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Posts posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. 22 hours ago, maakhiri1 said:

    Great move, about time. I believe it was too late. 

    There is no other way to rebuild Somalia, other than aligning with great powers.

    Buur Ahoow, Ama Buur ku tiirsanoow

    Nothing good will come out of it 

  2. On 2/11/2024 at 6:31 PM, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Dhagaxtuur, still as pessimist as ever.

    Last year you were a little hopeful, ee maxaa dhacay

    Iimboogeey,  there's nothing to be optimistic about now.  

    I'm actually now thinking maybe we better off fracturing as a nation.  Maybe just maybe the majority suffering in the country might have a better life, hopefully, under any other rule.  

    I shouldn't be pessimistic as a Muslim and Allah knows better but it is dire. 

  3. This move is quite simply a power grab. Pure and simple.  Completing unfinished constitution is a smokescreen.  I think there's more to hsm that's hidden than he's showing.  


    How can you do this without consensus from all parties? I guarantee you, this will be the last push into the abyss this country needed.   The resulting fracture in unity will be the end of Somalia as we know it. I'm being realistic.  


    But we wait and see. I hope I'm wrong.  

  4. 21 hours ago, Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar said:

    Waligiisa ciidamo Soomaaliyeed la laaye saan deg deg ahaan uguma tacsiyeynin, uguma nixin, waaba hadduu tacsi diraba.

    Do you remember the black eye? That trip to the 🇦🇪? I think they have got some compromat on him. I'm not saying much.  But hsm is compromised in relation to Emirates 

  5. 10 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said:

    General Gordan xagee uu naga soo galay.


    Ma general baan waynay

    Wadanku waa nugu magaacaaban yahay, masuul se kama nihin. 

  6. I predicted on this very website when hsm was elected that he will throw Somalia into the abyss.  He's about to. 

    Political fragmentation of the country is so deep that some regional states are on the brink of going Somaliland way. If one state starts, I believe the rest will follow. 

    I hope I'm wrong.  But I have a feeling this is the way things are going par Heavenly intervention.  

  7. I swear some (majority are good Somalis) northerners are originally assimilated Oromo.  

    Whatever our political differences I can never bring myself to stoop so effing low! Never! 

    BTW, the Oromo thing isn't 'dacaayad'. Check out 'The Galla in Northern Somaliland '. It's an eye opener.  How can a Somali dare to do away with Somalinimo and bendd over backwards for Habashi? This text will shine a light.  

  8. Let's call a spade a spade.  Stop sugar coating the truth.  There are clans in northern Somali territory that are not Somali in origin.  This is not about recognition of Somaliland, it's deep hatred of Somalinimo.  We know who they are.  Question is, the majority Somali population of Somaliland when will they stand up for Somalinimo?

  9. I'm still waiting for the finale (not that I'm happy to see) which is when the big boys (you know) can't or won't get along,  kind of 1994 was it? 

    You know all this is leading to one direction: disaster.  

    Unless shacabka soomaaliyeed kacdoon bilaabaan. 

  10. Quote

    Jeneraal Sheegow oo lasoo qabtay kadib DAGAAL ka dhacay magaalada Muqdisho

    By Jamaal Maxamed


    August 19, 2023

    Muqdisho (Caasimada Online) – Ciidamada ammaanka ee dowladda Soomaaliya, gaar ahaan kuwa Boolis Milataaro ayaa goordhow gacanta ku dhigay Jeneraal Sheegow oo ah sarkaal ka tirsan milatariga Soomaaliya, kaas oo xalay ciidamada xasilinta caasimada oo kaashanaya kuwa Booliska Soomaaliyeed kula dagaalamay xaafadda Kaawo Godey ee degmada Dharkenley.

    Tartiib,  tartiib,  tani karaamo xumo ayey ku socotaa! 

    Car ha la taabto nin qabiil xoogan ka dhashay? Mooryaameyn 2.0 cad.