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Interrior Minister Opens Training for Sool Traditional Leaders
A_Khadar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Waa saad isleedihiin! -
^ ^ Telling the facts on the ground became calaal at your school of caqli... All they did is revealing the violations committed against civilians by the thugs, you two support blindfolded just because of your clan motivation, occupying a city that is not theirs.
Northern Somali Unionist Movement (NSUM) 2010-02-10 Press Release The one-clan dominated secessionist enclave in NW Somalia, calling itself Somaliland, continues to occupy Sool region and its capital Lascanod which it invaded in October 2007. With the passage of time, and in the face of no submission to the secession by the occupied populations of the regions of Sool, Sanaag and Cayn (SSC) in NW Somalia, the occupiers, like others before it, or elsewhere in the world, can only resort, in its desperation, to piling up the painful collective punishment it inflicts on the occupied local population. Each new punitive measure is supposed to do the trick and deliver its objective. When that fails, new situations are created that provide the occupiers the pretext to unleash new terror, believing this will work where others have failed. Thus, under this cycle of terror on the defenceless SSC people, Lacanod has last week witnessed its worst period under the occupation, with sadly no word or reaction from the international human rights organisations and above all the United Nations Political Office for Somalia based in Nairobi. Such collective silence can only send the wrong message to the perpetrators of human rights violations in Somaliland that they can act with impunity in the occupied SSC regions. What they merit is to be indicted at the International Criminal Court for their crimes against humanity and join the ranks of Slobodan Milosevic of former Yugoslavia and Charles Taylor of Liberia. In the latest terror against the SSC civilians, hundreds of Lascanod's residents, including women and children were arrested after rioting against the earlier detention of school teachers who were interned as scapegoats for recent bombings in the city masterminded by the occupiers for their own ends. All detainees were shipped off to Somaliland's version of Guantanamo Bay in terms of its harshness and remoteness from families and friends. These desperate and barbaric measures are bound to fail like all the others before them. Sooner, rather than later, they will serve as the catalysts that will bring about the undoing of the occupation as people, tormented for too long and pushed against the wall beyond endurance, see no other option but to rise up against their oppressors and send them whence they had came. Somaliland's invasion and occupation of Lascanod was driven originally by three objectives but has recently taken a new dimension. Firstly, was the hope that its long- aspiration for recognition would now be received sympathetically by the international community now that- with capture of Lascanod- they would be seen to be in control of most of former British Somaliland. Secondly, was the desire to create new facts on the gourd, à la Israel in the occupied Palestinian West Bank, in which as many SSC people would be driven out of their regions and give way to settlers from the secessionist heartland; and thirdly, with the remaining SSC people rendered a minority in their own regions, to lay their hands on the regions' proven but as yet unexploited natural resources including oil. The secessionists, clearly playing to the international gallery, have now embraced a fourth objective: to concoct threats in the SSC regions from Al-Shabab and allied Jihadists in order to latchet onto the "war on terror" bandwagon. This opportunistic move was reckoned to yield instant rewards from the USA and its western allies. Much as the USA might be keen on some of Somaliland's unsolicited services, yet they should be wary of how far they get mired in Somalia's murky waters. Lest they forget, they should be mindful of their blunders elsewhere in southern Somalia and their fathering of Al-Shabaab in the first place through their misguided support to Ethiopia's invasion and occupation of southern Somalia. History will repeat itself again if they again support another occupation, this time in the SSC regions with its dire and predictable consequences. In reality, it is the agents of the regime in Haregisa who had been behind bomb the explosions in Lascanod in order to blame it on imaginary Jihadists.One should know that Al Shabab, or other Islamist types, are the first to claim their actions immediately in order to reap whatever glory they can get from it. The fact they have not done so in the case of Lascanod speaks volumes about their alleged presence and operations. What needs to be emphasized is that Somaliland's baseless scaremongering about the presence of Al-Shabab and others in the SSC regions could become self-fulfilling. The longer Somaliland's occupation persists, the more likely the occupied people will be radicalised and join the ranks of Al Shabab as happened in the south. When that happens, no doubt Somaliland will disingenuously saying "what did we tell you!" The SSC traditional leaders have issued a joint final warning to the administration based in Hargeisa that their patience is at an end after two-and-half years of occupation. It is in every body's interest, they stressed, that Somaliland's militia leave the SSC regions immediately or face the consequences. The Northern Somalia Unionist Movement (NSUM) fully subscribes to the warning given by the traditional leaders The liberation of the occupied SSC regions is a matter for its people and that is their God given right in the face of aggression by a predatory expansionist clan. If true to its past, Al Shabab would miss no opportunity to be drawn to wherever it perceives the conditions as favourable. That is not the case yet in the SSC regions but it could happen if Somaliland's occupation continues. If Al Shabab's intervention in the SSC is to be stymied, the best course of action is for Somaliland to withdraw its militia immediately from the region. The USA and other countries who wield influence over the secessionists should tell them so in no uncertain terms. NSUM Excecutive Committee
New comers for profiteering the created chaos of poor nations like Somalia, another business plan..
Interesting Interview with Axmed Cabdi xaabsaade
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
^^^ I will see your next response when Xaabsade goes other side when it become greener!!! -
Inaa lillah wa inaa Ilayhe raajicuun.. Alle ha u naxariisto.. Samir iyo iimaan..
Originally posted by Sacad *Ducaale: I suppose that was meant for me? well nothing has yet to come out of the meeting rather then non sense letters and calaacals from garowey , we will talk in the battle field in L.A , instead of using roadside bombs come out of the bushes like a man. :cool: You either are kid who is clueless about war or blood thirst mindless person if you are calling a blood shed. What is the really purpose to shed a blood for a city that its people asking to leave them alone? I guess you are still hoping Shankaroon recognition…
Originally posted by *Faheema: Horta what is it with ciyaal xamar? you don't see ciyaal hargeisa iyo burco or even the new Qardo crew creating nostalgic threads Faheema, your question reminded me a lecture by Said Salax, a well know Abwaan and Soomaali guru, back in few years when he discussed about this term (Ciyaal Xaafad). He mentioned that back in years people were associated by the town they live or grew up such as Reer Ceeri gaabo, reer Berbera, reer Saylac etc nothing to do with today's Reer /Qabil term but people of all kind of tribes lived in same town/city. And he concluded that the REER term was modernized when it got to the Xamar and became Ciyaal xaafad, again nothing about the actual ciyaal by age but changed REER term to Ciyaal. The funny part was he said when visited Europe, fathers of ciyaaal (xaafad name) who were same ciyaal xaafad with his children welcome him and there odayaashaasi became same ciyaal Xaafad...lol..
News of the day: SSC Garad's conference ends on a high note: PICS
A_Khadar replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Che -Guevara: A peaceful city was transformed into military garrison and Qabyaalad is bubbling under the surface. You said it all! -
Somaliland parliament speaker meets his Swedish Colleague pics
A_Khadar replied to Xaaji Xunjuf's topic in Politics
Odayga needs help with tie...It's too long! -
Xaji you sounded disappointed about the progress that Buhodle people made... The airport is under way and hopefully will be in business soon.. Your insane leader of Waraabe failed to shutdown this city's development...
Impressive work by ordinary people with the help from none other than themselves. Gacmo wada jir bay wax ku qabtaa.. Boohuudle(Jidbaale.com):-Wafti balaadhan oo isugu jira qurba jog iyo cuqaal ayaa manta soo booqday dhismaha garoonka biyaaradaha ee magaalada buuhoodle.
Best wishes Alle ha kuu fududeeyo..
These two Xaji and Gaaroodi caadi maaha they would bark whatever comes to their heads...Allow sahal...
K'naan sifiican ma u murqaamay? Mala qayilsiiyey saaxiibkey?
Buuro Wadal,(Lasanod Online)-Shirkii isimada SSC ayaa maalintii 2aad ka socda degmada Buuro Wadal, iyadoo isimadu ay leeyihii kulamo isdaba jooga. Waxaan ilaa iyo hada la ogayn halka uu marayo wada hadalada isimadu kadib markii saxaafadu ay shirka dibad joog ka noqotay. Isimada ayaa arrintan ku tilmaamay mid ay doonayaan in ilaa waqtiga ay ka gaadhayso ka gun gaadhida shirkooda aanay jirin wax hadala oo dibada uga baxaya. Qaar kamid ah isimada oo aan saaka la kulanay iskuna daynay in aan wax ka waydiino halka wax u marayaan ayaa noo sheegay in ay isimadu is dhaarsadeen, iyagoo isku dhaariyay in cid warami karta ama dibada hadal gayn kartaa aynan jirin ilaa inta shirku dhamaanayo. Arrintan ayaa ah mid ku cusub shirarka isimadu horey u lahaan jireen taasoo isimadu horey ugu sheegeen in shirkan uu yahay mid ka duwanaan doono kuwii horre talaaboyin midho dhalana laga soo saari doono. Isimada ayaa dhamaantood iska xaadariya quraacda kadib hoolka shirku ka soca iyadoo dadka isimada la socda sida cuqaasha,odayaasha iyo sidoo kale saxaafada meel aad uga fog hoolka la geeyo taasoo isimadu si wayn uga taxadiraan in aan cidi usoo dhawaan. Isimada ayaa hadal urruursan ku sheegay in gebagebada shirkan ay saxaafada u warami doonaan, balse inta ka horaysa aanay wax wara dhiibayn. Shirkii saaka ayaa ah mid laba weji leh kadib markii 5 isimada kamid ah qol gooniya loo saaray kuwaasoo jeexayay ajandaha maanta isimadu ka wada hadlayaan qadar dabadiina isimadii ajandahaas loo diray waxay soo diyaariyeen ajandihii iyagoo guud isimadiina ay ku wada xaadireen hoolkoodii shirka. Maalmaha soo socda ayaa lagu wadaa in lagu soo gebagabeeyo shirkan iyadoo shirkan ay kasoo bixi doono qodobo iyo go'aamo kama danbays ay ku tilmaameen isimadu. Source
Buuro Wadal (Lasanod Online)- Isimada ayaa hal gogol kuwada fadhiya iyadoo shirarkoodii uu si toos ah uu u bilowday saaka, ilaa maanta waqtigii salaada duhur aan loo kala kicin ilaa hadana uu socdo.. Shirkan isimada uga socda degmada Buuro Wadal ayaa ah shir dabada layskaga raacinayo shirkii isimada Holhol kaasoo go'aan ka gaadhidiisa ay halkan kusoo gebagebaynayaan. Isimada oo ka wada yimi degmada Holhol ayaa waxaa ka maqnaa Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali, kaasoo ahayd sababta dib u dhigtay qodobada kasoo bixi lahaa shirkii Holhol,balse Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ayaa kusugan madasha shirka. Waxaa si wayn loo sugay amaanka goobta shirku kla dhacayo ee degmada Buuro Wadal iyadoo amaanka ay sugayaan ciidamo gaara, Waxaa meel fog laga celinaya cid alaale cidii isimada usocota inta uu shirku socdo,waxaana madasha shirku ka dhacayo ku sugan Isimada oo keliya. Saxaafada ayaa banaanka ka joogta shirkan oo ah mid albaabadu u xidhanyihiin, Garaad Jaamac Garaad Cali ayaa ahaa isimkii ugu danbeeyay ee soo gaadha madasha shirku ka socdo iyadoo Garaadka si wayn loogu soo dhaweeyay madasha. Shacabka SSC gudo iyo dibadba ayaa si wayn isha ugu haya Go'aanada kasoo baxa shirkan iyadoo isimadu ay sheegeen in shirkan uu yahay mid ay kasoo bixi doonaan wax dan u ah shacabka SSC. Waxaa si toos madasha Shirka idiinka soo gudbinaynaa Warbixinaha Iyo Sawirada iyo sidoo kale codadka iyadoo waqtigan ay isimadu ka cudurdaarteen inay wax waraysiya bixiyaan. Pictures
Riyadh,(Lasanod Online)- It is was great disappointment to read comments made by E.J. Hogendoorn ICG’s Horn of Africa Project Director in Nairobi in respect of the recent.. targeted killings of Riyale regime officers in Sool region. In his words Hogendoorn asserted that “the cause of the instability in Las-Anod is due lack of government presence in the town”. Read: E.J.Hogendoorn comments. This assumption does not only defy the reality and logic but also demonstrates that ICG’s analyst lacks basic knowledge of Somali crises and intentionally prepares recipe for further bloodshed and inter-clan fighting in northern Somalia, in which the sole beneficiaries will be radical groups and Al Qaeda. Unlike many Somali cities, Las-Anod was stable and secured city with approximately 150,000 people living peaceful and homogeneously when troops from the breakaway Somali republic of “Somaliland” seized it on Monday October 15, 2007 killing at least 15 people. The invasion created havoc and displacement of the majority of the civilians in the town who are now living refugee camps in Kenya and other neighboring Somali regions. Among those fled the towns include all traditional leaders of *********** clan who now live in Garowe as exile. E.J Hogendoorn was quoted saying that “the violence was inspired by Islamist elements among the *********** that are sympathetic to Al-Shabab” but failed to admit the fact that such inspiration could not be translated into action without the illegal and unpopular occupation of Somaliland militia. The reality on the ground is that majority of the *********** people detest secessionist agenda of Somaliland and believe that their regions (Sool and Sanaag) were captured by rival **** clan, bearing in mind that Puntland is currently too weak to regain the region, no doubt some SSC people may consider turning to the other powers in Somalia including terrorist groups like Shabab to seek support in order to free their land. Despite the recent incidents in the town it is believed that peace and stability is still possible in the region but not through rigid and repressive military power as suggested by E.J Hogendoorn of ICG but by simple withdrawing Somaliland militia from the town and leaving the security issue on the shoulders of the *********** people and their traditional leaders. Abdul Rahman Hariri – Saudi Arabia xariri@hotmail.com
The Lion Is Landing in Hargeisa ....... Some Some
A_Khadar replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Mujaahid??? Meeqo gaal buu dilay????
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