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Posts posted by xiinfaniin

  1. How would this somaliflag.gif fare in this flag-waving gala? Wouldn’t Cawaale cast its federalist shadow on this secessionist festival and dim that flickering light? :cool:


    P.S: For the over-joyous:


  2. Originally posted by NGONGE:

    The logical and cautious men will only be relying on their intellect to make a choice; the others will all have proof from the Quran and Sunna!

    Could one be rational and cautious, yet derive supporting proofs from the Qur’an and Sunna to make a choice?

  3. lol@waxaa lagu macneeyay in ay la xiriirto wadanka oo ay ku soo bateen aflaanta ay jilaan hindiga oo lagu tarjumay luqada Soomaaliga oo ay ka daawadaan waxyaaba la xiriira in hadii ay gabadhu weyso ninka ay jeceshahay ay sameeyaan ficilada ay ku arkaan aflaanta.


    Farxaan, tani waa shiddo kale oo soo siyaaday!

  4. Originally posted by Viking:

    ....Maybe you aren't really familiar with that site but those who do know how much effort they put in trying to tarnish the Noor of Islam.

    Viking, For the sake of civility of this discussion, Doodu madax bay leedahay ee minjaha ha qaban! Read the article, good brother, and see if it gives you another perspective on this issue.


    P.S. YFI, I frequently get my Islamic reference from a library in one of the most liberal universities in America and don’t bother me a bit! In fact I appreciate it.

  5. Originally posted by Viking:


    Thanks for the effort bro.
    But I'm wondering why you got the information from the most anti-Islamic site on the net :confused:

    Is that nacfigaad ka heshay mawsuucada cilmiga ah?

    In my humble opinion, Authenticity matters and not the location of it.

    Unless you’re interested in dood aan dux badan laheyn!

  6. Brother Viking, in October 1942 a concerned Muslim like you put this thought-provoking question to one of the most revered Muslim Scholars of the last century, Sheikh Abul Ala Mawdudi of Indian subcontinent.




    Has Islam established execution as the penalty for the apostate? What proof of this is found in the Qur'an? If execution as the penalty of apostasy cannot be established from the Qur'an, to what extent can it be derived from the Hadith and the Sunnah? Moreover what could have been the reason leading Abu Bakr to execute the apostates? How can the legality of the execution of the apostates be demonstrated rationally?


    Under a truly Muslim rule should non-Muslims receive the same right to propagate their religions as Muslims ought to receive to propagate their religion? Under the Rightly-Guided Caliphs and their successors were rights accorded to kuffar (infidels) and ahl-i kitab ("The People of the Book": Jews and Christians) to propagate their religions? To what extent do the Qur'an, the Sunnah and reason demonstrate the absence of this legality?


    I have thought much about both these matters but have not been able to arrive at any conclusion. Both sides have strong arguments. The Qur'an and the Sunnah offer no special explanation about these matters, at least as far as my limited understanding goes. It will be good if an answer to this can be published in Tarjuman al-Qur'an because many others like me are interested in this discussion.



    His subsequent essay on this subject is, I found, quite educating and enlightening. And thusly worthy of reading for you or anyone who wants to solidify their understanding of this controversial issue


    1-The Problem of the Apostate's Execution from a Legal Perspective

    2-The Execution of the Apostate: A Rational Consideration



    For Brother Nur, this could be of help in your upcoming intellectual battle with Warsame, me thinks.


    3- The Problem of the Propagation of Kufr in the House of Islam

    4-Concerning the Propagation of Kufr: The Rationale of the Islamic Stance


    I hope this helps.

  7. Although you gladly confessed apostasy and spewed on us the ugly narrative and the historicity of your treacherous activities, I must say your unwelcome entry of this site illustrates quite convincingly that this crime is serious one and has far reaching consequence. It establishes that apostasy and treason are two sides of the same coin and can hardly be separated. And it commits to the flames that loose argument of this thread’s article, which wrongly but perhaps with sincere intention suggested that apostasy is not as serious crime as Muslims are led to believe and genuinely, but with astounding failure, attempted to present an argument for its permissibility! But in the light of your theatrical presentation of how skillfully you played that double-crossing game of yours the gist of that article and the hesitation of some nomads on this site seem to beg the question.


    How would you differentiate between apostasy and treason? Or would you not mind for apostate to actively undertake conversion missions and spread s/he message in the midst of us? If you would, would you there fore go against freedom to choose any faith and present its message to others? That should leave you scratching your head!


    For your own safety and information apostasy deservedly is punishable by the ultimate penalty, which’s death. But that said, I believe this religion of ours is against vigilant justice and it demands these حدود to be carried out under Islamic government, which Somalia lacks today. Thusly your co-religions in Somalia should be save unless they live within jurisdiction of the Mogadishu Islamic courts as I believe as an entity they meet the criteria of implementing these laws.


    And finally let me predict that your live expectancy in this site will be short as I expect the moderator to spare us from your wicked sermons. This can’t possibly be a platform where you launch those doomed thoughts of yours.


    But this writing would not be complete without wishing you to see the light of guidance and return to your rightful place!

  8. I am, uncharacteristically, in a dismissive mood today! This thread has been on its way to dampen this attitude, but again the names of some of the posters got my attention and deserve to be the receiving end of my momentary rudeness! :mad:



    Baal Dooro, what a feminine name for a man who deservedly qualifies to be nominated for the most masculine man in SOL. Waryaa get rid yourself off this womanly name! You could easily be a Diiq!


    Haddii kale, I will call you a Biiq. redface.gif



    ---------rerteating to his bunker--------------

  9. Originally posted by AYOUB_SHEIKH:

    What a wasted journey. The 'journalist' claims to have spent nine days in Hargeisa and wrote nothing but
    cheap shots at Xamar
    . Sad indeed.

    How so? Perhaps you mistook him as one of your adversaries in Puntland to acknowledge his positive appraisal of Hargaisa and sharp critique on Xamar! Tell us, good Ayyuub, what’s wrong with this article?


    P.S: I must’ve been wrong on my assumptions as I expected for the Landers to be excited about it!

  10. Originally posted by Baashi:


    Xiin awoowe halkee bay iska qaban la'adahay. Macnaha Xamar ka jira iyo midkan hadda Hargeysa laga sheegayo waaba kala baabe! Amarka iyo ayaan darrada Xamar, Marka, iyo degaanda Shabeelada Hoose ka dhacay maxaa sababay oo ay meelaha kale ee dalka uga dhici weydey?

    Baashow, bal adba? A very imposing question indeed.


    Could it be a research question for cultural anthropologist, ma is tiri?


    Waxaa kaaga daran sida aysan ummuuurtu ugu weyneyn kuwa ku habsaday guryaha Islaaameed!


    Bal malee farqiga u dhexeeya Baraxley iyo Xaafadahii Xamar iyo Kismaayo ku yiiley!


    Hadduu gurigii Maslax baad-baadey all I can say is What a gracious victory for that northern struggle. Needles to say, that I can safely attest to the appalling acts of those barbarians (********s) in that dishonored city.



    Hargeysa waa magaalo aan jeclahay jawigeeda macaan, sidoo kale waa goob uu qofku hurdo fiican iyo cunto dhadhameysa ka helayo. Waxaan ku sugnaa sagaal cisho oo ku aadan dhamaadkii bishii labaad ee sanadkan.


    Waayadaas waxaa Hargeysa buuq weyn ku hayey is-qab-qabsiga Siyaasadeed uu dhaxeeyey xisbiyada mucaaradka iyo xisbiga talada haya. Waa jawi siyaasadeed oo ku tusanaya bisaylka mujtamaca goboladaas ku dhaqan. Waxaa kuu muuqaneysa in R/Hargeysa ay nidaam iyo kala danbeyn ku hormarayaan, halka R/Koonfurna aad isleedahay kaligii taliyena haxukumee yaa noloshaan xun kasaara.


    Qaar kamid ah Aqoon-yahanka Hargeysa ayaan ku iri: Daahir Riyaale waxba ha ku kicina, waayo nimco aydanan hadda u jeedin ayaad haysataan oo ah nabadda, haddiise buuqu bato taas ayaad waayi doontaan. Sababtoo ah ruuxa isbadal doonka ah waxaa fiican inuu aad uga fakaro natiijada ka dhalan karta marka aad ku guuleysato isbadalka, haddiise uu qofku uusan taas aad uga fakarin sidii Soomaaliya ku dhacday ayaa ku dhacaysa


    Intii aan joogay waxaan dareemayey sidii nin jooga magaaladiisa maadama ay tahay magaalo Soomaaliyeed. Mid kamid ah saaxiibaday ayaa igu yiri: Sideed Hargeysa ku timid adoo og waxaad ka qortay? Miyaadan baqayn? Anna waxaan ku iri: Waxaan sheego kama kulula inta uu Faysal Cali Waraabe dowladda ka sheego. Waana meel Dimuqraadiyad curdan ahi ay ka jirto.


    Arintii Samsam ayaa ahayd sheekooyinka loogu hadal haynta badanyahay. Marar badan ayaan lakulmay dad kala duwan oo ka sheegnaya Somalitalk, qaarkoodna ay magacayga sheegayaan oo ay leeyihiin hadallo aad u ad-adag oo meel ka dhac ku ah Bogga Somalitalk iyo Qorayashiisaba. Waxaase aniga farxad ii ah in Somalitalk iyo qorayaasheedaba laga akhristo Hargeysa, ha’ahaadaan kuwa necab iyo kuwa jecelba. Sidaas waxaan u leeyahay Hay’ad kasta oo warbaahineed waxay horumar u aragtaa hadba sida ay u bataan dadka yaqaan, iney necebyihiin ama ay jecaylyihiin hadafku ma’ahan.


    Wasiir ka tirsan Dowladda ayaa igu yiri: Bogga Somalitalk waxaan fahmi weynay hadafka uu kalahaa buun-buuninta arinta gabadhan Samsam. Wuxuu intaas ku daray mindhaa mar danbe uma noqono fal noocaas oo kale ah. Waxay hadda naga taagantahay in aynan qof danbe mar danbe isugu dhawaan, illeen balaayo kuwan oo kale ah ayaa toosh nala daba-fariisanaya.


    Sheekooyinka joogtada ah waxaa kamid ahaa khilaafka Siyaasadeed ee u dhaxeeya Dowladda Nairobi lagu dhisay. Shacabku wuxuu la jiray kooxaha diidan in Itoobiya la keeno gudaha Soomaaliya. Waxayna uqaybsan-yihiin laba qolo. Qoladda koowaad, waa ku ay ka tahay dal jacayl iyo wadaniyad dhab ah oo u damqanaya mustaqbalka Soomaaliya guud ahaan. Qolada labaadna waa kuwa leh haddii uu C/Laahi helo ciidankaas Itoobiyana ay koofur u qabato sow anaga nagu soo jeesan mayo oo xoog nagu qabsan mayo.


    Xagga waxbarashada waxay gaareen horumar fiican oo dhawr jaamacadood ayaa ka furan, iskuullo muhim ah oo tayo lahna ayaa la’aasaasay. Aqoonyahan badan oo dibadda ka soo laabtay ayaa qayb weyn ka qaatay horumarka aqoonta deegaanadaas.


    Fikradii gooni-goosadka wali qaar ayaa ku sii dhagan una badan Siyaasiyiinta. Sheekh Hargeysa dagan ayaa igu yiri: Beerkayagii wax dhaama la soo waayee, hilibkaad sheegayso goormaa lagaarayaa? Waxaan kula kaftamay: Anaguna Beer la’aan wax ma dhisan karno, adinkuna hilib la’aan aqoonsi heli maysaan.


    Hargeysa waxaa taalla nimco weyn, waa nabadda qiimaha leh ee aad si raaxa leh ugu noolaaneyso. Waxaase sabab u ah shacabkaas oo si weyn ugu hogaansama odayaasha dhaqanka, taasoo wax badan u sahlaysa in xal lahelo. Puntland waa sidoo kale oo odayadaas ayaa qayb weyn ka’ah xasiloonida taalla goboladaas. Xamar waxay xalka u gaari la’dahay waxaa kow ka ah, hogaan dhaqan oo awood leh ayaan jirin, qabaa’ilka qaarkood, kuwooda ugu xoogga badan xamar, dhaqan ahaanba uma lahan hogaamiye qabiil, oo waa dhawayd ayeyba samaysteen.


    Guri la yiri waxaa leh Maslax Maxamed Siyaad ayaan ag istaagay. Waa guri nool, laakiin duug ah, oo aan muddo dheer lagu hoyan. Haweeney ayaa ka soo baxday guri daris la’ahaa, waxaan ku iri: Oo gurigan yaa leh? Kii Ina Siyaad ahaa wiiluu dhalay oo Maslax lagu sheegayey ayaa leh bey iigu jawaabtay. Oo wax dhib ah lama gaarsiin miyaa ayaan ku iri? Eeddo ma waxaad namooday qolooyinka xamar laga sheegayey ee guryaha haysta inaan nahay. Annagu gurgan waxaan ku falayno ma jirto, gurguna waxba nooma dhimin.


    Hargeysa marka laga reebo aan goosanno, wax badan oo kale ayaad ku amaani kartaa. Waa wanaag muhim u ah mustaqbalka Soomaalida, una baahan in lagu taageero, oo la bogaadiyo, looguna duceeyo inuu eebbe wanaagaas u siyaadiyo.


    Fahad Yaasiin Xaaji Daahir

    fahadsom@hotmail.com ama



  12. A little more time to get things ready will not be too much for the ever patiant Somali's.



    Duke, that’s a sensible point but the old man has lost a lot of momentum by staying Nairobi. Traveling only gives the impression of a weak and indecisive president who’s hesitant to face and confront the harsh realities on the ground. Mark my words the more he and his government stay out side of the country the more the opportunistic warlords get emboldened and heartened. Placing his eggs in a one basket (TF) is not a encouraging sign either.


    The irony though is the man whose sole qualifications was his strength and unfaltering character seems to have concluded that he couldn’t move a finger without the landing of foreign troops.