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Everything posted by maakhiri1

  1. These m00ryaans , if can not be punished for highest crime, treason, must be fired. Totally disgraceful
  2. Ok, No sane Somali should ever sympathise with those evil shaytaan group, but there many closet supporters.
  3. It is fortunate many didn't lose their lives. In Bari, people go sleep , no clouds, or rain, n woke up in floods from up Sanaag, miles away.
  4. Did they say what they want him out? Is it because he got the donations from Qatar?
  5. If one rainy season, water is captured, could be used for years. Very unfortunate, most of these waters, don't even replenish underground water but end up all the way the ocean
  6. A national security problem, recruiting these from Mogadishu clans only. It was obvious problem, ciidanka qaranku dhinac buu ka raranyahay.
  7. I agree with Shirwac, the axes of evil, of UAE n Kenya will turn to Prime Minister Rooble. He should be prepared. ANYWAY this move by the President n parliament is good for Somalia.
  8. Very good, if only they would listen
  9. XAAJI, Come here and defend anyone else except this retard. Very low character The good thing in Southern politics is these kind of people disappear, but in North, this idiot is here for 30 years and tolkiisa meesha kama dhaqaajaan
  10. It looks nobody except Farmaajo wants election, or selection. Everyone want Farmaajo’s resignation, including IC. Somalia is in trouble.
  11. War ninka shaqadaadii jaamacada oo aad ku fiicneeyd ku ekoow dhaha, he is following his brother
  12. You meant UAE does NOT want PL to attend? Rooble/Farmaajo should try Abu Dhabi first
  13. Borame is very beautiful city, but just close to Ethiopia, you just don't place your capital next your arch enemy . Guys, it takes expert planning to choose location, the same thing many countries did, that moved moved or planning to, like Kenya, Pakistan, Egypt , Australia, India . You take into account not only national security, which Mogadishu make fail now, but also climate, Mps must live in beautiful calm, secure, peaceful,place they can live, work and make decisions
  14. If there is a silver lining in this mess , daah fur baa.dhacay, everyone can now see how they whole country is not free, Somalia is under hidden colonial seige. And now obvious for everyone to see.
  15. We have seen this movie before, it's déjà vu , Beesha lixaad, Prime Minister Nuur Cade and parliament Speaker Aden Madoobe and opposition leader Sheikh Ahmed creating a process against President AY in late 2008.
  16. Dufaan, waa siyaasi, this is open goal for Farmaajo, I doubt Pl or Jubba as before want September 17 agreement
  17. The scary n unfortunate part is how little has changed in 18 years.
  18. Absolutely Mogadishu does not deserve to be capital, infact it is a national security threat, where MPs or government can not work freely Time to leave this sh1t place.
  19. Guys, at crossroads, law and order, or go back to chaos.
  20. Che, There is no other option other than to forge ahead , either he succeeds or vultures take over and we regress. The enemies of Somalia’s are salivating, their stooges will do anything, to stop progress or transfer power to people.
  21. I gurrantee you Somalia will never be strong with current formula of federalism, I was saying this over a decade ago, and each year my conviction is becoming clearer, it does not suit us to people that are homogeneous, the clan thing is disappearing and is used and always fueled by few ruthless people. If you want to see Somalia out of this horrible position, the sooner we get rid off mini states that don't know their place and the this federalism noone knows. The only place where federalism worked are rich power central gov, like USA or Australia , Canada . Federalism is too layered and very expensive government, how can we opt a system too expensive to run while we can not feed our people? Each state now want their own government, deliver nothing to their locals and yet want everything from the central government who they contribute nothing. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
  22. It was coordinated propaganda but it will backfire They wanna show their forreign handlers there's no law n order