Game changer

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Posts posted by Game changer

  1. 9 hours ago, galbeedi said:

    I agree.

    In any clan, group or regional gathering, there are always emotions and some times outlandish claims. Dr. Kaahiye is among Awdal elites accused of neglecting the needs of the people and his speech was  probably aimed to appeal to the crowd.

    Also, in our big ambarella we have some who are attacked to the Somaliland project for a long time, and these group always starts their speech " Xamar aniga maxaa iga Yaalla, Soomaalida kuwii madaxda iyo raiisul wasaaraha ka noqonayey ee waxii soo galaba qeybsanayey haday diideen, maxaa aniga i daba dhigay".

    Our communique clearly states that we stand for unity, Yet, there are issues that most Somalis neglect. If you keep playing with  fire, eventually, it might burn the whole house.

    I will add that the Awdal issue will be much more complicated compared to SSCl. The Awdal State Movement project might effect the geopolitics of the region. 






    Your attitude towards the Jesus  community   is your biggest obstacle,   For some odd reason  your folks deny the existence of that Cummunity in awdal.  I am not  exaggerating. Any time Jesus and zaylac are mentioned  ,  your peaple go grazy claiming that Jesus has nothing to do with zaylac.  

      We too are very uncomfortable with your excessive claim of gebiley and wajaale.   So while the government of somaliland won't force you  if your community decides as a whole.   there will be an state sponsored  tribal conflicts in the region. This is  probably why most of  peaple back home do not support the fantasies of the diaspora.    The fact that you don't even share border with Somalia is an other challenge. 

    I wonder how you are supposed to be connected to south   perhaps you should develop some special bridge over the jamhuuriyada isqland.  by the time you reach your destination  don't be shocked to discover  that those you left and those you came for are actually  the same team with the same mentality .  This Will automatically put you in the opposite camp who has nothing to offer you Politically. 






    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Illyria said:

    The UN Security Council held a special session yesterday on the situation in the Sool region & the new organization of SL engaged in another war in those areas, and the forum decided on 7 points.

    1- In Somaliland, it has been admitted that it has targeted medical facilities and workers in the city of Lasanood, which is a war crime, while the leaders of the WHO and MSF organizations have spoken on the forum.

    2- Somaliland has been accused of refusing to send medical supplies to the Sool region, including medical aid to prisoners captured in the last war.

    3- The special envoy of the UN in charge of Somalia, said in the forum that the attempt to attack SL & the angry words of creating war can lead to genocide and destruction of property.

    4- The special envoy, she also said that the delay in the elections in SL, caused conflicts between Somaliland-Central Community (Isaaq).

    5- The Security Council called on Somaliland to comply with the UN related to the war in the Sool region, and there will be follow-up.

    6- The Security Council has agreed to investigate the individuals involved in the export of illegal weapons or involved in the conflict in Sool, and then impose sanctions.

    7- The Security Council called on both sides to allow humanitarian aid, and those who obstruct it will be sanctioned.



    Golaha Ammaanka ee QM ayaa shalay fadhi gaar ah kayeeshay xaaladda gobalka Sool & abaabulka cusub ee SL ku howlan tahay dagaal kale oo ka dhaca deegaanadaas, waxaana madasha laga go'aamiyey 7 qodob.

    1- Somaliland, waxaa lagu qiray in ay bartilmaameedsatay, Xarumaha iyo Shaqaalaha caafimaadka ee magaalada Laascaanood, taas oo ah dambi dagaal, iyadoo ay madasha ka hadleen madaxda Hay'addaha WHO iyo MSF.

    2- Somaliland, waxaa lagu eedeeyey in ay diiday agabyada caafimaadka in la geeyo gobalka Sool, oo ay ku jiraan gargaar cafimaad oo loo fidin lahaa maxaabiista looga qabtay dagaalkii u dambeeyey.

    3- Ergayga gaarka ah ee QM u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, ayaa madasha ka sheegtay in isku dayga weerar ee SL & hadalada xanafta leh ee abuurida dagaal ay horseedi karaan xasuuq shacab & burbur Hantiyeed.

    4- Ergayga gaarka ah, waxay kale oo sheegtay in dibu dhaca doorashooyinka gudaha SL, ay keenen iska horimaadyo u dhaxeeya gudaha Somaliland-Beesha dhexe (Isaaq).

    5- Golaha Ammaanka waxay ugu yeereen Somaliland in ay u hoggaansato QM ee la xariiray dagaalka gobalka Sool, ayna ka dhalan doonaan dabagalo.

    6- Golaha Amniga ayaa isku raacay in baaritaan lagu sameeyo shaqsiyaadka kashaqeynaya soo dhoofinta hubka sharci darada ama ku lugta leh colaada Sool, ka dibna cunaqabateyn lagu soo rogo.

    7- Golaha Amniga ayaa ugu yeeray labada dhinacba in la ogolaado gargaarka aadanaha, cidii hor istaag ku sameysana la cunaqabateyn doono.


    This UN security council meeting  never took place. And those points is completely made up.   It's funny how you guys  are consuming your own lies.   The UN has it's own page for This conflict ,  and they update every couple of days.  


    Somalia: Meeting under “Any Other Business” : What's In Blue : Security Council Report


  3. Kulli fidna cinda dhloos.  MJ waa dad la fahmi Karo oo ujeedo iyo kajeedaba leh , dhuxulaysatadu xitaa waa niman macquula .  Laakiin reerkan kale waa xadhig lama sitaan. Arin keen iyo aqbal keen midna maaha.   Kaana tegi maayan si wanaagsana kuula joogi maayan.

    Imika saw may odhan khaatumo nala yidhaahda oo maamul baanu nahay gaara.   Waxa horgal garowe jooga oo dhan hal qof xitaa  xilkiisa bannayn maayo.  Markay bannayn waayana  shacabkii yagu qadiyadan lahaa afkay furanayan, MJ baa lugaha nagu dhegan bla bla.  Xitaa hadii kuwa pro Hartiga ahi Bataan, kuwaa soo bixi doona Ku doodaya hadaanu moodayno in puntland loo socdo Somaliland lamaanu dirir neen.   Qaarbaaba cirro bidaar tiisa leefleefi doona.  GX aw  heegaanu is haynay camal,  😄

    Wixiina wax is bixinaya maaha,  waa reer yaroo xaaladuhu jeexjeexen ,  waxay Ku qurux badnaayen inay somaliland ama puntland mid Ku adkaystaan,  muqdishu na siday moodayeen maaha oo Reer baa yeeshay. Reerkuna ma rabaan reero martiya oo cusub.  Marka laysla meeraysto  Waxaaba  macquulaba in amniyaat ka alshabaab xarun Ka dhigtan lascaanod ,  mandaqadan  waxa Ku badan dhalinyarada diinta bartay.  Let's not underestimate them.  Waa cell  hurda. Yaga iyo kuwa burco joogaaba qoom soo socda bay hordhac u yihiin.  



  4. Hrtigu yagaa isku cadaw ah , kulligood na MJga way neceb yihiin , laangaab kasta calan yarbuu hoosta Ku sitaa ,oo uu weliba xin u wataa iyo xasarad.  Bal imika kaa maakhiri haday u yimdan nimankaas dhloos  oo ay dhahaan waar walaalaw aynu wax Isku darsano yeeli maayaan , dhuxulaysatadu waa xaasidiin.

      Bal waayee aynu puntland Iska wada hagaajisanana Ku heshiin maayan oo dhloosku waa faqiir mustal kibir.  Waaba tiiyoo lax qalatay oo iidr iska celisay after 100 years. MJ ayaan dhaw waxay soo istaagayan waar yaa ilaahay yaqaan oo harageedii nagaga celiya.  😄

    Haduu jiro reer sallid lasoo bixi karaa Anaga ugu dhaw maanta, anagana ilaahay farahuu naga falay    sagaashan kaba dad baanu Dhulkooda Ku haysana , goror Caqli ahi naguma jiro aan ahayn wax iska celiya.  

  5. 2 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    Gamechanger, markii hore ina khaldaneed oo ka toobad keentay wa ku sax santahay. Marnaba danta tolka kumee jirin ina la diriro beelaha dariska, iminkana waxa dantu ugu jirtaa ina heshiis nabadeed la galaan. Gobolada Bari aad ba u maray, xaaladoona iminkana wee kasii xuntahay dhaqaale ahaan oo abaaro sameeyeen, wa ina dib loo fikiro oo wax loo daraaso. Waxa dantu ku jirta Bariga oo nabada, oo dib loo biloowo isku socodka, iyo Kala ganacsiga oo markaas dhaqaalaha kor u kaco. 

    Siyasiintii khaladaad waaweyn ayee sameeyeen, oo mee eegin dantii umada. Xisbiga Kulmiye 13 sano wadanka maamuliyay, oo seeskiisa lagusoo dhisay Caynaba wexe eheed inu ka dhigo Caynaba, Elafweyn, Oog, Garadag centreka (bartamaha) dhaqalaha Somaliland, oo ka shaqeeyo sida xiriirka, nabada, isku socodka ganacsiga uu la leeyhay SSC, Puntland ila Galmudug, Hiiraan lasii adkeeyo oo deegaan kaasi noqdo bartama dhaqalaha, meesha maanta ee noqotay darifyda colaada.

    Maanta hadaa eegtid inta gadiid, ganacsi iyo dad u kala socda Hargeysa-Gebiley-Borama-Wajale-Jig Jiga-Zeila-Jabuuti, ee tirada ka badan. Wexe eheed Inta in ka badan iney Burco-Caynabo-Oog-Las Anod-Garowe-Adado-Dhusamareeb-Galkacyo-Beletweyn u kala socdaan. Oo Caynaba  noqoto sida Gebiley oo kale, oo dhan kasta looga socdo oo isku xidha, la ganacsada oo waxba dhaafin, mashruuc kasta ka mid ah. 

    Meesha wax si ka noqdeen ma garaniyo, ma fahmi karo caqligii meesha lagu xawilay. Iyo caqliga yiri aanu ka dhigno deegaankeeni mid coladeed. 

    Caqliga yiri Jabuuti wa la ganacsan karnaa, laakinse Puntland lama ganacsan karno. Caqliga yidhi dariska galbeedka (Jabuuti iyo JigJiga) wa walaleheen, laakinse dariska bari (Garowe, Galkacyo) wa cadoow. Oo degaankii barina ka dhigay front dagaal, xad coladeed ma fahmi karo. Ileyn Jabuuti, Ethiopia, midna kuma aqoonsana, labada Somalia u aqoonsan Somaliland iney ka mid tahay oo isku socodka iyo ganacsi xor u yahay op sida wajaale iyo jabuuti visa lagu weydiineyn. 

    Bal waxa ku weydiiyay adiga oo isticmaaliya caqligaga saliimka, xagee ku jirtaa dantada, danta tolkaaga iyo danta Somaliland? Iyo yee eheed oo dantana ku jirtaa ina la heshiisid oo la sameysid nabad, oo isku dan tihiin. Bal Inta ka jawaab. 


    Niyaw horta comments kaagu kaama khasaarin  aragti saxaad cabirtay oo aad qortay. Laakiin imika waanba sakhraansanay oo  kuuma jawaabi karo  indrkay talaabo  wax waydiiya.  Anigu  geeridii nebiga ma ogiye 



    • Haha - That was funny. You made me laugh! 4

  6. Nuux baasto baan arkayey oo ciidan kayaga lahaa garoowaan idiin horkacaya , Wuu iska ciyaaraya , garowe iyo lascaanod toona malihin,  meel aanu leenahay baanu cadawga Ka saarayna. Hubkana hooyadii malaha iyo jamhuuriyada uu sheeganaya midna, waa hubkii aabayaashayo fqshta Ka qaadeen.   Oo uu weliba badh dayacay.   

  7. Iga walaanaan aqbalayn inaanu xoogayaga Ku khasaarayno Meel aanaan lahayn ,     bal daawada  kuwa Aanu maxastooda  masuulka Ka nahay siday noola dhaqmayaan.    Hooyadiina anaga u adeegna isna si gaaruu u beegsanaya Isla kuwa u sababta ah inuu noolaado ilaahay Ka sakaw.   

    Hadaaanu cid la dagaalamayno kuwan baanu Ka bilaabayna.   Nin walawba taas Ku biyo cab. Ma jiraan ciidan isq oo lascaanod kusoo socda.   Gurigayaga baanu nadiifinayna marka hore . Naleeye axmed meeshay u qixi lahaayen hasii qorshaystaan. 


  8. Dad badan oo cadawga hwye ahbaan rabin guusha ay Ka gaadheen alshabaab.   Anigu waan hubaa in galmudug laga sifaynayo alshabaab maalmo gudahood xitaa bilaa ma qaadan doonto.  In kasta oo aan Reer kaas xawdle Ku amaanayo siday dagaalka uga qayb qaateen phase kii hore , hadana mooji wax is bedelee reer Kasi condom drod bay imika noqdeen.  Lagu curyaaminayo hwyaha kale.    Gobol  hiiraan la dhaho oo ay leeyihiin na ma jirto, xitaa 30% malaha gobolkaas. Sidi sididooda mooyee dhan u dhacooda ha hubsadaan.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Arafaat said:

    What you’re preaching one moment is contrary to what you’re saying and actions of the next day,  that’s what wrong here. It’s schizophrenic! 

    You can’t govern a country based on the emotional whips of a clan or individual supported by his clan, and one has to separate the two and choose whatever politics, laws and line of thinking one  has agreed upon, above what the boiling (clan) blood is dictating at that moment. 

    One has to admit and fight to control this constant ‘cadifad’ that is taking over any discussion, argument, and issue at hand. 

    And perhaps it would help if every government or political officials starts writing’ down everything, their speeches, comments, their discussions, their agreements, notes from their meetings, and to keep their mouths shut unless they have written down something on paper, for that should be the language, medium and standard to do things by. 

    What country? It doesn't even exist,  anigu isma bedbedelee xaalada is isbedelaysa.   Waaqicina kama hor imaado.   

  10. Somaliland is failed.  Even that Maxamed guy you posted is actually wrsangeli.  Yesterday we were together , today I may attack him  or he may attack me . We have no time to question our leaders , if anyone hated us dearly , they  must be happy  today . You should be,   trust me we gonna pass this  failure to all other Somalis any way. 

    For Those of you who hated somaliland it's collapsed, for Those of you  who hated durriyada we are rising up than ever before .  All I can predict  is More bloodshed between us and our neighbours. Fanta shiruu fil ardi wabtaquu min fadlilaah.

  11. 26 minutes ago, Arafaat said:

    Muse already weakened and divided your sub-clan, politically, economically, and now your desperately looking for a way back on big chair, in meantime division will continue and you have new emerging civil war at your doorsteps, in Sanaag, and soon Oog, and Buhoodle. Your politicians are more divided then ever, and nothing can unite even on Mise they are divided. Let’s see what you gain from your new ‘politics’, and further sub-clan division. I can already see you crying in a year for Habro and Somali unity, Marku xaalku faraha ka baxdo. 

    What you don't understand is no durriyada sub Clan wants to leave somaliland ,  somaliland is like our child , we can fight over the the custody of the child  but none of us is willing to give up .  We HJs already destroyed the law,  Wixii isq isku waafaqsan yahay baa noo sharciya.  Walaalkayo galbeeedi weligiis kaalintiisa muran maanu gelin laakiin haduu isagu saaxada iska saarayo futadaanu kasii laadayna .   All resources of somaliland will belong to us.  Adiguba caqlaad leedahee maxaa Naga xumaaday ?

      Mjs , hutus , cagdheer , they will all copy the same policy.  Reerkii baxaya ha baxaan who cares. 



  12. 8 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    Under Siilanyo it was all about broader Habro community, now your saying it’s every Habro for themselves, next year it’s every Abokor, Muse and Ismail for himself. Let the clanisation continue, see where one hits bottom. 😂 

    Just keep in mind somaliland has always been a role model for other somalis.   What ever happens in  somaliland will automatically happen in puntland , Jubaland , DDS and other multclan states .  Once we become selfish  and not caring about minority Voices,  other laandheeres will adopt the same policy.  In fact Mogadishu authorities are already practicing this method , and they rarely pay attention to who is protesting , even puntland is ignored in xamar .  Once MJs gets tired of these hrti gaagaabs , they too Will follow the trend and let them go.

    In This way only those who are already strong Will get stronger.   And small clans will get weaker and neglected.   


  13. 7 hours ago, Che -Guevara said:

    Not to mention the entire democratic process was just dropped. A few men from one subclan made a decision and everyone accepted. No debates, consultations, nada

    The system we have been practicing is not meant for isq unity.   It created problems between us and too much competition.   We gonna develop a new system that is suitable for us.  

  14. 7 hours ago, Arafaat said:

    HA has 3 governors while Harti has one, Grx has 20+ MPs while Harti doesn’t even have 4 or 5, let’s be frank here. 

    Hrt had 4 governors prior the war , gebiley, xaysimo (, taleex) , buuhoodle and badhan.  They are also the majority in the guurti.   And gets equal share as GX  when it comes to other central government positions ministers directors iwm.  As far as I know they have 5 ministers.    So far only the governors left.  The Ministers , guurti and other hargeisa based civil servants are still active.    

  15. 52 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

    Mr. Game you make a lot of senses these days. If that is the case we could be good neighbors and brothers without that mess.

    We can't be good neighbors , because  there will be territorial dispute, that didn't exist before.  For example you have small minority in gebiley , once you leave they must also leave.  So I don't think  our relationship will be good in case we separate.  As a clan  We prefer cse waraabe. 

  16. 1 hour ago, Illyria said:

    Altogether, how many positions do Harti hold in Parliament, ministerial, gubernatorial etc?

    Same as GX.  And definitely more than HJ.  Except the parliament.   They have no rights to be there when Their clan is the enemy number one of somaliland.  I hope most of them to leave voluntarily .

  17. 55 minutes ago, Arafaat said:

    Galbeedi, was that really a request from Habro’s? Second this whole assertion that one can be independent from eachother while hosting national infrastructure is a grave mistake, we have seen how that turned out in Mogadishu with decades of infighting and internal instability beyond the scope of a sub-clan to resolve, why do u think Somalilanders can have their cake and eat it to? 


    Take pinch of salt with what ever galbeedi says.  His community hesitated to break a deal between the government and the opposition.  Then my HJ community took the role.  How ever it's true we no longer interested to   impose somaliland rule over others.  Every one should do their own math , if it benefits for them they can stay,   If not They can leave.  

    The hrti is out  permanently,  we expect them to completely vacate any political position they still  hold  as soon as possible.   We got too many unemployed isqs. 


  18. 1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

    These figures are sent from Amoud university. It including import levies from Layacado with over 200 trucks a week passing from Djibouti, Sand ( Niista wax lagu dhiso in Djibouti) being hauled from Zaylac area going to Djibouti daily. Head taxes from Djibouti. Every man, woman and child crossing from Lawyacado pays $32 dollars. There is no head taxes or entry fee  any other entry whether it is Wajaale, Gaashaamo or entry point from Garoowe or Bari. Thousands people from Djibouti leave the 45C degree temperature and they pay these entry fees. It could be similar to the Hargeisa airport which has one single small plane coming from Ethiopian airline.

    The chart that we have seen had all the break down of daily cash in take from the city to Lawyacdo. It looked like this:

    Import taxes from Lawyacado. minimum of 200 trucks per week. Sometimes taxed twice 

    Head taxes from Lawyacdo. $32 dollars per head.

    Pit sands exported from Zaylac to Djibouti construction sights with zero levy and the contract is between Biihi and Geelle familt. That alone is estimated  up to $8 million a year.

    Qat imports in Awdal from Ethiopia cashes millions of dollars.

    Property taxes collected from Borama city going directly to Hargeisa banks.

    Business taxes from the city and towns all going to Hargeisa.

    Tax from land purchases going directly to Hargeisa.

    Millions for mineral exploration licenses given to foreign companies.

    Fishing licenses given to foreign companies from Lawyacado to Lugahaya, mostly Egyptian.

    Taxes from livestock market. A city of over 200,000 people needs hundreds of goats, cows and camel slaughtered for  consumption daily. 

    Livestock bought from the region and taken to Berbera for gulf exports.

    It was prepared by Amoud university. 

    It could be exaggerated , but Awdal is second in revenue for Somaliland after Woqoyi Galbeed region which is Hargeisa, Berbera and Wajaale. The rest are consumers.

    The real truth that can't be overlooked is we got nothing back from those taxes.

    With our own ports and trade routes with DDS the sky is the limit.





    Bring the document  ,from the university of amoud, if you can't prove it doesn't exist   , stop feeding your own lies. This is the  the official budget of somaliland central government  published by the ministry of finance.   It shows both the customs and inland revenues of the year 2021 .   

