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Everything posted by Urban

  1. It is a brilliant tool to cook with, my father cooks with it a lot, but the whistling used to scare the hell out of me. **Can't believe Ramadan is just around the corner
  2. there's a guy infront of me in the library digging deep into his nose, and then keeps rolling whatever comes out between his index and thumb.. That's exactly why I hate using pulic computers.
  3. No.. but, the son was still taken to hospital tho. I wanna know who the surgeon is!
  4. Morning chubacka, how are you? I've heard a similar one, but I cant remember it. Is he the grandfather? or uncle..
  5. Urban

    Bab Al Hara !

    ahahaha, I know that cartoon as well Hayam, used to watch it sometimes. Do you remember the name of the cartoon, where the characters were funny looking animals, and they used to live in a lighthouse or something, I can't remember a lot of details or names, but I used to follow it religiously. It was around the years 98/99..
  6. lool, No ya Akhi, i'm the worst person when it comes to ideas. Ibtisam, I'm also in the library, my pc at home doesnt work any more so I'm staying here all day, with not much work to do!
  7. Alxamdulilah I'm fine, just hoping today won't be as boring as yesterday, it was hell. Any special plans for the day Jac and Ibtisam?
  8. I don't watch this show a lot, but i swear that albino dude reminds me of this:
  9. Asbaxnaa wa asbaxa al-mulku liLlaah. How's everyone doing? *Smiles and waves at everyone*
  10. Urban

    Bab Al Hara !

    Rami, rami, al-sayaad ulsaghiir.. rami, rami.. Ya lateeef . Warms the heart. This takes me back more than 10 years, every day after asr, and still wearing my school kanduura, I'd sit infront of the tv and watch this cartoon with my bros.
  11. This undated image issued by Michael Moore of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts, Thursday, Dec. 23, 2004 shows a sperm whale. Sperm whales routinely dive more than two miles (three kilometers) below the ocean surface to hunt for giant squid, but a study shows the huge mammals suffer a chronic loss of bone tissue from the bends, a painful condition well-known to human divers Those scars are from giant squids! Researchers once found on the body of a sperm whale a few Octopus suction-cup marks that were about 2 meters in diameter!!
  12. Hayam, how are you sis? Thanks for finding that Ehab song, it used to be my fav song when it came out. I've been searching for it ages ago but gave up.. I'm sure you also know the other song called 'Tetraga feya'.. Speaking of which, have you heard his song called Illa rasool allah..? Ngonge, I've never heard of that poem before but it was good, and i'm not Sudani! You're the zole, not me
  13. Xiin, mimmaa araa, tujiidul qiraa'a wal kitaaba. yajib calayka faqat at-taxaduthu fiihi ayna mastatact, maca zumalaa'ika for example.. Lahjatii al'caamma mithla 'llahjal khaliijiyya, li annani akhjalu axyaanan an ataxaddatha bil fusxa maca bacth al unaas. Araaka ghadan, inshallah. Good night everyone.
  14. Shukran yaa xiin wa nuune, kalaamukum tayyib. Tacallamtu 'llughal carabiya fii bilaad al khaliij, cindama cishtu hunaaka limuddati ithna-cashara siniin. Laakin yajib calayya an utaabica mumaarasataha likai laa ansaa. Kaifa tacallamta anta ya xiin?
  15. Limal as-ila yaa xiin?
  16. Camma tadxaku ayuha Ifriiqiy?^^ Xiinun faniin, nacam, anaa min al-suumaal, laakin wulid-tu fii baladen carabiy.
  17. Ajal, bit-tabc. Maathaa fi baalek?
  18. Laa ya xiinun faniin. innahaa laysat lahjatii, ujiidu faqat bacth al jumal al caamma, min al-tilfaaz wa bacthu asdiqaa-ii.. Innahaa lahjatun thariifa jiddan laakin, alaisa kathaalek?
  19. Evening. Hope you're all well. Originally posted by NGONGE: انظر الي الفضوليه يا جعيلبارو. انها لا تستطيع ان تقعد من غير ان تعرف عن ما نتحدث. اربان ايضا يتحدث العربيه والا لن يفهم الاغاني اللي يتحدث عنها في ذاك الموضوع. معا انني اعتقد انه يتحدث عربية اهل دارفور. Ngonge, daayir shinu ya zole, 3aleyk-allah ma tifdaxna! Laakin sadaqt, ujiidu 'llughatul carabiya aydan, laakin laa amliku 'keyboard' bil xuruuf al carabiya, tabban! Laakin lan utaabic al kitaaba bil xuruuf al inkliisiya, li-anna muctham alnas sawfa yuxaawiluna an yaqra-uuh (maca annahum lan yafhamuu, abadan), lithaalika sawf aqra-u xiwaarakum faqat. Calaa ayi xaal, taabicuu, innahu muthxikun jiddan.
  20. Memories indeed, Hayam. Here is the song Raheeb, but the original video is not on youtube. Have you heard the Fatma Qaasim version of this song? At one time it was sung in every somali wedding. Ngonge's too maybe.. This however, is my fav song from Abdul Majeed, it's just on another level. Is the song you meant about miami band was called 'caashoo' by any chance, it's on this list. I think this song was their biggest hit tho, gharaamak shai cajiib. This is all 90s stuff, the best decade by far!
  21. Nancy? NANCY? Don't tell me it's shaatir shaatir or shakhbat kharabiit This one's for you Ngonge, gotta love the clapping in these sittings. Watch the 'sharax' dancing near the end *And that walrus in a dishdasha you're talking about is the sh*t these days.* Hayam, have you heard of Miami Band? They're quite 90s..
  22. Justice, thanks a lot, it is Idris. Made my day, that. Found it here. Ngonge, 3aleyk alnur ya zole! Thanks for the 2nd link, exactly what I was looking for.
  23. Urban


    I'm not very familiar with GIMP bro, they're tryin to be like Photoshop, but I can't get my head around it. In Photoshopyou you can position the layers by dragging them in any order you want, and also play around with the 'layer properties' which gives different results. If you want the faded look on GIMP, open the 'layers' palette by pressing CTRL+L, then simply reduce the opacity of one layer, which will reveal the picture thats behind it. If you need my help again, I'll be free to do so soon inshallah, you shouldn't have to pay a lot for that kind of work. Don't you have photoshop?
  24. Urban


    Adam, good to see you around. How's the work coming along.. Have you found someone to do those b&w pictures?