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Posts posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. Soomaalidu waxay tiraa dhalinyarow, "Gaal dil, gartiisana sii" - which basically how fair our people use to be. My point here is, how on earth do we put together someone who, one way or another, elicited the killing of the innocents to someone who hasn't been, with evidence, blamed for killing innocent people. Of course, I am trying to point out the inclusion of this list of murderers Riyaale Kaahin. Was Mr Kaahin a head of malitia of his own? was he behind any killing of any group of innocent people? The man has been elected, at least, to run a part of Somalia - or Somalialand - by the electrate or the elders of the area. If we include him in this list, then I do not know what the reasoning is, and I would like to know.


    Btw, I do not have such feeling for Mr Qaasim, because I do not believe that he fulfilled what he was elected for at Arteh. In my thinking, he is more or less in the same group and would probably come in the end of the list.



    That is my thought.


    N.B: I have to declare this. I am NOT from the North, I stand with justice and truth. And that is how we should be thinking.

  2. Castro, bro you have said it! It is not about the quitting that matters, it is what you wanna work on to quit. If it ain't worth it, then do not leave studying. Even if you don't make it, you will have the privilege of being eluminated.


    Consider that a DISCLAIMER OR WHATEVER!



  3. ...At least that is the message that the top ten of the Forbes 400 America's richest is subliminally sending.


    The top ten, 5 have inherited (the Wal-Mart family) their wealth, so, they don't count. Only 1 of the other 5 has graduated from university, the rest are drop-outs. Of course, the most famous drop-out has topped the list, again!


    What message is that sending? It certainly made me think.....I don't know.



    Michael Moore, the outragous documentary film-maker has left his uni studies after having difficult in finding a parking space....And now, he is doing that bad, is he?




    I think it is crazy. I don't know. Can anyone explain this to me? Of course, I am not saying that every drop out makes it, but then again, is it a coincidence that the 5 top richest americans, 4 are drop outs? I don't know, but it is crazy.

  4. This is a global problem and certainly unique to the west. It must be the abundancy of the choice available. I don't know. You know, limit a human, and he/she will grab what they can when they can, give them choice, they will start thinking and be cautious....so, in that case, it is a common thing these days.


    Hey, no one is perfect, so 'ku habso tan aad is tiraa waxaad rabtay waa ay soo dhoweysa'. Besides, i would rather have someone and home to long for than be all on my own.


    I did enjoy most of the respondents responses.


    Thank you all.

  5. "invisible community,"

    That is absolute bollocks. Of course, there are hundreds of communities from around the world in this city and elsewhere in the UK, but to brand somalis as invisible is going a bit too far. There are many ways that the somali falks are making the presence felt in the UK, educationally and business related activities. Lest you forget that we are a young community, when one considers the length of time somalis have been here. There are great stuff to come from this community. The incident of 21-07 was unfortunate, and that is common and shared with the Ummah around the globe.



  6. Asalaama calaykum....


    There is a book re the subject written by Sheik Abd Al-Fattah Abu Guddah "Value of Time". I have been hoping to get hold of it, but haven't done so far. It may be helpful in regard to the value of time from an islamic prospective.



  7. Gone are the days when women were proud of satisfying their MEN and being a wifey. A good motherly wife!


    Girls need to understand that there is a thick line between being a wifey that caters to her MAN and being suppressed woman. There ain't nothing wrong with being a good wife that caters to her man and at the same being independent. It is with mutual respect, love and understanding that makes your family (yourself, husband and children) and home happy and successful.


    Girls, dream of a good home and a good husband. Drop the 'independent women' label. Fact is, people who conceived the idea have now realised that it is total and utter nonsense. It has created millions of young women out there who are crying outloud for MEN in their lives. This idea created Singleton Syndrome in large number of young girls.........SO,GIRLS, CHOOSE AND CHOOSE WISE!



    ....Just a piece of brotherly advice.

  8. It is pathetic. Brazil needs to be stopped. What now? They have the world cup, American Cup or south American or whatever they call it. And now the Confeds cup. Brazil is turning the Schumacher of world football. They are really starting to bore me now. To be fair, their football tonight had a flair.

  9. And the truth is anything that the cadaan give, they will give not because they want to help the africans but for ulterior motives aimed at achieving their own interests

    I couldn't agree with you more! There is no such thing as FREE lunch. When will Africa and much of the developing world learn this?

  10. Excellent read and a very good observation of somali Cafe (biibito) culture.


    People spend all their lives constructing barriers, rules, beliefs and laws that eventually dictate how their lives should be lived and how problems can be tackled.

    Me think different. I think it has been constructed for them and we, in turn, abide by it. And this is what they call 'the system'. Very few break free! Good point, though.

  11. Life is all about priorities. What matters to one most? A career or your family and being a mom - the most wonderful thing that a women can be, according to most of lady mothers. And if you work, there is a high possibility that it will have a negative effect on your children's upbringing. So, why bother, if one can have a supportive husband?


    YOU decide......


    We are all humans with free will. One is the captain of his ship, the master of his/her destiny.

  12. Monsieur Nur, your language is getting more tabloid(ic) than the notorious British tabloid papers, but 'I'm loving it'.


    This is the one I liked CONDItion! Good vision, bro.


    Jizaaka Allahu kheyr for your effort and time, wa iyaanaa.

  13. In a world were the muslim lands are united under one amir and honour and prosperity returns to muslims, were do you think Somalia would be? fighting amongst themselves, refusing to join? what?

    The fact is our country and people are not that significant when you think of the number and the lands of muslims around the world. There are more than 2 billion muslims inhabiting thousands upon thousands of miles. Besides, why would a muslim land and people say NO to honour (cizza) and prosperity (aflax)?


    I think refusal won't come to it. The wind of change would take over us before we know it.


    Eventually, Muslims will triumph and unite under one banner (khilafah), insh'Allah.


  14. She is confused. Does anyone know this girl's history? 'cos I would like to know if this hatred towards is based on her experience growing up. She mentions few times, 'women' and 'oppression'. Those words seem to bother her a lot. Everything else is just a backup.


    And what a reason to quit Islam! She read Atta's letter and decided that that is not the religion she wants to adhere to anymore.



  15. Go for it, bro. If you have no life demands after graduation, then by all means go for the MBA. It is still reputable qualification and gives you that edge above the rest. But think of experience, practical work. That is where most of fail and miss out a lot of opportunities. At the end of the day, the bloody employers want to know what you CAN do for them, not what you have learned, though it is still important.


    All the best. I hope it was helpful.