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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. Originally posted by Somali'centric: City of god I rented this movie yesterday, it's amazing! I can't believe I haven't seen it yet..
  2. La Haine om/watch?v=yk77VrkxL 88 (it's french but the dvd has english subtitles) I don't want to give anything away but this was the strongest ending I've ever seen in a movie - the last few scenes felt like a punch in the gut. see this movie if you can!
  3. Mogadishu is ground zero for the failed state of Somalia, a place where pirates and terrorists rule. Yet to the north, the breakaway region of Somaliland is stable and at peace. What happened? check out this article in National Geographic http://ngm.nationalg 9/somalia/draper-tex t If you can pick up a hard copy I really recommend it - the photographs are heart-wrenching but beautiful.
  4. a disgusting excuse for a human being. may he burn in hell.
  5. Here's the website to let you know more about the organization and other projects they've initiated. It doesn't seem like a fair trade to me. We get 'mentored' by a Jewish professional and then we have to raise money for a community that doesn't really need it for the most part? I think the scholarship fund should ALSO go to Somali students...God knows our community needs it too.
  6. oops, I was way off. but honestly, littl van damme looks exactly like a clean-cut hoffman =)
  7. Originally posted by Adam-Zayla: guess Philip Seymour Hoffman?
  8. Originally posted by Nephthys: Also had this photo been one of ethnic Somali women Mr M would've been lambasted for posting intimate family gathering in a public forum. that's exactly what i was thinking... I'm sure the women would be pretty upset if they found out their picture was posted on the net for all to see (especially the lady in the middle who looks like she's far from camera ready)
  9. Originally posted by LANDER: First the Czech Republic now Croatia, I cannot believe this Turkish team, I witnessed two of the most unlikely come backs ever, they are going crazy on Bloor St in Tdot as I write this. Congrats to the Turks. I was having dinner on spadina and bloor and I saw the celebrations escalate so fast - It started with 1-2 cars and it turned into a whole intersection clogged with 20 to 30 cars blowing horns. people were even standing on cars and getting into bystanders' faces =) if I had some guts I'd do something ****** like screaming "boo turkey!", I probably would've gotten mauled. I'm happy for them though - let them act crazy =)
  10. Is there such thing as too young to wear the hijab? I was just going through posts and I saw another member's signature which had a small girl wearing the hijab. that brought me back to the time I visited Somalia and I saw all these little girls (children no older than 9) wearing hijab as part of their school uniform. a 7-year-old wearing the me, that's a bit off. I'm not trying to be the devil's advocate or anything; I'm just sincerely curious what you guys think.
  11. The article is great but the interview is even better =)
  12. Originally posted by Pujah: Hating her father will only make her life that much more difficult so true. someone said hate is drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. it's no good for anyone
  13. the video that won the Grand Prize was great
  14. I agree with the fourth paragraph; not all cultures are obsessed with being youthful. what about the quarter life crisis? The quarterlife crisis (QLC) is a term applied to the period of life immediately following the major changes of adolescence, usually ranging from the ages of 21 - 29. The term is named by analogy with mid-life crisis. It is now recognised by many therapists and professionals in the mental health field. is the QLC the effect of our society's obsession with being 'successful'? or maybe we just like to put a label on everything, maybe life is just one big, continuous crisis?
  15. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by grasshopper: a year later, I got my nape peirced. (that's the back of your neck, for those who are wondering) And I thought my sister's friend was crazy enough to do this... The thought of it is making me say 'OOOOOOOOOOOUUUUUUUUCH!!!' KK if it's any consolation, it didn't hurt a bit =) I pierced my ear cartilage in high school and that was a ***** of piercing :eek: it didn't last even a month.
  16. Originally posted by Cadaan: I guess the truth hurts sometimes. let this be a lesson to the guys; never tell a girl she looks ugly. and if she asks if her butt looks big, always, always lie p.s. this girl is far from ugly. I agree Aaliyah, she might have mental issues.
  17. i keep touching the black sides. man, I must have really bad hand-eye coordination.
  18. I used to have an eyebrow peircing almost 5 years ago. it lasted a year then I got careless with it and it became infected it was my fault. I have a nervous habit of touching my eyebrows when I'm thinking. but they're really easy to take care of otherwise. a year later, I got my nape peirced. (that's the back of your neck, for those who are wondering) it was one of the most random things I've ever done. anyway, both peircings are long gone (i guess it was just a phase) but I'm glad I did it. no regrets Nephthys if you really want to get it, just do it =) and if you change your mind, there's nothing permanent about it. just take it off.. the holes will close and that's the end of it.
  19. is it going to get to a point where things like this happen on a regular basis? :confused:
  20. I saw the pucca cards advert =) I didn't click on it cuz I'm paranoid about viruses but if I saw something grasshopper related, I might. If you could ask the universe one question..and only one question..what would you ask?
  21. I think this movie you either hated or you liked. I've actually never watched a movie I didn't like to it's entirety, and I sat through this one till the end =). There some things I found a little hard to believe, but the movie as a whole, I liked. Originally posted by LayZie G.: I was disgusted the way the two siblings potrayed our religion. First the brother was out clubbing and drinking up alcohol (1st episode)as though it was a norm, then lastnight, his sister was in bed with her boyfriend.(unmarried so called muslimah) You were watching with your mom, oi! I was watching with my dad and all I can say for that scene....*AWKWARD!* anyway, they definitely were far from being the ideal Muslims. maybe the film makers were trying to stress that the siblings weren't motivated by religion to do what they did. If the girl was pious and deeply religious she wouldn't have had pre-marital sex and I don't think she would have killed innocent people for her anger. The thing that sent a chill down my spine was the last scene with her videotaped message. I've never seen a movie talking about 'suicide bombers' and it was interesting to see what they go through. p.s. does anyone know how I can edit the topic? i want to add a spoiler alert
  22. grasshopper


    When I lived in Taiwan, there used to be a store called "Nigger soul" the owner was supposidly really into American hip-hop culture but didn't understand how offensive the term is. He doesn't speak english and it's probable he got the idea from hearing rappers use the term so often.
  23. that's tough! on one hand, war and prosperity more closely resembles the world we live in. and as horrifying as it can be sometimes, it suits us humans perfectly on the other hand, peace and oppression gives us something most of us really want (peace) but oppression is too high of a price. we won't be living to enjoy the peace, just existing. we'd be like the walking dead. hm, I chose war and prosperity. way better than the war-torn, oppressive world we live in today.. someone gives you a glass half full with sh!t: is your glass half-full or half-empty?
  24. I haven't watched a passionate eye doc for almost 2 years but I remember them being on Mondays maybe Sundays were re-runs.. hope you have a safe trip tomorrow - u going to the states?