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Posts posted by xiinfaniin



    Dad-dilayaal kooxo badan kala ah baa inta meel la’isugu geeyey lagu yiri: Dadkaad dili jirteen sidaad dilka uga dayn lahaydeen ka’arinsada. Dadkii bey eegeen, dunidii bey fiirsheen, iyagii baa hadana is-dhugtay, kolkaasey iska soo dhex saareen koodii dad dilidda u bilaabay, dunidiina waxay ku yiraahdeen: Waxaan dhisanay dowlad uu madax ka yahay macallinkii sixirka baray.


    Bulsho weyntiina rajo ayaa gashay, armaa xal la helaa ayey is yiraahdeen. Xaalkooduna wuxuu u ekaaday sidii laga sheegay oday matukade muddo dheer ahaa baa markii danbe masjidkii galay, wuxuu maqlay Imaamkii oo leh, garbaha iyo gumadaha hala isku dhajiyo. Ninkii dadka ugu dhawaa ayuu inta ku jeestay ku yiri: Oo maxay tahay sababtu? Wuxuu ku yiri: Shaydaanku inuusan nakala dhexgalin ayaa saas loo yeelayaa. Salaad bilaabihii oo yaaban ayaa yiri: Oo Shaydaan hadduu tukanayo maxaa loogu diidayaa? Haddeer shacabku wuxuu xaalkoodu yahay kuwii shalay naleynayey hadday dowlad noo dhisayaan maxaa loogu diidayaa?


    Habaynkey doorashadu dhacday oo natiijadii la sheegay ayuu nin saaxiibkay ahi igu yiri: War bal warran. Waxaan ku iri, waa inoo shan sano dabadeed iyo shir. Ninkale oon mardanbe uga qiseeyey hadalkaas ayaaba iga sii daray oo yiri: Alla war li’idaa. War waa madaxaa haku furto. Duqo intuu noolyahay meelna uma socdo.


    Sidaasay tahay quluubtii waxgaradka Soomaalida waxay guddoon-satay yaan laga hor iman dowladan, hana lasoo dhaweeyo, sababtoo ah, wax la’aan wax xun baa dhaamaa, horaa waxaa loo yiri: Ninbaa nin kale ku yiri tol xumo, kiina wuxuu ku jawaabay tol laawe. Marka waxay u egtahay dowlad la’aan intii nala dhihi lahaa dowlad xumo-yaal hanalagu sheego.




    Waagii layiri Madaxweyne ayey Soomaalidu dooratay, qaybihii kala duwanaa ee bulshada ayaa dhamaantood soo dhAweeyey, waxay noqotay burburkii kadib dowladii ugu horeysay ee ay dadku soo wada dhaweeyeen.


    Culimada Soomaalida waxaa u hadlay Sh. Cumar Faaruuq oo dadweynaha ugu baaqay in la taageero dowladda Soomaali u dhalatay. Ganacsatadiina baaqyo ayey kasoo saareen Dubay iyo Muqdisho oo cadeeyeen iney taageerayaan maamulka cusub. Aqoonyahan-kiina shirkoodii Nayroobi ayey taageero buuxda uga direen dowladda. Dowladani wali lama hayo qof Soomaali ah, dabaqadduu rabo ha’ahaadee, oo yiraahda dowladan ma’aqoonsani, marka laga reebo walaalaha W/Galbeed.


    Xamar uma socdo. Xabashi ayaan dadka hubka uga dhigayaa. Xoog mooyee xod-xodosho la’aan, wa astaamaha dowladdan cusub.




    Shirkii dhawaa ee Barlamaanka wuxuu la soo baxay dhawr qodob.


    kooxihii dib-u-heshiisiinta loo qabtay ooba kala maarmay ayaa muuqatay. Shirkii Qaahira C/Laahi Yuusuf iyo Aadan Gabyow ayaa ka baxay hawshii iney guulaysan weysana ayagay sababsatay. Cartana goortii ay diideen dagaal oga-yaashii waa tay gacaha ku socon weysay. Maantana Dowladan iyagoo banaanka jooga ayey ka maarmeen qaybo badan oo caqabad ku noqon kara dowladdii. Marka Jabhad-nimo ayey dooratay.

    Dowladdii Carta lagu soo dhisay goortii wakhtigeedii dhamaaday ayey isku dhacii ugu horeeyey bilaabeen, gaar-ahaan Madaxweynaha iyo Guddoomiyaha Barlamaanka, tanna iyadoon dhalan bey dhiciskii ka hor dirireen. Talow maxay ku danbeyn doontaa? Malaha jabhadnimo.

    Fadhigii dhawaa wuxuu bilaabay in lakala maarmi karo, haddii Shariifkii laga tashaday, waliba isagoo meel u dhaw jooga, taasi waxay keeni kartaa in isaguna uu ka maarmo ragga kale ee dowladda ugu sareeya.

    Baydhabo oo hada dagaal fool u ah ayey dowladdu dagaysaa baa la go’aamiyey. Xamarna waa meel aan ladagi karinna waa lagu dhawaaqayaa. Sidaasi waxay kuu muujineysaa in maskax aan Soomaali ahayni ay talada dalka hayso.

    Dowlad-nimo magaceed iyo wada socod wixii lagu waayey miyaa lagu heli doonaa Dalxa oo shir guddoon ah. Geeddi oon horay uga mid ahayn kuwii caqabadda ku ahaa dowladnimada. Iyo C/Laahi oo raba inuu adkaado ama uu dhinto isagoo jidkii adkaanshaha haya.




    Waxay dad badani isleeyihiin duqu hadduu Madaxweyne helay waa xiligii uu nasan-lahaa, laakiin sidaasi manoqone, wali inuu dagaal sii wado ayuu diyaar uyahay, sidii uu ku sheegayba khudbadiisii koowaad.


    Qadarta ilaahay, waxaa yaab leh, Baydhabadii uu dagaalka firkadiisa ku bilaabay ee uu Madaxweyne-nimo ku gaaray, ayuu mindhaa isyiri, hadana hadaad dagaal-kaada Baydhabo ka bilowdo, mindhaa sidaad Madaxweyne ugu heshay, ayaad dalkana ku dajin doontaa.



  2. Originally posted by Sheikh Muhammed bin Awad:


    i am happy for both General Morgan and Reer Gedo because finally
    the traitor
    who used to pass
    on as one of us
    has finally shown
    his true face.
    That can be only good news.

    It seems the good sheikh is gradually sinking in the mud of Somali politics. Care you tell us to whom us is meant to refer?


    It’s interesting how you go about this issue; deriving proofs from the Sunna to show that certain (political) actions are justified. It’s equally interesting how you depict Ethiopia as a sleeping giant that, once awaked, could endanger the wider Islamic world!


    Alas, there sure are other convincing arguments for the old man’s proposed foreign troops, but yours have indeed missed the mark and, I am afraid, it’s a circle that can’t be squared.


    P.S: You can ignore my ranting, but take it as an effort to salvage your submerged ( a bit harsh) soul.

  3. As they say, when you discover you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.


    or may be no horse is too dead to beat!

  4. redface.gif @...but in all honesty it strikes me as odd that one could hold an opinion not based on much which is credible. It is your prerogative I suppose, but it leaves me baffled at the very least.


    You see, I was heading my way out of this much-dragged thread when I came across this sharply put statement of yours (though with a noticeable civility) that pierces my credibility! I am left with quandary and thrown into intractable impasse now: leave without putting a fight (fierce one at that) to defend my credibility or state the obvious but (this time) with added emphasis, which could offend my respected sister (Rahima).


    The first is seemingly a sheepish choice (a painful pick for a man with my pride) but it could keep the peace. The latter is not a mannish choice but it appeals to my nomadic tendency and could furnish some satisfaction.


    For now, Xiinfaniin has to live with the first choice; the second is a risk that I dare not take and it could sure damage my much-guarded repute. In case you wonder, there's no middle ground in this issue.

  5. :D @Remember, Mogadishu is a laissez-faire affable hub where practical ideas and views are exchanged and formulated on daily basis.


    One has to admire the wonders that your creative writing produced! smile.gif


    But I am really tempted to challenge you on this, sxb.


    To be fair though, when I subtract that from the argument you penned, I couldn't find any gaping holes and you should carry the torch for these ranting ilks from your camp (like-minded), I suggest.

  6. Rahima, walaal dad magan ah baad iiga sheekeyneysaa! Do you think I could be magan for reer Miyi in my own house? Magaalada waxbaan ku lahaa haddana magan kuma noqon-karo!


    I would rather live in dignity in the prairies of the Midwest, sister. And what statistical data do you inquire, sister, to prove that Kismayo, Marka, and Bravo are in the hands of hoodlum gangs? What reports should one produce to convince you that Xamar has indeed been infected by the plague of land-grab.


    You resolved (it now seems) to over-look quite conveniently my declared appreciation and acknowledgement for those who laboriously worked hard to build their lives as you needlessly repeat answered questions. Or may be you don’t take yes for an answer, I wonder.

  7. Don't you wory, good Xoogsade, about the safety of these Fts as they're mere means to accomplish desirable and noble goals: to help this government settle. Sacrificial lambs, if you will, for the greater cause!

    Somalis seem to have failed to see beyond clanish politics and thier differences are unbridgeable (eg. you and me: dadkaaga dhinac ka raac .vs. inyow, I want my property back). So lets wait and see if one side delivers (as it seems now) the decisive beat to the punch.


    It may be true that legitimacy, in the primitive thinking of Somalis, could only be achieved by the utter dominance of one side of the conflict. It may also be true (sounds very primitive, I admit) might reigns supreme and our conscious respects its (the might that is) savage power. We're indeed resorting to trickery to gain our worldly-ends. Reasoning has met its demise, sxb. And so I say, let the guns start blazing and (as I started my 1st post in this thread) lets pray only the wicked souls perish in its shooting hell!


    You see, gardarraddii oo tookheysaa soo shirtagtey. Waxaan is-lahaa atleast 15 years waa ku filantahay dadka. Waase male hungoobey: la mood noqonse weydey.


    You see, I am ready to tolerate dictatorship (Mr. Yusuf) if we can atleast regain our lost nationhood. I can even entartain secessionist politics if it provides governance (Somaliland). What I can't put up with is the politics of sheer thuggery and the hoodlum gangs in Xamar, sxb. The endless looping and the deceptive manuevering of that ilk (Xamar walords) that only prolongs the suffering of the residents of that besieged city. I think, I've said enough, I should stop now.

  8. If Ethiopian hands are found to be mixed up in the scenerio concerning Baydhaba

    ........it's only befitting that all Somalis stand up against the Ethiopian penetration into the internal affairs of Somalia.


    A righ sounding statemetn that one could hardly disagree! But would it make a difference (for the apposition) if Ugandan and Sudanese hands are found, I wonder? is it against Ethiopia or against FT in general?


    I am begining to think cleansing filthy with vile would be deemed valid in Somali politics!

  9. Right on, Baashi.


    I would add that negative tribalism is an old plague that has been around for many millennia. It’s not unique to the Somali society and had been successfully addressed by Islam. The Ikhwan approach is suitably the way to go as it imitates, though ever remotely, the tested and verified remedy for this social illness.

  10. Though that noble goal (getting back what is lawfully yours) is worth fighting, it would apparently involve some filthy business in the way, which I wouldn’t desire (mind you) to soul my hands with. It was a mere Conscious satisfaction (the discussion was), sxb. Not that I want to join the fighting force of the old man. Let the suddenness and Ugandans do the liberation! And take it easy, it may just be the case that when the day comes, the thugs surrender in masses and the innocent come out savely unharmed.

  11. Rahima,


    Xamar, is the only city I know in all what’s Somali cities. Besides two months stop at Kismayo and not more than few weeks in agricultural farm in Qoryooley, I have known no any other city than Xamar (believe me, sister). Now, you ask me how I’ve come to know that a lot of properties are occupied? Oh well, to paraphrase an Arab poem, it’s a sheer intellectual emptiness to debate about the existence of the sun. where have you been, sister, to ask such an abvious question?


    Begun with all my family and my relatives (and they’re not GALTI as Xoogsade would like us believe). I know generations who’ve been uprooted by the invading ilk. Sister, lest you’re attracted by Xoogsade’s depiction of my stance or you’re emotionally biased by what you’ve seen in you recent trip, it’s apparrent that Xamar is an occupied city. Close to million people fled with their lives and their properties taken. Entire clans come from the Miyiand competed for the share of the big prize. In my opinion the matter of properties and land is the heart of Somalia’s southern conflict.


    Yes I acknowledge and appreciate the hard-earned assets of the good people of the city. I am not under illusion neither am I consumed by the false impression that Xamar is an evil city or anything that’s Xamar is bad. I consider it truly my city. But I see it as the reason of Somalia’s political stalemate.


    Anyone who knows any thing about Xalaal and Xaraam would just understand these facts.

  12. To conclude what has been informative, but at times ranting, discussion:


    Xoogsade’s argument:


    1- The people of Xamar will undertake a Jihaad against this government if it comes to Xamar to defend what’s dearly theirs and will eventually prevail.

    2-There is no such thing as occupied towns or cities and the occupied properties are in insignificant and unworthy of discussion (only the ill-intenders would scream about it to vilify the people of Xamar.)


    My Argument:


    1- war initiated by known thugs (Caato, Qanyare, Yalaxow, and Indhacadde) will be any thing but a Jihaad. The reason is because what that ilk is fighting for is to preserve the ill-gotten gains of the civil war and to prevent any kind of government (regardless of its leaders) that could restore normalcy.

    2- Xamar is full of people who are occupying properties that are not theirs and as such it is an occupied city. So as Kismayo, Marka, and Bravo. To deny this political reality or minimize its religious, social, and political ramifications is a pure ignorant. To wrap the cause of those scofflaws with Islamic flag is scornfully contemptuous thinking of the basic Islamic teachings. A mockery to the Islamic concepts that we hold dear.




    P.S: for your own information, I am not even remotely related to that clan you mentioned. A challenge to your hasty conclusion, one may say.

  13. loooool@His tribe(if his GALTI accent is of any indication) now lives whole areas in madino and have their own share of the market in Bakaraha, they find a welcome home in town and are equal bretheren, yet, his antagonism towards the town is strange.


    That's just hilarious story . cajaa'ibtaadey ka mid tahay


    But Xoogsadow, Ninka xaaraanta uu dhacay weli xoolihiisa u qaba, Ilaah warkiisa ma maqlo ilaa u garawsado xumihiisa, celiyana xaqqa uu dhacay! Warninyahow show diinta wax badan baan kasoo gaarin? Maxay tahay Ilaah baa leyskaa xigadaad sheegeysid? Sxb, you're in dire need for some basic Islamic schooling! Sideed u garanweydey inaan tawbadda tuugga la aqbalin hadduu weli xoolihii heysto. If you beleive that, not only do you sound like a lost sheep but you're also making a mockery on the essence of Islamic justice.


    saaxiib, cuqdaddi waa cudurka ku hayya.Waa waxa dawladnimada kaa hortaagan.Waxaase adiga kuu wehliya jahli diineed. Inaad jihaadaad rabtaa xoolo islaameedna waa kuu sahay waa caqliyadda aad lasoo shirtagtey. Waxbadan baa runtii kaa qaldan. As for who's from Xamar and who's not, it doesn't really matter now, or does it? When hundreds of thousands of people from the heart of miyi are calling it home. Xaaraanta uun ha la is ka daaayo magaaladu dadkoo dhan waa deeqdaaye.


    P.S: So you detect my lahjad to be non-Xamar! But don't you realize that it doesn't sound much different than that of Caato or Cabdul-Qaasim (the leaders of the city)?

  14. Denying and cheap dismissals would not let you off the hook, sxb. Unless you’re dangerously misled its not a simple issue to empty out entire cities from the natives (Marka, Muqdisho, Brava, iyo kismayo) and occupy them precisely for political and economic gains. It’s not a simple issue to drive out the unsuspecting civilians from their homes and farms and basically dwell in them. Saaxiib maxaad ii keentay? How dare you said that (you can express you opinions, I suppose)?


    Granted these issues should be resolved through reconciliation and reasonably just government is needed to facilitate the process. But how could that be possible if your likes (I believe you reflect the attitude of warlords) think that there is no such thing as occupied towns or regions. And the looted properties (public or private) is insignificant and not worthy of discussion. When you assert that there are no occupied towns you helplessly sound like a lost sheep. Indeed you and your argument constitute the PERFECT EXAMPLE of what’s wrong with Somali politics. To dilute the settings of Somalia’s political and social landscape in order to affect a favorable outcome was Sr. Aidiid’s clannish ideology. The rest of his gangs seem to have taken this to the heart and implemented to the letter. It’s a wicked political platform that can’t be sustained. It has caused that community dearly. If you think straight, good Xoogsade, it’s the heart of Somalia’s instability and without facing that ugly reality we are doomed for good unless, of course, Allah generously rescues us. But again how could that happen when some of us die and defend what does not belong to them and yet claim to be in accord with Allah’s directives (Indhacadde comes to mind).


    You seem to have forgotten that Allah does not heed the callings from those whose shelter is ill-gained. The repents of those whose sins were against fellow Muslims do indeed fail to gain Allah’s regard unless they secure the forgiveness of their victims and return what’s not theirs. And I wonder if those reformed gangs were taught to do that. You also seem to be fixated on the notion of the Ethiopian army and its imminent invasion. That I don’t it see coming. If it materializes it will be, I admit, perfect smokescreen for the pseudo sheikhs like Indhacadde and his unholy ilk.



    I do know that, as a mortal, I am vulnerable to sin, and I ask forgiveness from my Compassionate Allah whom I always helplessly need. But don’t you tell me the followers of Caato are fighting for good objectives. And no, you’re not a looter (Maah-maahdii baad ka carootey) but you sound like a one when you minimize the significance of what’s looted. Xamar is a home of one million people but few of them (very determined) swear for their lives to dwarf every effort to restore governance. In that context I am not in any way generalizing lest you depict me that way.

  15. Xoogsade, for the record, I am for the introduction of foreign troops as long it excludes from the Ethiopian army. From what I understand the decision reached by parliament has been upheld by the government. Although I am still uncomfortable with Ethiopia’s logistical and technical support role, nevertheless, considering the bitter actualities on the ground, it’s a one that I can live with. Sudanese and Ugandan troops are more suiting to provide essential security arrangements necessary for the government’s relocation program, I reason. It is practically impossible for this government to attack Xamar and frankly unnecessary for them to do that. Why would Geedi bring the wrath of war to the very community he represents, one would wonder? But again you may unfairly argue that the warlords are true leaders of the city’s residents.


    Now, it’s quite interesting how you present your argument, sxb. Your approach is equally fascinating, I must say. Further more you sound very righteous in your upcoming war and precisely know the plans in place to mobilize the people of Xamar to fight to death. Or so you said! Your characterization of my argument as a mere screaming is a telling sign. For some reason the subject of looted properties and illegally-held cities touches an aching nerve of yours and somehow makes you act erratically. An old Arabic adage comes to mind:(يكا المريب يقول خذوني ). In rough translation: The wicked suspect could almost confess!

    It’s understatement (for me) to say that Xamar was my city. But it was really my city in every sense of the word. It has been my stopping ground till the invading crowds marched in. The subsequent plague and outbreak of utter anarchy is a well known fact. The people of Xamar that you speak of who are against the restoration of some civility to that besieged city are the very ilk who had the lion share of the booty of the civil war. They will resist and fight to the death against any reversal of the gains they made! That’s understandable and expected.

    But for you to characterized them as a reformed Muslims who’re poised to purify themselves from the previous sins in heading to the frontline trenches to defend what’s theirs is quite devious.


    My position is very clear: I want this government to work (don’t necessarily like its leaders and did have similar stand toward CabdulQasim’s) for it’s the interest of Somalis as a people and Somalia as a country. The status of Xamar must be changed by any reasonable measure and its people must be freed from the heartless warlords. Pain full evections from certain cities and private and public properties would be the logical steps forward. As for you Mr. Xoogsade, defend your loot if you will, but don’t camouflage with our noble Jihaad as it has clear qualifiers and goals.


    P.S: It is more likely than not that the reformed gangs still occupy the very properties they looted.


    Why? And who’re the people of Xamar that you speak of? Wasn’t fifteen years of roadblocks and check-points enough for them, I ask? If they could not revolt against the wicked acts of theirs and demand change throughout those fateful years, what makes you think it would be different this time around? The mentality to prevent every effort to restore government in the hope to keep the loot is indeed miserable. And it just begs the question, sxb, of how long could Somalis survive as a people and reclaim their lost dignity when significant number of them thinks that way?


    Power to you if you seriously think that Caato, Yalaxow, and Qanyare and those they lead will eventually come victorious out of this war.

  17. WT, I see your point. But don't loose your coolness.


    To stimulate and trigger intellectual discussion by highlighting the recent change of tone diehard SNM supporters have undergone in light of the Awdal News Network editorial entitled "SNM is Balance: The Need for a Truth and Reconcilliation Committee in Somaliland.", you intended. A shameless intruder who’s poised to draw wedge between the friendly communities of the north, you’re labeled! And the result is quite disappointing, I must say.


    But why? Why would SOL heavy-weights resort to cheap dismissals and discounted name-callings? Is it because under the heat of Somaliland politics that much-valued superficial uniformity is rapidly vanishing and unanimity is evaporating? What ever it may be, the fact remains that this attitude of over-protectiveness and defensiveness is apparently exposing some intellectual incompetent. And this technique of lynching the messenger and evasively avoiding the message is not really suiting.


    P.S. this article,I must admit, is too insginificant to arouse the kind of intellectual discussion one would want to have.

  18. Sweeping generalization is the habit of the fickle people. A known fact that I needless repeat, I must say. But why would logical wind. talker post such a nonsensical article and bother to even share it with us, I wonder? Could it be that he purposefully put it up for discussion to extract some wisdom from our fellow Boramians?

  19. Originally posted by HornAfrique:

    Absaloutely without any political skills is all I have to say of the old man, and his advisors? Magacoodaa dheeraaday maahaane ee waxay siyaasad ka yaqaanan baa iska yar.

    That could be the case only if politics remain as the affairs of organized society. But if it's the art of taking advantage of the opportunities that exist, then the old man is not known to be without skill and he might’ve indeed scored a goal!


    One thing is for sure though: war is in the offing. So let’s pray that this time only the deserving and wicked souls perish and burn in its hell.