Somalia but why Somaliland is resistance. Somaliland has not any recourse in their land. I know in the future Somaliland will beg Somala reunite. Somaliland must consider before it happen that sad think. You talked what you like adeer, but the truth is far away from that, Somaliland will never surrender its sovereignty to Somalia. We did get Somaliland as a gift from Somalia but won it in a bloody war and loss of precious boys for it. And you know what, if you want repeat and rematch of the war then we are ready for guys guys, and we are stronger this time and also will give worse bloody noses than the previou. Anyway, we respect fellows Somalis that respect our vision and goals. Somaliland has already established itself as a seperate country albeit not recognised with its own flag, currency and system of governing which basic principles of country. And God willig we will ultimately achieve with our determination.
  6. Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed: ^for whom do you speek when you "welcome" laascaanoders to Somaliland? As to the actual question, laascaanod belongs to laascaanod in my opinion... I speak for all those believe in Somaliland and its self determination, however we consider reer Lascano as Somalilanders in terms of country but again if they refuse and do not acknowledge that, then we respect and let them decide their future wherever they want join Somalia or Somaliland. No hard feeling here adeer, we still like them and respect their decision accordingly, in the meantime, as other Somalis, they can go freely between Somaliland and Somali going about their business. Do forget adeer, the truth does not kill but hurts and hard to swallow it.
  7. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: ^dhalinyaradan aad shegasid caqli bay leeyihiin hadii qofka yacni so easy ah loo persuade gareen karo asaga ayeey danbigiisa tahay...odayashana ilaahay baa la xisaabtamaya laakin qof wayn oo 17 jir ama melaas caqli uu isku dabaro wuu leeyahay...loma baahna in laga dhig like in ay sac yihiin qorta xadhig loo sudhey..ninkasta camalkiisa asaga ka masuul ah kii waxan oo dhan ka danbeyay dabcan asna wax wa ku leeyahay ilaahay hanaga hayo dalkeenana nabad ha kusoo celiyo. Waa runtaa waan kugu raacsanahay fegradaada, laakiin dadku mid yar iyo mid weyn way kala aqoon badan yihiin. Waxa aad arkaysaa oday weyn oo 55 jir ah oo hadana sid caruurta u fekeraya oo xuma ka talis ah. Markaa anigu waxaan qabaa nimankan afka duuban ee masaajidada gubaya, dad dhintay soo qufaya, dadka nolosha ku aasaya in layska celiyo oo aan ka saarno meel kasta oo Somali degto. Dhaqan aynaan la hayn maqaadan karno, diinta Islaamkana waa naqaanaa oo ilaa ehel ka ehel ayaa laynagu dhalay. Markaa anigu waxaan qabaa nimankan inta aanay dad badan oo aqoon yar iyo caruurta inaga bedelin aan saarno oo yaan loo naxarisan, meesha lagu arko ha lagu toogto.
  8. As you mentioned adeer, Lascanod is exclusively owned by one respected family of ***** family. So, if they want continue stay with Somaliland then they are more than welcome by us and then fairly will share us with evrything we have got as before. But if they want to go back to their brethren in Puntland, then we still will respect and live side by side as before with people moving freely doing their businesses. The only chnge is going to be the demarcation of the border, which is not going that bad. We are all Somalis after all and belong to a same one tribe, and even though we cannot agree on political front we still can live side by side untill we reach maturity in terms of civilisation to fully accommodate each other with open hands.
  9. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: hadalba intii lasoo gaabiyo waxa wanagsan in nabad lagu wada joogo ...kii magaladiisa goysana iyo kii somaliwayn aminsan oo nabad dadkiisa kula joogaya.. Marka hore samir iyo iimaan family-giisa, isagana Ilaah ha u naxiirsto. Waan kugu raacsanahay cidii gobolkooda goosanysaa ama somliweyn raacaysa in la ixtiraano. Somalidu iyaga oo is haya oo dagaalamaya ayay hadana ka xun iska qaban jirtay oo aanu dadka kusoo dhuuman jirin. War nimankaas afka duuban ee ciyaalka duufsanaya ee diinteena sida khaladka ah ufaafinaya aan meel uga soo wada jeesano oo lawada dagaalano.
  10. Originally posted by Canjeelo: Sikaawe, I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Somalis don't use Berbera port. ******s and Central regions use Bosaso. If you read more you would know this. Saudi lifts ban on Somaliland Puntland Quarantine for Sheep etc IN 2007! You do not need to cry, cheer up bro... whether it is Berbera, Bossaso or Mugadishu port, all Somalis use indiscriminately for their businesses. The only difference between Somalis today is politics and we have to respect that difference if we have to succeed.
  11. Originally posted by Hassan6734: I view myself as a somali nationalist. Honestly i looks like somalia is going to take a while before it gets back on its feet. Out of somalimo and love to our somaliland brothers. Should we work hard towards somalilands recognition. An independent, peaceful strong somaliland is a postive step for all somali people. Inshalla somaliland could once after becomming a strong governemnt could also help out the rest of us somalis towards peace and goverannce. I think that probably somaliland becoming a UN member could be a postive thing for the rest of us somalis. Yes, I equally agree, and this is the only true and right way forward for all Somalis to succeed and forgive each in the long run. But the bad thing is that some majority of Somalis do not like or understand what is good for them as we are not mature enough to think ahead for the future! That is why we stuck together in the abyss for good twenty years. Sad indeed!
  12. Ina Ali Warabe is not alone, all so called Somali politicians whether from Somaliland , Puntland or South Somalia are all the same, they are self-centred, greedy and hopelessly bent on beliefs that they have to hoard as much $$ as they can on the expense of the people they represent.
  13. Iswrael, a little confused and depressed country with a lot of self-inflicted wounds. One has to believe it, it is matter of time before it comes to its knees politically and financially. Let's wait for the tide to turn.
  14. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^ War Xaaji, magacyada qabiilada lagu caayo dee meesha ka tirtir...see waaye yaakhay! loool gabaygay ku jirta dee lol. midna ankugu daro magacaasi qallad bay dadku ka fahman wa no nanays. maha magac aflagado run ahanati aniga runti marka magaca la igu yeedho iftiin ba ii muuqda Xaaji run ayaad sheegtay, looools, ninka naanaystiisa ka xanaaqaa waa nin aan aan is hubin waxa uu yahay. lol!
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: quote: Duke, did I not tell you to come back with sense? I'll only end up mentioning Galkacayo and other stuff, saaxib. Leave the SL clowns alone. They're doing better than your Phd president. NGOONGE, adeer our economy is booming because we have a better Finance Minister. The oil exploration is making strides. We have proved we can elect and change leadership smoothly. Galkacyu's armed exchanges is nothing compared to the murder and mutiliation of corpses in Gebilay.. Thus your clowns are not doing a good job, they are enetertaining the Hargaysa crowed. What is your economy is booming with? printed notes, pirate ransoms and bit of a rotten fish. Also your oil exploration has been progresssing for 18 years without a drip being found, what a myth I may say to your assertion. For the other one about the election, a cousin handed over the seat to his other cousin and you call that an election or a face change. If I was your critic, I would call you Yareeye, a myopic in English, not Duke as you admire, for being typical of your family with faan iyo faro boodh leh or hollow self boasting and dusty hands. Do not forget adeer, it is not how you think and see yourself but how others think of you, and I know who you are for sure, just a typical man from Galkacyo area where they go without water for days on end.
  16. January 11, 2010 Wasiirka Xanaanadda Xoolaha oo Sheegay In Xoolihii Sucuudigu Iibsaday Carafadii Kuwii Ka Dhoofay Macjarka Berbera, Kaalinta Koowaad Ka Galeen Hargeysa (Harowo) - Wasiirka Wasaaradda Caafimaadka Somaliland Md. Dr. Idiris Ibraahin Cabdi ayaa sheegay in Macjarka Berberi soo jiitay indhaha caalamka, kaalinta koowaadna ka galay caafimaadka xoolihii Sucuudigu iibsaday sanadkii tagay, wasiirku waxa uu sheegay in Xoolihii Sucuudigu iibsaday Carafadii Tagtay uu caafimaad daro u soo celiyay maraakiib dhawr ah, balse Berberi gashay kaalinta koowaad, sidaa daraadeedna Sucuudigu amar ku bixiyaya in xoolaha geeska Africa kuwooda ugu caafimaadka wanaagsani yihiin kuwa Berbera ka soo dhoofa. Hadaladdan oo uu wasiirku ka sheegay xaflad shahaado sharaf lagu gudoonsiinayay isagoo dhamaystiran hoos ka dhegayso hadalkii wasiirka. You listen here for the truth, mansha Allah! arafadii-kuwii-ka-dhoofay-macjarka-berbera-kaalinta-koowaad-ka-galeen/ ------------------------------------------------
  17. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Stop this young boy ,,,,, Jidbaale is not good for your health. You are right JB, some people call the place " the howler monkeys home",they fight with their mouths for obvious reasons.
  18. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: lol me and jidbaale anigu wararka meel walba waan ka so ururiya not one place Warka soo ururi oo kala shaandhee adeer, dad aan waxba la waydiinin ayaa jira oo runta iyo beentu isugu mid tahay sida nimankaa la magacaabay. Hadii kale sidooda ayuun baad Ali-beenaale laguu bixin oo runtaada iyo beentaada aan cidina dhegeysan doonin.
  19. Ibti, Ina adeer wax ceeb ah lama dhimin ee sheekadu kaftan ayay ahayd, ceebina kuma jirto hadii la isla fahmo kaftanka. Hadii hadaba aad marwo xaas ah tahay AWGUURIYO ayaan ku leeyahay, Ilaahna hakuu barakeeyo odaygaaga iyo caruurtada. Wax ceeb ah oo aad halkan ka qaaday ama kaaga dhacday ma jirto. Lakiin waxaa ka wanaagsanaa in aad markii ugu horeysayba na soo dhex gasho oo aad tidhaahdo; war sheekada ka baxa yaan xaal idin qabanine , waayo xaas ayaan ahay ayay ahayd. Waxaa jirta Soomaalida marka la heesayo in dumar la qabo oo ragoodii ay xaadir yihiin ay ciyaarta ka boodaan oo af iyo hadalba iskaga celiyaan raga kale ee heesaya iyada oo aan wax xumaan ahi jirin. Iminkana sheekadii way xidhantay wax ceeb ahina inagama raacin laakiin sidaan hubo, Duke saaxiibadii waxaynu ku darnay Xadhuudhlaha sidii weligood loogu dari jiray. Mar kale ha u baqan inaadeer kuwan weligoodba af iyo adinba waynu ku eryan jirrey oo ka adkeyn.
  20. You cannot shake off the encountered humiliation you suffered here, Duke!
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: You do protest too much dear lad. It seems I understand where this passionate attempt at preventing the Duke from getting his cyber bride is coming from. You are in love with my chosen one. Don’t you dare deny it. I must say that I admire your new found courage, however Romeo get lost. The problem for you is that this damsel is not in any distress and that her knight in the form of the Duke of Galkacyu has arrived, thus bugger of and find yourself another. KKKKKKKKKK, I knew it Duke that you would sway to back and forth like a car stuck in an icy road. Somali tradition has it that your menfolk are always typical of you by easily getting confused in a normal customary arguement and all of a sudden resort to firing their guns in all directions in desparation. I thought we were just warming up for hot argument ahead not just start pointing the finger on each other for escape route, you asked for my fellow sister from Burao not the other way round Duke. You are not clever enough here to shake off the encountered humiliation. Don’t hide behind mentioning battles you never fought in or fake familiarity for I don’t have the faintest idea who you are. What gets you angry is the fact that I, a man from a distant land had the audacity to make my intention clear and in writing. While you hid in the shadows frothing from the mouth at the mere mention of her name. Indeed it all makes sense, now we have a secessionist stricken with deep love, who is coming out of his shell to fight for the one. Quite Romantic, but alas you are too late.
  22. KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK, Let's play the cards right adeer by reshuffling for a new game, shall we not? I hope you're not digging out old wounds merely to hide and shake off the embarrassment you got inflicted here with your attempted coup failure. And I hope also that you are not knocking on the wrong door by testing my inner knowledge of Somali history here. Who got inflicted with heavy defeat and involuntarily bit the mud with pain can be seen on their faces in terms of the condition and the plight of living standards for today..... in worldwide refugee camps and unprecedented desparation of sea piracy to get by with whatever they can grab hold with their hands is one part of the story, what history in the making by one unknowingly. Look before you leap, adeer. We know each other very well in terms battle, custom and creativity! Watch out sir, and do not expose your inner ills to soon.
  23. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^ The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. Ghandi Its easy to critic the brave who venture into battle with little arms and even less hope of success. I took a great chance, did not care for my reputation and coveted no earthly reward. My belief was simple, that one mans virtues action could change the very nature of SOL and specially its political section. Alas it seems others are only looking at personal interest above that of the common good. Paranoid they worry about losing face and make excuses. Again I reiterate my position, this is for peace in order to spare, future Nomads of war. I may say that you're in par with the Somali saying " get the worse and you get the cow has given birth to a male calf ". You look to be losing the plot of your defence, we are not talking about paranoia and bad-mouthing here and other mental problems but common sense and traditional discussions in order to set up a new relation of family to family in which you're failing to grasp hold of the custom. So, no hard feeling here again adeer, but we have to have a second thought about giving you our girl for not being consistent and conented with our expection of you. And even though you might be eligible, you do not look to be to the standard to get trusted with our precious pearl. So, immaturity is one characteristic that expose one's hidden downside tendency or problem, but it is hard for some people to distinguish from other symptoms of one's downfall. Good luck with your try and keep on doing you may get through with other families.
  24. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^No, adeer you mistook those words above, they were just ainmed at the bigwigs and the deal they were trying to cut. One has to also play hard ball at times. Pardon no disrespect was meant. Its just what is the alternative to peace? Are you not sidestepping from the truth and what you wrote Duke, anyone with common sense can easily read the metaphor and the intention of the sentences you wrote. I would suggest you to come out of the woods in order to be understood of your intentions. You look to be failing in test by us of your suitability and background to become an addition, and do not forget that in your picture you painted here your chances are fading away, and also you are representing here the dignity of all of your kinfolk! The time may be slipping away from your grasp unless you get rescued. :eek:
  25. Originally posted by Al Zeylaci: I am telling you the truth, so that you awaken from your false mirage, which is like a man who finds water in the desert but laughs at the predicament of his brother who is thirsty and needs some water. Moreover, you are like a man in the desert who think the fact that he is found a little water makes him superior. What he has not realised is that finding a little water to drink doesn't take him out of his primitive status. In fact, the other peoples of the world, who have built cities, town, empires and have provided for all of their citizens laugh at the case of the desert man whod devotes his existence to mocking his fellow thirsty brother. good night. I do not think your telling the truth here but only trying to create something out of nothing. We do not need to merge but we can succeed existing side by side as two sisterly countries and heling each other in that way. We do not politically trust each other as we are not mature enough to work for common interest of Somali people. So, let help each other from outside not from inside!