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Everything posted by Maarodi

  1. This American Life. That's the only one I listen to.
  2. *Ibtisam;929877 wrote: It was a good initiative. We need Somali archives not just for arts- so much history lost. I feel sad every time I see 90 something year old person passing away with all their experience, memories and knowledge. Truly depressing. Yes, indeed.
  3. Alpha Blondy;929758 wrote: and why does she have a weak pathetic voice, punting and struggling for consistence in speech, as though she's got chronic bowls syndrome. Well dang, I see you have a lot of pent up anger. People aren't born orators, public speaking takes a lot of gut and practice.
  4. Tallaabo;929549 wrote: It is not UCLA but UCL (University College London) on this side of the Atlantic. I predict any meeting of Somalis educated or not will eventually descend into an inter-clannish farce . :rolleyes: Hope they prove your silly butt wrong. Apophis did you go?
  5. lol @ Apophis. You should go and let us know how it went
  6. Wadani;929340 wrote: I expected more from u coofle. I can respect a Somali who says he/she's not black because he refuses to have his identity subsumed under an arbitrary racial category devised by European anthropologists; one unknown to his/her forefathers. Our nomadic forefathers were Muslim, then Somali, then their clan, then their sub clan...and so on. This is how identity was conceptualized within the Somali context....and it cannot be considered self-hate to continue with this method of self-indentifying if one chooses to do so. But if one claims they aren't black to escape from his 'africaness' due to the internalization of the ineherent inferiority of the African vis a vis Europeans/Middle Easterners etc....then yes that's classic self-hatred. Which do u fall under Coofle? Is caddee baan ku idhi. I think you guys are making the same argument albeit from different angles. I think what Coofle is saying is that these constructed categories do not accurately describe people (black, white, yellow etc). People come in different shades, hues and variations. Technically it would be inaccurate to call someone black or white unless they looked like these cats I couldn't resist. Love those cats. Achebe was a great African author. I was a bit shocked and saddened by his death but inaa lilahi wa inna ilahi raajii'un,
  7. Read this article and let me know if there's any truth to it. Somali Police Arrest 2 Lovers Over Steamy Facebook Messages I find it particulary hard to believe it. ... The Committee for the Promotion of Somaliness and Prevention of Qurbajoog , a special unit formed within the Mogadishu police department... (my emphasis)
  8. Nice project. I would only add that you start a compost in a corner and give your soil some much needed nutrition. It looked malnourished in the earlier pictures.
  9. OMG Autotune. I can't even listen to this crap. What happened to quality music?
  10. I personally was asked if I was "Islamic" also and whether I spoke "Arabian". But I absolutely HATE people, especially Somalis who use the term "SOMALIAN"
  11. This is one of my favorite threads, keep up the good work!
  12. Nin-Yaaban;926079 wrote: LoL +2. She doesn't really look like a victim in that video. I wouldn't doubt if she made this whole thing up just so she could do her little stunt. Ha! I thought the same thing. Sadly there are people out there who will claim something terrible happened to them in order to attract attention and sympathy. I hope this is not the case but I don't know how her little stunt could be seen as positive. Western feminism at its worst. Actually One Billion Rising is on par with this farce.
  13. 9 whole minutes :rolleyes: Somehow I get the feeling that she's related to M Fabulous
  14. Haatu;918722 wrote: You better find that. There's no way you're gonna tell me such a vid exists without posting it. I agree
  15. I've noticed that the quality of SNTV has improved a lot lately :cool:
  16. 5;684839 wrote: Norf, what's your beef with Hollywood? Of course there are still propaganda films being made, many studio execs have relatives in the White House or the US Senate, but Hollywood has changed so much over the decades it's incredibly difficult for even major stars to get their projects off the ground let alone politicians. If anything Hollywood is liberal and certainly not pro-military, unless you want to call Avatar (which became the highest grossing film ever [not inflation adjusted] and was produced by the big bad Fox), Hurt Locker, Brother, or any other modern film with military themes "pro-military". CIA has been trashed in films numerous times . It almost seems that the CIA guys are always the bad guys. I saw RED just recently and was positively shocked at the light they presented the CIA and the vice president of the USA. PS. Regarding the article: GE sold NBCU to Comcast. I'm at work now but I'll definitely get back to this later. Actually, the entertainment industry and the government are very much collaborating to create movies, shows, and songs. There are a lot of pieces that investigate this relationship but I'll highlight the ones I find interesting. Militainment, Inc.: War, Media, and Popular Culture (there's also a documentary/film by the same name on Youtube -- it's full length too) The Pentagon’s strengthening grip on Hollywood As for the CIA comment, instead of selectively looking at certain movies/shows, its best to look at the trend because having a 90 min look at a certain movie that depicts them in a "negative" light doesn't make up for the 100s of other movies in which they are depicted in a heroic manner (often doing illegal things by the way). Here's an awesome lengthy article that talks about the show 24 and how it was practically based on CIA torture measures. It's a very good article and I urge you to read it and everybody else to read it. Similarly, another article from the New Yorker examines the relationship between the government and Bigelow's new movie Zero Dark Thirty.
  17. xabad;899329 wrote: so what if they are Muslim. they are Arabs, and the pertinent issue here is anti-arabism.
  18. Sorry for my earlier post, I didn't realize other people had already referred to the Sheehan book/documentary. But I knew before I'd seen them that Hollywood plays on generalizations and the latest entity we seem to be at "war" with. It's a historical trend that can't be denied. NGONGE go and do an academic search if you're so blind and insist on arguing the opposite. I'll help out by pointing to a few articles THROUGH A SCREEN DARKLY: HOLLYWOOD AS A MEASURE OF DISCRIMINATION AGAINST ARABS AND MUSLIMS. Representations of Muslim Bodies in The Kingdom: Deconstructing Discourses in Hollywood A Propaganda for Hollywood Portrayal of Muslims in the media: “24” and the‘ Othering’ process Demonizing Islam before and after 9/11 Anti-Islamic Spin: an Important Factor in Pro-War PR? Through the Looking Glass: Muslim Women on Television— An Analysis of 24, Lost, and Little Mosque on the Prairie Here is a List of many academic works on the subject you should look up to help you. All the folks who think this is Tin-foil stuff should also check out those links. I can't seem to understand why you would reach that conclusion though? Or is it easy for you all to just dismiss everything by saying its a "conspiracy"? In any case, happy reading!
  19. ^ Majority of the Arabs depicted in the movies/shows are Muslim. They always seem to shout: "Allahu Akbar" with the oddest accents before they terrorize people.
  20. NGONGE;321406 wrote: ^^ Hollywood makes movies. Their driving force is making profits. Movies that deal with contemporary issues will only make money if they appeal to moviegoers. Hollywood is not obliged to be fair or just. They only have to be entertaining and make movies that people WILL like. Sadly, Muslims being the bad guys is NOT a Hollywood invention. Read this book: Reel Bad Arabs: How Hollywood Vilifies a People or Watch the documentary It doesn't take a genius to see the trend in Hollywood movies like N.O.R.F. pointed out :rolleyes:
  21. Maarodi

    The Hobbit!

    I'm excited to see it but I'll wait a while before going to the movies
  22. I don't know if this has been discussed here (or the whole forum) but it has come to my attention that the Somali anthem has been changed as of August 2012! It changed from the original "Somaliyeey toosoo" to "Qolobaa Calankeed" Is there any truth to this, because the source is Wikipedia, which for the longest time has mistranslated "somaliyeey toosoo" as "Somalia Wake-Up" What do you guys think about that? I personally prefer the old anthem and would like it restored ASAP.
  23. STOIC;896175 wrote: I'll be mad as hell if I paid to see her Lip-synching her own song... I know right! I've always had issues with unauthorized people coming up on stage and into the "shot". I hope they (or at least she) learned her lesson now.