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Everything posted by Urban

  1. I don't know what time the opening ceremony is, and where to watch it online.. I need links yakhey
  2. With the number of bros and sisters I have, I always wonder if one of them is also a member here.. we don't talk about this kind of stuff.
  3. lol, the image of skinny faaraxs as pirates is just rediculous! A colleague asked about my background yesterday, and when I told him its Somalia, he said the only thing he knows about us are the pirates! He told me a story of a man who had his ship attacked by pirates, and when they boarded the ship they actually sympathised with him and soon started drinking and playing cards! After a while they let him go and he lived to tell the story. See, they're not that bad, just regular faaraxs with speedboats and bazookas. *Pirate related work coming soon
  4. This is one of my favourite events in the Olympics, just pure strength. Rings
  5. I still don't get this 'find a life' thing, even on the other thread.. Ibtisam I'm not working today. So far its great, I just draw and look through magazines all day. Tips on applying for a part-time job, anyone? It's so hard finding one.
  6. lol Mike Tyson, that's what I like the hear ^ Glad you're alright Ibtsam. Next time if another one comes that close, knee him in the 'crown jewels'. Practice with someone if you have to, but don't let them know what you're about to do.
  7. Cosmetic surgery is usually haram, but since this is causing you pain and discomfort, it might be allowed so please check up on that first. Ilaahey a kuu sahlo.
  8. Urban


    I used to upload parts of Top Gear tv program, then after the views started increasing, the videos got noticed and I received emails and warnings from Youtube saying that the BBC have complained about copyright infringement, they videos were removed immediately. The cheek! I'm guessing the same thing happened to the other videos that have disappeared
  9. Urban


    No! lol out of all the pics in the world.. Explain your choice Bin*Lady.
  10. Urban


    Since you've had a bad day, I'll give you one cookie back. Milk? And don't roll those indho bulac, it's not a good look.
  11. Your avatar doesn't show, there's an error. It says 'avat ima'
  12. Urban


    Try it again now since you're a 'nomad'. But 120 posts in a month.. Ya Latiif. What picture are you gonna choose anyway? As for the original question, there's no one here interesting enough to swap roles with for a day. See, again, you can't come up with proper game rules, and now a thread question. Edit your original question and remove the SOL part, make it a general question. There you go.. *Inshallah
  13. <--Scrat. One of my fav cartoon/movie characters, even though he never utters a word. Don't mess with his acorn.
  14. Welcome to SOL, Mr Gello With that avatar pic, I keep thinking you're Jacaylbaro (a member here) cuz he used it for a long time. -
  15. I had to get up, i was just staring at the ceiling since 9am and got bored of stayin in bed. Have u managed to recover your work?
  16. ^It's good to see someone working, i woke up at 10am and watched some morning tv, then most of the F1 race, and then some golf.. GOLF! This has to be the most boring day of the week. it's raining so I can't go outside, and i'm finding myself just staring at the TV
  17. lol Ibtisam, I know what you meant Thanks North, I'll remember. By 'work' I meant internship, I'll go there for a few months before I complete my final year of uni Inshallah. Then possibly return for a full-time position. It's a luxury design consultancy. JB Before you enroll at the gym, try it for a day, and I guarantee you won't return!
  18. Sabaax el kheyr It's my first day at work tomomorrow, but I'm dreading it! I haven't worn smart trousers for years, and was quite humbled yesterday when I tried on my old size in the shop. Gotta eat less cheese.
  19. Wall-eeeeeeeeeee! What a great movie, the anumation was brilliant and the story line was very funny and emotional. What's wrong with this place today
  20. LOL Walahi I haven't laughed this hard for days. Thanks dQ Reminds my of Pirates of the Caribbean, "Yarrr"
  21. I'd love to help Sayid, laakin I don't meet the conditions. Is there a way non-Londoners can help?
  22. First 'retard' then 'imbecile'.. It's not my day today This will relieve your madax xanuun BP. And thank you Ibtisam, but I find her posts amusing. I think she's a bit, you know.. * *
  23. The rules didn't make sense in the first place.. Each member should only participate once, that's it, then whenever 50 different girls or guys complete the numbers, they win! I doubt there are 100 active members here anyway.
  24. Caaliyo, Have a wonderful year till your next b'day
  25. To answer the original question, I don't think there's anything wrong with it, and how the hell is that lowering your status? If I saw good qualities in the boy, knows his deen, and wants to make a good life for himself, then I would ask him what he expects from a potential wife. If I like what I hear, then I'll just state the fact that there's a girl available and if he's interested to let me know. It would be her decision at the end. but I pray that I live long enough to have a family horta, Aamiin dheh!