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Everything posted by Yoonis_Cadue

  1. Michael Jackson is a fitnah but who is to say that his heart will not be changed. Allah subxaanah changes the heart of whom he will some he leads astray because out of his wisdom and some he guides because out of his wisdom. Whose to say that Jackson will not become a muslim? However a close eyed should be kept on him because the allegations could be true. keep your children off him and everything will be normal. Who will keep an eye on his children? Can a father abuse his own children? I don't think so with a right mind certainly. If you're mentally and morally corrupt maybe.
  2. Astghfirullah, keep the personal hygiene trust me urinating whilst standing is disgusting especially when you urinate against your left leg and ankle. We don't want to condole such bad behaviour. BTW it's disgusting. What would you take if you had to leave your comfort zone and country you live in if you were to be deported in 24 hours? You can only take 3 items with you as a memory for you to keep from the country you've been deported from.
  3. keep your thoughts coming, indian films are filth indeed and deserved to be banned.
  4. Personal achievments, hmm? Learning how to write and read the soomaali alphabet on my own, is it an academic achievement? I believe it is non-academic achievment because it is an extra curricalea activity. Passing my bike test in grade four. Learning how to read the clock...etc.
  5. Boxing or anger managment classes, which one do you prefer? Boxing is not a good sport and anger managment classes are a waste of time and money, mind you. The best thing is to take ablution and to pray two rakacaat that is ofcourse if you pray at all. When you feel angry whilst standing sit down and if you were alread seated lay down because this will rduce your anger. We all feel anger and in some case's it leaves us all distressed and in a extreme situation where we become a nuisance to our fellow neighbours, just imagine living with someone very angry and grumpy. No thank you. Smile and be happy. Always optimistic my Yoonis Garoowe.
  6. You just don't sit on the toilet without inspecting the state of the toilet in first place. Evertime I go to the toilet (mind you I never used public toilets in my life), I have to wash the toilet seat with tissue and water before attempting to sit on it. This has been a standard practise for me. Sometimes I go to work and I use the toilet of the local masjid but I other public toilet's specially in the UK are vry dirty. You can actually get hepatitis A abd B if you ain't careful. Never sit on a toilet seat without washing it with toilet paper and after that placing some toilet paper on the seat to protect yourself with coming in contact with the bare toilet seat before sitting on it. And Iam not paranoid.
  7. relaxed but tired is nearly 2:00am GMT. time to go to bed to catch more sleep, just wondering if i should wait for fajr.
  8. Great stories keep them coming.
  9. That's very distressing, but i believe it is not only limited to Somali graduets alone.
  10. Yeah nice one Iam planning to get one myself. Anyone in here who wants to buy my old ipod of me? Leave it ill give it to you for free.
  11. ^^I've made my postition already clear and Iam not here to repeat myself. Whether or not I have a "peculiar" style of entering a debate is not something for you to comment on. Iam not on the defensive nor am I unleashing a war against anyone. You called me many things but guess what I'll forgive you because you don't seem to follow an agenda on your own. For you to dismiss my comments as "youthful" indscretion is something out of order. I demand an apology (this is addresed to the civil-side of your conscious). I have good manners therefore I will spare you my initial thoughts on what I thought about what you've written. However I will not and cannot accept the "wisdom" that is coming out from you in any way or form because it seems to me being rather "cheap" comments to get yourself some pityful attention. One should certainly practise what he preache's don't you think so Mr. Knowledable Guru of the cyper-space. a simple brotherly advice Spare us your advice because this is a forum where people discuss politics and not where people come for advice and guidance on their immigration status or personal issues whatsoever. I hope you got that message. Now stick to the topic at hand. I will not further participate in this discussion and isqabqabsi. My comments are above for all to read. I gave my share to the topic qofkii intaas wax ka badan doonaya dee agenda kale ayuu leeyahay and I refuse to be drawn into a unuseful and pityful discussion with people who don't know what they're talking about. Like the absurd statements the mastermind of the topic has vomitted on us without any substantial evidence. The subClan structure of puntland is of time bomb as well as it is the Golden thread in the socio-political networks. That above quote is baseless talk without any evidence, which also does not make any sense at all. Where is your evidence like if he went there and asked the people. This whole issue is none of his business. He can cry, pretend or simply be passive, for as he could post a million post as much as I care.
  12. ^^War waxaan muu jiran yahay? Apologise on behalf of Yoonis? Yeah, you must be dreaming as usual! Please, spare us the trash that is coming out from your "brilliant" mind. Secondly don't you know that you can't speak for others whilst they're still alive. You cannot appologise to anyone on behalf of me. You got that? "Af joogo looma adeego", but the ill-mannered and uncivilised character within you wouldn't know that. Savage Warlord new to cyper-space, aren't you? If I was dead you could claim in SOL a million times that you're going to apologiese on behalf of "Yoonis" but as long as I live you will never apologise on my behalf. BTW don't you know that we left all the glory with you. Let the Puntlanders talk about past "glories" and live in nostoligia, apparently that's all they can do. Besides that Puntlander's are happy to live in the "hell-hole" they're currently living at because it is better to live with the same "educated species" of you than to live with, You know what..... ill leave it to your imagination. "Puntland's sub-clan structure is ready to explode, hmm"? Hadaan nahay dad aan garanayo: Yes! Wallahi waxaad na tustay siduu caqligaado u shaqeeyo, and now all the cliche's have been approved to be correct. Somalia must be liberated from the self-destruction of your people, mind you they going to extinguish if they don't get adequate help from the rest of the somalis and Internationl world community. "Benadirland", You wish! More like No-mans land. Muqadisho was once the most beautiful city in Somalia laakiin waxay gacanta u gashay dad wax-magarato ah. Sub-Sub clan structureka Puntland buu ba ka hadlayaa! Kuwiisana waxay isku dilan dameerkeyga baad qashatey !
  13. First of all Walaal Samurai Warrior you have raised some valid points regarding the situation in Puntland particularily but also Somalia as a whole. The situation is not hundred percent stable but wouldn't you agree that however the situation that we're slowly approaching a new era of development and transperancy with the newly administration that is currently in power? Nothing is perfect and I wasn't certainly applying that Puntland hasn't got major problems to tackle in order to fight all the ills within its borders. You've certainly misunderstood where I was coming from. Puntland has major problems in all the institution they set up. There is wide-spread corruption and bribery going on. People working with the administration and security services aren't paid their salaries timely and when it is due to be paid resulting in bad managment and chaos. Every society has got its challenges and as a person living in modern day Britain I can see that not even so-called advanced and developed countries are facing the same challenges that we're facing back home altough it could be argued in a smaller scale than ours. But the problems remain the same. We need strong leadership and cooridnation between the different state-institutions of the Puntland State of Somalia. You already said that you're hopeful for the future because of the young and educated talent emerging in the political scene of Puntland. Many have returned to become MP's or to work for the Government and in Non-Govermental Private instituitions. We've to link this two together namely the state officials with the civil-society group in order to establish a healthy and frank relationship that will ultimatly result in the betterment of our people and democratic instutions that we build. Puntland has been established as an example for the rest of Somalia and I certainly believe that they will become a leading model of peace, prosperty and social development. The ideas behind the autonoums region of Puntland was to become a haven for all the visionary Somali nationlists who have been waiting for Somalia to emerge from its shadow non-existing self-destruction. Puntland was created for Somalia and nothing else. The noble idea of Puntland was to fight and establish a new Federative Somalia. It still remains the one primary goal of Puntland to help this new governement succeed. Puntland was against Arta because Arta was against the ideal of federalism which Puntland perceived to be the only legitimate solution to the problem of Somalia. People say that the idea behind Puntland the foundation of Puntland was merely due to the wishes of its people to be able after a successful peace agreement to flock back again to the fertile south and to escape the "hell-hole" they're living in. This is totally a wrong hypothesis stated by many including SOL'S Tolstoy who argues that the people of Puntland only wish to return to the south that's why they're supporting "a large-scale" military invasion into the south of Somalia. He with the many who hold the same arguments as him are truely blinded by what they're seeing. The foundation of Puntland was not an accident and the father's who laid the foundation of this young, forward-looking and visionary state-model of Somalia are only aware of this. It took the Puntland "fathers" many years to come up with this core ideology. The ideology being to strive/strike with any cost material and human-blood to see the establishment of a new Somalia under federalism and a new government that holds the approval of the vast majority of the Somali people. Indeed Puntland has succeed in its conquest to stay autonomous until a viable functioning goverment is restored in Somalia. Puntland State of Somalia was precisely established under the pretexts that I mentioned earlier. It is only the PSS who is flying the flag of federalism, unity, peace and prospertiy in Somalia therefore concluding that it is the only viable and realistic solution to our problems of not be able to agree on a government that is acceptal to all of Somalia's different clan's and other political entities. The only alternative's being the separist entity of the North-West with their narrow-minded vision and dream of breaking up our beautiful nation and the anarchist south whose sole-existence is to sabotage any peace-process in Somali in order to stay in their current situation of lawlessness. PSS is the only alternative to this two if you're a Somali nationalist. P.S. I believe that the situation in Puntland is nearly stable as for all post-conflict nations and state's it takes a long time to be fully stable. However I believe that we're heading for the right way. Nevertheless we're Somalis and as Somalis one of our characteristics is that we're very unpredictable.
  14. "Not me my friend, I live outside the city but I take every day Mon-Fri the train to central London. I take the British rail to Paddington and than the tube to Oxford Circus and boy trust me the smell that comes out of this carriges is deep, really deep. We all know that the Brits/Britons don't take a shower. You see a guy with a really expensive suit but he doesn't have any manners. They all are the same. Whether builder, lawyer, Doctor or Student. Last time I saw a guy coming towards me of all the people in Oxford Street near Nike Town. He had bushy dirty hair and he was approaching me barefooted and a kind of a rob and a old dirty smelly jeans that got holes in it at the knees. Also his knees were bleeding. He looked like Robinson Cruise stranded in a island without anything the funny thing being that he was in the middle of the most famous shopping street in London. Yah and the smell you could smell him from 20 metres off. When I saw him approaching me I immediately ran off. I thought to myself how many crazy people are there actually on this universe. There are also bare youngsters 13-24 who are homeless and asking you money for their next lsd and heroin injection. The city is disgusting aswell as the people.
  15. War Xiinfaniinow what made me dismiss his thread was the title. "Puntland Eggs" ku laha doesn't he know that his "Eggs" are more fragile than Puntland's. Iam not being defensive but what Iam against him trying to insult my intelligence. If he want's a real discussion with real men I'll say to him "Go and change the title of the thread". I knew he was into western culture but it ain't Easter yet JB! At Easter you can go and play in the garden and look for the eggs your friend Jumatutu has hidden for you in the Bushes. On another serious issue Xiinfaniinow waxaad shuqul ku laheyn baad ka hadashaye ya kugu yiraahdo waxaad shuqul ku laheyn ha soo dhexgalin mise waxaad tahay kuwa ragga afka goosto? Next time you can come to my classes on how to reply, respond and behave in a cyper forum. You can criticise but do so in virile manner. Taasna waa iga nasteexo.
  16. Cmon, What's this supposed to mean. Why are you deleting my post. It was perfectly harmless.
  17. Kulan aan caadi aheyn oo midowga maxkamadaha Muqdisho ay yeesheen. Mogadishu 10 Nov. 05 ( Sh.M.Network) Kulan looga hadlayo sidii wax looga qaban lahaa qataraha nabadgalyo iyo mida dhaqan ee ka jira dalka Somaliya ayaa ka dhacay Hotelka nabada ee magaalada Muqdisho. Kulankaasi oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen golaha sare ee midowga Maxkamadaha islaamka Muqdisho ayaa waxaa si weyn looga hadlay dhibaatada aflaanta hindida iyo kuwa kale ee laga daawado shineemooyinka ku yaala xaafadaha magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo goobtaasi lagu soo bandhigay cajalado ay ku duuban yihiin aflaan ay ka muuqato dhaqan xumo, kuwaasi oo ay soo qabteen ciidamada midowga maxkamadaha islaamiga holwgalo ay ka sameeyeen magaalada Muqdisho. Hadaba Gudoomiyaha midowga maxaakiimta islaamiga magaalada Muqdisho Sheekh Shariif Sheekh Axmed oo kulankaasi ka hadlay waxa uu sheegay howlihii ay qabteen bishii Ramadan, iyagoo sheegay in albaabada ay u laabeen shineemooyin laga daawan jirey Filimaan laga helo anshax xumo ee ku yaalay magaalada Muqdisho. Dr.Max’ed Dheer oo ka howlgala isbitalka Xayaat ee magaalada Muqdisho ayaa waxa uu sheegay in dad lagu soo qabtey dhaqan xumo ay ka heleen cudurka dilaaga ah ee HIV Aids, waxaa kale oo ka hadlay Ganacsatada Muqdisho oo iyagu sheegay in ay diyaar u yihiin in ay garab istaagaan Midowga maxkamadaha Muqdisho. Sidoo kale Sheekh Xasan Daahir Aweys oo ka mid ah culuma udiinka Soomaalia sida Weyn looga qadariyo oo ka hadlay kulankaasi ayaa sheegay in si ficil ah wax looga qabto balse aysan noqon howluhu kuwa ku ekaaada afka iyo shirarka. Gabagabadii waxaa kulankaasi lagaga dhawaaqay Gudi soo diyaariya holwaha ay qabanayaan midowga maxkamadaha magaalada Muqdisho, iyadoo midowga Maxkamaduhu ay balan ku qaadeen in gudigaasi ay la shaqeyn doonaan isla markaana ay fulin doonaan waxyaabaha ay u soo jeediyaan. Shabelle Media Network, Mogadishu
  18. Dilalka macna darrada oo ku soo xoogeysanaya Muqdish (Labo darawal oo shalay isku toogtay Black Sea) Muqdisho Muddooyinkan dambe magaalada Muqdisho waxaa ku soo kordhayey dilalka macn darrada ah ee loo geysanayo ama ay isku geysanayaan dadka rayidka ah, iyadoo dilalka macna darradan ah oo ay keeneyso xaaladda maamul & kala dambeyn la’aan ee dalka ka jirta ay tii ugu dambeysay shalay ka dhacday Isgoyska Black Sea ee magaalada Muqdisho halkaasoo labo darawal ay isku dileen goob laga raaco baabuurta aada degmada Afgooye ee gobolka Sh/hoose, waxaana shilkaasi ku geeriyooday mid ka mid ah labadaasi darawal, halka kan kalena isagoo aad u liita uu ku sugan yahay isbitaalka Madiina Labada darawal ayaa ku murmay lacag dhan 10-kun shilling Soomaaliya ah, iyadoo mid ka mid ah uu qori AK 47 ah ku taagay kan kale, kadibna uu ninkii lagu taagay qoriga uu la soo baxay bastoolad, kuna riday kii kale, iyadoo midkii bastoolada lagu riday oo sitay qoriga AK uu keebka u qabtay qorigii halkaana uu ku dilay ninkii kale. Dhacdo tan la mid ah ayaa dhowaan ka dhacday Ex. Wakaaladii xoogga korontada halkaasoo labo maleeshiyo ay ku murmeen bililiqo loo geysanayey birihii daxaleystay ee wakaaladdaasi oo ay maleeshiyooyinku ka iibsanayeen kooxo ganacsato ah oo suuq uga helay birahaasi dalka dibeddiisa, waxaana ay labada maleeshiyo oo ku murmay birihii halkaasi laga qaadayey uu mid ka mid ah rasaas ku furay kii ka hor-taagnaa in uu qaato birahaasi, halka kii la dhaawacayna uu isla meeshii ku toogtay ninka dhaawaca u geystay. Falalka ceykan oo kale ah ayaa noqday kuwo soo noqnoqda ayaa waxaa u sabab ah hubkii oo gacanta u galay dad waxmagarato ah oo ciddii ay doonaan ku waxyeeleynaya. Cabdishakuur Cilmi Xasan,Dayniile,Muqdisho