Chocolate and Honey

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Everything posted by Chocolate and Honey

  1. Twilight- you mean that book based on that horny teenage vampire movie that was a total waste of energy and time? Yes, and the series Inspired a CULT. At first, I thought the same thing untill my friend read it and gave rave reviews. It is very funny, lighthearted, and it's told in first person. Also, it is very descriptive and tention building. You just want to know what happens next. And the movie is a total crap. It is so typical of Hollywood to take a good book and ruined it beyond recognition like they did to THE KITE RUNNER :mad:
  2. @ the "swimming pool"? Hello, Ladies. How is you day going?
  3. Ok iyo nus. I dont get the hype surrounding these athletes anyway. If they aint natural and are using drugs, then they should be stripped and suspended.
  4. Does that mean you would show him a leg or two just to established a good faith. Nah, I'm merely promising that he wont be skinned alive should he look my way(long as uu faraha igu soo taagin or ilasoo aadin, then I can't promise his safety)on my end but cant gurantee what Siren would do
  5. To be frank, my gazes are too precious to be wasted on the mortals. They are directed at the mysterious sky, hence my name: Cirdey. It may even be that I may not notice your presence even if you were to shout your lungs out. Bal is daji Cirdeyow. Hush,now. Promise we wont chew your head off should you come back down to earth and decide to steal a glance
  6. Looooooool@Ngonge. I was in the office laughing my *** off when a student walked in. I think I had a laugh attack cuz I couldnt stop even though the student was talking to me about a serious issue . Siren, Just ignore them(unless they try to put their filthy hands on you, then claws should come out). You cant stop them, so whats the point? The Ajnabi ppl are weird so I dont engage in a conversations with them unless I absolutely must to. But Somalis, you cant ignore specially when you work with them.ugghh :eek: . And whats up with old men? There was an old Somali Dude( He used to be a teacher in the 70's) I used to work with. At first, he would just stare at me with his mouth open :eek: Then, he would try to talk to me. He is like my grandpa so I would talk to him respectfully. Then, he started complementing my outfits(weird,Ok)like oh, that blouse hugs you the right way :rolleyes: . Then, he started talking about my curves(mind you, I wear long skirs and shaalal) and I tried to ignore it. Then one day he just Lunged at me(after I came back from sick leave), trying to give me a hug :eek: :eek: . I gave him a piece of my mind(old or no old. Nobody dares to touch me :mad: ). NEVER EVER LOOKED MY WAY UNTILL HE QUIT.
  7. The most recent Classic novel I read was the "THE KITE RUNNER." And one that I'm lusting after is "Three Cups of Tea." But I'm currently reading TWILIGHT.
  8. Salaams Ladies, I woke up this morning pretty refreshed, Alxamdullilah! Isnt God Great!I drove by a beatiful lake this morning and watched the sun rise and I felt so calm like nothing in this world matters. You girls have interesting lives, Karoeki, eh?
  9. after all gabadha was out in full force and wrapping all the faraxs in one pitta.The side dish with the pita being an order of Ina Adeero, I see you're allergic to my comments. Plz go back and re-read my comments. I said things like...I HAVE NEVER MET and every former playboy, a friend or a relative I MET..again notice the "I"? How is that wrapping all faraxs in one pita? Did I claim that EVERY FARAH was zaani? Stop taking cheap shots, it is really not attractive :rolleyes: .
  10. I'm Blue(17) and a mixture of gold and orange. Loooool it is funny how it said I love teaching and counseling people: both were my chosen career options in college and I finally picked teaching!
  11. the person is judged on their current state, so a former reformed fornicator does not have to pair up with another reformer, they make their repentance to Allah for their mistakes and are no longer in that category. The ayah is relevant to those who do not repent and remain in that life style. Thanks for the clarification.
  12. loooooool at Somalis confusing what is with what is SHOULD BE. I love how quickly we mount the high horse :rolleyes: . *quickly asses the time it'll take to get a decent convo started about the Double Standards and at its actual practice. Sips her coffee compulsively, shaking her head.. Decides againts the whole thing* Silence is Golden
  13. Often the polite little Somali brother who prays, goes to Uni and finds a good job does all of this without compromising himself, culture and his deen. I’m not talking about Holy-boys but real, honest “proper” Somali dudes who are just as shy but just as horny as you are to marry-but decide to wait and marry properly like the rest of us. Dudes like my own brothers… I’d even go as far as to say the majority like 90 of Somali dudes are within this category then the 10% who sweet talk you, flutter their lashes and tempt you into giving up your sharaf. This is where you are completely wrong, dear. The majority(90%) of them TRY and I mean with all their might to sweet talk YOU in the hopes of commiting a faaxisha with them. Only about 10% are god fearing and decent. I HAVE never met a Somali guy who is a virgin(not that I interviewed all of them, mind you :rolleyes: you can tell by their life-style and the way they treat women like objects to be possesed). So most girls dont have the luxury of saying NO THANKS, If you aint a virgin . My friends and I are were having a similar conversation about the DOUBLE-STANDARDS. We were talking about how EVERY former playboy-married friend or cousin or a distant relative, ended up with VIRGINS, innocent little girls. And my friend was like thats not fair in fact, it isnt supposed happen like that. If you're a ZAANI, you're supposed to end up with Zaaniyah but how the HELL did all these dudes who've been arround the block TOO many times ended up with virgins? :confused: Please someone explain the context for this Aaayah.
  14. Oh, the hypocracy enrages me :mad: . So typical of Somali Men to make women's affairs a priority over shall we say, PEACE and WORKING GOVERMENT :eek: . There is NOTHING ISLAMIC about this goverment, just because they elected a religious man doesnt mean that there will be a working goverment based on the shari'a. People, more specifically men who hide behind the sharia DISGUST ME with their sexism and false ideals. Get a grip, dheh :rolleyes: .
  15. Hello Val, Hope everything went well!
  16. Morning Girls. I'm very refreshed today, Alxamdulilah!
  17. Depicting womanhood as women’s body or parts of her body is shooting yourself in the foot. I couldnt agree more. I'm sick and tired of these "woe is me" cries of women who exploit other less fortunate women for the sake of grabing the "lime light" so to speak to further their careers :rolleyes: . A woman is more than the sum of her body-parts.
  18. My GOD :eek: :rolleyes: , these topics are getting a bit risque
  19. Loooool! I demand to know if he can back-up this "theory" of his. On the age thing, every girl is different. Depends on what circles you run with. Funny though, I had this convo of age and dating with two 14&15 year olds today(they are my students and NO they're not cadaan). We're in the danger zone. I had to lecture them about the dangers of internet dating and boyz and they were looking at me like I'm an old hag!
  20. I finally worked 3days out of the 5 I intended to work-out. So ppl, how was your week? Have you met, skipped or changed your goals? SS, I read somewhere this morning that you sticking to your plans. Come, have some lemonade and join the movement!
  21. Siren, "The Historian" eh? NO, I havent read that yet. Would love to pick it up. I also love the "self-help" genra, I know, I know. Enuff said.
  22. I would think this in my head... What 1.the beep kind of a weirdo have I married 2. Oh get a grip you blooming sissy your creeping me out while looking into his beautiful eyes with the most gentle "I adore you" gaze known to mankind. If it is once in a while thing I would feel a badass after all what woman wouldnt want to be a goddess in bed? But should the DUDE starts tearing-up everytime he does the deed, talking about it feels SO GOOD :eek: , I'll tell him to MAN-UP. Oohin kulahaa, Ninku Ma Hindi baa? :rolleyes:
  23. look in the mirror and watch me while I touch you, watching me touching you, I shall bring you to a heightened state of arousal so powerful its near pain, I shall spank you and scream "whose the daddy now eh my fiesty wench whose the daddy now!" ……( Lool, I almost chocked on my food. I wasn’t ready for this at all. At last, SS has a friend to play with. I never read saucy books, I’m a nerd umm, would rather read the DA VINCI CODE than romance novels. Oh the mirror scene, personally I am into little bit of voyeurism, so yeah watch me