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Everything posted by N.O.R.F

  1. check this out http://kulmiye.com/cartoon.html KULMIYE Party clearly won the elections in Somaliland ...and has a clear lead over UDUB party. In a press release the chairman, and the members of the central committee of the party rejected the commission's last minute reversal of the results in favour of UDUB in an unorthodox manner. The government has been constantly applying pressure at all levels to delay the announcement and force on the commission to present an UDUB version of the results. Dahir Riyale, the UDUB candidate, has met leaders from the House of Elders on Friday night after learning from his representatives that the commission has finally decided to announce KULMIYE as the winner. The un-elected leaders of the House of Elders promised Dahir Riyale they will apply as much pressure on the commission to further delay the announcement, this in order to give UDUB yet more time to manipulate the results in favour of UDUB. It is not secret that few weeks ago the government has encouraged and endorsed the House of Elders' unconstitutional extension of their term. KULMIYE has condemned that extension of term as unconstitutional. It is also worth noting that while the commission was ready to announce the real outcome of the elections, both the Minister of Information who directly controls the national media and the Minister of Interior have been constantly harassing the commission, even openly telling them they won't allow the national media to be used to announce a result in favour of KULMIYE party.
  2. forgive and forget??? this may be harder for some ppl than others!
  3. thats not even worth responding to!
  4. Are u ever surprised at the ignorance of some ppl? When white ppl think that u will go to the pub with them after work, when ppl automatically think yr a drug dealer when pushing a nice car, when yr white peers are surprised u scored higher in the exam etc! Now we have this!Damn!!!!! Take my advice sis, read more and learn more about yr culture and yr ppl and dont listen to what others teach u about yr own ppl, i'm assuming yr ideas are based on those where u grew up, ie western ideologies! No offence intended!
  5. i think it willbe closer than many ppl think, but real will prove to be too strong in the end! I said Juve for the Champ League all along and Delpi came back at the weekend and bagged two, so Juve Vs Real in the Semis!!!
  6. Damn, got skillz up in this ish, keep it coming!
  7. N.O.R.F


    Sagal, yr amazing sis!
  8. I hear that there is a chracter in the movie they call Allah, is that true? If so u should be thinking about boycotting the movie not critically acclaiming it before even seeing it! Wisen up! This is another Dijjal movie for the masses! R u all like a flock of sheep, being guided by Hollywood?
  9. If you guys are not up-to-date there has been fights between Silaanyo's supporters and "Somaliland" authorities in several cities there have some skirmishes in Burco and Hargeisa, nothing serious, not deaths, stop alarming the people of SOMALILAND !!!
  10. Unity= When the interests of all the parties involved are obliged to and maintained! To get there is like gettin from A to B, u need some sort of transport/vehicle, ie an election process in all areas cos at the moment its very obvious that we can not all get along. Imagine wishing to meet someone who does'nt like u for past reasons which they find hard to forgive and forget but u wish to befreind them, how do u suppose u will change the thinking of that person in favour of what yr implying? U want to befreind this person when u cant get along with others in yr own backyard????
  11. N.O.R.F


    is this a paki cru reunion or what? apnaa!
  12. looks like we may just get that champions league spot afer all!! ps Sheff Utd for promotion!!!!!!!!!thru the playoffs
  13. N.O.R.F


    If yr like my self and thinking of buying property, i thought this link may help! http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/2525635.stm
  14. Good point lion! I think one of the problems in relation to Burco is the private investment into houses/commercial property away from the actual city itself. Many ppl are are actually seeking land in and around the airport and its connecting roads. There is little if any money available for public investment in roads, hospices (even though Burco hospital is ok), mosques etc. The inrastructure is badly needed to be sorted 1st!
  15. no person in the right mind will accept day light robbery! i just hope UDUB have had a shock from this, they nearly lost in their very own hargaisa, i hope that shows them the strength of kulmiye!
  16. Kulmiye Statement Xisbiga UDUB, oo hore u diidanaa natiijadii laysku wada raacay ee komishanka doorashooyinkuna caddeeyeen, ayaa guddoomiyaheeda Daahir Riyaale Kaahin, xalayto isugu yeedhay madaxda golaha odayaasha iyo barlamaanka, kuwaas oo uu ku khasbay hawl aanay shuqul ku lahayn inay soo dhexgalaan oo ay dhexgalaan isaga iyo komisan si shacbiga codkiisii la tiriyay loogu beddelo xeer jajab. Madaxdaas goleyaashu waxay wakhtigaas ka dib u tageen komisahnka oo ay ku khashbeen inaan la sheegin natiijada saxa ahayd ee dhamaatay ee lagu heshiiyay iyo wakhtigii loogu tala galay midna. Waxa markaa ay sheegayaan in UDUB sanaaduuq hore loo kansal gareeyay oo aan sharci ahayn codad looga baadhbaadhay, si KULMIYE looga dulmariyo. Waxaanu caddaynaynaa inaan KULMIYE joogin meesha sanaaduuqdan dambe lagu baadhay iyo meel lagu tiriyay toona isla markaana aan nalaga soo wargelin oo aanan goobjoog ka ahayn natiijada cusub meesha lagu sheegay. Ilaa iyo haddana officially warbixin kamay soo bixin madaxda KULMIYE manay saxeexin boobkan caddaanka ah ee la boobay. Inagoo ka wada dheregsan doorasho la boobaa cawaaqib xumada ay leedahay waxaan shacbiga Somaliland u ka codsanaynaa inay samir yeeshaan oo ay amaanka ilaaliyaan, kana warsugaan madaxda KULMIYE oo imika shiraya inta war caddaan ahi ka soo baxayo.
  17. change of mood in the whole household!
  18. cant beleive it, just heard they have won by 80 votes, dont want to believe it, from reliable sources!
  19. there is always a negative person or two who would rather dream and complain all their lives! Tell me how Somalia divided into millions of tiny states comon man be serious, maybe 3 states! do u have any form of substance for yr argument? if not stay in yr little shell of a brain box!
  20. now that we know the results, lets change the topic to what can be done to improve the lives of those living in s/land ie health system changes, economic issues, development issues, education system etc mashallah we have alot ppl on here who have an abundance of knowledge so plz share it with us! i will start off on development issues ie re-constructing the country and a better infrastructure! The roads between the main cities Burco, Hargaisa Erigavo and Barbara need to be re-surfaced with money available now after the roads were pretty much neglected by the UDUB party, this will lead to better communication between all ppl and an upsurge in the economy. But who will carry this out u all ask, to yr surprise there are many well skilled workers back home who will be available for work so that is not reallly an issue. Concrete is made in the country and can easily be layed and will settle quickly so saving in time and money. whos next?
  21. That map is probably sittin on the shelf in the house, have u read it lately, if not then why ask for it?
  22. lol, very funny what do u call two somalis in a cell? TWIX!!!
  23. see how u lot keep it a london thing (the tournament), keep it that way, save yr selves the embarassment! any tournaments in the future, i'ma come down there and show yall what football is!
  24. Samigirl, i can see u as some sort of minister for S/land in the future, maybe foriegn affairs or something, yr no nonesense attitude will scare the lving day lights out of the anti s/land supporters!