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Everything posted by Haddad

  1. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad: ...lets hope it aint going to upset our hardcore Hutu majority although it should confirm what the minority expellees and defeatists thought all along. I would be surprised if this topic isn't edited or deleted.
  2. In the Fox and Friends program, one of them said Saddam Hussein is worse than Hitler.
  3. Originally posted by Salax u diin: Hijrah should be an open option for all of us. Where do you recommend for Hijrah?
  4. Originally posted by Haniif: and would result in serious economic loss to the people. That's a very flawed statement. First, khat is imported, not grown in Somalia, therefore it doesn't employ anyone except those who sell it. How many people sell khat? Let's be generous; 1 for every 1000 khat buyers. We can deduce the general population doesn't profit from the khat trade; the money they spend on it doesn't return any profit. What's more, a significant percentage of Somalis live on remittance. Sure, enforcing a ban would be nearly impossible, but other measures can be taken to limit its circulation. One measure is to levy heavy fines on those who import and trade in khat. The idea is to make the khat trade improfitable. If anyone is going to suffer from serious economic loss as a result of the ban, it's the few who got filthy rich from its trade. But if khat use continues it will contribute to the disintegration of the society. Of course, that's what drugs (heroine, crack, etc) do to society. Khat is a drug (narcotic, hallucinogen, addiction); the sooner Somalis treat it as a real drug (heroine, crack, etc), the better.
  5. wardheernews need do a better job in presenting a professional design. For example, if you look at this The Yibir of Las Burgabo page, you'll note the image included is a small one enlarged, making it blurry (it hurts the eyes).
  6. Originally posted by Salax u diin: He said allegations of prisoner mistreatment are investigated. Does it make a sense the US will prosecute (after investigations) its best men & woman who are waging the war on terror?
  7. أني خيرتك أنى خيرتك .. Ùاختاري مابين الموت على صدري أو Ùوق دÙاتر أشعاري اختاري الحب .. أو اللاحب Ùجبن أن لا تختاري لا توجد منطقه وسطى مابين الجنة والنار ارمي أوراقك كاملة وسأرضى عن أي قرار انÙعلي انÙجري لا تÙعلي مثل المسمار لا يمكن أن أبقى أبدا كالقشه تحت الأمطار مرهقة أنتي .. وخائÙØ© وطويل جداً .. مشواري غوصي ÙÙŠ البحر .. أو ابتعدي لا بحر من غير دوار الحب .. مواجهه كبرى إبحار ضد التيار صلب بين الأقمار يقتلني جبنك .. يا امرأة تتسلى من خل٠ستار أني لا أؤمن ÙÙŠ حب لا يحمل نزق الثوار لا يكسر كل الأسوار لا يضرب مثل الإعصار أهـ لو حبك يبلعني يقلعني .. مثل الإعصار أني خيرتك Ùاختاري مابين الموت على صدري أو Ùوق دÙاتر أشعاري لا توجد منطقة وسطى ما بين الجنة والنار نزار قباني
  8. Originally posted by Hibo: walaalkiis You have addressed me with the above term a number of times (mahadsanid abaayo), you have also addressed others as walaashiis. Obviously, your choice of those terms regarding how to address others in Somali are way clearer than Brother Warsameh's slightly unclear unisex term.
  9. Originally posted by Hibo: Walaal is a somali unisex word, and it can be applied to both male and female alike. I am sure u know that the Northern Somalis which are known as today as Somalilanders, don't use the word abaayo so they call their sister walaal. I am from Xamar, knew a few Northern families who lived there, and don't recall them using it for a female. However, even when used, especially in writing, the correct term should be Walaashay.
  10. Originally posted by Brother Warsameh: Walaal Hibo Brother Warsameh, when addressing a female in Somali, one doesn't use Walaal; one uses Abaayo.
  11. I am curious, has anyone who has been rated tried to disable and then enable ratings? Will enabling again erase the old ratings?
  12. I thought I would share this image: It's the tomb of imam Bukhari.
  13. Originally posted by shankaroon: There are problems with muslims, however, Islam is perfect. Indeed. Some people have trouble choosing the proper terminology.
  14. I don't bother with how each site interpret the news; what interests me is the content of the news. Dayniile is an interesting site, as it provides uptodate local news.
  15. 3: Do you read the topic and learn something from it. ? Mostly. Also, I learn something from a poster's style & content writing.
  16. Originally posted by Mohamed nuur: Ciwaanka aad kala soo xiriiri karto Golaha Shacabka: GolahaShacabka@hotmail.com So, LiibaanGeeddoon's Golaha Shacabka is based at the above Hotmail account? No physical address?
  17. Originally posted by Xoogsade: I am suspecting now everyone who said something nice about being fat to be FAT. Not necessarily. I have been thin throughout my lifetime, only gained a few tens pounds lately.
  18. I wouldn't. Simply, no human can foretell the future; that's what Islam teaches. Why is it fortune-tellers aren't rich? Because they can't use their powers to enrich themselves? Why do they charge meagre dollars to foretell? This topic might have made a sense were it in the Jokes section.
  19. Originally posted by Xu: For the people who still support him or for the people who defeated him? It's for the later. It represents for them a trophy from the battlefield they have won. I would imagine, if anything, they would feel more inspired in their anger against America. Indeed.
  20. Originally posted by wiil_duco: is amezing how we feel about the injustice of african americans There's only one poster who commented about the topic, so the term we doesn't apply, yet. It's too early to use we.
  21. Originally posted by Xu: First of all, I don't think many people idolise tyrants What do you mean by many? Do you mean it by the majority? If so, your point is valid. Otherwise, there are at least 1 million people who idolise Saddam Hussein, not only those who benefited from him, but also those who have observed him from a distance, including non-Muslims. Of course, you know one man's tyrant is another man's hero, and vice versa.
  22. Originally posted by Xoogsade: I do pray that I don't go to an American jail. Amen.
  23. Originally posted by Xoogsade: And he looks muslim by faith. Is he? He looks like one, but I don't know if he's. It's possible he's a Muslim, given many African-Americans in prison become Muslim. Good observation. There's 14 pages of heated comments at the site's forum.
  24. This is a commendable protest.
  25. Junior Allen He stole a 19-inch black-and-white TV worth $140 in 1970. He was sentenced to life in prison. He saw murderers and rapists get out of jail before he did. After 33 years behind bars, he's being paroled. Source<>Paroled