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Everything posted by Libaax-Sankataabte

  1. This is the most shocking news. Are you guys sure this is the FINAL CALL? People have been betrayed and cheated. Bad day for Somaliland if this election is won by UDUB. I guess Somalis no matter where, are still not used to the idea of a true democracy.
  2. Matkey, you and I have no voice and we can only discuss issues here. Cherish the politics forum and defend it with dignity The truth is that ELDORET is actually considering making one of these guys the next president. I just thought it was an interesting dillema.
  3. Sophist, Lakkad is actually on the joking mode. Take it easy. Sophist, you considered love from a "dry" perception point of view. I should approach it from a chemistry point of view First attraction: is dominated by phenylethylamine, dopamine and norepinephrine chemicals in the brain. This type of chemical is found in chocolate. Attachment: is invoked by the endorphins in our brain. Playfulness: oxytocin is the chemical that helps us be more playful and sensitive to each other's feeling. Faithfulness: staying with one partner is helped by the vasopressin chemical
  4. Who would you vote for? I found this to be a very interesting story. The mogadishu based newspaper AYAAMAHA has done a poll on who people would vote for as the next president of Somalia. The poll done on the paper's internet website and surprisingly the votes came very close to each other. More than one hundred and ten thousand nomads voted and here is the result. 111,576 votes casted Cabdiqaasim Salad: 57953 or 52% Cabdullahi Yusuf: 53623 or 48% I was actually impressed by the number of voters who took part in the voting process. One hundred thousand is unprecedented for Somalis voting on the internet. So I did a little research on the two candidates and here is what I came up with after talking to some friends. Cabdiqaasim Salad Xasan Good things they say about him: - A religeous leader - Non-military - Moderate on his tribal views - wadani - good politician, - would have been a good president if times were not hard. - flexible for change - Generous - Nin af gaaban - Very well educated Bad things they say about him: - tricky tribalist - corrupt - manipulative - power-hungry - supports terrorists - took sides on the Kismayo tribal fighting - Could not even bring peace to part of Mogadishu - Not good at dealing with warlords - Not very affective on foriegn policy - a puppet for Djibouti and the Arabs Cabdullahi Yusuf Good things they say about him: - A Strong leader - beliefs more in merit and loyalty than tribal affiliation - Can bring factions together because of his combative personality - no-nonsense guy - warrior - Not afraid to say what he wants to say - Good at negotiating with Guurti elders - Good at building govermental institutions - Beliefs in disarming all the tribes - The founder of the Puntland State Bad things they say about him: - born murderer - always blood-thursty - will do anything to stay on power - trash talker, - not a good politician - arrogant dictator - founder of SSDF dhafoorqiiq murderers - anti-wadaad - a puppet for USA and Ethiopia - Believes in bringing peace to Somalia by force Now, Who would you vote for? Please, post your comments also
  5. Ameenah and Aruba, I think certain individuals dress up to make Somalilanders look really terrible. Every sensible Somalilander doesn't have to turn into X.Playa. Subhanalah. SamiGyrl, It believe qabyaalad taken too much to heart can make one look feeble-minded, ignorant and dissolute to normal Somalis. Try to shun caustic clannish remarks on matters of political debate so as not be wasteful on that colorful "I am proud Somalilander” mantra of yours. Insults will also get your in trouble with the staff here.
  6. On another note, my friend's father in Minneapolis has been advocating for the breakup of Somalia into 10 to 13 states. Some people are taking this silly idea to heart. The whole experience of chatting with him was actually eye-opening.
  7. lool. The picture shows who is staying behind (goalie), the defenders, the attackers and midfield players. The positions kinda suit them considering their roles in the current conflict.
  8. Now that the people of Somaliland have voted for a new president, I believe the rift between the North and the South will ease slightly. Most people perceive Siilaanyo as a moderate politician with a pragmatic approach to the unity puzzle. On issue of dialogue with the rest, he is not considered a hardliner. Siilanyo was recently asked by HornAfrik Radio a question about Somali unity. His response may have seemed as an equivoque, but equally surprising was his response's lack of enthusiasm for secession. "Somalia ha heshiiso kadib baynu wada hadli" is what he was quoted as saying with a grin. It was not a bad month for the unionist. The sense of camaraderie was further boosted by Abdiqasim’s surprising offer to move the capital to Hargeysa. To join in the festivity, I, LST, put forth a plan to apologize to the people of Somaliland, move the capital to Hargeisa, give mujahid Siilaanyo a carte blanche to reconcile the nation as our president, and help him undertake that mammoth task of assembling a better homeland for the nomads. What are your thoughts?
  9. The torture killing of another nomad for the simple purpose of keeping an unjust regime in power is totally un-islamic, barbaric and unacceptable. Both Siyaad Barre and the many rebel groups against him have committed heinous acts against innocent civilians and the perpetrators should all get their day in court. If not, Allah's day is waiting for them. I also think that the past crimes committed by Siyaad Barre, SNM, USC, or any other Somali rebel group should never be used for the purpose of further deepening the tribal distrust that has already rigged our homeland. Doing so would be un-islamic, unproductive and a crime itself. Gediid, thanks for posting this topic. Nomads, whatever you do, please don't get into tribal accusations, personal attacks and emotional arguements on this issue. Let us all be civilized and agree to disagree.
  10. Ameenah you don't look too happy. I know you wanted Kulmiye to win but Riyaale is the man girl. Just live with it. Free and fair elections.
  11. He was trying too hard to win the propaganda war. Call him delusional, but he actually believed what he was saying at the time. "committing suicide" can also be interpreted as having an "excess will to fight". He was probably not expecting a hard ground fight from the Americans, specially after the Iraqis killed some Americans at the Baghdad area. Do you guys ever wonder why the American death number jumped from 47 to 105 after the war ended? That is why I am not questioning the veracity of some of his statements. Many analyst say that he was betrayed by Saddam when he ordered the dispersing of the Iraqi troops that was supposed to defend Baghdad in return for an American-engineered escape deal out of Baghdad for Saddam and his closest allies.
  12. Happy Birthday to Section6er ( Flemo dayz are done ) Ameenah and Ilhaam, H-Birthday to your girls also.
  13. Jamaaloow, my cool friend, If the record of a previous politician can't be scrutinized for the simple purpose of avoiding other problems that might expedite another Caydiid revolution 10 years down the road, then I must say that itself is an unfettered "obstruction" of justice. There is alot of nation building that has to be done and Barre is definetly not the right choice to start with. One doesn't also have to be a canditate himself if he is going to criticize the politician's previous record. We don't have to be all running for office. Citizens are the ones who give votes according to the politician's record. There are many bad "politicians" running for office and none of them should be elected. I respectfully disagree with the arguement that "there is nothing better than Barre out there" also. I say, let us all vote for that patriot CALANSIDE. I agree with others that Barre must be allowed to run for office. If other criminals can run for office, why not him?
  14. Haruun, Last time I heard, Nuune was in East Africa and his schedule was to come back to Europe on late May, 2003 Insha Allah. He could already be here hiding. Lefty, brother, there are alot of newbies here lately because the site is growing rapidly. Aliens do learn. They just need some time and the right seniors to act as good role models.
  15. "A woman who goes by the name of Zam-zam in San Antonio, Texas in the United States, castigated me for failing to name names, such as Morgan, Gaani, Jess, Gabyow, Ahmed Suleiman Dafleh and Buluq-Buluq who she said were responsible for the death of thousands of innocent civilians in Hargeisa, Mogadishu and Kismayo. She said that it was Buluq-Buluq who hired the white Rhodesian mercenary pilots who destroyed Hargeisa" WHO WAS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF HARGEISA ? Author M. M. Afrah, Toronto, Canada ---------------------------------------------------- Clearly, the man has other secrets. No one has ever revered Abdirahman Barre's tenure in office. He was nicknamed "KADARE" for his flagrant failure to comprehend the basic parameters of public policy during the 80/90's? It would be youthfully naive to think that the progeny of the past regime would suddenly metamorphose into devout patriots and bring back the pride we lost. Barre has every right to run, but electing him would be an unprecedented fiasco for the already "failed" state. He will neither bring the leadership needed, nor will he be effective in bringing unity among the Somalis. Hadaad dhimanyso, dhareerka waa la iska duwaa.
  16. Athena, you are being tearfully sentimental to the point of acting weird. Girl, knock off the histrionics, will ya?
  17. Brainwashed or Oppressed in the first place? I see images of hungry Iraqis looting government buildings and chanting "Out Saddam Out" .... It looks they have seen worse things from Saddam's regime during the past 20 years, than the invading American Army. I also think that they are being brainwashed by the American propoganda machine into believing that the war is about getting rid of Saddam and not about Islam, Isreal and Oil. What do you think?
  18. English football has no flair anyways. Real outplayed them as usual. BTW: the only reason why there is such talk as Beckam going to Real is just for jersey selling. The dude got no "Real" talent like Zidane, Figo, Carlos and Ronaldo. The Brits are all crazy about him so Real is just playing its money game right.
  19. "UNRESTRICTED WARFARE" is the more dangerous Chinese manual that scares the shyt out of the Americans. It was written by two Chinese colonels (Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui), and the manual details how America can easily be defeated with low-tech attacks similar to the ones by Osama Bin Laden(terrorism) and the Saddam Fadayeen(Gorrilla fighting). China is destined to become the most powerful nation in the world with its booming economy, population and technology sector. China is building its military faster than any other nation in the world. American websites such as have been spotlighting recently how China is plotting the distruction of America within the near future. The website went even further to suggest that China is behind the 9/11 attack. Anyways, here is an excerpt from the Chinese military manual written before the 9/11 attacks. "“Whether it be the intrusions of hackers, a major explosion at the World Trade Center, or a bombing attack by bin Laden, all of these greatly exceed the frequency bandwidths understood by the American military...” Notice how the manual mentions Binlanden and the World Trade Center before such attacks occured.
  20. George Weah? I didn't know that. There seems to be some kind of a talent drain. Everybody leaves as soon as they become stars. These French clubs aren't probably interested in spending money on big stars. Clubs are just like regular companies. If they make their products popular, they make money. The more money these clubs make, the more talent they can buy.
  21. Talking about Celebrities in US, Canada and Europe, who else do you know? Here is my list Iimaan - They say she is the third richest black woman in the world. She is the CEO of her cosmetics company and major shareholder of Macy's. Raage Omar - The talented fella from the BBC. Despite all the negetivity about our community sometimes, this guy makes me feel proud to be a Somali. Weris - That supermodel who is also the UN ambassador. Raaqiya Omar - What happened to her. She used to work for the Africa Watch organization. She is a talented activist also. Ayaan Hersi - The athiest Dutch parliamanterian. I wish she was a Muslim. Jamal Omar - This jailed Somali activist is the most media "qouted" Somali in North America. He is in jail for some "SHARCI" violations. He constantly attacked the system and the police in order to bring attention to the causes of the Somali people. You knew they were going to come after him anyways.
  22. "Dignity" must be maintained infront of other Somalis i.e. WORK; 1. As soon as a Somali sees another Somali, he/she drops the garbage he was supposed to throw away and starts acting like one of the supervisors of the company. 2. You can easily see a Somali working at a white-owned chicken factory with blood all over, but he/she would never work at a Somali restaurant unless he/she is part-owner. Other nationalities don't matter. Caution: These are just my personal observations and they don't apply to every Somali.