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Everything posted by Dhagax-Tuur

  1. HSM isagaa qabiileysi bilaabay. As a result, people like Madoobe are emboldened. Heck, JL Kenya ku darsada, da fuq! Ha kala tagto.
  2. It's coronation. He's Kenya's governor.
  3. Apparently, the policy is America first. I like it. Nin cadaan ah oo cunsurinimadiisa banaanka. Stephen Miller is the policy chief. All good. Bur iyo biyo haloo kala baxo.
  4. Like any Waraabe said, you need to change the name. It's a proper breakup with the past. Fresh new start. It's re-branding, if you -I$aaqis- are serious, that is.
  5. ^It's probably more to do with the uranium deposits in Somalia, if truly there's some in the land. Remember, Germany is struggling energy wise. It's factories are shutting down. They're going back to nuclear power generation.
  6. All of the white liberals probably voted for Trump. It's good.
  7. Miskiin, labadooda midna ima/nama jecla. I prefer the hatred in your face than you know, Liberals. They're snakes. Obama admin deported more people, killed more brown and black people, heck he even created the biggest drone killing machine system in place yet he's seen as friendly! Make it make sense. War ninkaa cad baan dooneynaa, coconut ma rabno.
  8. Nobody likes Trump. He's racist, islamophobe. But way better than Liberals or progressives, or whatever they're called. They are the worst. They're no good for Muslims or people of colour. Trump and his white nationalists will tell you in your face. Besides, there are few traditional, religious stuff that we agree on. So, it's not about liking MAGA or whatever but it's about seeing through the hypocrisy of the Liberals. I would rather you stab me from the front than the back. Trump all the way and I hope he hastens the end of USA hegemony with silly, childish decision-making.
  9. Trump all the way. Better the devil you know. Democrats are the worst, liberals in general.
  10. Forget the ictiraaf, ballistic missiles ha isku keenina in la idinku garaaco. Hayeey!
  11. Police chief acting like a foreign minister. Only in the ramshackle so called government of Somalia. HSM is obviously trying to take advantage of the political difference between this fella and Deni. But it's really sad that he, the president, doesn't have the political maturity to deal directly with Deni.
  12. Inside Africa xoogow binu Aadam nimada fiiri, please. Embarrassing. I did say we will hit rock bottom.
  13. And the sorry saga continues. Haddii ay KG kasoo jeedo, aaway Laftagareen? Baydhabo usoo wareeji, dalacsiina!
  14. https://www.facebook.com/share/p/J79J2kN1M1urXPcB/
  15. Qiiro music. War Soomaali is in its death bed. Somaliland magacaa ka qaldamay iyo siday dadka la began ula dhaqmeen. Still have an ample time to turn it around. Qof walbow tuuladaada dal ka dhigo. End of story.