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  1. Adna


    salaam Mabrook maasha'allaah... sis. baarakallahu Fiikum Jam'a Beynakuma kheyr"'' Guur Kaada guur kheyr qabo allah kaaga dhigo, iyo mid lagu waaro... will iyo caan, gabar iyo caano. love
  2. salaam... I Wonder if .. Could it judt be they are trying to fit in in america/european style? also don't want to leave thier Hijabb all together?? I can't helpp but keep Wondering?.... love
  3. salaam, i'm sorry to all of you i raised this topic and dissappeared no where else but with my beloved husband. jus kidding. any how, i know many of you have asked questions how do i now if my brother beats her or kick or whatever? good Question!!!! well let me try to explain.some of you my know where i'm coming from some of you might not. i'm a wife and i know when another wife is happy or not. because as somali women complaine alot. i' work .7 at a hospital vey fast working enviromen, as health information specialyst so is my husband works too. so, she was a staying home mom, my brother provided all the needs, therefore she was not complained at any level. her an i were kind of close up untill when the broblem started. i tried to understand but i couldn't so i let it go. did i tell you guy's she was our cousin. no one will ever know what wen in their bed room. but i can asure you my brother never abused her. it was the kind a of ignorent women who try to make some refenge out of the husband by making something up that is not true. I have Question for you guy's. after they were divorced she was living like she was before no walfare, no problem, i guess one of those single moms aa u sheekeeyeen, because horay waxaa loo yiri ( Naag gurigaada way kaa saartaa keedana maku gayso). can you tell me after a divorce what kinda of ex husband would go back to abuse the wife and the children,? something don't add uppp.... be my guesst.
  4. salaam to all of you I haven't been around lately, but i check the web frequantly. This story makes me angery, yet sad and decided to share ir with you guy's. this brother of mine was married to a close cousin of us, and they were happy with three childre. however, lately they were having some issues wich let to divorce. i don't wanna take any sides, by the wife was the one created the whole problem. now that they are divorced, the wife is claming with government that he is an abuser, an she afraid for helf self and the children. my Question is why Hablihi somlaiyeed ugu bexeen sidan? maxaa keenay in Dumarki Noqdeen ku aanan fiirinayn wanaagooda, iyo ilmahooda mustaqbalkooda, by treating the husband badly? what you guy's think of this problem that faces us.?
  5. Adna

    why do we????????

    Perhaps not? you like to argue huh, with not enough knowledge of what your saying,,,,,
  6. Adna

    why do we????????

    salaam, I think your earlier signiture says it perfectly. Is xisaabi intaan lagu xisabin yes it did, and my self this case is undercontrol because i never belived it before and sure never will. however, i asked question and simple right... I didn't know that. I didn't even know Muslims whom are serious about marriage are allowed to date. yes as far as they are not alone, perhabs with mahram,, so rest your case.
  7. salaam to you all I jsut tend to have a question for the brothers and sisters here. as somali why do we tend to be too entamate about dating or perhaps long-term realtions? why do we tend to forget what is forbidden an what not? we all know that dating should be limited to whom are serious about marriage, and not as we have seen in non muslims. i kow many muslims around the world and i can say we are the only ones that i can think off that don't really take it seriously about dating what it said in the quran, or in thr hadiith. i could be wrong but then again it's only my openion. seriously i'm sick off seing gabdho dhahaayaan he is my b/freind my allah help them. why this shukansi deal has taken out off it's bounderies? any responds would be appreciated
  8. salaam. can some one please write the lyrics of M. mooge's song which is called dadka ha'iska weynayn. thank you i will really apriciate.
  9. Salaam what up my lovely familly. i just have one questions to my fells student. well it's a long story but to make it short. my best freind who actually doesn't know or not sure what she really wants to do or to study as a career, so she finally decided or start thinking about "International Business and economy" which she evantually would have many chioces for a graduate school, like international relationship, law,political sciens and many more.. my question to you is does any body in here studied or have someone you know did that in school? please fill me some info like what kinda of a job would you expect and what is the job market like or is it a good feild so please help thank you love you all
  10. Salaam what up my lovely familly. i just have one questions to my fells student. well it's a long story but to make it short. my best freind who actually doesn't know or not sure what she really wants to do or to study as a career, so she finally decided or start thinking about "International Business and economy" which she evantually would have many chioces for a graduate school, like international relationship, law,political sciens and many more.. my question to you is does any body in here studied or have someone you know did that in school? please fill me some info like what kinda of a job would you expect and what is the job market like or is it a good feild so please help thank you love you all
  11. Adna

    Good byess

    salaama calaykum wr wb salaam, to ya'all i know i have not been here for the longest time i was hidden in the bushes.any ways i have jsut decide to dropp couple of lines for my old school. i wil be going to long trip. dubia, Somalia and my be nairobi,for the summer. i'm so excited fo my trip in sha'allaah i hope it will be kheyr for me. i want to say good bye because you never know what is gona happen to you when you take a long trip. so, please i'm asking this for all of you. haduu jiro qof aan ku iri some thing they didn't like please cafwan. i know i haven't been around in a log time, but just incase aniga qof aan wax u qabo majiro cafwan dhamaantiin . and i love you alll. insha'allaah when i caome back i will give the update isn't that cool haduu allah isoo nabad keeno. please pray for me and i will in sha'alaah take care each one of you and take care of your selves. love asraa.
  12. Chestnut Tree (the Honesty) — of unusual stature, impressive, well-developed sense of justice, fun to be around, a planner, born diplomat, can be irritated easily, sensitive of others feelings, hard worker, sometimes acts superior, feels not understood at times, fiercely family oriented, very loyal in love, physically fit,,,, hmmmm interesting but some what it describes some qualities that i got...
  13. salaam, let me say a liitle pit that really suprised me when i hear or should i say i witnised on incedent. it's like qac qac said calling 911 if your familly abuses you. we all know the fact that it wouldn't do any good if you call gaalo on your familly, or parent or may be a husband. it will just make bad situation to worst. now are you with me?. let me tell you i hear all storeis every time course we have mall at somali malls that is why i should say, any ways long story to make it short. it was this one girl she was married to this guy who he was a a second cousiong to her, they ware ok in their relationship but for some add reason soem one told here her hiusband did some'n wrong. so, she dicides to make him bay the price which he had nothing to do right well i can't say that but i think it would be better by not jumping to the conclution so, he comes home normally his wife waiting and do his job, then she calle 911 what happens she calaims that he rapped her, you tell me if that is wright or what? he go'es to jail by sleeping with his wife he prbably will be looking for more then 10 yrs in prison time, not only she locked him up but now she regrets and probably will be regreting the rest of her life and the poor guy she made his life worhjt nothing cause he had future a head of him haduu allah cimri sii yo sax, so my point is why are we calling 911, by acting like it's good thing yes i understand if the situation go'es out of hand may be but not like this sick dump Retarded,pple calling 911 to take advantage of it. excuse my language but i hate to see a brother in gaaloos hand walaahi ,,,, now i've got to stop before i say some more bad words ,,, you'all have blessed day. byee
  14. Adna

    the comedian

    salaam this joke my co-worer has told me and i thought i would share with you. this one comedian was talking to his audience ok so he said we were so poor, and the audience said how poor?,,, he replied we were so poor that we used sit aroung and watch each other got skiny for fun...
  15. Adna

    Bad Car Day

    salaam loooooooooooool very funny
  16. Adna

    The Fridge

    salaam, very funny made my day
  17. Adna


    salaam. i can realte to some of expreices you guy's had with ur moms like shebele. my mom was a wonder and a great mom walaahi i admire her for how she has been my childhood. walaahi i remember me going to duqsi and school and not even having a hard the house work. my mom was always consider firs things firs my education was always first then house work will come after. i remember mom never said i had to do cooking or cleaning when i had a home work to do or some quran to memomrized. my mom has got me throught to memomrize the whole quran and i admire her for that walaahi i can list what my mom has done for me. i'm so thank ful to allah who allowed me or gave me the apportunity to fufill my moms dream wich was her coming to haj. i did that but that nothing even i can't compare what she had done for me that no thing and i have money thing that i wanna do for here if we both remain in life. so, i hope ya'll try to make ur both parents happy specilly ur mom becuse remember what she had to go through when she brought in the world. i'm gona stop here before i get in to many details.... love ya'll
  18. salaam to ya'll well come sis enjoy u're time with us
  19. loooooooooool YES YES YES.... LOOOOOOL VERY FUNNY
  20. salaam, I'm glad you ya'll like it. great.
  21. Adna

    Blonde joke

    salaam.. This blonde was at work 15 min before her time to got off work. it start snowing really bad. she worries, then she goes to her car. starts the car still couldn't figure it out what to do. she remembers what her father told her a long ago.(when ever it snows really bad falow the snow blower truck.)(i mean kuwa barafka xaaqo) so she falows then after a while the driver stops in fornt of her.a guy comes up to her and said role down ur window . he asked are you falowing me? she repliyes yes and told him what her father said. then snow bolower man said ok you fallow me now i'm going to K mart lot i'm done here and she falows..... have fun u guy's.... se youu
  22. salaam to you'll this couple has just got marreid and the husband asks his wife how many times are we going to make a love? then she says every day that starts with T. the he said ok, you mean Tuesday, Thursday, Turday and Tunday ooh yes it works for me,, got the joke now.... my co-worker hs told me so thought to share my folks with...
  23. salaam. Hadaad dhinacayga joogto ( Saalax Qaasin & Khadra Daahir ) Maxaan kaa dhursugayoo dhursugayoo Inaan dhaayaha ku saaroo Ku dheehdo doonay Maxaan kuu dhabar adaygoo Habeenimo kugu dhadhabayoo Dhuuntiyo laabtaan kaa dhaqaaray Hadaad dhinacayga joogtoo Jacaylka la dhuuman maayee Wadnaha aan kugu dhoweeyo Dhulkii kuu quudhi maayee Cirkana kuma dhigi karaayee Ayaa kaa dhigaa miftaax Intaan caashaqa dhitaystoo Dhanka aan kugu hayee Maxaan kaan dhuuntay ka dhuuntoo Inta dhaba kaaga leexday Shan taa dhaban dhaban qabsaday Maxaynu is dhaafnay dhaafnoo Xagaaga la iga dhirbaaxoo Dhinbiilo dhinbiilo aan ku yeeshay Hadaan dhinacaaga joogaoo Sidii ruuxyaroo dhalaanoo Bal maad ilmo dhagac ka siisid Aniga maqashay ka dhega lii Dhoorkuunbaa ku daali doonee Ayaa kaa dhiga quwaax Dhadhaab iyo dhagax dixeed Aan dhoolaha qosal cadeeyee Maxaan kuu dhabarayoo dhabarayoo Dartaa dhuuniga u diidoo Dhuyaalay dhuyaalay awgaa Maxaan dhalandhoolyo oomoo Dharaar iyo laba baqooloon Dhanqaalan kal gacayl aan la dhuubtay Hadaad dhinacayga joogtoo Jacaylka la dhuuman maayee Wadnaha aan kugu dhoweeyo Dhulkii kuu quudhi maayee Cirkana kuma dhigi karaayee Ayaa kaa dhigaa miftaax Intaan caashaqa dhitaystoo Dhanka aan kugu hayee Maxaan dhaygag yaaboo la yaaboo Dhiig iyo uus toona malihide Dhofoorka dhafoor ku taabtay Maxaan caashaqaaga dhababoon Dhacamo waawayn u gooyoon Dhunkaal iyo dhunkaal dhiro u qooshay Hadaan dhinacaaga joogaoo Sidii ruuxyaroo dhalaanoo Bal maad ilmo dhagac ka siisid Aniga maqashay ka dhega lii Dhoorkuunbaa ku daali doonee Ayaa kaa dhiga quwaax Dhadhaab iyo dhagax dixeed Aan dhoolaha qosal cadeeyee
  24. salaam i love this song so, may be some of you might like it as well, here i's. HADUU BEERKU QAYBSAMO Haduu beerku qaybsamo Badh baan adi ku siin laa 2 Wadnahayga bidixdana Waan kuu bedeli laa 2 Kaagana waan la bixilaa Waa booli dhiiguye Kaalamaan bakhayleen Nafta laba bahood noqon 2 Badhkaagaan ku siin laa Biyo haddaad cabaysona Bisinkaan ku dari laa Bedenkaago faatoxo 2 Boorso uga dhigi laa Illaah waxan baryaayaa Aduunyada badhaadhiyo Barkhad inaad ku waartoo Aakhirana bishaariyo 2 Janada inaad ku barida Janada inaad ku aridaa Indhahayga baalkiyo Budu daan ku dhigi laa Sanbabkayga bilan baan Badhtankiis ku gelin laa 2 Bacda dhegaha maqalkaan Xubka kuugu qarin laa Waxan beeri laa ubax Soo bixiyay caashaqa 2 Habeenkii bogaygaan Iigu beri ku odhan laa Kolkaan soo baraarugo Bishaaraan ku siin laa 2 Bidhaantaada araagaa Bil khayr ugu ducayn laa Illaah waxan baryaayaa Aduunyada badhaadhiyo Barkhad inaad ku waartoo 2 Aakhirana bishaariyo Janada inaad ku barida Janada inaad ku baridaa Waan baga bagayn laa Kuu luli lahaa balag Bila deyaan sidiisaan Kuuu daawan lahaa bilic 2 Beeryarada oloshaan Biyo sii ku odhan laa Sida boga dhayihii Waan kugu bogsoon laa Had iyo jeer bariidada 2 Kaalamaan baydheen Biyo haddaad cabaysona Bisinkaan ku dari laa Bedenkaago faatoxo 2 Boorso uga dhigi laa Illaah baryaayaa Aduunyada badhaadhiyo Barkhad inaad ku waartoo 2 Aakhirana bishaariyo Janada inaad ku barida Janada inaad ku baridaa Qalbigayga bilan Baruur kaaga dhigi laa Caqligeena badan baan Isku wada badhxi laa 2 Belaayada xijaabkaan Burda kaaga celin laa Bohal yoow kalgacal baan Berisada ku tebi laa Riyadaan habeen barad Bacle kuu tumi laa 2 Barbaarta u horee baan Bilcaaneey ku odhan laa Bidhaantaada aragaan Bilkhayr ugu ducayn laa Illaah waxan baryaayaa Aduunyada badhaadhiyo Barkhad inaad ku waartoo 2 Aakhirana bishaariyo Janada inaad ku barida Janada inaad ku baridaa
  25. salaam, Happy B. day malaika. cimri dheer and cibaado wanaagsan yaan kuu rajeeyay. see ya'll