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Mr. Somalia are you lately having coffee time with oday Odweyne. Qoraalka gaabi.
Originally posted by Qudhac: MR ABDI SHIRE IS DECENT MAN LEAVE HIM ALONE. Whoever is not anti-secessionist is a decent right?
lol @Xiin "Boocame distric, which is toward Buuhoodle, right?" Yeah towards Buhodle.. Dalmarow XX ha ku xiiqin waa wareersan yahaye. Somaliland baa ka daba tegi bay kaga dhegtay.. This is the difference between Buro-wadal and Holhol. Those went to Holhol from SL belong to town's sub-clan where Buro-wadalits have nothing to do with SL. So it's imposible SL militia to show up Buro-wadal as they did in Holhol.. The whole tit-for-tat is Somaliland militia can only go where it's the hometown of their horgalis otherwise they can't go as they never bother buhodle, widhwidh, Xudun, Boocame etc.
Let the freedom ring from the mountains of Buro-wadal..
Lasanod Online. Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)- Isimada SSC Ee maalmihii ugu danbeeyay ku shirayay degmada Holhol, ayaa ku dhawaaqay inay go'aamada shirkooda ay soo bandhigo doonaan maalmaha soo socda haddii eebe raali ka noqdo, Isimada ayaa ku sheegay sababtan dib u dhigida go'aamada shirka inay tahay maqnaanshaha isimka maqan, sidaa awgeedna ay isimkaas war gelinayaan kuna dhawaaqi doonaan qodobada iyo go'aamada kasoo baxay shirkaas. Isimada ayaa hadalkan ka sheegay kulankii sagootinta ahaa ee ay shacabka reer Holhol u qabteen, waxayna kaloo ay sheegeen isimadu inay is afgarad buuxa ay qaateen iyagoo mabda' isku mida ay ka qaateen guud ahaan waxyaalihii laysla soo qaaday. Isimada ayaa shacabka reer Holhol uga mahadnaqay sidii haboonayd ee ay marti geliyeen. Isimada ayaa markii ay dhamaysteen kulankii sagootinta ahaa ee shacabka reer Holhol, waxay u kicitimeen dhankaa iyo degmada Carooley halkaasoo ay ku sugnaan doonaan ilaa berri, Isimada waxaa laga yaabaa inta ay ku dhawaaqayaan go'aamada shirkan inay joogi doonaan deegaamada mandaqada SSC sida Carooley,Godaalo,Taleex iyo buuro wadal, iyagoo deegaankaa kulamo wacyi gelin ha la qaadan doona shacabka. Isimadu waxay ugu bushaareeyeen shacabka SSC inay Isimadu dhamaan isku raaceen qodobadii laysla soo qaaday, shacabka reer SSC na maqali doonaan Go'aamo ka farxiya. Wariye: Abdiqani I. Goox admin@lasanod.com Xafiiska Wararka Lasanod Online, Laascaanood
Laascaanood,(Lasanod Online)- Shirkii isimada SSC Holhol ayaa madax dhaqameedyada mandaqada SSC ay si weyn ugu lafa gureen xaalada taagan iyo sidii ay isimadu.. is afgarad buuxa ay uga qaadan lahaayeen dhinacyada Midaynta beesha. Waxaa gebi ahaanba isimadu ay isku raaceen qodobadii laysla qaaday waxay sheegeen gebagebadi shirkooda inay is afgarad ay ku dhamaadeen shirkoodii. Intii shirku socday waxaa meesha ka baxay isku dayo lagu doonayay in lagu burburiyo shirkaas, iyadoo madasha shirku ka dhacayo ee degmada Hohol ay gaadheen guutooyin ka tirsan ciidamada maamulka Somaliland. taasoo maamulka Somaliland ku doonayay inuu ku joojiyo shirkaas, Balse isimada ayaa u sheegay saraakiisha ciidamadaas inaanay jirin wax Read
Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Laakin dadku kala gobsan kuwana markay awood sheeshaan shacabka ayey xasuuqaan. Laakinse SL inta ay jirto in SSC shacabkeeda dhib la gaadhsiiyo ma dhici doonto. Waayo dad gob ah ayaanu nahay. Waxba ciyaalka SOL hadalkooda ha kasoo qaadin. Red Sea, are you saying SNM wax ma xasuuqin? Bal Dib ugu noqo.. Plus define the "Gob" bal.
Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Laakin dadku kala gobsan kuwana markay awood sheeshaan shacabka ayey xasuuqaan. Laakinse SL inta ay jirto in SSC shacabkeeda dhib la gaadhsiiyo ma dhici doonto. Waayo dad gob ah ayaanu nahay. Waxba ciyaalka SOL hadalkooda ha kasoo qaadin. Red Sea, are you saying SNM wax ma xasuuqin? Bal Dib ugu noqo.. Plus define the "Gob" bal.
Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Laakin dadku kala gobsan kuwana markay awood sheeshaan shacabka ayey xasuuqaan. Laakinse SL inta ay jirto in SSC shacabkeeda dhib la gaadhsiiyo ma dhici doonto. Waayo dad gob ah ayaanu nahay. Waxba ciyaalka SOL hadalkooda ha kasoo qaadin. Red Sea, are you saying SNM wax ma xasuuqin? Bal Dib ugu noqo.. Plus define the "Gob" bal.
Xaaji Xunjuf stop playing with terms. That is not the issue here. Meeting is started and don't be xaasid so wish them luck.
Xaaji Xunjuf stop playing with terms. That is not the issue here. Meeting is started and don't be xaasid so wish them luck.
Xaaji Xunjuf stop playing with terms. That is not the issue here. Meeting is started and don't be xaasid so wish them luck.
Oh yeah i am being silly to spot the hidden dangers you all have inside..What purpose it serves to mention here that victims are locals otherwise???
Ibti, I guess you're right there were wrong elements in Somali culture but if you noted or watched the entire video/riwad, the conclusion and the main theme of these riwayads always is the danger they end up for those who practice such culture. Good example is the riwaayad called "Hablow Hadmaad Guursan Doontaa" It has similar actors like the one you referred including Sado Ali. At the end, they all became homeless. I guess though Riwaayads presented bad culture, they weren't promotion but rather warning and educating.
Thanks Xaaji... I wonder though since when widhwidh became a reliable source for you guys or it's a reliable one if the news is your favor...lol.. Com'on guys I thought you could do better..
Originally posted by Suldaanka: All the victims are local people. Locals??? Does that mean they are not Somaliland police/army. And your feelings would be different if the victims were your tribes’ men. They are locals so no big deal. It’s very dangerous what you guys belief and wish for other people.
Qudhac where is the source of this Waraysi?? Ma adigaa qaaday?
All isims are present at Holhol and initial part of the meeting has already began.. See pics of isims in Holhol with peaceful momentum.. http://www.boocameonline.com/bcm/news.php?readmore=547 Hope they don't get heart attack those who love and enjoy the failures of their fellow Somalis..
All isims are present at Holhol and initial part of the meeting has already began.. See pics of isims in Holhol with peaceful momentum.. http://www.boocameonline.com/bcm/news.php?readmore=547 Hope they don't get heart attack those who love and enjoy the failures of their fellow Somalis..
All isims are present at Holhol and initial part of the meeting has already began.. See pics of isims in Holhol with peaceful momentum.. http://www.boocameonline.com/bcm/news.php?readmore=547 Hope they don't get heart attack those who love and enjoy the failures of their fellow Somalis..
^^ and what are they doing at the front??? Kan xaajiga ladhaho caadi maaha!
^^ and what are they doing at the front??? Kan xaajiga ladhaho caadi maaha!
^^ and what are they doing at the front??? Kan xaajiga ladhaho caadi maaha!
Originally posted by Suldaanka: The whole point of going to HolHol of all places was to have a meeting without the presence of Somaliland or Puntland. With Somaliland officials there now, it defeats the purpose. So why not just go back to Garoowe and hold it under the Faroole administration that has refused to help them. Suldaanka check your sources again.. This meeting is free from both so called admins. Locals who work for either p/l or s/l can come to the city but no involvement what so over. Your wishes and short false celeberation is over. The meeting is going to be held as planned.
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