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Everything posted by hodman

  1. I agree that he should not stop praying. Despite his crime being one of the gravest in Islam, this person still has some fear of Allah and recognition of his responsibility to pray. Who knows it might be his saving grace for Allah forgives all crimes except shirk. So there A T & T I guess he wont kill you now
  2. hodman

    Sixir art

    lol BOB u don't need help being invisible venye umepotea! I can't draw or paint to save my life though.
  3. ^^^ dat is so true. Alhamdullilah it was a good one all in all
  4. hodman

    Sixir art

    I remember her. That was pretty cool too
  5. hodman

    Sixir art

    Painter hides in his own work check this guy's work out
  6. Think warm thoughts Red and Indho Blue. Dat's how I do it of, oh and my giant coat that comes out when the wind chill hits 0
  7. ok I guess I better get to school. No sense waiting till its traffic time. One more week till semester ends. Can't wait. Have a blessed day all
  8. Abyan congrats on going back to school :cool: I would just tell her the truth in the nicest possible way. Of course she may hate you afterwards but at least she won't be talking to you
  9. ^^ were u dat busy u couldn't get a bite to eat? Dats a lot of work
  10. Khayr how else would I have a home cooked meal if I didn't stay home on Tuesday and most of Wednesday to hide from the snow. I brought my nice food that is a result of MNsnowta :cool:
  11. hodman

    Husband 1.0

    lol @ limited memory.
  12. ^^^ OMG that is hilarious
  13. Anigaa ku filan Had a home cooked lunch today
  14. ^^ like a CT scan? Are those things cheaper in UK?
  15. ^^^ Put another way they can't pay attention to save their lives lol. Malika some men go on and on too. Walter reminds me of these two fellows on public radio who have a car talk show. Click and clack is their names n they r hilarious
  16. We are what works for us at any particular time. Ain't nothing wrong with self interest
  17. Never fear Malika. Hear I am with my dacas. Iska qabo Khayr. Tossing it with all my might
  18. It's not only meat, its eggs, subag, all the good things . Just trying to help
  19. Originally posted by Malika: So Obama gets a noble prize huh? For what? If for nothing else then shutting down the nuxnux of the McCain/Palin supporters around the water cooler when he won
  20. ^^^ hehe it shows men can't listen
  21. I agree with Buuxo. Safe for the occasional hot topics that get tempers flaring, it's largely the same. Sweet faceless nacnac after a long day
  22. Originally posted by hodman: quote:Originally posted by chocolate & honey: I'm looking into mentoring girls. Maybe start a youth club or something, our girls are in need of guidance and girl-woman power That's a wonderful idea. If you ever need any volunteers I would be happy to help whenever I can since u live in MN Malika u really want to give up all animal products :eek: . That's the Somali in me shocked . But good luck...u might need it