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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. Qiiro music. War Soomaali is in its death bed. Somaliland magacaa ka qaldamay iyo siday dadka la began ula dhaqmeen. Still have an ample time to turn it around. Qof walbow tuuladaada dal ka dhigo. End of story.
  2. This is a centuries old Habesha dream. It's close today as it ever will be.
  3. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/DsqP9jijhnNBj169/ It's going good!
  4. Nah. Kheyre is a selfish, hypocrite. Sharif is clueless. Not naturally born leader.
  5. 100%. He has a village mentality. Pretty much a warlord mindset. I ask myself, aren't there any decent advisers left within his circle?
  6. More shyt to come. I'm surprised that Mogadishu didn't break up into tribal enclaves like early 90's.
  7. War inta aad dagan tihiin goosta oo dadka aan raaliga ka ahayn ood jujuubka ku wadaan iska dhaafa. Call it 'Duriyadda '. Iska daadiya 'Somaliland '.
  8. Take this from me, Ethiopia is serious about the 'sea-robbery'. The only thing that can stop is United Somalis or conflict within their state. If things continue the way it is. Way Qaadan by force. There's nothing that anyone can do.
  9. HSM should be seen as a Banaadir president. If things don't change, the heck with Qaranimo Soomaaliya.
  10. Good move. Ciyaarta ha dhamaato. Nin walbaa tuuluu ka taliyaa. Awood in la isu sheegan karo halal arko.
  11. Qar buu ka tuurayaa. Into the abyss
  12. If Somalis don't change course, Ethiopia will prevail. This is just a test.
  13. Another genocider will take his place. Nothing changes. There's a cabal that runs these systems. So called leadership is just a figurehead.
  14. I thought you were a supporter! He's not dangerous. That would be a compliment. He's a fool with no national pride at all. It's time Somalia breaks up!
  15. The looters are now crying, eh? Not getting enough of the loot? I say Somalia needs breaking up. This can't go on.
  16. Hsm doesn't give a toss about anything or anybody. Now, it's beyond impunity. No serious mucaarad cuz they don't dare. Xamar isn't their homeland thus scared for their lives. If Xamar being capital isn't seriously questioned, this kind of presidency will become the norm.
  17. HSM's corruption is on a different level. It's looting. The thing is the delusion is also out of this world. They think they are doing stellar job. Now, I'm more than happy for this country to balkanize.