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Everything posted by A_Khadar

  1. ^ Guys let it rest... I bet you all if anyone says he/she is from Somaliland or supports SL, s/he just tells my tribe/clan is......nothing else..
  2. Xiinow just reminded me yesterday in a Somali coffee shop where two young men both Somalis having arguement of once saying he is from Somaliland and the other one disputing with him and saying there is no such country and you are from Somalia. The one saying he is from Somaliland was very serious and certain there is recognized country called Somaliland. I thought that was Xaajiga. Just shows how young generation are brain washed and filled with Cuqdad to this project. In my theory, if anyone says to me I am from Somaliland, that person just tell me his clan nothing else.
  3. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: suashu waxa weye Khuuusiyow maxaad ku so kordhisay Gobolka sool? No Xaaji Su'aashu waxay ahayd who elected your so called president? Was he ever elected even by few?? And who elected your Guurti?
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: They are chosen by their people u said ???? ,,,, who exactly except those few men in Buulowadal ? Those few in Buurawadal represent the poeple.. Same question to you who elected your so called presidents? Was he ever elected even by few?? And who elected your Guurti. I guess selection by qabiil is way of governing in your mujaahiddin books. Isku xishood ninweyn baad tahay see waxa ku saaran before you question others'.
  5. Originally posted by Castro: ^^^^ The UN is only important when it has something negative to say about Somalia but when it ignores you like the province you are within Somalia, it's worthless. Make up your mind. Ouch Castro!!
  6. Xaji Dude and Gaaroodi sound just like kuwo iman jiray Tuulooyin kamid ah gobolka Togdheer iyo Sanaag. Even reer city of Burco sidan uma hadlaan... Do you know kuwaan ka hadlaayo..
  7. For the record to be strightening out once for all Max'ud Xaji Cumar Camey is not Caaqil but he is one of the respected Odayo from Buuhoodle.. So far no proof whether he went to Hargaysa or not and if he did, it's not clear the reason. He could go there for so many reasons and it's not the first time he went there for personal reasons. Lastly, I thought people in this forum keep the civility and not to insult one and other. What is up with the name callings such as Xaar-toosi, xaar cuno etc.. Isku xishooday. Let us talk, debate, and express the matter and views rather name calls and insults.. Where is the ADMIN?
  8. Many people are against Khusuusi so what? Anyone can be against them but they chosen by thier people to mind their business. The rest "who is care"
  9. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: The khuusuusi capital is in buurowadal , the khuususi cant go to tukaraq and it can go to garowe. U realize that right The same way Xaglajifiye cant go to garowe the khusuusi is trapped in between Somaliland And Farooles Militia. Aa saad isleedahay.
  10. ^ I chose to ignore you and your statement because no value and no substance.
  11. I am still trying to investigate about the real deal of this agreement!
  12. ^ They are still in Burowadal.. No need to go to Garowe for all Garaads. Even those in Garowe only one Garaad signed on behalf of the rest. I guess your question is leading towards whether these two Garaads are in agreements with the rest? I don't know either but I guess its answer will surface in the near future.
  13. ^^ I don't know why and where they get their sources. I am not like many secessionists who only believe whatever their trusted clan based websites say. I do my own logical reasoning process. For this piece, I have to wait and find more facts to believe it. Logically I don't see why Puntland wants to attack Burowadal because technically it's under their control already and almost all Garaads are in Garowe having talk with the admin.. This is aint making any sense to me yet.
  14. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: Malinteenu way imanasa.....no worries!! Aaliya, things are not that bad yet. SSC is better off even compared to those who think they rule it.. The entire Somalia is ruled and occupied by Ethi. Many successionists are naive and unware of the reality on the ground.
  15. All of the four points suggested on agreement except one were never being disputed from the get go. However this item 2: 2. In Masuuliyada soocelinta deegaanada ay leedahey dawlada Puntland I am not certain why this point is in the list of agreed terms when Puntland couldn't, isn't ready and won't return LA back from SL. This is very ****** to agree upon unless there are hidden and undisclosed reasons for it. Who know why though. I am realized that both P/L and S/L have a master ruler whose his say is the final..guess who is he??? I will wait when things come to more clear. Till then Khusuusi is reponsible for every thing in my books.
  16. I would have beleive this if the attack was coming from SL but I see no reason and need from Puntland to attack Burowadal. It's all about kutiri kuteyn...
  17. Indeed Guul. The plan and its process are moving forward and that is what I call commitment. Wishes to collapse and interferences are coming from all directions to ssc people who only mind their own business. I wonder why some feel so threatened.
  18. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^^Nice anology. Laakiin gabadh mehersan, oo dhowr da'a dhashay oo wadaadkii cid ugu dhawaa diiday inuu fasaqo weeye waxa cillaanka marsan oo hadba diyaaradaha raacasyaa
  19. Nonesenses and Stuff according to NGONGE.
  20. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: A khadar Keep believing that faroole wants a ssc state independent from puntland Xaji you read something else... Read my post again.
  21. Hadii arintu sida la baahiyey ay tahay,oo wixii Buuro-Wadal iyo nayroobi lagu dhisay ay sidaas ku dhamaatay,maxaa la gudboon Garaadada labada ah ee ku sugan Buuro-Wadal?Ma keligood ayaa go'aamadii Buuro-wadal hirgelin doona,mise go'aamo kale ayay qaadan doonaan?Mise waa laga batayoo waa inay u hogaansamaan go'aamada Garoowe,oo ay la shaqeeyaan Puntland? Who are they questioning.. I thought they are the source???