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Everything posted by Ismalura

  1. As a matter of fact this has nothing to do with conditioning response it is more like conforming and blind loyalty thing. On the issue of acceptance how can you choose when you don't know if they are other options?You can't reject something if you don't know better and if it is accepted by every one around you. To sum it up it is a "everyone I know lives like this and says that this is the right so this most be the only way" kind of thinking. Fortunately, with things changing and people becoming more exposed most women in abusive relationships know that it is wrong. However, there still are many women who don't know their rights and accept this as their fateful role is life. Anyway to each their own. Everyone sees the world differently; thus my point.
  2. Originally posted by Somalicentric.: "Hadey kugu qaasabto, iney ku qaaribto bey rabta ee daawo baa ii socoto deh ilaahya amarkiis!" Lmao funny staff... I must say, i highly disagree with the generalization of the “intellectual women” consuming alcohol like a fish. Of course the generalization is not true. Actually being an intellectual woman and being a religious woman are not mutually exclusive. However the generalization makes it funnier
  3. You would be surprised at the number of people who are satisfied with just hearing from some one and not questioning their authority. It not just husband and wife; ever look at cults and their leaders? at warlords and their supporters who would die for them? It would be easy if life was just in black and what lakiin that is not how it is. Things happen t shape a person's 'human instinct' 'common sense' and position of the world. The least you could do is try and understand !
  4. Originally posted by chocolate & honey: LOL! Yes, it is shockingly that simple.But I think you're confusing the abuse with the acceptance. I am not saying it is simple to leave an abusive relationship. Sometimes circumstances won't allow you to jump ship. But what I'm disgusted by is the fact that some women ACCEPT the fact not only will they be beaten BUT that GOD gave another human being the RIGHT to beat them! And to that I say, mac sokor! If you're that big of an *****, if you truly think a man has a right to beat you then you should be beaten day and night. C&H like you said your argument is very simplistic and uni dimensional. You can afford to speak like this because you know better but have ever seen women who believe 'ilaahey baa u baneeyay'. Once someone told me 'Nabiga (pbuh) yaaba xaaasaskiisa garaaci jiray'. Of course she did know enough about the suna to know that the prophet never did such a thing and even condemned it. Like I sad before, I am not knowledgeable enough to go far into the religious aspect of this but I know that a women has the right to speak up, fight back and get out of a harmful relationship. I would say that you take a closer look and while you thank God for knowing better you should have some understanding and compassion for those who don't.
  5. Daandurreey actually the author used his own words to decribe Siyad Bare (RIP) as 'an Illegal dictotor" ee ku laabo adiga mar labaad. @ Nasir I agree that the whole writing is biased against the clans or groups that opposed Siyad Barre's regime but he also tells of how Siyad wronged those groups. Ninka waxna wuu khalday waxna wuu saxay but I still think he should be given a chance. @ MMA thanks bro. Walahi I am so tired I really don't care qof uu yahay qof uun ha la taageero; at least till things are better. Open your eyes people....WE ARE THE WORLD'S MOST UTTERLY FAILED STATE !
  6. Sidoo kale waxa uu aad uga hadley danaha dalka Itoobiya ee ku aadan Soomaaliya, taas oo markaan ah mid xasaasi ah oo qofkii ka hadlaa xilalka sare ee Soomaaliya haddii loo magacaabo jaahwareer la geliyo siyaasadda Soomaaliya. Intana show lamaba arag...apparently people only see what they want to see.
  7. Originally posted by bilan: did you even read the is some of what he said about Siyaad and Kacaankii. "The U.S. looked the other way because of the Cold War. It deliberately failed to scrutinize the Siad Barre government's mismanagement of foreign aid and his human rights offenses. He was ruthless and surrounded himself with incompetent individuals whom he selected not so much for their qualifications as their loyalty to him and their tribes. In the mid 80s, Siad Barre was victim of a life-threatening car accident.80 He suffered several broken bones and there was no emergency room in country that could provide him enough oxygen. He was forced to fly to Saudi Arabia for his medical care. Somali corruption was epidemic to the point where every government-owned, including hospitals, was no longer accountable and functioned entity per se. People lost faith in a government that did not appear terribly concerned with providing for them. The national army and police forces failed their responsibility to protect its citizens from widespread crime that often worked in broad daylight. The economy went sour amidst uncontrollable inflation and worthless salaries.81 The government's solution exacerbated the problem: it kept printing more notes which further decreased the value of Somali currency. People could hardly afford their day to day needs; many lost all their savings to the inflation. In late 80s, the economy was terrible, security was neglected and tribalism was surging. Somalis were returning to the old way of living; the new way was not working. The tribe" people should read the whole paper. and I add "However, Barre’s gloomy shadow lingered over American integrity. Here was an illegal dictator who neither tolerated political opposition nor so much as attempted to compromise in crafting solutions acceptable in all parties. Rather, he preferred to act as a thug, using force to eliminate any clan-family sympathizing with the opposition. His military forces committed unnecessary atrocities in central Somalia in particular, where they burnt villages, slaughtered thousands of innocent people, and raped women" I went through the whole paper and even though It is not free from biases I think it is close to the truth most of the time.What if uu ninka reerkiisa u yar xil qariyay in his paper...we all do that here on SOL ee munaafaqnimada ha la iska daayo. We always have one thing or another to say about qofkii la doortaba and it is not like we are going to find perfect people to lead us. Nabiga Caleyhu Salatu Wasalaam wuxuu yidhi dowlad xun baa dhaanta dowlad la'aan....See Somalia?
  8. Originally posted by Maaddeey: Dad haddey is qabtaan, qofka authority'ga leh baa wax discipline'gareeya (markii loo baahdo), intaas uun baan rabay inaan sheegee!, dumarka leh rag baan discipline'gareynaa, ma awoodaan?. [/Q Seriously?
  9. Yeah MMA Wax walbe faaiido iyo khsaraba weey leyhiin dhankeey u badnaataba and It is right to give credit where it is due. Lakiin hada dadka waa maxaabiis ee maxeey isbaro dhigtaan LOL.
  10. MMA I realized that It not Somali accent...actually it sunds like some sort of European accent but the content is very Somali, I think.
  11. Shiba idhi beey tidhi habartii afka lagu dhuftay !
  12. Taleexi, how do you pull your self out of poverty when you are buried waits down in it? when your parents and their parents were borns and died poor? When you can't find a job because of who you are? When you can't afford tuition or child care? When Millionaires are thinking of more and more ways to take advantage of you? Of course there is individual responsibility and one can work hard to go far but not everyone has what it takes (the intelligence, hard work or even simply the luck). Besides for every self made successful people there are millions of equally hard working people who are left behind to suffer under oppressive structures. The theory that, free from state interference, the market will self regulate was the most popular one in Britain before the great depression in the 1930's, sadly we know how that turned out. Yes, the market does a lot great things but if it is left to its own means it is extremely, fragile and inequitable....check the poverty and homelessness rates In the US ( THE super power). The Uk can afford to not only take care of these people but to also help them become self-reliant. On a less serious note, Somalida 'ceydh aa' unbeey dhahaan ee yaa qaato horta bahasha?
  13. Looks like all that people here can say ceydha ha la jaro" iyo shaqa ha raadsadaan dadkan. It is ironical that people from on of most disadvantaged communities can afford to speak like this. Anyways at the risk of sounding like a social justice lecturer here is a number of points to think about so as to see the bigger picture. 1) Uk is a welfare state which means that it has some extent of responsibility for its citizens especially the vulnerable ones. Look at countries like Sweden where the governemnt makes efforts to ensure all citizens get basic human needs like food and housing as a right of citizenship. On the other hand wadamahan waxeey lacagtooda dhan ku dhamaatay attacking other countries and other efforts to dominate the world. 2) The rich people in countries Like Uk, Canada and the US get more in programs like tax deductions than the poor people get. the Little social assistance eey dadkan masaakiinta helayaan is, and I quote, 'the tip of the iceberg'. 3) Shaqeysta oo walfare iska daaya weey fududahay in la dhaho lakiin there hasn't been full employment there since world war II so It is unreasonable to expect everyone to get a job. Meeshan waa competition and it is guaranteed that someone will be left behind even if everyone works hard. If the government has any concern for social justice there has to be redistribution programs that solve the consequences of capitalism.
  14. Originally posted by Taleexi: This is not a unique phenomena to UK. Even my state, Cali, is considering similar measures. However, in the short term, lots of people will be hit hard but in the long term, most of the populace and the state will be better off. I see the point of those who claim nothing good will come out less enjoyment coupled with higher work force. If history is any indicator, the economy will self correct, people will go back to school, the state will decrease dramatically its deficit..... Thereafter, life will be normal again therefore nothing to be alarmed except adjustment must be in order. Taleexi since when did we (in history) see the economy self-correcting. More than ever before we have an ever widening gap between the poor and the rich in capitalist western countries !
  15. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:Originally posted by Ismalura: quote: Originally posted by Kool_Kat: In fairness, could a wife discipline her husband? This made me LOL ! I swear I once asked some one the exact some question after he argued that the beating is good for reserving the marriage. Let us just say he could only speak in tongues and quickly changed the topic never to start it again. If it is about the betterment of the marriage they should take turns beating each other up when one of them steps out of line. Can children discipline their parents? just asking you the same question that the next poster asked; are women children?
  16. I think I am gonna make that my catch phrase Ilaaheey amarkiis ! @ Aliyah thanks, I loved it ! He is the funniest of all the Somali comedians oo hada jiro that I know.
  17. Originally posted by Taleexi: Someone got her nerve touch.. Ismalura, why are you mad? Taleexi don't mind me I have been angry about these stuff for a long time ee. I am tired of seeing women just sitting there taking all sorts of nonsense including the beatings !
  18. Nina I am actually finding him funny ! Waa run waan maqlay waxuu shegayo badankiis but his expression when he says it is priceless... besides the part on gabdhaha wax bartay is funny especially finding them at the human rights advocacy meetings and saying that you are a vegetarian ! I love the way he says "ilaahey amarkiis" LOL
  19. I once worked with a takfir guy and there was a lot of rumour that he called other people gaalo and didn't answer their salaams. Later I got to know him and he was actually a very cool person.
  20. t is not that rare, really. Dad ayaa ku kor nool, indhaheyga ayaana kusoo arkay. While the poor jaamac xamaalinimo ku jiro and never misses sending his monthly boqolaal doolar for masruuf, qofta uu u diraayo xaga joogto oo 'xaaskiisa' uu moodo dad kale ayee sii korisaa, oo u xareysan, la baashaalo. MMA anigaba waan arkay one such person...that is why I mentioned it. Lakiin I said it is rare because gabadh Somliyeed oo nin qab oo nin kale shukaansaneysa ii kow beey aheyd tas ka dibna ma arkin. on the other hand I have seen more than dozen married cheating Faaraxs Whatever the case, guurkan sanadaha la kala maqnaanayo faaido badan kamaba imaato. It is a bad world full of shaitan influence and people get lonely ! Anyways I was at school today and couldn't listen to the videos lakiin hadaan dhageystay and It is crazy walahi LOL Salada waa in aad marqaati u heysato kuye LOL again