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Everything posted by CHE

  1. If you ask me..........I would relocate the whole dang on capital to Hargeisa,and name Mogadishu as the commercial capital. I dont see the importance of symmetry here......
  2. We dont lack whole thing we obviously lack though, is the ability to look at a situation objectively. Yeey had a plan ,what is yours guavera?
  3. It is just pathetic.......aint it ? Who said Somaliland was a separate entity? Their politicians,rather president, is equally as unpolished as the rest of the Somali politicians.
  4. Let me also say that,I welcome any project that will develope Somalia without reserving any suspicion. I believe that Somalia will be the main beneficiary, at this point of time, in any project that involves in utilizing(legally) the resources or the people of Somalia.
  5. I understand that, this is still a proposal that hasnt been finalized by the parties involved.And if and when it is signed into a deal, I do not think that the authority in Garaowe will undertake any deal that poses threat to the establishments of PL or to the federal of Somalia. I must say that its no longer "secret" ,now that you have officially made it public.However, it does add a lil bit of thrill to your heading!.
  6. Duke, I am native of that part of the country,better yet of close lineage to A/Y and I would be careful not to make case for his tyrany.
  7. correction ................................the negative aspects of the enviroment we live in .........
  8. Nur, Few Questions, Are the members of this organization past the usual marriage age(as per norm ,between 21 and 29)? If so, was it because of school committment? If the answer is YES,proceed to read,otherwise disregard. It would seem to me that these women had priorities,getting their masters and graduate work done first.But then,its no-brainer that comes with consequence,sometimes at the expense of "getting wived up" and hence lose valuable time towards settling down. I also dispute that, there are no enough Somali males that are worthy of their partnership. Polygamy advocacy overlooks the negative aspects that we live in.It also diminishes the role of mothers towards constructive society.
  9. 7000 well equipped troops are more than needed to clean up Mogadishu.Their function would be to disarm and neutralize any threat or challenge that he government may face, and adequately protect the government personnel and the gov. institutions.And also re-constitute(malitias) and train the Somali army and law enforcement agancies.I would assume, if that can be accomplished the gov. would be up and running.If not, logic would dictate that the gov. be relocated elsewhere.
  10. Dont get it twisted............Its Somalia that I love,I dont recognize Somaliland.
  11. A mere campaign of hyper-nationalism, with no intention to diminish the importance of Waqooyi and its citizens. The bone of contention is that there are no visible cultural cleavages that would render Somaliland culturally distinct in contrast to the mainstream Somali culture. In terms of history,there are somewhat variations of history. But then so are other regions of the country diversified in terms of history., so much so that even regions of the self-proclaimed State are diverse. For instance awdal has long, outstanding historical variation from its neighbouring regions. And if we are to to merit secession on the basis of historical variations, then so be it! Now,the argument become slippery slope one, and begs the question why should WE not divide the country even more, beginning with Awdal declaring itself as State. Eventually WE 'll have as many States as the number of letters in the word Somalia(maybe more). Secondly, what’s now known as Somaliland came about after king Melelik of Abyssinia struck a deal with the English that resulted in the annexation of Harar and the creation the British Somaliland enclave. And if I were to recognize Somaliland, Shame on me! I would be honoring a cheap foreign deal that was not in the interest of Somalis to begin with. Furthermore, the fact that the same crooks that were integral part of the Siyad regime are running Somaliland today, fails me to comprehend the need for separate State for the people of Waqooyi.
  12. Anyone who condones the tragedy that has transpired in Hargeisa is just as guilty as the lynch mob that committed the atrocities. His(sangub) naive words do not represent the views of Somali-Weyn, and all the goodwill Somalis should condemn him in the most public fashion. A great deal of pain and suffering has been brought upon the Somalis in Waqooyi,and there can be no humane justification to it. These atrocities should be permanently indented into our memories to honor the victims,and avoid any future acts of terror against civilians.
  13. It is deja vu all over again ! I can see Bush saying that tonight, when he delivers his state of the union address.
  14. No sir, this has never been about Waayeel or about Suldaan,for that matter. I simply raised a point that needed to be addressed,in my sincere opinion, without resorting to shenanigan. Let me also say, I contest the IDEA and harbor no ill-feelings to my Somali brothers.
  15. NB Now n again, you seem to be missing the point and I would hate to keep saying "there u go again, knuckle head"............nevermind though you'll come around regardless of the idiosyncrasies you subscribe to. Besides, I need not cheer myself, you seem to be accomplishing that for me.
  16. Waayeel, I would like to think that you are a bit smarter than you portray yourself.
  17. With due respect,anytime you express your views on a public forum you open your views to scrutiny and critique.I speak of your map, it lacks credit and is misleading. For now this looks alot better!
  18. The idea here is, a piece of writting should not have been deleted regardless of the content.The message it carried was irresponsible,but what has transpired has only made case for the writter and his sympatizers. And yes,it is true that money and time is invested to upkeep the site,we all appreciate,however I would causion the concept that the freedom for folks to express takes a back seat to the priorities of the admin.
  19. Needless to say that Mr.Qudhac's piece was dedicated to placing the blame where it did not entirely belong,nonetheless the admin should've never erased it.
  20. Its bias to have an individual picked out of greater pool of men that were known to have done harm,or might have been involved indirectly for reasons other than to sincerely seek justice. If the charges brought against the former defence minister were sincere effort to hold those that were responsible accountable for the crimes committed then many of the somali citizens would have rather welcomed the idea and even recommend the process start at the Somaliland president's office in Hargeisa. Its a fact and behooves us to over look the fact that some of the folks that run Somaliland are equally guilt for the crimes committed against the civilians in that part of the country. Jaalle Riyale himself was a "key operator" for the NSS ,and is known to have had major role in the atrocities,in that period. You are is farce! It is farce that you blame some for double standards that you my friend will readily indulge in. This is in no way to condone any of the violations that took place,but to merely get few things in order before we hastily proceed to convict. In my sincere analysis, I see issues of this sort as an effort to drive wedge amongst the Somalis and create unnecessary tension. I recently saw Hotel Rwanda,and might have some appreciation for what misplaced emotions can do to a nation.
  21. Duke Univ. is in North caroline,supposedly one of the better schools in the south and it has a top ranked basketball program.
  22. Electrical engineering @ the Ohio State Univ.,with emphasis on power genaration and signal processing.