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Posts posted by Koora-Tuunshe

  1. Like i said, Riyoole is bracing up for the tight control of his rule.


    hadhwanaag 2008-03-19 (Hadhwanaagnews) Hargeysa(HWN):- Madaxweynaha Somaliland Md.Daahir Rayaale Kaahin ayaa kulan qado sharafeeda oo uu shalay la yeeshay Madax-dhaqameedka Degmada Gabilay ugu balanqaaday ku dhawaaqida Gobolnimada Degmadaasi Gabilay, taas oo ay muddo badan Naawilayeen.


    Kulankaasi oo ka dhacay Xarunta Qasriga Madaxtooyada Somaliland.


    Sida waxa Shabakada Hadhwanaagnews.com u xaqiijiyey qaar ka mida Cuqaashii ka qeybgashay Shirkaasi.


    Cuqaasha iyo waxgaradka ka socotay Degmada Gabilay oo la sheegay inay tiradoodu gaadhaysay 40-tameeyo oday, ayaa waxa uu kulankaas uu Madaxweyne Rayaale la yeeshay waxa uu ku wargeliyey oo uu madaashaasi ka shaaciyey gobolnimadii Degmada Gabilay.


    Inkasta oo aanay ilaa imika jirin war cad oo ay Xukuummadu ka soo saartay arrintaasi, hadana waxa sidaa waxa noo xaqiijiyey deuqeydii ka qeybgashay kulnakaasi.


    Ku dhawaaqida Madaxweyne Rayaale ee Gobolnimada Degmada Gabilay waxay salka ku haysaa fulinta balanqaadyadii uu hore ugu sameeyey Degmadaasi, waxaana Sidoo kale Madaxweyne Rayaale u cuskaday ku dhawaaqida Gobolnimada Degmada Gabilay balanqaad uu hore Madaxweyne Marxuum Maxamed Ibraahim Cigal u sameeyey Degmadaasi ka mid noqoshada Gobolada dalka.


    Warku waxa uu inta ku daray inaanay Degmada Keli ku ahayn Magacaabista Gobolnimada ee Madaxweyne Rayaale ku wargeliyey Madax-dhaqameedka iyo waxgaradka Degmadaasi Gabilay, Balse ay ku jiraan meelo kale oo ay ka mid yihiin Degmada Oodweyne, Saylac iyo Weliba Buuhoodle oo uu iyagana Sheegay inay Gobolo noqonayaasn.



    Arrintan ayaa ku soo beegaantay Wakhti adag oo xasaasiya, taas oo la isku diyaarinayo guda galka doorashooyin fooda inagu soo haya. Si kastaba ha ahaatee dadka ku dhaqan Caasimada Hargeysa ayaa aad u hadal hayey arrintan, kadib markii ay Saaka ku soo baxday joornaalada dalka qaarkood, dadka oo ku kala qeybsamay ku dhawaaqida Madaxweyne Rayaale ee Gobolada Afarta ah, taas oo ay dadka qaar ku sifeeyeen inay ka qeyb tahay ololaha Madaxweyne Rayaale kaga qeybgalayo doorashooyinka inagu soo socda, si uu ugu kasbado oo uu taageero uga helo shacbiga ku nool deegmooyinkaas uu hoosta ka xariiqay inuu Gobol ka dhigidoono.





  2. Galbeyte, pls understand the context of the article as they relate to Somalia's decade and half long problems. It is self-evident that we have problems of regionalism and people identifing with their own regions as opposed to Somalia. Tribalism, regionalism together with the new secterianism are all manifest in our country.

  3. Originally posted by AAliyah416:

    not bad, bt the video could have been better.


    The video was kinda boring, maybe Guled can learn from this video...


    You are speaking of a record label that is one of the biggest in the world, with well known directors, musicians , and commercially engineered hiphop music.


    Songs for the home are what I listen to all the time.

  4. Cige, No doubt UDUB has the full support of Ethiopia and CIA. How will then the Kulmiye win the election war? Siilaanyo is vehemently against the UDUB party and might do anything to revolt against their rule by force. I do however believe that Riyoole weilds lots of infleunce within his party circles. He established his financial and power interest well enough to crush any opponent that attempts to mount a challenge to his administration.

  5. Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

    How do the occupying invading Tigrays treat our Somali women in all the Somali lands?


    b.t.w... women fought alongside Alshabaab.......

    Who is Tigrayan? And please come up with a concrete evidence that writes these soldiers are Tigrays mistreating Somali women.


    You should think about a problem in terms of choices and come up with viable alternatives. You must identify a problem, a problem that invites a solution, the pros and cons of each choice.


    Don't just describe a mythical situation or identity that you have no proof. Out of respect for the viewers of SOL and political analyst, ask objective questions, and bring forth policy recommendation with evidence.

    We are grownups, remember?

  6. Originally posted by Hunguri:

    Wonderful. Guled Yare is turning to be the Zinaden Zidan of Maakhir
    . I liked the lyrics and the way the song was composed. Thanks Koora Tuunshe.

    It is my pleasure to serve you Maakhirians.

  7. This one requires emergency aid and response. The Drought is now affecting all Somalia. All parties in Somalia's conflict should really give access to aid organizations. I don't get why we still have to charge extortionate fees helping NGOs and their convoys and staff and subject them to unnecessary delays and search.



    The drought that has hit the country's central regions is spreading to northern parts of Somalia. The preliminary findings of an inter-agency drought assessment conducted from 13 to 15 March in Togdheer, Sanaag, Sool, and Wogooyi Galbeed regions of Somaliland conclude that parts of these regions are currently facing severe water and food crisis as a consequence of failed Deyr rains (short rains - October to December) and worsening drought conditions.


    In Togdheer region the areas most affected are Burco, Balidhiig, Buuhoodle districts and southern parts of Owdweyne district. Livestock conditions are deteriorating, and some families have already lost up to 30% of their herds. Other income generating activities, such as the collection and sale of firewood and production of charcoal have intensified, which could lead to adverse environmental consequences. Emergency interventions recommended in the assessed areas include water trucking and rehabilitation of water points, food distribution, supply of veterinary drugs and expanding health services.


    Drought throughout the country is causing new displacement. UNHCR and partners reported that nearly 4,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) from Mahaday district (Middle Shabelle) and South Mudug have moved to Mogadishu during the month of March due to the drought in their areas of origin.

  8. Source: UN-OCHA, March 20, 2008

    A disturbing development is the increasing number of crime-related incidents affecting humanitarian agencies. During the past few weeks many agencies operating in South Central Somalia have encountered vehicle hijacking and armed attacks. On 18 March, a driver working for the NGO Security office was shot and killed and his vehicle stolen in Gaalkacyo. The same day, an MSF staff died in a hospital in Mogadishu following severe injuries sustained during an attack on an MSF vehicle on 12 March. In the past three months ten international NGOs and UN agencies and four national NGOs have been victims of hijacking or attempted hijacking of their vehicles, in which some staff were injured. Such incidents are seriously affecting the movement of aid workers.



    roadblocksdd1.jpg On Feb 20, 2008

    Source: http://ochaonline.un.org/somalia/SituationReports/tabid/2715/Default.aspx

  9. Originally posted by Jimcaale:

    How you been Duke. Long time no see. Ma la fiicnoo.


    With all due respect sxb, these are not steps to peace and security. Nazi concentration camp in the making. Media lock down and military camps throughout the country to incarcerate any political opponent is a perfect recipe and dream came true for tyrant.


    What's next gas chamber to expedite mass execution?

    You have a point, Jimcaale.

  10. Originally posted by Cige:

    quote: “Inkasta oo dalkeena iyo dadkeenu wax badan qabsaday, oo dimuquraadiyadeenu ay tahay waxa ay dunidu isugu soo keenayso, hadana maanta talaaooyin cad ayaa soda, in la doonayo jidkii ummadani 30-ka sanno ka dagaalamaysay dib loogu celiyo, oo kuwii aynu saamaxnay ayaa inagu celiyay, iyagiibaa imika is urursaday, oo waad aragtaanoo dalkii maanta waxa u talisa Hangash iyo ******, oo meel walba way isaga yimaadeen oo maanta dalkii waa la isugu hanjabayaa, oo Xabsigaa la isu taxaabayaa.” Ayuu hadalkiisa sii raaciyay Axmed Siilaanyo.


    :DCige, could you please carefully elaborate that statement and the reason why you have quoted it?

  11. Originally posted by AfricaOwn:

    quote:Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe:

    Lander, do you think Kulmiye will be able to defeat Riyaale's clannish administration and his Pro-Ethiopia stances?


    How is UDUB a "Clannish" party? Please example.
    So you agree Udub is pro-Ethiopia administration? You selectively left unanswered part of my question.



    Africaown, Bush jr was quoted as saying that when he is formulating a decison on foreign policy with his advisers, he does it with "war on his mind". :D


    I am branding the whole SL as clannis project because I have Somalia in my mind. You should think outside the box.

  12. Originally posted by Pacifist:

    The dance is hilarious, interesting and funny Video, love the beats on the keyboard


    Is that nicolette mise was it sheriden ave if am not mistaken in Minni?


    I want to go to Dhahar now

    Come with me :D

  13. Originally posted by Northerner:

    What is it with America and race? Everything seems to revolve around it at every opportunity presented to the media.

    It is a crazy world but race politics keeps the sleeping masses away from the government's policies and against each other.

  14. somalipride, The Adde-Administration (unfair to blame all Puntland) has been incompetent and corrupt. After his replacement, perhaps, reer Bari (meaning all of the regions of Puntland) would come to terms with their differences and have serious public debate on this resource exploration and extraction and its fair distribution.

  15. Centurion, the capable, brave, virtuous, skilled, wise, and those of young age were the ones the colonials kidnapped against their will from the shores of Africa in general and the West Africa in particular. They were the bravest and the brightest but after centuries of enslavement, abuse, defacement of their history, and denial of even basic rights, they became weak, poor, and without rights.


    Mr. Obama traced that history back to the present and sees no difference ever since Brown vs Board of education though he has the interest of his country at heart and has a plan for an absolute advantage instead of relative advantage.

  16. Great video for the fans of Somali songs and entertainment.


    Please don't infuse politics or personal attacks into this thread.


    It is for the pleasure of SOL viewers who appreciate the aesthetics of life, art and the lyrical wisdom of thriving young singers and producers.


  17. Serenity, Maakhir is real just like Somalia is real. If you believe in Somalia, believe in Maakhr for it is not different from Somalia.


    Wikipedia is great source of information. It was ranked ahead of Britannica Encyclopedia, if you don't know that.

  18. But
    race is an issue that I believe this nation cannot afford to ignore right now.
    We would be making the same mistake that Reverend Wright made in his offending sermons about America -
    to simplify and stereotype and amplify the negative to the point that it distorts reality.



    He references an excerpt from his book, "Dreams of my father” about his experience with his church's sermons and Wright. It is not an experience that he hid from the public knowledge that the past hasn't faded but still animates with the present-day reality of economic disparity and achievements btw blacks and the socially constructed whites.

    He is telling the media, please read my book, and don't simplify, stereotype and amplify to the point of distortion the ugliness of race relations in America. He urges the American people to be wary of it as part of the CHANGE and perfect union he has always advocated since the commencement of his presidential campaign.