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Everything posted by Abti

  1. Whenever I turn on the news and see a piece about Somalia, it's either about how we're terrorist fanatics and sympathizers (Al-Shabaab), thieves (pirates), lawless (warlords), incompetent (TFG + 19 other failed governments), starving (famine), etc. My question is, when was the last time we saw any positive news article about Somalis establishing anything anywhere in the world? Surely out of a nation of 10+ million, we must have intellectuals, entrepreneurs, philanthropists, etc. Lakiin why don't we ever hear about them in the media? I mean, the most famous Somalis are Ayan Hersi (Islam-hater...no wonder she gets so much airtime) and Waris Dirie for her crusade against FGM, which also portrays us in a barbaric light. I guess my question is, is it because violence and brutality of different shades and textures is all we have to offer the world? Or is it cuz of disingenuous reporting by the media where they only cover our shortcomings? Where are our longcomings?! lol
  2. And by the way, why is everyone making it seem like only the guy is at risk of having a criminal past?! Wasn't there a Somali hijabi who was recently arrested in Minneapolis for being a leader of a prostitution ring lol...walle waa aakhiro samaan
  3. I find this thread to be highly judgmental and discriminatory against convicts...not that there's anything wrong with that lol On a serious note though, every believer has a past and every sinner has a future. If Allaah the Almighty can Forgive them, why can't we? There's a difference between being naive and being forgiving...besides, there are no guarantees that the straight-edge guy you might marry as an alternative won't ever fall into a life of crime. At least the genuine, sincere ex-convict has already left that stage of his life...whereas the clean, law-abiding brother's curiosity might land him in trouble down the road...or jail.
  4. Abti


    iphone > blackberry iSwear
  5. oo ma waalanahay markaan kaadi cabaayo Thanks walaalkiis
  6. Soomaali farabadan baa cabaan, we have our fair share of silly superstitions too
  7. Sheikh Sharif's "Somalia's Going Down The Drain, I'm Going Down To Spain" Hassan Dahir Aweys' "Xisbul Xaaraan: Lookin for Xukun by any means" Siilaanyo's "Unsuccessful Secession Session v2.0" Abdullahi Yusuf's "Aided by Aids Ababa" Barre Hiiraale's "Hiding in Dadaab in my Wife's Niqaab"
  8. " frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Heesta Calanka...gets me a little bit choked up (in a manly way)
  9. Weey qurux badantahay and I agree with everything she says. Don't attack her, ma fahmino? lol
  10. What about when she gets pregnant though? You'll be on Maury fighting about "you are NOT the uncle...congratulations!"
  11. Yacni Abu Salaad-Khalad-U-Tukaday hadeey xabad ku dhacdo, waa in la badalo.
  12. Coffee, Tea, Hilib ari = Somali trinity.
  13. There was an oday who wanted to get his younger wife pregnant. So, he went to the doctor to have a sperm count done. The doctor told him to take a specimen cup home, fill it, and bring it back the next day. The oday came back the next day and the specimen cup was empty and the lid was on it. Doctor: What was the problem? Elderly man: Well, you I tried with my right hand...nothing. So, I tried with my left hand...nothing. My wife tried with her right hand...nothing. Her left hand...nothing. Her mouth...nothing. Then my wife's friend tried. Right hand, left hand, mouth....still nothing. Doctor: Wait a minute. You mean your wife's friend too?! Elderly man: Yeah, and we still couldn't get the lid off of the specimen cup.