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Posts posted by Ismahaan

  1. Saalax;705911 wrote:
    lol. Actually it's name Salah born in Burco Boodhweyn - Somaliland.
    I don't have a Somalia passport.


    Only British, Somaliland, Ethiopia.

    Hayaay, xataa anaa!!:D:D

    Teeda kale ma ethiopianka injirta leh baad pass port kooda ku faaniin belo belo belo.:(

  2. Ismahaan sheeko khiiyagali ya kugu sheekayey


    This is passportka lagu so galo Hargeysa (for non Sland somalis they have to have either this passport or a visa to enter it. Unless of course they are people who fled the war(which is a different case concerning Somaliland immigration patrol & asyluum, refuuge center).

    Present a Somaliland passport to any immigration officer and he will send you back in the direction you arrived.


    I am told this is exactly what happened to President Dahir Rayale Kahin in few years back.;) Plus adigaan hada yaa eega pass portkaga , name salah, born in 1/1/ 19... in muqadisho, somalia, nationality : somali etc kugu qoran. :D

  3. Saalax;705893 wrote:
    Aar JB & XX inaanta ka xishooda
    . She wants to be a "Reer hargeysa". Wa caadi passportka Somaliland wa la siinaya.

    Passportka reer hargeysa dee waa kan Soomaaliya, I know, you know, Jb knows.

  4. Saalax;705884 wrote:
    Ismahaan. Leave our capital alone labo wadan oo jar ah banu nahay ee.
    stick to Mogadishu.

    Salah anigu reer hargeysa baan ahay dee see iskaga daayaa waba magaladaan ku dhashee hargeysa. Dadka kale u sheeg saxiib adi duur duurka baad ka timi ee ku ekoow. :D:D

  5. Mareeg Girl;705697 wrote:
    Subxana allah. how can a married somali woman fall in love with an other guy. Ikraan Carale is married to an other fanan. i dont get why wayaha cusub is just attacking her. the abwan oo alifay heesta said him self that the song is about an other xaliimo who is in love with a guy that lives in Hargeisa.

    Is Ikran married? I didn,t knew that. ANyhow sis articles ka laga qoray labada hees baa saas ku qornaayeen ma aqaan. Laakiin labadii abwaan oo heesaha sameeyey baba hada hadlay oo yiri si khalad baa loo fasiray, marka soomaali waa iska taqaan too much buun buunis. :D '' Qoraalka kasoo baxay kooxda Wayaaha Cusub ayaa noqon doona mid meesha ka saara beenta laga sheegay heestii ay dhawaan soo saareen ee GARAADLAAY.taasi oo dhalisay dood badan oo soo dhexgashay bulshada Somaliyeed,waxaana wixii hada ka danbeeya dadweynaha u fahmi doonaan inaysan heestan iyo heestii GAARSIIYA wax shaqo ah isku laheyn.'' Allahu aclam.

  6. Aaliyyah;705636 wrote:
    lOOL Ismahan I wasnt aware there was an that I read half of that article. It was too long..I understood from there that they like the same guy? or maybe nt? I didnt have the patient to read the whole thing lol

    No ,Falis is married to shine from wayaha cusub. Ikran is in love with Falis's husband. This is what the whole article and songs are all about but I'm not sure if its true or not.

  7. Subhan Allah, soomaali waa is dhamaaysey dibad iyo dal. Bal dad refuge ku ah wadan aaysan lahaayn oo misna intaays is dilaya oo xumaato, macsi iyo dhibaato ku dhex jira meeshaay hora mar sameeysan lahaayeen. Cajiib.Ilaahay ha u naxariisto marxuunka, reer kiisina samir iyo imaan ha ka siiyo.

  8. @somalina sweetie awal anaa credit ka dhan rabey in aan sheegto balse JB oo aan waxba ka fakaneen baa jooga. :D


    @jb adi jooji fashilaada boowe.;)


    One arline may be safer than another but nothing is totally safe. Daalo air line laakiin markaa raacdi waliba tan from djubuti to somalia aakhiro baad soo xasuusan .

  9. Welcome to Daalo Air line !

    Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen.This is your captain maxaa iga galay>welcoming both seated and standing passengers on board of Daalo Air lines. We opologize for the four-days delay in taking off, it was due to bad weather and the marqaan level of the pilot. This is flight 134 to hargeysa. Landing there is not guaranteed, but we will end up somewhere in somalia. If luck is in our favour, we may even be landing on your village! Daalo air lines has an excellent safety-record. In fact our safety stardards are so high that even terrorists are afraid to fly with us! It is our great pleasure to announce that starting this year over 20% of our passengers have reached their destination. If our engines are too noisy or load for you , on passenger request , we can arrange to turn them off! To make your free fall to earth pleasant and memorable, we serve complimentary tea and khat.


    Thank you for flying with us