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Everything posted by thefuturenow

  1. Apophis;991642 wrote: You forgot to add that they also don't need interference and meddling by qurbojogs who wish to enforce alien ideologies and "solutions" to problems they know less than nothing about. Let these people solve their problems in their own way. Despite all we have been through, I think that the Nation's greatest threat is qurbojoog ideology. These ideas adopted from extremist liberals are a death knell to the restoration of what Somalis can recognize as Somalia.
  2. Xaaji Xunjuf;991659 wrote: There are no solutions the status quo will remain. And the demise of the detractors is inevitable. XX your ideology is dying. Shovel?
  3. Geography - Hildegaard Johnson (intro) David Lanegran - Urban Geography Leakey - Progress and Evolution of Man in Africa Nasr - Plight of Modern Man "Subliminal Seduction" (title) Black Rednecks and White Liberals - Thomas Sowell (also his books on Economics and Culture) "Future Shock" (title) How To Win Friends and Influence People (Carnegie) Greatest Salesman in the World (Mandino) Botany of Desire (Pollen) - also, his "Omnivores Dilemma Social Class Influences Upon Learning - Allison Davis Rituals of Blood - Orlando Patterson Omni-Americans - Al Murray Autobiography - Malcolm X Power Elite - C.Wright Mills Western Canon - Harold Bloom Howl - Alan Ginsberg Black Fire - Larry Neal Clinton Tapes - Taylor Branch Asian Drama - Segal Merchants of Grain - Morgan Myth of Sisyphus - Camus Walker's Appeal - David Walker Anything by John Hope Franklin History of Western Philosophy - Bertrand Russell also "Principia Mathematica" Simple (stories) - Langston Hughes Clash of Civilizations - Huntington Muntu - Jahneiz (?) The Power Broker - Robert Caro Anything by E.Franklin Frazier, especially "Race and Culture Contacts in the Modern World" Way of Zen - Watts Anacalypsis - Higgins Man and His Symbols - Jung City of God - Augustine The Prince - Machievelli Art of War - Sun Tzu Analects of Confucius I Ching Alice in Wonderland - Carroll Buddha Dharma Siddhartha 1984 Animal Farm Mysticism of Sound and Music - Hazrat Khan Cultural Unity of Africa - Diop Introduction to African Civilizations - Jackson The World and Africa - DuBois Africa, the Triple Heritage - Mazrui History of the Upper Guinea Coast - Rodney Christianity, Islam and the Negro Race - Blyden Capitalism and Slavery - Williams Black Jacobins - James Peoples History of the US - Zinn Documentary History of the Negro in the US - Aptheker Signs in the Heavens - Ahmad Lost History - Morgan Canon - Ibn Sina Natural Theology - William James Aesop's Fables Grimm's Fairy Tales Muqaddimah - Ibn Khaldun Story of Civilization - Durant Poems of Rumi and Saadi Critical Path (?) - Buckminster Fuller The Prophet - Gibran Whole Earth Catalog Search for Common Ground/Jesus and the Disinherited - Thurman Remembering Malcolm - Benjamin Karim, also Death of White Supremacy World's Great Men of Color - J.A. Rogers Cultural Forces in World Politics - Mazrui American Dilemma - Myrdal Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee - Brown The Fire Next Time - Baldwin Notes of a Native Son - Baldwin Africa Must Unite - Nkrumah, also Neo-Colonialism Wretched of the Earth; Black Skins, White Masks; A Dying Colonialism - Fanon Innocents Abroad; Autobiography - Mark Twain As The Light Shineth From The East - Muhammad, also African American Genesis Walden - Thoreau Suppession of the African Slave Trade; The Philadelphia Negro - DuBois (anything by him) Up From Slavery - B.T. Washington Man Who Talked to Flowers - G.W.Carter Narrative of the Life - Frederick Douglass Women, Race and Class - Angela Davis Democracy in America - de Toqueville Savage War of Peace - Home Things Fall Apart - Achebe American Religion - Bloom Cultural Literacy - Hirsch Where Do We Go From Here - MLK, Jr. Community of Self; Natural Psychology and Human Transformation - Akbar Travels - Ibn Battutah They Came Before Columbus - Sertima Stolen Legacy - James Grey - Anatomy of the Human Body Physicians Desk Reference DSM - Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Psych The Merck Manual Back To Eden - Kloss How To Eat To Live - Muhammad Power Faith and Fantasy - Oren Cultural Roots of American Islamicism - Marr Journey Into America - Akbar Ahmed Devil's Game - Dreyfuss Great War for Civilization - Fisk Treasury of African Folklore - Courlander, also Treasury of African American Folklore Souls of Black Folk - DuBois MisEducation of the Negro - Woodson Plays - Ed Bullins Collected Works - Ishmael Reed The New Negro - Locke Black Fire - Neal Blues People; Black Music - Jones (Baraka) Black Music, Four Lives - Spellman American Hunger - Wright Crisis of the Negro Intellectual - Cruse Spook Who Sat By The Door - Greenlee Man Who Cried I Am - Williams Code of the Street - Anderson Black Family - Blasingame Message to the Blackman - Muhammad American Jihad - Barboza Parting the Waters; Pillar of Fire; Toward Canaan - Taylor Branch Red Book - Mao Tse Tung
  4. Avoid it. It'll put you in certain undesirable lists.
  5. Apophis;991433 wrote: It's what separates the sheep (those who cannot generate any ideas originally) and the idea/s generators (who write it in book format for the sheep). If you wrote a book, I would buy it. (If it fits into my budget, of course). Saff, have you read Fanon's Wretched of the Earth? Black Skins White Masks? Qutb's Milestones?
  6. Naxar Nugaaleed;991502 wrote: Sharci Darro? hub sharci ah ma jira lol Saalax;991503 wrote: It won't work, metal scrap looters are addicted to violence. Maybe some can get a licence to carry a gun The hatred! It's just so ripe, so prime. I wonder where such sweet hatred for your brother's progress is grown and nurtured.
  7. Gar_maqaate;990314 wrote: Why does the president have his own picture hanging above his own chair. :D All world leaders do this. Perhaps, it is because they are insecure and egotistic. Maybe, they just do it because everyone else does it and "that's how it has always been." Misr should take back its ambassador. They have bigger problems.
  8. Tallaabo;991477 wrote: They should get it too. Summary of this thread so far: 1. Passionate Aristotle vents about the reality of the Somali condition and demands that we think about the future. 2. Jaded SOL members tell him there is no hope because they enjoy bickering about the present. Coming up: Aristotle realizes that Somalia is hopeless because [sOL] Somalis are Masochistic & pessimistic individuals who get off on their on delusions and self-pity. There is hope Aristotle. There is hope. But if you want to keep it alive, stay away from SOL.
  9. Safferz;991277 wrote: Here are mine, in no particular order -- Your life is quite "changeable." The Qur'an, the Book of Genesis and The Book of Daniel. The Autography of Malcolm X. The Y.I.B.I.R of Las Burgabo--Mahmood Gaildoon. The Malcolm X book is incredible. To see what this man used to be and who he became is truly inspiring.
  10. Xaaji Xunjuf;991220 wrote: Somalis do not have the perception that they are destined to cooperate for the larger good. I laughed reading this.
  11. N.O.R.F;991168 wrote: All he did was free South Africans from apartied. I mean, thats nothing! I'm sure he freed S. Africans from apartheid. Just like Martin Luther King freed blacks from slavery.
  12. How can Somaliland not be recognized with a conference table of this quality! I mean look at the thing. TRULY MAGNIFICENT. The world powers should be ashamed of themselves.
  13. Somalia;902444 wrote: ^^ So basically they were the Greyjoys? +1
  14. The Zack;991197 wrote: d/p - man, I hate the new SOL. You mean "Somaliland Online"?
  15. cadnaan1;991153 wrote: sida muuqata kolombo waa laga been abuurtay qof ayaa magaciisa iska sheegtay. Probably Mooge.
  16. "I want to believe that Mr. Zizec's interesting thoughts don't imply that there has to be a pool of blood to be crossed on his way to socialism." This is one of the comments from the article and it happens to be the main criticism of the author i.e. a shift of power/(ruling ideology) can happen through peaceful means. I have to disagree. THERE MUST BE BLOOD.
  17. Rape, theft and burglary makes him the most innocent man on that stage at any point during the proceedings.
  18. All pacifists will be celebrated for evil is the root of violence.
  19. galbeedi;991049 wrote: Poverty is not the only one of the major causes of desperation, but it is one of the factors.. A research done by a noted scholar found that over 90% of Canadian or American youth who joined Terrorist organizations were one way or another had issues either with law or failed to achieve any meaningful progress in their life. Venerable young men are lured to join gangs, how about if the gang offers money, marriage of a young woman, honor and heaven.. A great effort is needed to confront the ideology and money coming from the gulf, mobilize the young men and offer some hope. I think the way he describes is exactly how many poor people are used.Do you think Godane, Aweys and others will send their kids to be suicide bombers? no they use the poor. Factor this factor that. Why is it so hard to understand that these boys and men left the country because they wanted to engage in what they believed was a holy war? You can make up all sorts of reasons. But this is nothing more than NGO theory to get a couple more grant dollars. These men were well integrated. They saw people they identified with being attacked by an enemy nation ascribing to a foreign faith. They chose to go fight. They believed that such a life was more meaningful than getting an engineering degree. So let's stop pretending that these men/boys left the country for any other reason than to engage in what they believed was jihad. Perhaps, you can argue that they did not really understand the concept or made rash decisions. But one thing is clear. They left to fight BECAUSE they wanted to join an Somali-Muslim-militant group that was fighting against the political class and their Ethiopian soldiers.
  20. ^ agree. Unemployment has little to do with terrorism. This is the narrative that they use to make Western suburbia feel comfortable. "If only we could feed them, they wouldn't attack us." No. Terrorism is about what terrorists claim it's about, Religion.
  21. burahadeer;990917 wrote: Madoobe , has same last name with the boss,they bro.? Racist.
  22. galbeedi;990768 wrote: President Hassan Sheekh will regret if he appoints this Kenyan stooge while ignoring many other prominent Somalis who hail from important regions. Why not nominate The people of Shabeelaha hoose whom their land stretches from Afgooye to Kismaayo, or Puntland. Why not nominate Fowsiya Haji Adan who Showed grit and determinations.
  23. Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;990743 wrote: Waa macquul oo dhici karo. The other day I was reading the 'required' credentials of ra'iisul wasaaraha cusub from madaxtooyada. It seemed it was an official document and one of the top requirement expected from anyone seeking this position was s/he 'must not' have any conflict or enemity with neighbouring countries (read: Xabashida iyo Kuukaayada). Saas ayaa noo dambeysay Soomaali haddaa nahnay, and some are happy to be subjects of Xabashada iyo Kuukaayada than in mid Soomaali kalo u taliyo in midnimo iyo walaaltinimo. It is truly an unfortunate state we are in. This link says the opposite i.e. it was Xalane who was rejected