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Everything posted by GAAROODI
Any way brother and sisters. I have come to the conclusion that LIFE IS TO SHORT AND THAT WE ARE HERE FOR A SHORT TIME. I am preparing to change myself and become a better muslim. If i offended anyone while i added to these debates, i apoligise and ask you to forgive me and not hold anything in your heart for me.i wish you guys all the best and inshalah i pray that you all find peace and Allah. As i prepare for my own personal individual struggle to improve myself, i ask you to pray for me that inshalah i become successful in my struggle to become a better MUSLIM and better servent of allah. THIS IS YOUR BROTHER GAAROODI LOGGING OFF. ASALAMU CALYKUM !!
young pirate duke... if warabe wins, kiss bosaso and your pirates den goodbye the man is hot tempered and will invade at will with no remorse. I know his type, cause i am the same. little do you know and a second thing young pirate when you say the election of NW Somalia it just shows the shallow, selfish xasid culture which you come from. anyway young pirate-walker, arrrrr anda good day to you maty !!
Sherban Shabeel, Shuuuban shebelle! thats rich comming from people who were once used as bridges. Is that why you call yourself shebelle, you miss lieing face first in the water while a white man walks over you. saxib, MY STATE EXSISTED BEFORE YOURS. My forefathers acheieved what other africans couldnt dare, saxib. "yaa naga calan dheer". "Cuqaal talisa Boqor caaddila iyo culimo miisaan leh Ilaahi Carshiga Nuuriyoow kaaga caban mayno Caddaankaanu wada loollanaa madaw cisaynmayno" saxib, read the history books, and sit back down. as for my friend peace-now...looool ! the funny man. You work in banking ayyy.....loool ! do you own your own investment company, noo. I have my own company saxib, in healthcare recruitment. Do you know who bank roles us. The richest public company in the world the NHS saxib. Keep working for another man. Thats were we are different i work for myself. stay face first and abused like your friends shuban biyood.
loooool, little do you know, white man lover. little do you know. God made me muslim dumb*ss first. Thats why my loyalty are to my muslims first, secondly my state. you took a personal insult at me, but comming from a guy named peacenow i dont really think much of you anyway. I AM CANADIAN ....living in London. Graduated with a 2:1 degree from a top london university politics and international relation. Have my recruitment company. Growing up in canada I dont believe in welfare. So that answers your question? As for Arabs, loool, arabs are arabs, they have been living off of dates and milk for the last 5000 years, i introduced them to meat, i dont care about there countries cause Allah blessed me with my own. They are masters of there realm i am master of my realm. Answer me this question, white man lover? are you a gal or muslim? are you one of those confused homosexual somali's in North America and the U.K. embrassing christianity cause saxib if your a fruit be a christien clearly we have no use for you. you cant fight, you cant have children seeing that women are not your cup of tea. embrace it and say hi to st paul in hell for me when you get there.
170 million by 2050, that is ridiculous because you are looking at those statistics as if Ethiopia was a Healthy state. Ethiopia has the second largest H.I.V. death rates with i think it was 40% of the overall population infected with Aids. I doubt the Ethiopian government can provide aids drugs to like 20-30 million people so they will die including what ever children they have. The population increases are probably in the muslim regions, as somali's god has blessed us with beautiful sisters, no wonder why we breed so much, The anfar as well, the oromo may god have mercy on them, breed like cockroaches walahi. They are the majority of the Ethiopian population and will probably experiance huge birth rates. So Muslim majority in Ethiopia, will eventually force the christiens to except muslim rule within the next decade, if not Somaliland should turn Ahmed guray on them. SOMALILAND THE LEFT HANDED HAS JUST CONQUERED ADDIS ABABA. OR EVEN SOMALIA...HAS CONQUERED ADDIS ABABA. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT BEFORE I DIE. I WOULD GO TO AXUM WITH A FEW BULL DOWSERS. LOOOOOL !
Next top...mount everest saxib we should take it to everest. But who will. can you imagine the Somaliland flag flying over the whole world. walahi amazing. "HEAR YOU ARE OH LORD THE VERY WORDS YOU GAVE ME". LA ILAHA ILALAH MUXAHAMUL RASULULAHA !!!
looooooool, saxib peacenow dont talk to me heye...walahi this dude is strange. Your one of those online European secret service agents, cause i know no somali would say that. Hey wanna know were bin laden is, he lives in my basement, come and get him the guy is making a huge mess downstairs. you related to iman or ayan xirsi .....? looool ! Saxib European are the biggest fools, read what the ancients said about them when they came to jerusalem and Cordoba islamic spain. "they drank their own piss and smelt like feases". Thats your beloved white man. There entire civilisation was built on the back of islamic intellect. Combenthia - in spain was the first form of multiculturalism The founder of Oxford university was educated by muslims in spain. 12345678910 - the very numbers you type with are islamic saxib, before they met muslim they were writing this. XXXXXXXIIIIIIIIIIIIIIXXXXXXXXXXIIIIII dame fools, there civilization is nothing more then debt, there cars, there houses, there t.v. are all debt. dont tell me about the so called greatness of Europe. These people are nothing more then drunk, highly charged,pagans who use to drink there own piss before muslims tought them soap. Islamic spain, Bagdad, Damascus and Mecca had street lighting when the people of paris were sleeping in the marshes. The islamic STATE stretched from Spain in the west to the gates of China to the east and Russia to the north, you tell me what civilisation reached that many people and instilled on them 5 daily prayers and a code of ethics followed till this very day? no one. ISLAM....WILL SWALLOW EUROPE IN 50 YEARS. We already have the middle east and south east asia, Russia is taken seeing that in 25 years there 23 million muslims will double and make the majority. in 5-7 years Islam will be the largest religion in the world. out doing the false cross and St pauls bull.
wow, looooool ! peace now you are one weird individual. But saxib you we are all insignificant in this debate. Europe will have a majority muslim population in 50-60 years. So switzerland there is no point cause that little choclate eating, watch matching bi-lingual SOB's will have to submit eventually. ISLAM IS TAKING OVER EUROPE SAXIB, WITH CHILDREN ! first Holland in 20 years, then Sweden in 30-40, then France Germany and Britain. We will then come back for Al-andalusia Spain and all this will be done peacefully, just make sure you all have 4.8 children minimum. looooool !!! watch this video by the child molesters ( the vatican and the catholic church) they are scared. Peace now, saxib of all the countries of Europe i can say as ugly as it is, god bless England. you can wear a hijab, a niqab, we have over 1000 mosques to choose from.
I am open to all three political parties, just give me a man with a vision who says this is my plan in writing with his signature and if i like it i will vote for him, i dont care were he is from. But when it comes to Kulmiye, its etheir they are organising a demo for youth telling them to burn tires, or hiring all of the cities CHACHABANS (chewers) to wait for them at the airport or he is somewhere holding a clan conference asking for money or making calls to our enemies. Dahir Riyale is human, he is not perfect, but he has created a powerful army, has led the way for three free elections, has increase our presence around the world and has encouraged small businesses in Somaliland to flourish. Everything is not perfect but, when i went to hargaisa i saw roads being paved, saw hospitals re-furbished and restored and a booming private sector. Thats what i saw, with my own eyes back home. I dont need posts to tell me otherwise. Silanyo is what 75 years old, veteran of the SNM struggle and even that is disputed saxib, some say he was the problem with the SNM. A 75 year old who could die 3 days into his term, is really not a good idea, especially someone as controversial as Silanyo hated by so many yet loved by many others. I agree we need change, but what kind of change, we need someone who is unheard of, Silanyo in opinion would not be change we would be going back to the old days of SNM politics. Im still waiting for there manifesto's but its probably going to be Ucid or Udub?
very sad, i gave up on Somaliweyn along time ago for the very reason why i know it will never materialize. Human nature, *********, the clan mindset of somali's and the ultimate truth of lack of vision, one side runs one way while the other runs the opposite and even if they dont say it, they all want what everyone else has yet dont wanna share theirs. all these little protests are is a waste of time and for one dude to be on t.v. saying. "Aboowi ala iga rali ahow, waaallaaaal waxan ku so dowaynayna jendai fraaaazirrrr, sababto qadaay bari horee no qataay". looool, funny people !
Just spoke with my Aptio in Hargaisa use to be the spokesman for the Kulmiye party overall, left and has now joined Udub. the guy had so much hate for Kulmiye, i have always hated the kulmiye party and the calan cases for a long time. The guy was going crazy, said that Kulmiye wanted to destroy everything he worked hard to build. He even said that he use to sit down next to Silanyo as he made calls to some of our countries worst enemies. I know there are alot of Kulmiye supporters in this forum, what do you guys think? I wanna ask every supporter of Kulmiye...do you hail from East Burco and if so, why does everyone from East Burco support the Kulmiye party surely Ucid and Udub have something to offer? or is it because your uncle is chairman, And another question, if Silanyo was chairman of Udub would you vote Udub? drop the clan business, we are becoming a democracy, people should get elected because they have a plan and a vision. In all truth, a political party can only be judged on its manifesto, Udub doesnt have one neither does Kulmiye the only party with a manifesto is Ucid. Even though we are months away from an election. So why are you guys supporting a party who is still yet to even publish their manifesto. I know what you'll say but i still say you support the guy cause he is your uncle. looool.
A Somalilander student has taken the flag to the highest point in South East Asia. http://www.qarannews.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=7790&Itemid=59
i met some kids in hargaisa the original daqan celis, all of them were like drug dealers there for rehabilitation, as soon as they get off the airplane they are taken the mickey out of. some of them are starting criminal enterprises back home, using rapper nick names like 2-pac and biggy to identify themselves. looool.
my advice to my brothers and sisters here in the U.K. find yourself a good ambitious man or women and move to the middle east, no tax and good money or set up your own company in the U.K. give it to someone to manage and settle down in Africa.
Ethiopia is a muslim country, think about it. - Somali's - Anfar - Oromo -Harer make up 70% of the population all are muslim, its just that they dont have the balls to stop a group of people who use the side of houses as crap holes and piss streams. nijaaaz !!
saxib, we are all somali's in the U.K. that other politics is for Africa. but resistance how can you not see them. You must go home early. look out across the station near the bridge and they are there, i was leaving around 11:30 and they were their. Apparently there are somali female gangs as well known as the Dh---o's for sale. sad stuff. The U.K. is going to screw us over, we gotta go back man.
Its a shame Somaliland doesnt have an extradition agreement with the U.S. but in the interest of justice it would be best once he is booted out of the U.S. to be flown to Hargaisa to face justice. DEAD MAN WALKING... he's the start saxib, until all of siad barre's men are thrown out of the U.S. or end up like barre's wife, decompossing slowly in a one bed project ghetto wondering what the hell smells.
This is so true....just commin out of Camden Station there are rows of Somali's outside the station selling weed and other stuff. Was there for a party a few months ago. A little place next to the river in Camden Town. Somali's are making a larger percentage of the jail population over the past 12-15 years especially. In west london there building crime empires, cause alot of them are drop outs and see this way of making quick cash.
London, Apr.11 (ANI): Violent Somali gangs are building crime empires in Britain through a brutal campaign of terror, the Daily Star reports. Buzz up! The self-styled soldiers are raking in thousands of pounds a day through house raids and armed robberies. They are also committing savage acts of violence to protect their money-spinning businesses. Drugs, guns and knives plague two Somali communities, in London and Liverpool. On the tough backstreets of Toxteth, Liverpool, kids were walking home from school as Somali dealers as young as 14 sold crack cocaine outside a grotty corner shop. Some of the gangsters were born in Liverpool. Others had fled their war-ravaged nation at an early age. The paper quoted a 24-year-old ex-gang member, who had served four years in jail for attempted murder, as saying: "When you grow up surrounded by rape and murder and violence and war, anything's going to be a better life. (ANI)
This is a good blog i found online. Mohamed Ali Samatar Case, A Ring of Classic Scapegoating February 25th, 2010 I rarely respond to articles written in non-Somali medium for two; reasons often those Somalis who choose to write in a language other then Somali are either too young and thus ill schooled in their mother tongue or love to appear too educated for their own and rather converse with non-Somali in Somali matters however a convoluted logic its. Surfing the den of the hyenas as I like to dub it www.widhwidh.com however bitter and clanist their web may appear to those of us who don’t share their Dervish-fantasy and the adulation of their Mad Mullah. Today I came across an article written by a certain Mohamed Ali Shire in most probability a pseudo , in it he claims that the recent Somali history is been rewritten and those he called the victors (a code name probably in reference to the people of Somaliland) are attempting to rewrite the Somali history by labelling Mohamed Ali Samatar a war criminal. Of course, without any evidence he continues to babble and remind us of the great history of the fallen military junta, he also claims with no evidence that the “majority” of the Somali people regard the war criminal as a hero who defended the unity of the Somali nation. The ignorant revisionist Mr Shire omittes nothing in reminding us of the “poor” old general’s humble origin and his humble minority status but he the ill-educated school boy forget his high school persuasion essay format and fail to defend his man with evidence not a lament. The fact he is a member of the minority clans in Somalia amounts to nothing knowing well that he was the second highest ranking in Bare’s dictatorship , what Mr Shire is arguing is not only illogical but its childishly silly, his argument is more driven by his “love of Somalia unity” a disguised anti-Somaliland rehtroics then an evidence for the war criminal’s innocence. In similar manner one can argue simply because women were been discriminated against for so long their abuse of power by one or more should be forgiven because they are simply women! that’s his logic , but the average sane being glers at Mr Shire’s naivety or rather his chosen delusion. General Samatar’s history can’t be rewritten for the obvious reasons that the thousands that perished under his command can’t be revived , Mr Samatar was the head of the army and later a vice-president in a regime well known to commit genocide from as back as the late 1970’s. In fact Mr Shire and his ilk are the one who are attempting to confuse the recent Somali history and the civil war and disguise the military junta’s atrocities as a defence of the Somali unity, what does Somali unity have to do with bombarding civilians and using South African and Namibian mercenaries to reduce Somalia’s second capitals into rubble. The old defenders of the old regime experienced the Somali civil wars and collapse from a golden villa’s , they were the privileged pro-government hunch men and snitches or their young cubs, for them Somalia ended when the regime of their benefactor Afweyne ended, for them Somalia proper was the Somalia of the school of Raage Ugaas who had nothing to do with Somali’s nationalism and yet Somalia under his kinsmen named a school after him , for no other reason then being from their own clan. Mr Shire claims that the Somali history is been rewritten by the victors rather then restored by the later. The Somali history was rewritten by Bare regime begining from his third year in power, old clanist fantasies were regurgetated into the nations history where the Mad Mullah a man who killed more of their kind then any enemy was honoured by a bronze statue not in his birth place (Buhoodle district of Somaliland) but in the capital Magadisho a land where the majority of the natives knew well of his history and reasons of such a revision of history, but for Mr Shire and his like who lived in a dark clanist cave that was the norm and a business as usual. Few of them resist the clanist barvado when the Mad Mullah’s concocted potery is invoked . In 1973 Bare’s regime financed Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise a fellow kinsmen who directed The Somali Academia Of literature to rewrite the Great White Hope the Mad Mullah in a nationalist ink. Aw Jaamac Cumar Ciise sought to envision his minor sub-clan the people of las canod as the poineers of somali nationalism despite the fact that 98% of his sub-clan opposed the mad men called Devrishes and choose the British side and ualulated when the Dervish were elminated by the majority Somalilanders in 1920 during the battle of Hagoogane in Ethopia led by Xaaji Warsame Bulaale. Finally one shouldn’t abruptly awake the long slumbering hibernating Pro-government cubs less they faint by the facts and figures of the old dead Somalia and pre-Afweyne history. One can oppose Somaliland , but one shouldn’t and can’t use clansit pathology to rewrite history. There was such entity called Somaliland before Somalia , and there was no unified Somali entity , the creation of the former united Somalia was unpaid debt to people of Somaliland who sacrificed their own nationhood for the greater goods of all Somalis, Mr Shire and his kind mistook nationalism and the higher cause of the northerns as naive miscalculations where as his kind created a welfare state for their kinsmen and named schooles after old dead “camelleers” the people of somaliland fasted nearly 2 decades to realize the greater-Somalia dream. Finally , I liked to concluded by stating the obvious history, there were two Somalia that unified in July 1960, no different then Egypt-Syria or Ghana -Burkina Faso union but ultimately all these nations retracted quickly and retraced their footsteps and the same should apply to Somaliland however late it may have been, today Somaliland chose to adhere to the AU principles of keeping and maintaining the colonial boundaries. The somaliland detractors out of desperation accuse Somaliland of catering and wooing the state of Israel in an attempt to manipulate the Somali Islamic bias towards Israel, to that i simply counter Israel is here to stay and its a democratic nation and its people enjoy a freedom and a standard of living higher then that of the pity-oil Sheikdomes, there is no shame in emulating a tiny nation that keeps in check the entire usless Arab world, one can be a Muslim and justable to merits of the Jewish people, but Mr Shire goal isn’t objectivity its rather the opposit. Mr Shire and his minorities in southern Sool should not mistake patience with tenderness of resolve , Somaliland is indivisible along clan lines, if they wish to be part of their clanist enclave Puntland then by all means people move and relocate the land is part of Somaliland. Somali clans occupy all Somali borders within and without, a case that wasn’t advanced by Djbouti a nation for more then 30 years will not be accepted from minor sub-clan in a little dusty outpost called Laas Caanood. You lick your wounds by defending and praising those who the people of Somaliland with justice regard as war criminals, but i assure you that wouldn’t change the fact that Somaliland is her to stay, it stayed prospers and peacefully for twenty years like the mythical phoenix somaliland was begotten by fire not by a an imaginary Dervish nostalgia. CLASSIC......GOOD ARTICLE ! born out of the fire like a phoenix not out of day dreams.
Over the past few weeks, I had the opportunity to read several articles that were published by some of the most prominent newspapers in the United States about the suit that was brought up against General Ali Samater by a group of Somali citizens. This included a story by Brigid Schulte of the Washington Post that was published on March 2nd, 2010. The suit which was initially filed in a lower court has miraculously made it to the United States Supreme Court. The four plaintiffs who started the suit allege that they were subjected to torture and that their human rights were grossly violated during the Somali government’s genocidal campaign against the people of the north in the 1980s. I also had a chance to read some of the reactions to the story posted on some of the Somali websites and also monitored the buzz that the story created in some of the popular chat rooms. From what I have seen, General Samater’s predicament appears to have touched a raw nerve with people on both sides of the human rights issue in Somalia. It appears to have rekindled an interest in a debate that Somalis should have had a long time ago; a debate that should have objectively defined what led to the demise of the Somali nation. Those of you who read the comments that Samater’s legal challenge generated would attest to the fact that some of the comments from the diaspora were good, some were bad, and some were downright ugly. The insults and the diatribes that were exchanged are a clear indication that Somalis are not ready for a healthy, sophisticated, and honest discourse. A debilitating tribal dogma that dictates one’s allegiance to kinship rather than to the principles of reason, justice, accountability, and objectivity appears to be holding us back even in the 21st century. But we have to call a spade a spade and nothing can be further from the truth. Somalia is part of a global community and there are universal ideals that people all around the world long for when they find themselves at the receiving end of what they perceive is a miscarriage of justice. Therefore, to ostracize the complainants who started the lawsuit in their pursuit of justice and to absolve General Samater of any responsibility for his actions during the military dictatorship in Somalia would be utterly immoral and irresponsible. The atrocities that were committed by Siyad Barre and his henchmen, including General Samatar who was in fact known to be the chief strategist for the late dictator, are well documented by the international human rights organizations like Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. A cursory look at the much celebrated book, “A Government At War With Its Own People”, that was published by Human rights Watch in February 1988 suffices to shed light on the kind of gross human rights violations that were committed by the Somali military forces when General Samater was at the helm. The book details in a chilling, comprehensive way the brutality that the people of Northern Somalia (now Somaliland) endured during the Somali military’s apparent ethnic cleansing campaign. We have to remember that they were targeted simply because they belonged to a distinct social group. It was well known in the Somali official circles that General Samater was the brain that practically guided the government’s oppressive machinery. In fact, it was General Samater who procured the services of the South African mercenary pilots who were hired to bomb Hargeisa and other northern cities. The destruction, devastation, and the destitution that resulted from that ruthless bombardment are still readily visible in the Somaliland landscape. More importantly, the atrocities that were committed there are vividly engraved in the collective psyche of the people. The mass murders, the lootings, the rape of girls and women, the killing of innocent children, the bombing raids carried out by mercenaries on Hargeisa and vicinity and other towns, including refugees who were fleeing the onslaught, the roundup, the incarceration, the summary executions of scores of intellectuals and community leaders (i.e. the Jazira massacre) could never be erased from memory. These atrocities were committed against innocent civilians simply because they belonged to a distinct social group. These and many other human rights violations that were committed by the Somali military while General Samater was at the helm were also documented by human rights organizations in the United States and the State Department itself. However, unlike many other western democracies, the United States chose to harbor the perpetrators like General Samatar and allowed them to live amidst its citizens with impunity. Unlike the United States, the Canadian government did the honorable thing and willfully guarded itself against these same pitfalls when its parliament passed a legislation that bars senior level officials of governments that are accused of human rights violations to resettle in Canada. We all remember how Toukeh, the former Somali senior military officer, and others of his kind were booted out of Canada when suspicions of human rights violations started to swirl around them. The bigger issue, however, that appears to be lost in the middle of this diabolical and divisive debate which surrounds General Samater’s legal challenge is the overarching human rights situation in Somalia, past and present. We all know that Somalia went through experiences that are pretty much similar to those that were experienced by the people of Rwanda and by the people of Bosnia, during the Bosnian war. The only difference is that the mayhem and the carnage are still continuing in the Somalia situation. In both the Rwandan and the Bosnian conflicts, the international community, under the auspices of the United Nations, spearheaded initiatives that were designed to document and monitor the human rights violations, including the war crimes, that were committed. These initiatives lead to the establishment of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in 1993 and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in 1994. Both tribunals were set up for the prosecution of persons responsible for genocide and other serious violations of international humanitarian law committed in these countries. Many Somalis believe that General Samater was to Siyad Barre what Radovan Karadzic was to Slobodon Milosevic. Barre and Milosevic are gone. Karadzic is languishing in jail awaiting his fate for his role and participation in the Bosnian genocide. On the other hand, General Samater lives comfortably in suburbia, just outside Washington, D.C. And please do not get me wrong. While General Samater happens to be on the spotlight at the moment, he is not by any means the only person responsible for the atrocities that were committed during the military dictatorship. There are many former senior government officials, many former senior military officers, many who served in the notorious National Security Service (NSS) and others who were implicated in the book by Human Rights Watch and by other international human rights organizations. All of these people are yet to be held responsible for the crimes that they allegedly committed. Unlike Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, the international community appears to care less about the human rights violations, including the war crimes, which were committed and continue to be committed in Somalia even as we speak. It is a sign of one more curse that has befallen on the Somali people. This despicable indifference and complacency on the part of the international community reinforces the notion that there are in fact double standards even when it comes to international justice. Why some people’s lives are more valued than others and why some individuals are held accountable for their wicked deeds while others are allowed to operate with impunity is beyond my comprehension. There is more, however, to General Samater’s case than meets the eye. It is a case that is mangled in the so-called new world order where certain governments and nations have legitimized their resolve to conveniently turn the other cheek and intervene only when issues of national interest are involved. In all likelihood General Samater will walk away unscathed from this legal predicament, not because he is innocent of the charges, but because the United States and others who are involved in serious violations of international humanitarian law are determined to make sure that this case does not become a precedent setting case. It is a sad irony that America, a land that was founded by people fleeing oppression, is now protecting the oppressors. It is testament to the moral decline that has become the hallmark of the United States as of late. One wonders what happened to the so-called “land of the brave and the free". To those folks who are crying foul and suggesting that General Samater was targeted because of his social status, you have to remember that, when this same man was the Vice President, the Prime Minister, and the Minister of National Defense, you didn’t say he could not hold these positions because of his social status. It is ludicrous to use that line of defense and it might also be insulting to the General. This lawsuit is indicative of the fact that the Somali people have come of age and that finally our citizenry has the courage and tenacity to seek restitution. It should be seen as an empowerment of sorts for all those who suffered and continue to suffer. Let us hope that this will inspire many other victims whose rights to life, and liberty were denied or violated. Let us also hope that it sends a clear signal to those who are still engaged in human rights violations in Somalia that the era of transgressing with impunity is over. General Samater’s legal predicament is therefore a perfect case of a legitimate search for retribution, not a witch hunt as some have suggested. People who abuse their powers and commit heinous crimes against innocent civilians should be held responsible and should be forced to face the charges against them in a court of law. It is as simple as that.
http://www.dillapress.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=659:general-muhammad-ali-sama tar-former-pm-of-somalia-in-court-human-rights-violations&catid=42:news&Itemid=61
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