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Everything posted by Dalmar1

  1. Dowlada Soomaaliya oo Sheegtay in Biri Muqdisho lagu Aasayo AUN Maxamed Suleebaan Tubeec. Mar 15, 2014 - jawaab Post Views = 102 Dowladda Federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya ayaa sheegaytay in aas qaran magaalada Muqdisho loogu sameeybayo Allaha u raxmadee fannaankii caanka ahaa, Maxamed Suleymaan Tubeec, oo Talaadadii ku geeriyooday dalka Jarmalka. Guddoomiyaha baarlamaanka Soomaaliya Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaaro oo la hadlay maanta raadiyaha afka dowladda ku hadasha,waxaa uu shaaca ka qaaday in maalinta berri ah la keenayo Muqdisho Allaha u naxriistee Maxamed Suleymaan,isagoona inta ku daray aas qaran loogu sameeyn doonno gudaha dalka, iyadoo aaskiisa ay ka qeyb geli doonaan mas’uuliyiin kala duwan iyo bahda fanka Soomaaliyeed. Mudane Maxamed Sheekh Cismaan Jawaari ayaa sheegay in Allaha u naxriistee Maxamed Suleymaan uu kaalin weyn kasoo qaatay gobanimada dalka, wuxuuna xusay in maalinta berri ah Meydiisa la keeni doono magaalada Muqdisho. Tubeec wuxuu ahaa fannaan si weyn looga yaqaanno gayiga Soomaaliya, wuxuuna ku caan-baxay magaca ‘Boqorka Codka’. Wuxuu fanka billaabay 1950-meeyadii. Tubeec wuxuu leeyahay heeso badan oo isugu jira waddani, jaceyl, guubaabo ammaan, duco iyo heellooyinka qaraamiga ah. Wuxuu ka tirsanaa hobollada Waaberi ee hoggaanka u ahaa fanka iyo suugaanta Soomaaliya. Heesaha uu qaaday waxaa ka mid ah Nasteexo, Alla Maanta ayaanta, Heesta Sanadka iyo Waqti. Nagala Soo Xiriir Alldhacdo@gmail.com « WARBIXINTA KA HOREYSAY Xog:- Maxay Yihiin Wasiirada uu C/weli Sheekh Axmed u dirayo Kismaayo
  2. Thank you brother malistar for the GREAT news, please continue on doing the good JOB!
  3. <cite> @Admin said:</cite> Nomads, let us remember that this is a moderated forum and insults against Somali clans are not permitted. Please don't insult other nomads either. The forum is read by a lot of people including minors, so please be civil and respect the rules of the website. Thanks for the patience you have shown to us nomads, I apologise any offence I have caused from my side, so thanks!
  4. The fantasy they (snm boys) live in is indeed something that ought to be studied, kulahaa hashimite, snm build somalia with their somalinimo and they afterward destroyed it and the biggest of all he says Somaliland is a country LOL talk about Delusion's......and you wonder why recognition hasn't arrived when you have people like the creature above as citizens!
  5. From the upper end of the spectrum of Somalia politics you have H block and D block feuding politically for the TOP SEAT, and at the lower end of the spectrum of Somalia Waqooye galbeed you have the minorities of Khatumo,Maakhir,snm boys, and Awdal fighting out for their slice of the cake, (fortunately for khatumo and maakhir, they have their greater group of D block fighting for their right)......all in all, its hilarious right!
  6. Malistar, Inshallah Somalia will be free from ashabaab and be the way it was PRE-90's!
  7. Bro Dr.osman, when it comes to qabilism i'm far (very far) from it! But one has to understand with utmost honesty that Somalia is heading to a Centralist Federal state, where the dominant Party/figure rules, and by dominant i mean; the Party with allies!,....H block, with all its faults and errors, they are by far the dominant figure, simply because they are united as 1 beesha and have allies in abundance, H block has simply mastered the skill of making allies domestically and foreign, plus they are always seen as the Underdog,and blessed with charismatic individuals that can captivate Somali audiences with their oratory skill!. let me simply put this in 4 category needed too rule Somalia; 1.Muscle, power to fight your way through Authority! 2.Unity, your beesha has to unite first in order to fight or repel the opposing beesha! 3.Oratory skill, needed to capture people's thoughts and minds. 4.Allies, you must have allies in order to have your way in Somalia politically. H block by far has all of this, 1,2,3,4. D block, has only the number 3 and i'm being generous here! *****(that includes SNM boys) block only has, 2 and 3! Know brother Osman, that H block in times of anarchy ruled entire south unchallenged, how do you thing it will now end up, when we are in control of Somalia politically! D block want federalism because they know H block will always be #1. They know they aren't dealing with passive H block (pre-90, before Aideed outcry to HAG)anymore. You messed up big D block. You did major mistakes. You werent strategic. Take your federalism, we will still have more states than you anyway. Parliament is pro H block. The rules are made for H block to bend just like how we threw out Shirdon when he didn't listen to Prez and MPs were given food as a gift. D block thrived under centralism before 1991. Now they call for federalism because they are scared of H block. H block was like Shirdoon hurdaaye before 91. Now it's awake. And D block are scared. Ashabaab is dying, and HAG is rising!,a fact one must overcome.
  8. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> Dalmar1, next step is Somali Channel, They should use the term Maamulka Waqooyi Galbeed. The SNM clannists will accuse them of taking sides, banning Somali Channel from triangle clan enclave. Their hated propaganda will be found only on snm tv channels lol sxb everyone with the above average IQ level can tell that they will never be recognized and that their days of world begging is over!,.....Xamar will put stop to their ridiculous charade once and for all!
  9. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> kkkk alhamdulilah i dont hear snm propaganda on universal tv RIGHT!,.....BEST THING EVER.
  10. Sxb let's be honest to each other, that when it comes to Somalia no one likes the SAHAL group, I don't know whether its because of Siad Barre's days that you guys have no allies in Somalia!,...while HAG its the opposite no matter who they "kill or rape" like you say they always manage to have an allies throughout Somalia, its as if HAG has all qabiil of Somalia under a spell! As for Jubaland being a SAHAL GROUP sxb you and I know its a losing battle!,...no sane qabill (especially HAG) is going to allow it, so lets be honest! Maamulka baydhabo and Maamulka Juba will join together to form 1 state, hence President Hassan support s/Hoose to join baydhoba because of HAG being present there and they will be represented politicaly in the upcoming 6 region federal state! Trust me, HAG will consolidate the power in Somalia for many years to come, whether you like it or hate it that's a fact, so sit back and watch! ANYWAY, a question to you dr.osman, whats with you about HAG this and HAG that 24H???
  11. <cite> @SomaliaRising said:</cite> Malistar, we will hang snm jaajuus. Insha'allah, and after that we will cut his body into pieces and send it to triangle villages of snm so that they can claim it a victim of 80's xasuuq and pray janazaa on it! LOL.
  12. 10 March 2014 http://boramanews.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6870&catid=34&Itemid=53
  13. Waxaa la doortay madaxwerynaha iyo Madaxweyne ku xigeenka Shabeelle State oo Doorashadiisa Maanta ka dhacday Deegaanka Calamada Ee Duleedka Magaalada Muqdisho. Waxaa Madaxweyne loo doortay Abuukar Cabdi Mardaadi, oo horay u soo noqday wasiirka Gaashaandhiga, wuxuuna ka soojeedaa shabeelaha Hoose Gaar ahaan beesha Gare. Madaxweyne ku xigeen waxaa loo doortay Muxudiin xasan Afrax, oo ka soo jeeda shabeelaha Dhexe gaar ahaan beesha daa’uud. Shabeelle State waa lagu kala baxay, waxaana arintaan ay ka danbaysay shir lagu qabtay deegaanka calamada ee duleedka magaalada Afgooye.
  14. War EG DEG : Warbaahinta Al-shabaab oo baahisay geerida Cali dheere ” wuu ku daayay” March 10, 2014 Shabkad ku hadasha afka kooxda al shaabaab oo goor dhow lasoo dhigay in uu geeriyooday af hayeenka kooxda al shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage Cali Dheere Af hayeenka dhinaca howl galada kooxda shabaab C/casiis Abuu Muscab oo la hadlayay warbaahinta ku hadasha afkooda ayaa sheegay in uu shahiiday Af hayeenka Kooxda shabaab. Sidoo kale Sarkaal ka Tirsan shabaab ayaa shaaciyay in uu dhintay Sarkaalkaas waxaa uuna sheegay in aysan u dhutinaynin sarkaalka asaga oo sheegay in uu shahiiday. Sarkaal Ka Tirsan Dowladda Kenya ayaa horay u sheegtay in aay dileen Af hayeenka kooxda shabaab Cali Dheere. Af hayeenka kooxda al shabaab sheekh cali Maxamuud Raage sheikh Cali Dheere ayaa ahaa Sarkaal muhiim u ahaa shabaab.wuxuu noqanaya saraakisha ugu danbeeyay koxdaasi laga dilo. Dad badan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa ku xusuusanaya Af hayeenka Kooxda Shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage Cali Dheere sheegada iyo dilalka ardayda iyo wax garadka Soomaaliyeed. Kooxda shabaab oo magac diin ku qaraab jiray ayaa ku jiro waqtigoodi ugu danbeeyay oo aay ku qaadanayaan Koonfurta Soomaaliya.
  15. Everything he said is 100% true, if you believe otherwise then get yourself checked out!
  16. Waryaa be happy for your country Somalia, very soon SFG insha'allah will also liberate the triangle villages from al-shabaabs founders, so be patient freedom is near!
  17. Howlgalka Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ee dalka Soomaaliya ayaa shaaciyey inay billowdeen howlgallo ay wadajir u fulinayaan ciidamada dowladda Soomaaliya iyo kuwa AMISOM, kuwaas oo Al-Shabaab loogala wareegay magalooyin muhiim ah oo ka tirsan gobollada Bay, Bakool iyo Gedo. War-saxaafadeedka ka soo baxay AMISOM ayaa lagu sheegay in maalmihii la soo dhaafay ay ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM dib ula wareegeen gacan ku haynta magaalooyinka Rabdhuurre, Yeed, Xudur, Waajid iyo Buurdhuubo iyo deegaanno kale. Wakiilka gaarka ah ee Midowga Afrika u qaabilsan Soomaaliya, Danjire Mahamat Saleh Annadif ayaa u mahadceliyey shacabka Soomaalida ee ku nool magaalooyinka laga qabsaday Alshabaab, kuwaas oo iskaashi iyo taageeraba u muujiyey ciidamada dowladda iyo kuwa AMISOM, sida uu yiri. Danjire Annadif ayaa ugu baaqay mar kale dhallinyarada ka tirsan Al-Shabaab in ay hubka dhigaan, kuna soo biiraan shacabka Soomaaliyeed ee ku sugan deegaannada ay maamusho dowlada, isagoona sheegay in la soo dhoweyn doono. Ciidamada dowladda federaalka ah ee Soomaaliya iyo kuwa Midowga Afrika ee AMISOM ayaa dhaq-dhaqaaqyo miletari oo ay ku doonayaan dib ula wareegista deegaannada ay Al-Shabaab ku sugan tahay ka wada gobollada ay wax ka joogaan maleeshiyada. Dagaaladda lagu qaaday deegaanada Alshabaab ka maamulaan ayaa sababay barkaca dad aad u farabadan xilli qorraxdu kulushahay.
  18. Poor servant creature habaar xunjuf is sweating in panic after feeling the pressure coming from the so called "weak" Amisom guarded SFG!,...Walee you guys are pathetic, just wait when the state gets its feet on the ground, rest assure that when it does, its GAME OVER for your treacherous folks in the triangle state! TOP news: buurdhuubo- Gedo is liberated and under SFG authority!
  19. And guess who won, Somalia Federal Republic,obviously........ that says much about your delusional fairy-tale of somalillalaland waa republic LOL, what a bunch of delusional jokes! any man with the intellectual capacity of the average JOE, can tell where Somalia is heading, and that's a Federal centralist state, Where all the So called Qabiil-LANDS will be represented in Mogadishu,....so stop wasting your time with wishful thinking and daily non affecting habaar and prepare yourself and beesha to be represented in the Capital of all Somalis مقعد شاه ("The seat of the Shah") MOGADISHU!
  20. <cite> @Xaaji Xunjuf said:</cite> Talllaabo i doubt the creature u quoted is from Baraxlay, no person from baraxlay would have so much hatred and envy for Somalilanders.I suspect he is a pirate who wishes to ally him self with the Damuljadid in order to get back at Somalilanders. Creature kulaha LOL, sxb walee the only one close to creature in Somalia is you and your beesha with their make believe "iraqi" fairy tale lineage, JOKE OF THE CENTURY!,....KKKKK anyway i dont have to explain to anyone of what i am, especially to a "CREATURE" known for their treacherous ways throughout their history against the people of SOMALIA and MUSLIMS ALIKE,all in all it must burn you and your people inside to know that everyone in Somalia whether the D block, H Block, and D&M Block is against your poisoning ways of secession, im HG Through bred and i will always hate your Kind SNM children ways of treachery! as for ENVY of Somaliland, kkkkk whats there to envy, waryaa YOUR people come to my Land in XAMAR for hotel cleaning jobs, there's nothing to envy about somaliland, XAMAR alone succeeds your entire god forsaken triangle LAND!
  21. Siday ku soo baxayaan wararka naga soo gaaraya dhankaas iyo maamulka la baxay soomaaliland wasiir ka tirsan maamulkaas ayaa lagu sasabayaa magaalada burco xarunta gobolka togdheer ka dib markii uu ka soo caruuday xukuumadii uu wasiirka ahaa. Wasiir saleebaan ciise xagla toosiye oo ahaa wasiirka wasaarada caafimaadka maamulkaas ayaa la sheegay in uu u soo goostay dhanka maamulka puntland markii uu khilaaf soo kala dhex galay isaga iyo qaar ka mid ah wasiirada iyo masuuliyiinta maamulkaas. Wasiir xagla toosiye ayaa habeenkii labad seexanaya magaalada burco hotel ku yala halkaas oo ay ku ilaalinayaan ciidan farabadan oo ay wateen saraakiil ku hakisay halkaas oo ay isku dhow yihiin. Warar ayaa sheegaya in wasiirku doonayay in uu gudaha u galo deegaanada puntland siiba magaalooyinka buuhoodle iyo widh widh halkaas oo uu ka soo jeedo hada ka horna uga biiray maamulka la baxay soomaaliland. Xubno ka mid ah golaha wasiirada maamulka soomaaliland ayaa la shegay in ay u tageen wasiirka iyagoo la qaatay kulan balse lagu guul dareystay xal laga gaaro iyagoo dib ugu laabtay magaalada maamulkaas caasimada u ah ee hageysa. Khilaafka soo kala dhexgalay wasiir xagla toosiye iyo xukuumada uu wasiirka ka ahaa ayaa la sheegay in uu salka ku hayo arimaha madaxtooyada iyo fadhi la sheegay in loo fidiyay qaar ka mid ah ugaasyo ka soo jeeda bariga siiba deegaanka widhwidh. Wararkale oo ay qoreen baraha wararka maamulka soomaaliland ka faalooda ayaa sheegaya in arimaha wasiirku ka carooday ay ka mid yihiin ciidan uu hada ka hor la galay maamulkaas oo laga jaray mushaaharaadkii la siin jiray. Waxaan la xaqiijin Karin halka ay sheekadan ku sal dhigandoonto inkastoo la soo sheegayo in uu adagyahay mowqifka wasiirka caafimaadka soomaaliland mr saleebaan xagla toosiye You can listen to him on this website under: http://saadaalnews.com/2014/03/07/dhagayso-salebaan-ciise-xagla-toosiye-oo-kasoo-goostay-somaliland/
  22. <cite> @Dr_Osman said:</cite> This confirms what i was saying the other day. Amisom(Ethiopia) will be based in soauthern mudug especially around bandiradley. I said this because I know amisom mandate won't allow them past that. It's sheekadi 2006 ICU offensive in southern mudug all over again, but this time they want amisom to set up a permanent buffer zone at bandiradley rather then coming in and out on ad hoc basis. It's a smart move by Gaas because if USC folks cried about 10 or so PIS in mogadishu, I doubt they would be screaming for joy at thousands of Puntland forces deployed in southern mudug. Good move GAAS, just make sure amisom stays in USC territories because they will be alot more welcomed then a Puntland force and al shabab could use that as propaganda to get more recruits using the Puntland forces in the territory as a scapegoats. Give them Amisom I say, they are happy with it and as long our security is not disturbed we could care less. Sxb walahi lately you have been getting on my nerve here with your daily calacaal!,...bro Focus on Somaliland (that's robbing your people and land) and not this pathetic out cry on the SFG. I know you don't like SFG because of their Qabiil, but please have some dignity by reserving yourself like a gentlemen and not like a female on her period, it makes you look silly, really silly! And as for PIS and puntland army being strong, I say nothing except that its ridiculous and a joke and that you should only look at your own and beesha history, of how when 1 Sub Sub Sub Sub SubSub of H block that lives in Galkacyo took on and obliterated the entire D block into an almost extinction, truely they conquered by themselves Bari to Kismayo Gedo!,..?but non the less war is bad and peace is good, so watch your self because you never know if 90's lesson is lurking in the corner and might be repeated! So sxb walaahi I'm not a warmonger never were, but your childish remarks really infuriated!,..so please refrain yourself next time, because you and I have the same interest which is to have peace across Somalia and to combat those illegal secessionists in triangle state, so please let's start afresh and work toward peaceful SOMALIA insha'allah!