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Everything posted by Khayr

  1. Khayr

    1 question 2 God

    Salaamz, Cayeen caliyka OG-Girl! Have some Adab and respect people when they are being serious about something like this thread. Question to Shukri Do you ask this question out of curiosity? or Out of a Need to know? If you are asking just out of curiosity and to satsify your 'skepticism' then the Shaytan will take your thoughts and your Hawa/Opinion will lead you to a down fall called SHIRK!!! On other otherhand, if you need is to grow closer to Allah, then look at your own life and reflect upon it b/c in it are plenty of Ayats that you don't see. The rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilma) said that the more you Know Yourself, the more you know Allah The more you know Allah, the more you know yourself. Know amount of talk or answering to your questions will help you to UNDERSTAND b/c UNDERSTANDING is Hidyat/Gift from Allah, and HE gives it to whom HE WILLS. Fi Amanallah
  2. Salaamz, With the exception of the last line, the poem was real nice making that simili btwn emotions and the physical senses. Fi Amanallah
  3. Salaamz, You know some of those questions sound like a 'trap' by some intelligence agency, so I hope people are careful not to incriminate themselves. I scored 49.
  4. Salaamz, earlier today in The City Council of Toronto-Scarborough region was having a meeting to vote on the approval of a Muslim Seniors Home in Scarborough. There was a lot of backlash by the city councillors and many of them where voting against the plan to build the Muslim Seniors Home. They were very anti-muslim, yet however everytime some councillor made there arguments, they reitrated that they were not 'racist/anti-muslim' and that they would support the a Muslim Seniors Home in another location. There arguments consisted of that a Muslim Seniors Home has some of the local residents considered and that it might not be good for the local community. There were local residents there as well as some muslims. Can you guess what my stance on this issue is? Well, I hope inshallah that they reject the application for the Muslim Seniors Home b/c this has never been part of the Islamic Pattern. It is not in the Sunnah anywhere and it would be a definite Bidah Siyah (A Negative Innovation). The concept of Senior Homes is a modern day concept just like Life Insurance and other types of insurances are. The reason being and LISTEN UP to this, is b/c it is a Modern day Innovation that has been created by Caplitalism due b/c people have become soooo absorbed in the dunya, working, working and working just for the sake of Working and making more money, that the family life pattern became fragmented and almost non existent TODAY. Am I wrong in say this? Out of the breaking up of the family life pattern where in their was support for families in the past b/c individualism was suppressed and the role of responsibility to the Family was IMPORTANT, came a need for creating Senior Homes. Why? B/C Adult children where too pre-occupied in thier jobs that they didn't have time to take care of their AGING PARENTS. Sick or not, in the muslim world, we don't have these Senior Homes b/c it is always considered the duty of Children to take care of their AGING PARENTS. If a Muslim Seniors Home in Toronto is allowed and built, then this would create for the breaking up of the MUSLIM FAMILY PATTERN wherein their still exists a sense of responsibilty to the parents. In the MUSLIM FAMILY PATTERN there was the immediate family are relatives that had the responsibility of taking care of AGING PARENTS. I know attention spans are short in here and I know how people think, but can you where I'm coming from. Imagine your Ayayo being sent to a Seniors home or even your Mother. Would you consider that as a possibility. Sick or Healthy doesn't matter.
  5. Khayr

    Easy good deeds

    Salaamz, You listed many good things, jazaka allah khayr.
  6. Salaamz, You know in the muslim world people do claim to see the rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm) in their dreams. However, if this where true, then everyone who has seen him would be a Saint/Wali b/c only the friends of Allah/Saints are permitted this vision, and not all of them too. It is even considered to be better then entering Jannah to see the rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm) b/c you are not guaranteed to see him in Jannah unless you hit Janaat al-fardus (the highest Jannah where the anibya/prophets reside). A Shiekh once told me this story. While he was in Medina studying in the 80's, some Sudanese brothers came to him and said 'You seen him haven't you, home many times!' and the Shiekh was puzzled by this question. So they told him 'How many times have you seen the rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm) in your dreams b/c we have seen him many times. So the Shiekh invites them to his house for some tea and food. The Sudanese brothers start to eat and their mannerism becomes displeasing to the Shiekh and he gives them a word of Advice and tells them something along the line of that if the rasul (salallahu caliyhe wasilm) was to visit someone, they would not eat like that. So the Sudanese brothers where shocked to here this and they left. A few weeks back this story was told to me by a shiekh when a brother asked him about interpreting dreams. The shiekh informed us that in order for someone to receive pleasant dreams and those dream are to be worthy of interpretations, then that muslim should fulfill certain things like: 1. Do you pray all your salats (incl. sunnats and nawfils-thats a whole lot!) 2. Do you read quran daily 3. Do you abstain from what is Haram 4. Make Wudu before going to Sleep 5. Where white clothing when going to sleep If a person does all these things, then inshallah their dreams will increase in quality and clearity. Fi Amanallah
  7. Salaamz, Underdog, Every playa has gotten played a few times to learn and understand the game! You seem or shall we say Mr. X, took her on an expensive date just to tell her that he's engaged. Something just ain't right. I smell affair in the air, la qadra Allah Masha! You can only have ONE HEART and not TWO. Congratulations on your engagement and inshallah marriage! Oh by the way, since Mr. X is rolling with plenty of Money, can I offer my Sister too, X ain't married yet! Gotta look out for myself, uhhmm, I meant my sister, ya know! Fi Amanallah
  8. Khayr


    Salaamz, I had asked a similiar question a few months ago and it was under the thread 'WHAT ARE YOU FIRST'? The responses that I got varied and some nomads disagreed with my question. Guess what the popular answers where: "I AM Myself' first and for most and as well as being Somali. I wasn't surprised b/c such responses only reflect the mentality of such people. Anyways, if you didn't know by now what my answer is then , inshallah I need to check my posts and reorient my thoughts on here. Fi Amanallah
  9. You aren't committing a sin if you don't comply with your father's decision. Forced marriage in Islam is unacceptable! as quoted by Shiekhata la yarxadoo Modesty! Masha Allah, didn't know you where an expert in fiqh issues and could produce instantanious fatwas!!! When it comes to what is right or wrong, please TAKE YOUR EMOTIONS out the door. If you really want to help another muslim, then you should tell them what they need to hear and what is REALITY and not what you FEEL. Personally, I FEEL the sisters situation and express sympthy towards her. However, If I am to be true to the Deen and Allah, then I can't let my EMOTIONS get in the way and should try to show her the MANY ANGLES to look at her problem and inshallah, the many positives. Fi Amanallah
  10. Salaamz, Personally I like Nin Yaaban and some of his threads. Whats wrong with if he speaks his mind and if some you 'Latte Sipping' Halimos don't like what he says, so be it. Just cause he reminds you of your father, doesn't mean you gotta hate!
  11. Salaamz, I don't know on what basis the above nomads have given you their 'Naseexa'/Advice on this but it certainly doesn't have link to Deen and Allah. I would first tell you to make du'a and pray salat al-istakahra (2 rakats). If your niyaah is correct and then Allah will reward you in this world and the hereafter. You don't know it, but Allah might be preserving your soul through these events. Marrying at the age of 15 is a social Taboo in WESTERN SOCIETY. They would rather have you pregnant and a single mother! So my dear sister, if your niyaah is for Allah and inshallah you want to please your father for that reason, then there is no reason why you shouldn't MARRY. You're situation is not 'unusual' in the rest of the muslim world. Fi Amanallah
  12. Salaamz, I think that these shows are a definite sign of the times and the level of decline that American Capitalist, Making money for the sake of making money, culture has sunk to! I remember when television wasn't 24hrs, and televsion shows wouldn't have 'unmarried' couples living together. The family life was still the model to aspire to. When shows like Melrose Place and these Soap Operas started to have 'infinite eposides' on daytime television, the scene began to change very quickly. MTV began the reality shows and was followed by European Reality Shows, and where here today-Summer 2003. Soon, we will have an actual 'TRUMAN SHOW' where a baby is sold to a film company and his life is filmed 24hrs a day untill death. :rolleyes: ALLAHU AKBAR!
  13. Khayr


    Salaamz, If you are to talk about 'Aqidah' then you need to define it 'Clearly' and inshallah show the nomads here the various aqeedahs that reign in the muslim Ummah. There is not 'One Aqidah' that runs through out the islamic ummah b/c that would mean that all the Ulama think the same, why and all the believers are of the same level of UNDERSTANDING. Which is an IMPOSSIBILITY? So maybe you can explain the different aqeedahs such as the: -Mutuzalites -Asharies -Ahl-al-Shia -Salafis -Ahl-al-taswuf such as Rumi and Ibn Arabi and etc. You can't talk about aqeedah without explaining the different Schools of thought! This is VERY IMPORTANT or else you'll create FRACTIONISM and ANIMOSITY among the NOMADS here
  14. But Mr.Daylewis showed us alot of tips on certain effective spots to aim for in the body to ensure instant death! never know when you'll need to use it BY OPINIONATED OPINIONATED, you are one UNIQUE women. YES, you scare me!!! Inshallah, your hubby sleeps with 'ONE EYE OPEN'. :rolleyes: Anyways, the film was very graphic and this is what made it so 'real' to me. You felt like you where in that time and that those characters where real. The 'Butcher' definitely should have won something for his acting. That guy usually plays some sappy guy in his other movies i.e. The last of the Mohicans
  15. Salaamz, If you really and trully believe in that lifestyle and western ideals, then maybe you should not watch it. However, I was watching it primarily out of 'Boredom' on T.V. and part-Curiosity! Anyhow, I heard from a co-worker of mine that the girl in this show is a PLAYA! She was picked by some dude in the first show, and she picked the $1 MILLION over him. But something smells 'Fishyyyy' b/c she came back to do another show and gave up her $1Mill for a chance at $2Million. Anyways, I've been out of the 'Reality T.V.' loop so I'm not up to speed. Fi Amanallah
  16. The things that I saw on that movie can be related by some of the people that were in Somalia during the war. I agree. I can relate to how Somlis behave today to this movie, soooo much! Jahil/Ignorance is UNIVERSAL!
  17. Khayr


    Salaamz, With age comes maturity, meaning Wisdom. Life experiences are the best teachers for people, provided that they reflect on them. I can say that inshallah, that for me personally, I see this in myself and in people I work with or dealing with my parents. The older I get inshallah, the more I come to realize the Wisdom that some of the people older than me have and the more limitations that I might have and need to accept them. It is a very bitter pill to swallow but qadra allah masha, it has to be done, if you seek to grow and Mature. As I grow older today, I can comprehend things that were being sent to me yrs ago. But what I have also learned is that, the best lessons are learned through erroring and acknowleding your errors. Hope that you can relate to what I said. Fi Amanallah
  18. Salaamz, I just wanted to share with the other nomads something and maybe get them to start reflecting on certain things. Hadith: From Abi Saeed Al-Khudri (May Allah Be Pleased With Him) who said: The Messenger of Allah (Salallahu caliyhe wasalama) said: "The Believer is never satisfied from hearing the good (teaching) until his end will be Paradise" Narrated by Imam Tirmidhi In the Science of the Hadith, the Ulama would begin by talking about the Isnad (Chain of narration) of the hadith and then by breaking down the wordings of the hadith i.e. Mumin-Iman- or good teaching-What is good teaching? Can you be taught 'good teaching' or is it self learned? etc. Anyhow for the sake of the people of time and short attention spans, inshallah we will forgo the regular study and skip to the MATN (BODY) of this hadith, inshallah. "The Believer is never satisfied from hearing the good (teaching) until his end will be Paradise" Benefits of the Hadith 1. The Believer is never satisfied from hearing the teachings of the DEEN. 2. The thirst for knowledge, understanding and wisdom for Islam will lead a muslim to Janna. 3. There is no end to learning Deen Ul-Allah. I will stop at this today. But what I would like to know inshallah, is what other benefits do some of the other nomads in here see, that can be derived from this hadith. Inshallah, Interaction is encouraged! Fi Amanallah
  19. Salaamz, Hey anyone seen this show yet. I saw it this evening cause there was nothing else on and it caught my interest. The show is about a White,American, Anglo-Saxon female who is presented with a dilemma. She wants to find 'LOVE', so she's trying to 'PIMP' 15 men in hopes of finding that '1' Hot Boy. Anyways, to make things interesting, she is also given $2million cheque which she can cash, if she decides, after having chosen a Finalist, that she would rather take the money. They are testing her Intentions and Values on this? Anyways, the men on the otherside of the coin, are offered a million dollar cheque and they can cash it in, if they are chosen as Finalist by the Female, but reject her at the end of the MONEY. I don't know about some of the Nomads in here, but how do you think that a Somali guy would fare out, if he was in there. On a side note, there was an Indian Guy there who got Kicked off. At least he looked Indian to me.
  20. Salaamz, Anyone seen the Martin Scorsese film starring 'pretty boy' DiCaprio? Well, I saw it this past weekend and Allahu Akbir, the movie was very VIVID. Filled with imagery that still got me thinking today. The openning battle scene was the WICKEDEST that I ever seen on screen. If it doesn't scare or makes you eyes 'wider' then, you probably are a very Cold hearted person. Anyways, has anyone else seen it in here? Please share your thoughts. I posting it on here b/c in the general forum, I never get decent responses.
  21. Salaamz, The answer is to recite AYAT AL-KURSI after each salat. Question is why Ayat al-Kursi? Why it sounds so easy? Go and look at the Ayat al-kursi and reflect on what it says, inshallah. In Due time, you will understand. And inshallah with understanding, will come a greater awareness of the ayat each time you read it, inshallah. Fi Amanallah
  22. SALAAMZ, Those answers are not enough. Are you gonna tell me that when muslims in palestian are getting murdered on a daily basis? Why does God WILL FOR EVIL in the world? Come on nomads, subhanallah, you need to come up with better responses than 'It happens b/c its good for you'. Thats not a convincing argument. No wonder why muslim ulama can't combat these modern day 'isms' and questions about religions. Fi Amanallah
  23. Salaamz, You know when some a Kafir comes to you and says why has God Willed Evil in this world. Why has he willed that there be so many crimes and wars when he COMMANDS the opposite. What would you say as a response to the question? Have you ever asked yourself these questions, if you haven't then you really don't care to reflect on Allah. I am curious to know what other nomads response would be to these questions. WHY DOES GOD COMMAND ONE THING and WILL ANOTHER THING???
  24. Salaamz, The major jihadiy movements in Somali where lead by sufi tariqas and shiekhs like Shiekh Saleh oof the Shadilliya-Salahiyya and Shiekh Omar. Taswuf in Somalia was the main driving force that helped to combat the nonmuslim forces. It was the sufi tariqas that insisted on arabic being the language that somalis use to communicate via writing b/c somali language was an ORAL LANGUAGE to begin with. Unfortunately, some somali socialists wanted it to be written in LATIN. It was the sufi tariqas that kept the Islamic Spirit. The Islamic Culture was something dynamic and vibrant. The Islamic Madrassa played an essential role in the lifes of families. Hopefully, inshallah this helps answer your question.
  25. Salaamz, How did this topic suddenly change to 'I have more reason to like Mos def and Talib and hiphop music b/c its includes some wicked muslim rappers' St. Paulchick ased this: I was just wondering if it's okay to claim that ur Muslim and still sing about sex, money and fortune? So please don't go off on a tangent (in another direction)-stay on point! Fi Amanallah