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Posts posted by xiimaaya

  1. K.O.W;806697 wrote:
    How many faces do you have? In one post, you condemn ONLF and support the capture and handover of alleged ONLF members to Ethiopia by the SNM administration in Hergeisa. In another post, you cheerlead for the same organization/movement you condemned? lol

    he is defending ethnic somalilanders at any cost dee. wax fahan .



    Somalilanders should not interfere in the internal afairs of region five of ethiopia by aiding this criminal gang or seriously there would be consquence.




    xaji take the heat or get out of the kitchen:D

  2. Then again i knew the International community was never serious about Somalia.. Brit wanted to attention for the sake of atten..

    I never heard countries fighting on behalf of country..I mean why would a foreign solider die for a foreign land?


    The world doesnt want to see Somalia have peace atlast, if thats what they wanted the would have built their national defence force.




    If i was sheik shariff why would not rely so much on African Union and the west.. ONLY TURKEY ONLY TURKEY ONLY TURKEY..