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Everything posted by Laba-X

  1. Yaa Xiin, when will your peace caravan come to a halt my friend? The languishing driver needs a rest, for he has become anemic over the long period of time and home is still a long way ahead. That once durable exterior of your caravan has now become flaccid and delicate. That polished pine has lost its sheen; and the wheels that once paved the way have suddenly lost their lubricity and are now running adrift. As for the quiet gentleman reclining on velvets, he has long lost his suavity and now, forlornly entranced, he laments!
  2. The foul-mouthed Cadde, whose incumbency achieved little more bolster his capacity for invective, has had his allotment in the power deal. So it is time for fresh ideas and fresh opinions to lead the way - and that is where Mr Nurudin comes in. Unfortunately his knocks are hardly creating any resonance among the masses. There are experienced criminals ready to pounce on this poor soul once he sets foot in Puntland. I would choose him over any other candidate currently campaigning, not because of his (or lack of) credentials or anything as such, but for my desire to deoderize the vitiated atmosphere that the region has become; for my urge disinfect the region of the obstinate souls and their impudence that has defiled and sullied the beauty of the place; and for a hope that a fresh breeze will somehow reconstruct this marred portrait that Puntland has become. But though melodiously warbling on its prominent perch, the young bird must grow some plummage necessary for flight before taking to the skies. That is if is to fly against the seasoned vultures gyrating in swirls above its head.
  3. Zack, I guess you haven't heard this sxb: Nin kallun dayacay meel xillu dhabarka saaraaye Konton hadaan ka cuno baaqigaan kollay ku qaataaye
  4. ^^ Doqon adkaatay dagaal ma deyso! AT&T, Ha la yaabin Dameera dhaqatada - aflagaadada iyo waa lagu yaqaan iney kuwa geela dhaqda caayaane: Nin dameero soo horay Yaan la odhan denbuu galay Billay duunyadiis tahay SOO HOR!
  5. While you are at it why not put Barsha Sare there too! It is not difficult to find really - just pass Higladii weynayd ee Labagardaye and you will come to traverse the pristine plains of Goob Ramaas where to your left will be the closely clustered Galool compounds of Duud Hoy and to your right the untrodden paths of Dan Bilis plateau will soothe your sight. Carry on a little further through to Xay Godan just before the evergreen Nugaal valley and make your way to Macagta. From there on the picturesque terrain of Barsha Sare as well as Barsha Hoose is all that your eye captures. Let the sore sight rejoice now and the fatigued muscles relax, for the breath-taking (though slightly a strenuous climb) Sanle and Qaaqul plains are just a stone throw away...
  6. <---- no unshakable beliefs...
  7. It is worthless debating with fools yaa AT&T... Lazie-G, ka fiirso hadalkaaga walaal, waxyaalaha qaarkood siiba waxaad ku hadashay diinta waa loga baxaaye.
  8. Emperor, I thought you were against the ideology of Al-Shabaab - and now you hail their efforts in capturing Kismayo? Mise tani waa arrin gurracanoo weynu fadhiisanaayoo u qayilnaa?
  9. Abtigiis, I have been too busy revelling in your mysteriously strange tales. They have a degree of sophistication to them, I tell ya, though I have been slightly peturbed by one particular topic at times. You have a raw talent my friend, hone it well. And do sing up a blog and post all your stories there, I think that would be a brilliant idea. I have been rather busy lately ina-adeer, but will be back soon once things fall in place. haatan cidlaan heehaabayaa...
  10. The initiator of this topic is the same guy that started and maintains the infamous Somali Christians website, a professed Christian. If it indeed is the same guy I mentioned, I pray that Allah guides you Murtad Warsame. Waa horaan kaa takhallusi lahaa aniguse...
  11. Xiinow, Thats what happens when we forget the hereafter and compete for worldy pleasure. We have become as the prohphet mentioned 'Quthaa ka Quthaai Sayl'
  12. ^ And if the views above are anything to go by, then Somalia will never be a society that has any semblance of religion.
  13. Xariif! Gaaraa-bidhaantiyo shimbirahaa loo dhiibaa dheh xageena! waa fuley tukuhuye kuma fiicna dirashee adigaa Fariidoo faallada ku dheeroo inta foora laylkii waligaa ha fariisanne fiidmeerta duushaay farriintayda qaadoo ha fur-furin adoon arag farxadii jacaylkeen ... Ama Adaa geesiyoo baqinee galaydhyohow, adaa dhambaalkayga qaadoo gaarsii warkaygoo ...
  14. Naayaahe Lil Cutie... sheekaadba kentaye. yaa ku yiri rag iyo dumar baa wada ciyaara?
  15. Duqa Sophist, war ma anaad Barsha Sare, Birsijo, Ul Xeed, Geel weyta, Mashaxaleed, Marcin, Laas Surad... iiga warameysaa! Paragonow, war hageyn Jiidali, ka daa! Maandhow waa darmaan nooloo indhuhu deeqeene dooxooyinkaa Nugaaleed hadaad u Dalxiis geyn weydo, buurahan Caleed ay biyuhu qulqulayaan bal maad mar soo marsiisid? Sanle iyo Qaaqul horta weli ma aragtey weydii? Birsijo waagu ma kuugu beryey weydii? Masha-xaleed mar ma mushaaxdey weydii? Bal maantuu yidhi Jiidali baan geyn...! Haddaan jiq ka siiyo Jiidaliyeey Xaggee kufri joogsan doonaayeey Libaax laba jeeni dhiig ku lehoo Badweyn ka jibaaday baan ahaye!
  16. Paragon, Sxb! xagaad oroday ood u digdigleedahay? Waxba marada hasoo feydan sxb il baa kaaga horeyseye. Rag baa u gola fadhiyoo geel iyo guunya lahaayeenba soo tubay meesha e maxaad leedahay? Nin aan guunyo qabin maalin baan gabadh la siinayne, Gabootaha magaalada ka yimid cidi gar siinayne Goobaha ciyaaraha hablahu uma garaacayne,, Cadda loolka goortii ciyaar gudis la aadaayo, Goobta dhaqanka reeraha gartiyo geedka lagu gooyo, Nimaan geesinimo lagu ogeyn gacan ma taageyne, ...Marka ina-adeer tan seegtaye, tu kale dabinkaagu ha qabto!
  17. War maaa dhex maray Paragon iyo Bella. By the way, Bella Princess, I hope SOL is treating you better and accomodating you better than your old home S/Net! Beware though! Too many Dadqals in here! p.s too many Dhaylo-jecel too! Marka yaan lagu muudmuudsane is ilaali...
  18. Thanks guys for all the input. IbtiI have checked the recycle bin and its not th. Faheema, am using 2003. And also, in order to use the 'open and repair' I need to first locate the file, which I cannot. Xarbi - I have tried a multitude of Recovery softwares and actually one of them did manage to recover an od version of the file (the first time I saved it and without todays added info) but it won't allow me to recover it unless i pay some $ for it. is there any other way! G.T. I did as you commanded, but the file won't show up. It still has the same number of files as before.
  19. Would love to read Ibtisam and JB's blog... Please do post the link here!
  20. Yes, it won't open. I get this message when I try to: word experienced an error trying to open the file. try these suggestions: *check the file permissions for the document drive *make sure there is sufficient free memory and disk space *open the file with the Text Recovery Converter The thing is I cannot open it with Text Recovery either because the file has disappeared from the location where it was saved all together!
  21. Guys how can i recover a file from a USB drive? I have written an extensive word document and saved it. Then after a few days I added a few more things and saved it again, but this time on saving the whole thing disappeared. How do I restore it?
  22. Laba-X

    Help Wanted

    Originally posted by Ibtisam: ^^^First ask him what do you want with the stones?? How will they be used and is it not stealing, just to ship things to the US waa bilaah NGO. No, no, no, no ...To see if there are any faint traces of valuable substances! On a serious note, KDR, how will these stones help you and what is the purpose of your special project?
  23. OH No! How could they? So that means I can no longer pay my GP to give me a sick note? Gotta find a new method...
  24. I fail to see what is Islamic about these events! I fail to see how it represents Islamic heritage and Islamic culture! I fail to see how it portrays Islamic Traditions!
  25. Why block? why me? Just because women who curse me in public inundated me with PM's privately? ... Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tusbax: Hi Cara Ii waran? arintii xageed marinaysaa? waadigii lahaa aan is aragnee, gorma? xagee? bal arintaa ka soo warbixi. Hadii kale, heestan aad cisho walbo ii soo dirayso ee, " Dhulkaa igu balaadhee baryo kaama raageen" iska hayso. Igu salaam Hibaaq iyo abtiyaba. A&T Hahaha! Waryaa At & T - walle nin cajiib ah iga dheh! Bela ku xodxodatey, bal xagguu u galay eega!