baala xoofto

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Posts posted by baala xoofto

  1. 6 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

    So unitwd country was called REPUBLIC OF Somalia,  another secessionist myth busted 🤔 😉

    Clarify what you mean by this? If you are talking about the Act of Union of 1960, the official name of the new Republic was to become "The Somali Republic". But as with so many other things that was raped, murdered and then buried, the name Somalia became the published name.

    The last rites of the "Union" was read over the Union after the 1969 Coupe when the Constitution of 1960 was shelved into the garbage. From 1969, legally, there was no Union between Somaliland and Somalia. 

  2. King's African Rifles - the Nigerian Brigade arrived and tookover power from the Italian fascists without any opposition from either the Italian colonial administration or their local colonised people.  In fact, history say that the local colonised people were in celebration mood as the Italian apartheid colonial regime came to an end.

    For many locals, it was the very first time they strolled down the Liido (Beach in Italian) beach. or even entered into a restaurant and tasted their very first Speghetti. 

    About 1 year after the take over Mogadishu, the Italians were very concerned that all their ilgotten colonial economy was about to be dismantled by the British Administration and returned back to the Somali locals, including giving the local sovereignty from Italy. The Italians organised themselves to stave off these plans and carried out a number of anti-British Demonstration and protests. In one instance, a lady called Xaawo Taako was killed. This lady who was participating in Pro-Italian protests would later feature in Somalia's Shillings as a national Hero.  Crazy! 


  3. 14 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

    but he must be influenced by the Somalia Italia flag

    That is a valid argument. But one which many Somalians won't come to terms with. 

    So the ultimate question that hangs over the Somalia Flag zealots, how original is it? Can it truely represent Somali ideals when it has been clearly influenced by Crusader ideology and colonial legacy? These are the tough questions that Somalia's people need to ask themselves.  

  4. 18 hours ago, galbeedi said:

    If Somaliland was a deferent country, they would have raised another flag, but to the Somalis of that era, it was Somali nomads living under defferent colonial zones which had only a nominal boundary. there was no border between Garoowe and Laascaanood that would stop the nomads or people, it was only in the minds and books of the colonial powers dividing. 

    Somaliland already had its own "British Somaliland" flag, very much similar to all other British dominions and protectorates around the world. There was nothing stopping it from continuing its use after Independence on 26th June 1960, if it so decided to choose. 

    The only reason why Somalia Flag was raised is due to the agreements reached months earlier in the formation of a United Somali Republic which comprises of the Somaliland British Protectorate and Italian Somalia. 

    Somaliland had its own Prime Minister, Its own Parliament, its own currency, its own passport, its own military and police force. 

    In fact, Somalia didn't even have a Police Force. The First Police force was the British Somaliland Police force - which was transferred to Mogadishu including all its symbols etc. The Somalia Police Force symbols is the British Somaliland Police symbols. 

    In 1960, Somalia's currency was so devalued, very much the same as what the Somalia Shillings is today, worthless. Which was why they opted to use Somaliland East African Shillings - only change the name "East Africa" to "Somali" shillings. 1 East African Shilling was 100% transferable to the new Somali Shillings 1=1. Whereas the Italian Peso currency was 1 Somali Shilling > 1000 Peso. 

    The British Somaliland Governor's Flag (There is a Governor's flag for every entity around the globe where the British Monarchy has a Governor representing Queen Elizabeth.)



    The British Somaliland Protectorate Flag:


    • Thanks 1

  5. 4 hours ago, galbeedi said:

    One thing BB doesn't know or ignores is that we, the Northern Somalis, were the real pioneers of Pan Somalism project and all the folklore, literature and songs that define Somalinimo.

    It was C/laahi Qarshe, Cali Sugule, Hassan Sheikh Muumin and others who composed anything national that is ingrained in our minds. 

    " Aan maalno hasheena maandeeq was by C/laahi qarshe.

    Here is C/laahi Qaeshe in one of his legendary songs about freedom in the African continent.


    Two very different topics here. We are talking about here the Somalia Flag as a Flag and its origins. Not the Somaliweyn idea.

    Yes, Somaliland people were the vanguards of this idea and implanted it into the psych of every Somali using their poetry and songs. But that is beyond the argument here.

    Remove the emotional attachment and you will find the Somalia Flag is nothing more than a continuation of the colonial symbols. 

    For Somaliland, that flag, all it represents, all its history and all its colonial connections - is really beyond us. We have moved on from it. But those who are still flying this flag, there will be a time when generations down the track you will have face your demons and call a spade a spade. 

  6. Here is the Somalised English Alphabet

    "Alif, Barkin, Baxaro, Bil, Birqaab, Calan, Canjiid, Cawaag, Dacal, Dacarimo, Dakhar, Dhaad, Dharan, Dheg-dalool, Dheg-jeex, Dhud-baxar, Dildil, Far, Farxuunsho, Fiid , Fur, Gabal, Gadh, Galgaal, Galoolooyin, Ganaf, Garab wayn, Garoof gaane, Gawl, Godol, Goobo, Gorod, Gorof, Haneed, Hangool, Hareed, Hawaar, Heensaraar, Idan, Iskutallaab, Jiim, Kabaal, Kabaal jab, Laanqayr, Laba dhaad, Liin, Maqas, Marag, Marag godan, Marag jiifa, Marag taagan, Mareeg, Miim, Milow, Qalimmo (Qalin), Qalqale, Qanjagub, Sakamad, Saneeg, Shax, Shumme, Taraar, Toojad, Xariir, Xariiro , Xaynbooro."

    Source: Magacyada sumadaha qaarkood

  7. 25 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

    The Italian star has Lix geesood, while the Somali one has five which according to Mr. Cawaale represent the the five regions ( British Somaliland, Italian Somaliland, French Somaliland, NFD and Somali Galbeed.

    The Italian star "Stellone d'Italia" is 5 pointed White Star. As depicted in its colonial symbols for Somalia and Libya. 

    Of course we can always come up with stories like the Somalia Star is representing 5 Somali Regions. That is just Sheeko Somaliyeed. 

    A case in point, when the British introduced taxation in Somaliland, they came up with a numbering system which were given to the nomads. Each subclan was given a Letter of the Alphabet to mark their livestock for stocktaking purposes. So the Revenue office can tell how many livestock each subclan had for taxation purposes. 

    Some clans recieved 'A', 'AA', etc all the way to "X' and Y and Z. 

    The local nomads then gave each of these symbols their own Somali version. For example they named the "Y" as Barkin, as it was very similar to the Nomad Barkin (Click here for Somali Head rest). They called "X" as Kabaal. The called "C" as Mareeg. And so on and so forth.

    The point here is, the locals will own it once you give to them and make it local. That doesn't mean the English Alphabet is locally invented or created.



  8. 1 hour ago, Qurac&qansax said:

    what is the evidence.


    UN flag is Blue. Did they copy from Italy too.

    Tunisa and Turkish Flag almost the same. Do they copy each other.


    how many country has their flag as three stipes of colors but different orders, or different orientation, do they copy each others.  What about Malaysia and US.  What about Australia and Newzealand. And so on

    They are all happy and appreciate, except somali maryooleey. Halyeey geeda la hartooy. 


    Things can look the same but different. 


    Not all Blue colours are the same. Even in cars you see everyday on the streets, no two makers colours are exactly the same. For example, the Black Car from Toyota and Black car from BMW, the black colour are different shade or hue. The colour itself is patented and protected by law.  

    The same way not all Blue colours are the same, the blue colour used by the Somalia Flag is the Italian Savoy-Blue which is exact colour used by its colonial symbols. 

    As with other example of similar flags, yes these flags i.e. Arab colours or African colours are all versions of the original flag. For example, majority African colours  is based on the 3 colours of the Abyssinian/Ethiopia flag. Whereas the Arab colours are based on Egyptian colours.

    The Somalia flag is direct descendant of its colonial masters.   

  9. 1 hour ago, Qurac&qansax said:

    Libiya propably copied from us. There is no time stamp indicating it was before our flags.


    They are both designed & commissioned by the same colonial office in Italy.  


    38 minutes ago, maakhiri1 said:

    Italian colony's influence on the flag and national emblem is without a doubt .

    Waxbay noo hoos geliyeen. 

    Beautiful flag anyways 


    We can always give the benefit of the doubt to the man that is said to have designed the Somalia flag. But the evidence presented before us say otherwise. The Somalia flag both in design and the version of blue is exact replica of the original Italian version. There is no originality at all. 

    These colours and White Star are no by accident by the Italians. They have deep cultural and historical meaning. For instance, the version of the Blue Colour used by Somalia's Flag as well as Libya's colonial flag is called "Savoy Blue" or "Italian Azzure".  Savoy is a region in Italy with its Kings playing a key role in the "Christian Crusaders". According to their history, the "Savoy Blue" flag was always used when the Savoy Kings went on Crusader attacks against Muslims in Spain. 

    To this day, the Italian Azzure is used when the Italians are playing Football or other international sports as a sign of "good luck"

    As for the White Star, it is called 'Stella D'Italia'. It was being in use in Italy for thousands of years as a national symbol.


  10. There are other reports that say this man already had problems with his balls from previous injury which happened 2018. 

    There is a possibility that he could have been hurt, but there was nothing like what you are trying to describe here which is deliberate attack and injury. Nothing like that happened. 

    In any case, this is minor issue that will be investigated and will be see due justice.

    But the stories that come out of South Somalia are on a level of inhumane and barbarianism unlike any other. Consider this story that is out from Kismaayo. Ahmed Madoobe's men looted his home, then they burned it down and after all that they shot him in the abdomen and framed the poor man from Gedo region.

    Of course stories like these always go unreported.


  11. A game changer. A cement plant able to produce 1.2Mt of cement annually. 

    This will propel Somaliland into the 6th biggest producer of Cement in East Africa




    British Office in Hargeisa is got an opening. 

    The pay is sh*t but for someone who is looking to relocate to Somaliland and use as this opportunity while adjusting to the local environment, then it is a good opportunity. 



    View Vacancy - Senior Programme Officer HEO (C4) (02/22 HG)

    The British Government is an inclusive and diversity-friendly employer.  We value difference, promote equality and challenge discrimination, enhancing our organisational capability. We welcome and encourage applications from people of all backgrounds. We do not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, colour, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, age, veteran status or other category protected by law. We promote family-friendly flexible working opportunities, where operational and security needs allow.

    Job Category  

    Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (Programme Roles)

    Job Subcategory  

    Prosperity and Economic Growth

    Job Description (Roles and Responsibilities)  

    Main purpose of job:

    The Senior Programme Officer (SPO) will be based in Hargeisa, and work with the FCDO Somalia Economic and Development Team and the British Office Hargeisa team and be part of the efforts to help Somaliland, and Somalia more broadly, build a diversified, climate resilient and inclusive economy that lifts people out of poverty and contributes to building stability.

    The SPO will be a key member of the team who will:

    Deliver high quality programme management and compliance within FCDO Programme Operating Framework rules and requirements and seek to continually improve delivery for better development results.

    Support the teams external engagement with Government, Development Partners, and other stakeholders; and

    Ensure strong communications and close working with FCDO colleagues across the office.

    Roles and responsibilities:

     A.         Deliver high quality programme management:

    Work closely with the Senior Responsible Owner (SRO) the senior programme manager will hold programme management responsibility for the Somalia Development Fund (SDF), and a new Somaliland economic development programme, as well as provide support to the final year of the Unlocking Prosperity in the Horn of Africa (HOA), and a new Green Urban Growth programme.

    The SDF programme aims to improve governance, accountability, and public service delivery by the Government of Somaliland. The FCDO is the lead partner, along with three other development partners, the Netherlands, Norway and Denmark. The programme works closely with government counterparts and is set to end in March 2024. The Somaliland economic development programme is currently under design and will provide strategic economic policy advice to the government to maximise the benefits of investments in the economic corridor running through Ethiopia and Somaliland.

    Key elements of the role include:

    Ensure high standards of programme management and compliance for programmes for which the SPO is responsible – applying FCDO Programme Operating Framework rules and procedures. Ensuring that best programme management practices and compliance are applied across the management of a programme, and the projects within it.  

    Lead financial management of the programme, ensuring accurate forecast, timely payment of suppliers and providing analysis of team finance performance to the SPO manager. 

    Identify, build, and maintain relationships with key contacts that are critical for programme implementation.

    Identify and monitor risk and emerging challenges.

    Undertake site visits as required, to review and report on project implementation on the ground.

    Support the successful delivery of programme team and VIPs’ visits to Somaliland.

    B.         External Engagement:

    The SPO will be the principal point of contact for the FCDO economic development team in Somaliland. This will mean keeping regular contact with key government, private sector, and civil society counterparts.

    Key elements of the role include:

    Regular meetings with the key government stakeholders and beneficiaries directly related to the economic development programming portfolio e.g., Ministry of Finance Development, Ministry of Investment and Industrial Development  

    Regular meetings with key member of the private sector, this will include in the Chambers of Commerce, key banking entities, energy sector companies, SMEs.

    Regular meetings with key civil society members with an interest in public finance, revenue collection, financial sector integrity, remittances, and business development.

    C.         Across Office Communications:

    In this role SPO will:

    Provide regular readouts of meetings held with externals that are relevant to office objectives

    Regular readouts of all programme meetings held in Hargeisa

    Provide inputs to broader office analysis on aspects that relate to public finance or economic development in Somaliland

    Support broader corporate responsibilities.

    Line management and wider working relationships:

    The job holder will report to the Programme Development lead (based in Nairobi)/ Somaliland Development lead (based in Hargeisa), and will have regular contact with other advisers and programme management team within the Economic Development team, British Office Hargeisa and broader FCDO teams. Across FDCO, the jobholder will engage with HQ teams in London. Externally, there will be regular contact with Government officials, other development partners, consultants.

    Essential qualifications, skills and experience  

    Experience in managing the programme cycle including contract management

    Experience and skill in financial management and relationship management.  

    Strong written and spoken English communication skills, including strong organisational skills

    Experience in engaging and influencing external partners and managing suppliers

    Able to work collaboratively, flexibly and adaptively including as part of a virtual team in a range of locations, and to demonstrate initiative

    Demonstrated commitment to coaching, helping to build the capability of all and to building and maintaining an inclusive work environment.

    Willing and able to contribute to lesson learning within and across teams and with FCDO central departments and wider HMG

    Ability to speak Somali.

    Desirable qualifications, skills and experience  

    Experience working on or in fragile and conflict affected states 

    Ability to identify and apply lessons learned from other programme to improve delivery effectiveness. 

    Experience in solving a wide range of problems using a variety of tools, and being creative

    Flexibility to work on new priorities as they emerge.

    Required behaviours  

    Delivering at Pace, Communicating and Influencing, Working Together

    Application deadline  

    15 July 2022


    Higher Executive Officer (HEO)

    Type of Position  

    Fixed Term, Fixed term, with possibility of renewal

    Duration of Post  

    12 months





    Location (City)  


    Type of Post  

    British Embassy Office

    Salary Currency  




    Start Date  

    1 September 2022

    Other benefits and conditions of employment  

    Learning and development opportunities:

    The British Office Hargeisa is committed to supporting learning and development for all staff through on the job learning, coaching and formal training depending on individual needs.

    Working patterns:

    This job is not suitable to flexible working due to the reactive nature and need to respond to urgent and emerging demands at short notice.

    Additional information  

    Please complete the application form in full as the information provided is used during screening.

    Please check your application carefully before you submit, as no changes can be made once submitted.

    The British Office in Hargeisa will never request any payment or fees to apply for a position.

    Employees recruited locally by the British Office in Hargeisa are subject to Terms and Conditions of Service according to local employment law in Somaliland.

    All candidates must be legally able to work and reside in Somaliland with the correct visa/work permit status. 

    Employees who are not liable to pay local income tax on their Mission salary may have their salaries reduced by the equivalent local income tax amount.

    Information about the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Success Profiles can be found on this link: Please note:  Job grade AA=A1, AO=A2, EO=B3, HEO=C4, SEO=C5

    Reference checking and security clearances will be conducted on successful candidates.

    Please log into your profile on the application system on a regular basis to review the status of your application.

    Please be aware that you will only be able to apply to vacancies for Country Based Staff roles with the British Government through this official site (operated by Oleeo). Jobs may be advertised on third party websites, however our adverts will always link back to the official site. If you complete and send an application through any other site, we will not receive it.

  13. 3 hours ago, baala xoofto said:

    The result of "Fake-it Till you make it" Qooto-Qooto mentality. 

    For a country whose national sport is football, yes this is a record. But for countries who have no football culture, there are worse records. You can give them the benefit of the doubt as these other countries have other sports they more or less prioritise than football. 

    I am sure there is no shortage of talent, but just this is purely corruption and clan-mentality at play. 

    The Somalia Football representative to FIFA are owned and managed by Unuka-leh family as their own family enterprise.  So is the Olympics Committee. 

    These are the corruptions that was going on for the last 30 years.

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