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Everything posted by Illyria

  1. The biggest loser is President Hasan and his amateur politics. not only did he gamble away the goodwill, mandate, and legitimacy of the federal gov't that is now nothing but a political faction, he flashed down the Indian ocean the hope of those most in need of a real gov't: people of Muqdisho. he lost the political war. he will lose the diplomatic war too.
  2. President-elect of Jubaland state of Somalia. And no matter what reer Galgaduud think they can do, their 'Ku qabso ku qadi mayside' efforts would mount to nought.
  3. Jubaland israacdoo jidkii nabadda qaadaye kabax yay ku jiirine.
  4. So they've decided to recruit IDPs when the locals turned their backs. It might benefit the local economy as a downward circulation of dough from the corrupt elites to the poor IDPs begins. Trickle, but a good one.
  5. Carafaat, At times I wonder if your comprehension of these complex issues is so warped that you miss the meaning of the conversation. Or is this a case of 'once bitten by the secessionist bug, there is no turning back'. Do not answer that ‘cos I can almost presuppose what you will say. Now or in the very near future, no one in Somalia has the heart for a “central government”, weak or not, for the simple reason that under that system of government and in the name of its beguile, thousands of innocent civilians had been killed leading to the collapse of the state. What is likely to work for Somalia for the interim is units of federal states where lies the power, and a weak federal government with limited powers up until Somalis have politically matured and socially agreed among themselves that they are ready for a strong federal government and a weaker, but influential federal states. For that to happen, trust must be restored. States and regions must be rebuilt from grounds up. Intelligent politicians must be born and take over the leadership of the country. Till then, the reconstruction begins from the periphery to the center, which is what you and the current FG leadership are advocating against, and not the other way round, which is what pro-federalists are advocating against. That road has been tried, tested and it failed the nation. And one more time, the Jubaland leadership along with the delegates and elders conferring in Kismaayo had a single message from day one: we support and are part of the federal gov't. We want its to participate, bless and lead the formation of the Jubaland administration, and whatever the differences, sort them out between the parties. And that is where they still are. Why is that not sinking in? And why is your target keep shifting with the wind? Do you recall what the contested issues where when Prime Minister Saacid visited Kismaayo? And by the way, Jubaland is not the model, but a distant second or third in line to have espoused the federalist doctrine. Need I continue.
  6. Good news. The FG leadership is finally coming around to its senses. Too bad it had to take someone in a foreign capital to twist their army to see reason.
  7. Electoral commission and political organisations, save Midnimo sign a collaboration agreement. TPEC oo la gashay heshiis ururada Xarunta Hayada PDRC ee Garowe ayaa waxa ku kulmay guddiga doorashooyinka KMG ah ee Puntland iyo qaar ka mid ah ururada siyaasadda,waxaana shirkan ay TPEC iyo Ururada siyaasaddu ku kala saxeexdeen xeer iyo habdhaqan ku aadan doorashooyinka golayaasha deegaanka. Kulanka waxaa ka qayb galay ururada kala ah Horseed,UDAD,Wadajir, iyo Horcad,halka aysan shirkan imaan ururka Midnimo oo hore u qaadacday doorashoyinka deegaanka iyo Ururka PDP aan la shaacin sababta uu u uga maqnaa kulankan. Ugu horayn kulanka waxaa ka hadlay gudoomiyaha guddiga doorashooyinka Puntland Maxamad Xasan Barre wuxuuna sheegay in xeerka maanta lagu hishiiyey uu yahay midkii loogu talo galay inay ku wada shaqeeyaan ururadda siyaasada iyo guddiga doorashooyinka. ''Xeerkan wuxuu ka turjumayaa wada shaqaynta ka dhaxayn doonta ururada siyaasadeed,guddiga doorashooyinka iyo Dowlada Puntland si loo heli doorasho xalaal ah oo cadaalad ah sidaasi daraadeed heshiiskaan aan kala saxiixanay oo aan ku rajo waynahay in la xurmeeyo”ayuu yiri Barre. Madaxda ururada siyaasada ee joogay shirkan ayaa hadlay,waxayna soo dhaweyeen xeerka ay kula hishiyiin guddiga doorashooyinka Puntland. Gudoomiyaha ururka UDAD Siciid Faarax Sanwayne oo hadlay ayaa sheegay in kusoo noqoshada ururkiisa ee ka qayb galka doorashada dowladaha inay sababtay hirgalinta iyo aqbalada qodobo ay soo jeediyeen oo ay ka mid ahayd in la sameeyo maxkamadda Dastuuriga. Gudoomiyaha urur siyaasadeedka UDAD ayaa sidoo kale sheegay in xeerkani saldhig u yahay in si cadaalad ah u dhacdo doorashooyinka deegaanka. Gudoomiyaha Urur siyaasadeedka Horcad Cumar Ismaaciil Waabari ayaa isna sheegay in shirkaan uu socday mudo 3-maalmood ah gabo gabadiisiina ay heshiis ku wada gaareen ururada iyo TPEC,wuxuuna sheegay in intuu socday looga doodayay xeerkan iyo samaynta guddi madax banaan oo sii hubinaya habka doorashada ay u dhacso. 3o June,2013 ayaa la qorsheeyay inay dhacdo doorashooyinka dowladaha hoose ee Puntland oo markii ugu horaysay ay ku tartamayaan Ururo doonaya inay u soo u gudubaan doorashada Baarlamaanka iyo madaxtooyada oo ay ka qayb gali doonaan saddexda Urur ee ugu kuraas bata doorashoyinka degaanka. GAROWE ONLINE
  8. That is a coded message ala 'reer magaalnimo' not to say it openly, but his guise was torched by the message that followed. We are in era where mediocrity is accepted as the highest standard, waffle as effective oratory, and dim retorts as wit. And when all else fails, the clan card is raised to reject logic, avoid mature debate, and refute valid arguments.
  9. Then you are a better person than I. Patience, as they say, is a virtue not bestowed in all of us.
  10. True, Somali politicians are not media savvy, and lack the discipline to stick with their talking points forgetting that what is tolerated by the non-suspecting Somali audience will not be taken kindly by critical minds elsewhere. Edna has some qualities others lack, but has a greater defect other do not. Firstly, she was married to politics at the higher order for far too long where she dined and wined with the powers that be. Secondly, she has a good command of the English language, which others do not. Thirdly, she is naturally an outgoing, confident person. And finally, she knows the history of the subject she is discussing, and knows her audience doing her homework ahead of time. Her downfall however was she mixed reality with fiction far too much to the point where she could no longer be taken seriously, particularly when talking to people who knew the subject and its history more than her, and could see the flaws in her argument. In other words, she went to the well far too many times. Others like Fawzia, Jangali, Oomar etc., while less remarkable, were nonetheless decent beings whereas Edna resides in cuckoo's nest.
  11. Just listen to the questions asked, and her responses. the only memorable thing she said 5+ times was that Somalia is rich. not only was she nervous, but she came unprepared which is what she should have done knowing that she lacks the experience to quickly think on her feet, and with preset responses to further the cause of the gov't. just to name a few. And why o why did not she outline gov't policies, foreign if nothing else. and how about thanking the countries and heads of states that offered to help with hard currency? And this is not bashing our dear sister, but unfortunately she is out of her depth. I cannot say much about the other gentleman as I have never listened to him.
  12. With all due respect to our honourable lady, she had no business being a foreign minister. What an opportunity lost. Someone with mastery in diplomacy and experience in international relations should have been appointed to the post. Fozia unfortunately is not there yet.
  13. Hmmm, These people never seize to amaze. Adna's history lessons taking effect. Xaaji Xunjuf;948012 wrote: Relationship with other Somalis is strictly based on the language and some cultural similarities but its not based on ancestry or history or nationality.
  14. Aaliyyah, You are making a logical and rational argument questioning the perversion of the parliamentary procedures, but the problem is you are trying to engage an irrational person who cannot see what is being risked. It is a tiring business. Aaliyyah;947929 wrote: How can the motion be coined illegal? Questioning the president's method of dealing with a rogue provincial administration while disregarding other entities' right to partake in the fate of their region is not illogical or illegal. After all MP Galaydh was exercising his duty in representing his constituents under a parliamentary arena. Furthermore, he took the legal path and received more than the required signatures to bring it into the parliamentary discussion. This is by far the opposite of illegal. It is baffling that anyone would think otherwise. After all that the motion was rejected. That is the true antithesis of legal practice. As for supporting the president of Somalia, those of us from Khaatumo have always supported every man who was appointed presidency in Mugadishu (Incl. Hasan Sheikh Mohamud) and will always stand for unity and the blue flag. However, our support should not be taken for granted and our rights should not be discarded at the expense of others.
  15. I did not even raise the issue of her being Khatumite, but her question being timely, brilliant, and relevant, which is wasted on Mr. Hasan, as he sidestepped the question, as his intentions are not honourable. And what is dubious about Khatumo? Not that it matters the least bit what you think of it. Johnny B;947903 wrote: That she is from Khaatumo is neither here nor there,, she could have been from Hargeisa and still pose the same laymanish and evidient question and still get the same answer, as it has always been obvious ( at least to those of us who understand ) where the president stands regarding the unity of our Nation. To you it might be as you are drinking from the same dishonourable well, but not to those it matters the most. the sons and daughters of the martyrs who put their life on the line when it mattered. as it has always been obvious ( at least to those of us who understand ) where the president stands regarding the unity of our Nation.
  16. Bingo. I was about the make that point. Mintid Farayar;947890 wrote: Well, I've tried in the past to educate some of the SOLers here that one half of Buhodle actually sits on the other side of the Ethiopian border! Only if some could pay attention instead of pontificating till cows come home. what a shame. 99% of what these people are posting are based on nonsense. Oodweyne;947887 wrote: And some still have the cheek to accuse others of being the whiteman's lackeys. But then I suppose in their eyes admiring even in dearth of some third-rate African dictator and what he wrought in life must be a commendable feat worthy of such public commemoration. ..
  17. Baashi, Will do time permitting, and am looking forward to watching it.
  18. Baashi, The Kismaayo project passed the design and concern stage and is nearing its final stage. The locals have set their differences aside and moving forward in unison. On a tangent, sources close to IGAD indicate they no longer consider Jubaland an issue, and are now shifting their focus to Baydhabo which will be the next federal state on the horizon with Lower Shabelle the platform..
  19. O how I love the simplicity in analogies. And in bringing in a point of historical relevance, which is wasted on secessionists, my point was nicely made, and effortlessly I might add, by Malika in her baboon analogy. priceless. Malika;947610 wrote: ^As they say, the baboon laughs at other baboons red ugly a**'s , forgetting he too has the same red ugly a** ...ahem!
  20. Brilliant questions by a smart lady, but a not so honest leader, who either misunderstood the meaning of the question, or intentionally waffled his way through so many points. He even ‘insulted’ the secessionists – la soo sasabo - is he dealing with a child or a jealous wife - which violates the Ankara accord. How disappointing.
  21. Finally they set the date so the Election commission is on the move. watch the space and be ware not to step on an angry, half-sleep, "marqaansan" secessionist while you are at it. This is the point to underscore " Beel walba loo xaqiijiyey inta ay yeelanayo ayna dhammaan ku wada qanceen"
  22. Thanks Baashi, The beauty of the American constitution is that, while it is based on the Magna Carta and derives impetus from religion, it is a model for modern institutions in the new world. Any one who wants to participate in political conversations must read before forming opinions in vacuum, but then that might be too much to ask for some.
  23. Excellent programme. I will add to my summer watching list.
  24. Date for the presidential election is set on Tues, 14 May. Ergooyinkii Jubbooyinka oo la qaybsaday iyo hogaamiyaha Jubbaland State oo la dooranayo Talaadada (Warbixin) Kismaayo: (pp)- Warar sugan oo ay Puntlandpost ay ka helayso guddaha magaalada Kismaayo ee xarrunta gobolka J/hoose, ayaa xaqiijinaya in maanta la soo gaba-gabeeyey qaysiga Ergooyinka dooranaya hogaanka cusub ee Jubbaland State ee dooran doona Madaxweynaha, deegaanada Jubbooyinka hogaamin doona 4-ta sano ee soo socota. Ergooyinkii oo la qaybsaday iyo Talaadada oo la dooranayo Madaxweyne Ergooyinkii oo la qaybsaday iyo Talaadada oo la dooranayo Madaxweyne Afhayeenka Guddoomiyaha shir guddoonka Ergooyinka Jubbaland C/naasir Guure Faarax oo Puntlandpost khadka taleefanka kula soo xiriiray ayaa noo sheegay in maanta Beel walba loo xaqiijiyey inta ay yeelanayo ayna dhammaan ku wada qanceen, iyadoo maalinka Talaada oo ku beegan 14-/05/2013-ka la qorsheynayo in dhacdo doorashada Madaxweynaha Dowlad goboleedka Jubbaland State. C/naasir Guure, oo aan wax ka weydiinay inay jireen wax caqabado ah oo la soo maray oo shirka curyaaminayey ama dib u dhac ku keenayey, ayaa sheegay in 1 maalina aysan jirin wax la isku khilaafay oo dhanka maamul u samaynta Jubbooyinka. Dr. Cumar C/rashiid oo horay ahaan jiray Raiisal wasaaraha DF ee Soomaaliya , haddana ah Guddoomiyaha Xalinta Khilaafka ergooyinka oo IGAD ay u xilsaaratay ayaa guusha laga gaaray qaybsiga ergooyinka ku tilmaamay guul taariikhiya, lana gelayo doorasho maalmaha na soo haya. Dhanka kale, Wafdi IGAD ka mid ah oo maanta soo gaaray magaalada Kismaayo ayaa la kulmay maamulka kumeel-gaarka ah iyo guddiga khilaafaadka Ergooyinka iyo ergooyinka mataley xubnaha la qaybiyey, ayaa howsha Kismaayo ka socota ku bogaadiyey beelaha Soomaaliyeed ee halkaas ku shirsanaa , iyagoo ku dhiirageliyey inay gaba-gabada howshaan ay ku daalaan , si loo doorto hogaanka cusub ee Jubbaland oo la filayo in la doorto Talaadada soo socota. Sikastaba, musharaxiinta intooda badan ayaa ku sugan guddaha magaalada Kismaayo, waxaana la sugayaan Prof. Gaandi oo ka mid ah musharaxiinta oo deg deg kusoo galaya guddaha magaalada Kismaayo, inkasta oo ay jiraan warar sheegaya inuu Prof. Gaandi u tanaasulay Sheekh Axmed Islaan (Madoobe), mase aha warkaasi mid banaanka weli usoo baxay. Puntlandpost, Kismaayo, Jubbaland state
  25. Just you wait till Carafaat show up and pisses all over it.