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Everything posted by Indhoos

  1. I watched my teacher get a black eye when he tried to stop two boy who were fighting. As for women, I tried once and they were grown women, as I reached to pull the top one off, she screamed, "Alla miyaad ii qabanaysaa?" I stood back and watched till a gentleman showed up. He yelled at me to intervene, but I said uh-uh. So he grabbed the top one and lifted her off the other one...Now I will not intervene at all. Children, absolutely.
  2. kkkkkkkk, ala hooyoy...Walaahi waa iga qoslisay...alla muxuu say walaahi kala shabiyey. war saqiir suujiska aayar, gowsahaaga saan kor ku arko gawsay dhaleene.
  3. Oh I love this thread, keep it up. here is a website, it is to a maktabah, but you can download many of the cd/dvds. faruk store
  4. kkkkkkkkk...Ducaysan e Boowe 40kii gu'baa iiga dhiman, sodohna waan ahaye iga xishoo dee... Adiguse say walaahi crew baad aragtaye ma Soomaalidii hore baad wax ka taqaan....
  5. Originally posted by Fabregas: indhoos; that be would cool for a wedding night no? imagine the bride as the farax enters with green suit? lol Ferb, Boowe waa Indho-blue waxa kula hadlaya... Cadaan change the name ASAP for goodness sake... :mad: :mad: As for your suit, why as long as she is wearing a bright red gown it will do...something like this :mad: Ala ciidaan xagee cilaan ka doontaa? Yaa rabi...
  6. Four months ago I would have written pages of ideas about how I wanted to raise my Daughter, but now that I actually have one...I am at a loss. I am trying hard not to suffocate her with my attempt to shield her from evil and I will bet that your ideas will change once you are a parent. As for my upbringing, I was scared to death of my mom, and later did not want to disappoint her so I behaved my behind. Many have said it before, I think the best way is to teach by example.
  7. Violence...tsk-tsk-t sk Translate your signature there.
  8. The only thing I know is that the words differ because the events are different. Example, Amaan, Duco, Gubaabo iyo wixii la mid ah. I think there are some elders who know the ciyaar and can make-up the word just like buranbur...Good luck.
  9. Was told to use it as a team building strategy, b/c when you put the teams together you don't want to end up with dull analysis full of nothing but data by the greens. You also don't want a party without any other element presented by the Oranges. etc. etc. Lol at husband must be green, I think most Somali men are green in that area.
  10. ^^^Matching same colors is lethal for goodness sake...put greens together and they will die of orange to make it fun...
  11. As far as meeting people from SOL goes, I want to see all the faces behind these screen names out of curiosity, but if I pick just three, they will be... KK--> she sounds cool. Juxa--> Also a very cool sounding lady. Bob--> He sounds very wise. I also want to see the faces behind, Arac, funny lady, Ibtisam, Af-somali inay iigu sheekeeso baa rabi lahaa, Aaliyah and C&H as well as Buuxo and Malika, always handing out sound advice.
  12. There is a family friend who did this, and he recited the same things Malika mentioned...She saves her spendings money and gives it back, she won't sleep til he sleeps, etc. I remembered the movie Coming to America, when Eddie met his African Bride....hmmm,
  13. Originally posted by *Buuxo*: ^hehe.And if he gets the Geel for free from an Australian desert,does that count? We will take the effort into consideration, then get a lovely amazonian for him, Wild geel, Wild Gal.
  14. ^^^Markaa ma inaad geel bixiso baad diyaar u tahay? Let me know...
  15. ^^^I knew you would give a good advice...Help me out here... Marriages are based on Mowadah and Rahmah. The Mowadah (Romance, I believe) is fleeting and ends soon, but the Rahmah remains and keeps the couple together. So, after four years of marriage, it is not surprising that the Mowadah is gone... Besides that, it is in the nature of some people not to buy gifts or shower others with compliments and if that is the case she should have made his few attempts a celebrated moments so he gets in the habit of buying her gifts. She could also extent the gestures that she wants from him, to him.
  16. ^^^But that is just for two months...then it is lovely. Today it is 90 degrees and we are going yippeee. I have not seen one yet, but I will look...There is a drive thru mass though, like a drive thru movie, people stay in their cars and listen to the sermon through speakers scattered in the parking lot.
  17. Wlc to AZ, We also have drive thru grocery stores, but all of them are quite handy during the summer when it is 113-117 outside and you cannot afford to step out of your AC'ed car...
  18. 1)Prejudice 2)People who repeat lies and refuse the fact. 3)Rudeness 4)thoughtless talk 5)Lies,
  19. ^^^Walaahi, that brought tears to my eyes... Especially the gabay about the boy who tore out his mother's heart... Thank you for sharing.
  20. "who knows it must have been pitched to them by a beautiful woman Why else carry out research into well established phenomena." Okey, that made me LOL in class and everyone stared, thanks.
  21. Ilaahay hakuu sahlo...Whatever it is it will pass, so just take it easy.
  22. ^^But do we eat cats. It looks just like buffalo wings at the end. Hmmm
  23. ^^^Che, it sounds as if you get the same chain mails that I do. Cool one though