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Everything posted by winnie

  1. yes, and i dont know how to handle. im going through it at work. a part of me thinks that if i work harder, than i'll get ahead no matter... but there are other factors no matter what. dual question:ever think that somalia's poverty is a blessing in disguise? can you imagine the extreme poverty that pushes people to immorality?
  2. i heard... rudy got 6 kids spread about all over north america. dude is the somali johnny apple seed... you know its true.
  3. i ve got a fever of god knows what, something tells me im going to regret posting all this tomorrow. there is a war in my body... my white blood cells are losing.
  4. so uh... i heard that a so called brah, has a lil' problem... a secret guilty pleasure, if you will... its... PIGS FEET!!! i cant say who... but...
  5. exclusive to sol... marcus smith is found dead in a manhattan appartment. police say khat was involved. oh how the mighty fall.
  6. girrrl, guess who i saw at the local tim hortons, wolfing down timbits like there was no tomorrow... a certain skinny super model, and you know she ran to the washroom right afterwards. mmmhm.
  7. uhm, so the womens section is boring. I have heard the complaints. We're discussing the same ol' same ol', fighting the same fights. Men are... Who is hot, who is not? which begs the question, what the hell is the womens section for? a place where we can discuss our marital plans and exchange recipes (which we should defnitely do, my nomadic cooks please do a public service for a sister)? well, im not really interested in changing the face of the womens section long term, just add a lil' spice to this tomato soup. basically, lets just be catty up in here. post something outrageous, incredulous, out of this world, and we will all run with it. i'll start, and in the interest of not hurting anyones sensibilities (and assuring you its all a joke), i'll poke fun at my damn self. do you all remember somealien? i am her, only i had a sex change. i sometimes refer to myself as a she because i still find it confusing. i mean, i had to have the change because im under the witness protection program, not because im gay or transexual or anything. now that would be different obviously. woooh! im glad i got that out of my chest, and its a *ahem* manly chest, yo.
  8. yes, yes i do. actually it depends how long its been decomposing. the stench may get at me... are you a serial killer, by any chance? *nervous laughter*
  9. i dont know about other provinces, but here in quebec, minors who are victims of sexual assault are supposed to have their identities hidden.
  10. i hope muslims stay calm. lets all pray, that we stay calm and level headed, and Allah give us wisdom and ease of tongue to get our pov across.
  11. i have never eaten lobster, although i was obsessed with at some point. id beg my parents repeatedly to make me some lobster. finally, one day my brought one home, just for me, but i was flabbergasted. how on earth was i supposed to eat that? it had a hard shell. anyways, so my big brother, who i affectionately call hoover, wolfed it down and found out he is allergic to shell fish... why do i feel the need to elaborate with my answers?
  12. fear of working hard, and the many rocky roads involved, i guess. im not sure. what do you do to get rid of the flu?
  13. lonely hearts corner... eh- do you agree or disagree with this quote "the greatest fear people have is of their own potential."
  14. im glad his moving to the mainstream, people are starting to know his name, even though im not a complete fan.
  15. inalillahi wa inna ilahi rajicun.
  16. i dont know, i have been propositionned to bunjie jump, but i dont know if i will follow through. have you ever been mugged.
  17. uhm, i would be offended, if what was said about saudi arabia wasnt true. heck, id be offended if such stories violating womens rights weren't the norm over there. someone mentionned that when the media says "saudi arabia is..." its just a veiled attempt to attack all muslims, and islam. i cant say i disagree with that, but the criticism still applies to most muslim countries and im more concerned about muslims changing this attitude (especially when alot of us seem to think its okay to beat your wife and kids)in the muslim world. if we as muslims were acting like muslims, and creating states where our citizens are protected, than the non-muslims would have nothing to say about us. you know when the mekkans wanted to defame the prophet (peace be upone him) it was always unsuccessful, because in the end people could see it was lies, simply by observing the prophet. they would call him a liar, a soothsayer, and a poet, but those rumours quickly died out because anybody who saw the prophet could see he didnt partake in those activities. i think there is a lesson there for all of us. p.s. i hate saudi arabia.
  18. you mean the joooos eating christian children? yeah, it kind of looks like a sensationalist talk show. my first question would have been, what kind of woman marries an executioner? seriously, i'd like to interview his family.
  19. to love. to be feared or to be respected?
  20. nope, i am familiar with mediocrity though. ever change your opinion about someone, like a whole 180 degrees, within 24hours?
  21. ALL THE TIME!!! i also finish my thoughts out loud, which makes me sound even more crazy. sad thing is, ive stopped caring. can you do the soldier boy dance?