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Everything posted by Haashim

  1. Libaax, and this book is the last attempt to reconcile their old friends America, but as i already said IT IS TOO LATE,. Mujaahid Brother, i don't mind who wrote this book because i said Rabiic or his alike... but if you believe what on this book are the way of SALAF, brother sorry to say, but you've been misguided. i'm not going to give you a lecture about them if you want more about this group look at the books of some ULUMA like Sh. A/rahman A/khaliq from KUWAIT and his student Abdalla Al-shayaji who counted as many as 30 of their charecters which they deciove the muslims and also how they insult the real uluma and anyone who has opposes their sick ideas, look how they insult saudi ulumas (let alone the others) such as Shaykh Salman Al-awda, Aidh Al-qarni and many others. Brother anyone can claim that he is on the SALAF way but Salaf never lead the enemy of Islam to the Muslims, but rather despite their differnec on some issues, when it come the enemy they were with them in one front. Finally, i want to tell the Bros & Sisters one the best tools of this group which is taking AYA's or part of the AYAH and AHADITHS which revealed on Kufars as a proof on their muslim brothers like this Ayah in this book. "Amongst al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun can be found followers of Sufism, the Jahmiyyah (those who deny that Allah has any Attributes), the Shee'ah, the Mu'tazilah (a philosophical school of thought that also denies Allah's Attributes), the Khawarij (those who expel people from the fold of Islam due to their sins), modernists, and many others. This methodology of political expediency results in Islam's clarity being replaced with something that is bewildering and blurred. Allah has said, "You consider them to be united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are a people who understand not." The above mentioned is a part of AYAH which revealed on the JEWISH in MADINAH, which ALLAH shows us that despite their coherence they're not united, and this group know that the AYAH has revealed on the Jewish not on Muslims but yet they want to decieve Muslims who have no deep knowldege in the Islam, and if you read the complete AYAH you will understand that it revealed on the KUFFAR, this is the complete AYAH. 14. They fight not against you even together, except in fortified townships, or behind walls, their enmity among themselves is very great, You consider them to be united, but their hearts are divided. That is because they are a people who understand not." SURAT AL-HASHAR (59:14). So, look how they decieving Muslims, part of Ayah part of Hadith to freighten the person and to join hom/her to their group and there are many examples about this but i think this is enough to someone who want to know the reality of this group. It's not laughable that they say Usam Bin Laden is a Sufi , all this to distnace from him. ALLAHU MUSTACAAN.
  2. It's true, Jazakalaah Bro.
  3. Nur, Sxb ma annaagaa haddana na soo gashay hablihii waad ka soo wareegsatay miyaa? maqaalkaagii horeey aad uga xanaaqeen marka kanaad ku maslaxaysaa. Bal aniga boos iiga qabo kooraska waan isku qorayaaye :cool:
  4. Farah Sxb I would not surprise if this book (the wahabi myth) was written by: Rabiic Bin Haadi Al-madkhali or his alike, since they count one of the Tawheed principles that you should have BAYA’ with Fahad and unless you recognize his IMAMA your Twaheed is not complete. The web of lies in this book are countless, and I would say to this group IT’S TOO LATE George Bush will not believe whatever you said about your muslim brothers, and this will not rescue you from his plan, So, as we say HADDAAD DHIMANAYSID DHAREERKA WAA LA ISKA DUWAA weather you said my group was not behind 9/11 or you blame your other muslim brothers to terrorism etc. this is will not prevent you anything that was written to you, but it shows us who you are! take a lesson from Saddam who has no relation with Islamists. These are some of the lies in this book: “Clearly, the problem of contemporary terrorist ideology does not lie in the creed of the Salafis, whether they be in Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. The media and Western think-tanks are failing to make the distinction between pure, orthodox Islam, and a twentieth century revolutionary movement based upon ignorance called Qutbism, a sect based upon the teachings of Sayyid Qutb.” Do they think this will rescue them from Bush NO WAY “It would have been more accurate for Hooper and Whitaker to say that all of the Islamic groups and movements of today, the violent and the non-violent of them, stem from the ideologies of Hasan al-Banna, Abu A'laa Maududi and Sayyid Qutb. None of these men were Islamic scholars, but instead, were only so-called 'Islamic thinkers'. Furthermore, Hasan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb were adherents of Sufism, not Salafism.” The insulting of those who sacrifies their lives to unite the muslim, was one of your characters but, today you added to work as spy for Bush. Further you know as Scholar those whose give the people fatwas over Xayd and Nifaas non Nation Builders. “Salafism is actually free from the likes of Sayyid Qutb and Osama bin Laden.” I will let you to judge “When considering this, one wonders how it can possibly be understood that Bin Laden and his followers are "Wahhabis" as is being repeatedly mentioned in the media!” He is after all your muslim brother and may ALLAH reward his JANNAH to Mullah Omar who refuse to give his muslim brother to the enemy. "This claim has been repeated over and over again in the mainstream media, and it is an unfounded claim that is based upon the media's misunderstanding that Usama bin Laden, al-Qaeda and all Jihadi revivalists who are oriented towards political activism are adherents of "Wahhabism." However, they are not "Wahhabis," but rather, are adherents of a newly arisen sect called Qutbism, whose origins come from Egypt, not Saudi Arabia. The Qutbists are opposed to the creed and scholars of Salafism/"Wahhabism," Haddaad dhimanaysid dhareerka waa la iska duwaa :mad: “In fact, many from the Salafi/"Wahhabi" faction that were fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan under the leadership of the Afghani Salafi, Jameel Ar-Rahman, were actually killed at the hands of the Qutbists. Since that time, the Salafi/"Wahhabi" scholars have been very careful about advising the Salafi masses to stay away from these so-called jihads, because they are fought under unknown banners, and much confusion and tribulation arises from them, because they are not established upon correct Islamic principles.” So-called Jihads, do you think that Bush will believe you :confused: "Al-Banna did not begin or end his call with the basic tenet of Islam, tawhid (singling out Allah in all forms of worship), as was the way of the Prophets. Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun have consistently overlooked the principal aspect of calling their followers to tawhid and forbidding them from polytheism, because these are matters which require time and effort to change, matters which people do not find easy to accept. Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun were more concerned with amassing groups of people together rather than calling the people to the way of the Prophet (may Allah raise his rank and grant him peace)." I never saw such a lie, further this is one of their tools to deceive short minded people “Osama bin Laden comes from a Yemeni family which is based in Hadramout, a coastal section of Yemen that is well known for being a base of a particular sect of Islam called Sufism. Sufism could be briefly summarized as being the antithesis of "Wahhabism". Bin Laden himself is not concerned with differentiating between matters of creed, and some of his statements indicate that he still acknowledges certain Sufi practices. He also embraced the Taliban as his close friends and protectors, and it is well known that the great majority of this group belong to Deobandism, a Sufi movement.” JAZALAAHU SHADAAIDA KHAYRA FA INII CARAFTU SADIIQII MIN CADWII = (MAY ALLAH REWARD THE HARDSHIP, BECAUSE I REALISE MY FRIEND FROM MY ENEMY) :cool: These people as I said b4 they use TAWHEED, AQEEDA, SALAF etc to deceive the muslims but their reality is as they asserted this book, and other places; hatred of other muslims and selfishness even if it is at the expense of their muslim brothers and have a look this book how they hate other muslims which is one of their characters. Finally I want to ask you; has anyone heard anything about Sayid Qutub, AbulA’la Mawduudi, Hassan Al Banna and many other muslim uluma who they hate much because of their huge efforts to unite the muslim while they differentiate and called different names as you can see their talks and their books.
  5. Mujaahid Bro, you're absouletly right to be against those who are hungry for muslim and non muslim inocent blood, but remember these people were not new, they were operating many years(and still operate) in many muslim countries such as Algeria, Egypt, Afghanistan, Somalia and they killed many women and childrens in these countries in the name of Islam and sometimes beautiful but wrongly interpreted Slogans, such as (ALLAH is the only RULER, fighting against DHAAQUUT, SHIRKI, BIDA' enz.). muslim people were suffering the acts of these groups in many years. those muslims who died in Riyadh (ilaahay ha u naxariistee) are the same who died in algerian villages, and in Somalia we have to not deferntiate muslims. YES, MAKKAH is not like Rabbat, but have you ever asked yourself where these people come from? what kind of creed they believe? who teaches them? who mislead them? why they're fighting for? enz. if we know some answers of these questions we would not react emotionally but rather to find a comperhensive solution about these problem.
  6. Nuune daa wiilka wiil hoog weeye. ninkaasoo kalaa la rabaa :cool:
  7. Agree with you bro. although i would put ALIJA IZAT BEGOVIC (ILAAHAY HA U NAXARIISTEE) the first rank for his many years of JIHAD and endurance.
  8. Aameenah, agree with you 100%.
  9. Koonfur, That's why Ramadhan is Holy and Barakah Month and it also shows you that the despite the hardships MUSLIMS are still alive. However, this doesn't mean they're doing good thing but something is always better than nothing.
  10. وقال مفتي جمهورية مصر العربية الشيخ علي جمعة في احتفال ديني نقله التلفزيون المصري إن هلال شهر رمضان شوهد في مدينة سوهاج جنوبي مصر مع غروب شمس اليوم السبت. وفي عمان أعلنت وكالة الأنباء الأردنية أن الأحد سيكون أول أيام شهر رمضان موضحة أن قاضي القضاة الشيخ عز الدين الخطيب التميمي أعلن ثبوت رؤية هلال الشهر الفضيل هذه الليلة. Source: AL JAZEERA.NET RAMADAAN MUBAARAK TO ALL OF YOU
  11. Nur, Jazakulaah Khayran markasta waad na xasuusisaa ee Ilaahay ha na wada xusuusto. Aammiin
  12. What is the difference between Saudia and Yemen? if the British would not divided and the crescent would seen in Sana' or Aden (as today) would not the other part of this country follow? So we're following different parts of muslim countries who have seen it, So Tomorow (SUN 26th Oct.) is the first day Of RAMADAN. MABRUUK CALAYKUMU SHAHR
  13. Ramadhan is tomorow (Sunday 26 October) according Egypt, Yemen, Jordan, Palestine as far as i heard. Saudi arabia, Oman, U.A.E, Qatar and Bahrain plus Algeria Ramadhan is after tomorow (Monday 27th October). We in the west we have to follow who see the first because the rule is Muslim is one nation, therefore if the crescent is seen somwhere in muslim land other muslims should follow, weather it was seen in Pakistan or Marokko. The people who live where their MUFTIS say tomorow is the end of SHA'BAN they should follow their MUFTIS to avoid the more differences. WALLAAHU ACLAM.
  14. It's Big Challenge 1. Unnecessary Talking ....though we're Somalis 2. 2. Unrestrained Glances ....though we live in Dhul Gaalo :eek: 3. Too Much Food .....many HALAL chicken wings everywhere 4. Keeping Bad Company ...... most of our times Work & School ALLOW SAHAL UMUURAHA
  15. Yasima, Thanks Sis. this article was also presented by M.C and I asked ADMIN. to keep the top of each part of Somaliaonline threads to open the eyes of nomads, it is very useful article and the author of this article is a one of the muslims who ALLAH opened their hearts and sights, my ALLAH reward him/her. About the AYAH and the war between AWS & KHASRAJ, I think that most of us have heard about them but didn't understood them. That's why the understanding is more important than the learning in religion.
  16. Haashim


    Cawralo & Cali Maax, Hodan iyo Cilmi, Maano Faay & ? ugu dambeynna yaa yaqaan Khadiijo iyo Cali Firin?
  17. Liqaye Thanks Bro. but the problem is not only to be extreem right or left but there are many other problems including who is leading us to that path? Do you think that we've honest learders for both directions?
  18. Why do we always stand either extreem left or extreem right? where is the middle ground (UMMATAN WASADHA) (MIDDLE NATION) which is mentioed in QURAN :confused:
  19. I was listening their TV the day the demonstration took place, I laughed because they say small number of people GATHERED at malik fahad street and the police cleared them to allow the taraffic move
  20. It's very interesting, i am: Economic Left/Right: -3.62 Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.05 somwhere between Yasir Arafat and john paul, perhaps where Robert Mugabe sits, why they don't include Mahathir Mohamed i'm sure he would be where i am now :cool:
  21. Quote "Thirteen previous formal sets of negotiations since the regime of dictator Siad Barre collapsed in 1991 failed to achieve a comprehensive agreement between the country's fractious militia leaders." Rajada kuwaa hore keeni waayeen oo kani keenayo ma garan :confused:
  22. Nuune, ma la yaabtay dadka MUFTI (Bishop) ka dhigtay nin la soo taagan ninkaani waa ninka noloshu naga dhexeyso , diintuna waxba kama qabto waxaana intaas ka daran waxay dhahaan OPENLY .... inta qarsoon baa ka badan, ninkii reer jabuutiga ahaa hadduu maanta noolaan lahaa muxuu samayn lahaa :confused: haddii la dhihi lahaa waddankaan ku nool nahay wasiirkiisa dhaqanku waa qawmu luudh :mad: dUF IYO DOORISABA KU BAXA
  23. Qacqaac & Nur thanks both, Br Nur Absouletly right we're in a time undrground better than the overground, but as you said LAWLAA xoogaagaa yarka ah la tamanaynaa, Keep up Bro. & thanks again
  24. Bee, It's not the first time he spoke out, he did many times before this, not only against jews but also against west as a whole. Shame on ARAB, who can't even speak out let alone to act