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Everything posted by Laba-X

  1. 13:40, Westminster Station on the Jubilee Line - an announcement came on stating that Green Park station is closed, which is where i was supposed to get off. Ten minutes we waited and then another announcement witha rather frail voice advised all passenger to get off and evacuate the whole station. My altruism started to rekindle itself as i started helping elderly nanny's fighting up the stairs, panicking, looking flustered and terrified. my destination was Oxford Circus, and to my dismay the buses were also suspended. there i stood, uninformed, ingenuously oblivious to the violent incidents carried out within my environs! "What is going on?", i asked myself as my heart pounded heavily in my chest after witnessing the anmount of people running bewildered, flabberghasted, mystified; running for their lives as if an executioner was right behind them. Police sealed the area off, red warning lights flashed at the entrance to the station. Outside, the London Eye was still in operation as a myriad of tourists congregated beneath it all waiting for their turns. I looked to my right, the Big ben was still in place, still standing firm and tall. "So, i wondered, where did they hit this time"? i walked an excrutiatingly pastTrafalgar Square, down to Leicester Square to Oxford circus and with a sigh Thanked God the Almighty and treaded to work curiously, just to find out the confusion was nothing but a couple of nail bombs and there were no severe casualties. What a Trivial situaition! My next door bu7ilding, BBC was also sealed off after a baggage was left unattended. How absurd!
  2. Originally posted by Mudanti haweenka: Raganimo Sayid's poetry can only be understood by those who speak fluent Somali. So the younger generation can not appriaciate its wisdom and meaning which is very sad indeed. I am one them. So if you have any of Sayid's or great Somali poets gabayo in English it would be much appreciated. Mudantii Haweenkay, my personal opinion is that if one compares and contrasts the poem "Xiin Finiin" and it's translated version in english, one would inevitably conclude that it's best left in its original state, for any attempt to translate them and convey the message in a language other than that it was first conveyed in would result in a substantial loss of value and would, hence, no longer retain the same effect it would have had, had it been in its original form! Translating a somali poem into English, or any other language for that matter, would prove monotonous, degrades and discredits the originality of the poem. Also, if you look closely, Somali poems tend to use Sarbeeb quite regularly and thus making it difficult to convey the same message in another language and most poems tend to utilise one alphabet of the somali language, from where the poem stems, X in the case of Xiin Finiin! Again for me its a personal choice, I love the Somali language!
  3. Sophist, The Yibir Of Lasburago, Relating the revolting Social hierarchy in the Somali Society, is a great read indeed!
  4. Xayow Faaraxow hadal rag waa, loo xutubiyaaye Nin xishood leh baan ahay haddaan, lay xistiyihayne Xabiib baan ahaa jeer kufriga, laygu xaasidaye Adna xaashi baad iila timid, xaakin soo diraye Xaddigii adduunyada haddaad, xoolo iga dooni Marna anigu kaama xistiyeen, xaalaad leedahaye Inaan kuu xaf gooyaan jeclaa, geel xawaar badane Kumanyaal xawaadaan lahaa, xawd u sii mariye Markaad Xiin Finiin damacday baa,n kaa xanuunsadaye Walaalow xirgiga qaarkii waa, lagu xujoobaaye Waxaan kugu xutubiyaaba waa, xuuradaan nahaye Nin kalaan xafiilaba adaan, xaaydda kaa rogaye Xigto iyo qaraabiyo hadduu, xidid i weydiisto Xayow iyo qayuumeey haddii, la igu xoodaansho Xubigayga kuma hayn inaan, xiisow bixiyaaye Xamar weeye oo midab fardood, kala xariir roone Xawaariyo kabti iyo raaxo iyo, xawli iyo jeefag Xaggii loo eryaba waa Gammaan, xulashadiisiye Xubna-toosanlow neefku waa, xaalad gooniya e Goortaan xusuus ula noqdaa, xiisa ii qabanne Waxaan xarafka diimeed ahayn igaga xeel dheere Xarbaddiyo jihaadkaan lahaa, xoogsi ugu fuule Usagaan xatooyada lahaa, xuurta ugu looge Xiniinyaha ku goo baan lahaa, gaalka xaylka lehe Xayskaa da'aayaan lahaa, Xallin ka dooyeeye Xaqaygii maqnaa baan lahaa, xag ugu raacdeeye Meesha iyo xeebtaan lahaa xiito ka eryoode Xujey-reebta reer Hagar anaan, xabashyadii ruubin Xinjoortoda dhiigga leh haddaan, lagu xaraaraysan Xaaqaamaquuqiyo haddaan, xaaluf laga yeelin Xiddaysane ma dhiibeen anaan, xaaladday bogane Xaaraami uun baa arlada, xula abiidkiise Wuxuun bay xushleeyan sidii,xabashi ******e Aniguna xogtaydaan ka baqi inay xumeeyaane Xashaa-liillahiye nin goba xamasho waw ceebe Goorteer anoo xaajiyaan,xinif awoodaaye Intii aniga lay xaman lahaa xil iga soo meerye Aduu galabta kuu xoolo yahay xamarkii dheeraaye Waa Xiin Finiin neefka aad xadhigga haysaaye Xayawaanka oo idil naftey kala xaroodaane Mar hadduu suldaan igu xil lihi igaga xayddaantay Xariggiisa qabo aadmi kale kuma xurmeeyeene. Sayyidku, was a master at poetry, none excelled him!
  5. Laba-X

    Girl Logic

    "Girl logic" is the label given to describe that series of semi-consecutive feminine thoughts that favored "cute things," "soft things," and cuddly little kittens and puppies. It causes girls to act in such strange displays of behavior that the average man is stupefied in useless attempts to comprehend. The smart man quickly abandons such ventures as he soon realizes severe head pain and vertigo follow. Each and every man has encountered this highly illusive mental game of matching wits with a woman, most often to his confusion and demise. The average male thinks too clearly, too linearly, and, therefore, can't figure women out at all. The strange marvel is that girl logic makes sense to all women. There is, most probably, a genetic something that unites all females this way. I have seen groups of them act in behavioristic unison -- as if driven by some common cosmic feminine force -- when they encounter a jewelry department, a sale on clothes, or choosing the color of their shoes. This is all fine and dandy as long as men are excluded. But we aren't! Every man knows the unmerited agony of being dragged into a clothes store only to have his aesthetic senses crushed into ridiculed oblivion when he says that blue blouse goes well with that green sweater. I've seen girls almost lose their lunch and stare in pathetic disbelief at some poor shlup who got cornered in the women's department and made the inexcusable blunder of commenting on how yellow and pink polka-dots go together. But a multitude of nodding male heads agreeing about the unnecessary suffering imposed upon them in ladies department stores, malls, and markets still does not negate our need to understand some of the less sophisticated nuances of girl logic. Some of these nuances are why they like flowers and cards instead of a socket-set and pliers, why they like expensive dinners instead of pizza and coke, and why their logic finally fails them when it comes to picking a date or possible marriage partner who is obnoxious and somehow interesting. As you know, we have the opportunity of observing their behavior, and though we cannot relate, we can attempt to anticipate their actions in the hopes of using it to our advantage. All we need to do is understand the paradoxical. But you might ask, "How can you write about that which you can't understand?" The very fact that you are asking this proves you are using "guy logic." If you were thinking (or trying to think) in girl logic, the question would never have arisen. And since this is a chapter on girl logic, I won't answer it because I simply don't feel like it -- so there. But, it is possible (upon rare moments of dynamic insight) to be able to catch a glimpse of how girl logic operates in the realm of the real world. And, although we may not be able to understand the complexities of this intricate, convoluted system, we can, with great clarity, observe its operations and effects in life. Of course, were you a woman, this activity would be completely superfluous. But, of course, we are men, and in our attempt to woo and win women, we need to know this system, or at the very least (which is, for men, the highest level of attainment) understand how to use it. Lesson 1 in Girl Logic: Girls think with their hearts and not their heads. Have you ever seen a girl around a pet store? She goes straight to the puppies and kittens. She holds them, pets them, wants them, and loves them all within 30 seconds. Now a guy would look at the underdeveloped animal species and think something like, "Hmmm. That is an infant form of white cat." Or maybe he would think, "All right, that is a brown salivating puppy. It is young, urinating, maybe six weeks old. I wonder if it could fetch." Guys think practically; girls think emotionally. Guys say "Hmmm, I see an infant animal form." Girls say, "Oh look at him. Isn't he cute. Don't you just want to cuddle him all up. Hi, puppy, wuppy. I wuv you." Now such diametrically opposed displays of reacting to puppyness and kittenness can be used to your advantage. When you are in a pet store with your date, or girl friend, and she heads straight to the infant-animal-forms-area, you have the opportunity to act in a non-logical, girl -logic manner. What you could do is pick up a random infant cat, if that is possible, or point to it behind the glass and say, "That kitten is cute." The girl you are with will think that you have a deep and compassionate heart, that you are a well rounded kind of guy, and that you would be great around children. Don't ask me how children got into the picture, but girls think about them a lot, especially around cute infant animal forms. When you say something positive about baby animals, girls like it. It is the way they are made. They can't help it. Next after spying another animal form of potential infant cuteness, maybe a puppy, or rabbit, or hamster, say the same sentence again, only this time substitute the different animal type in the subject part of your previously offered sentence. Say, "That rabbit is cute." Or, "That puppy is cute." You don't have to get mushy and you don't have to ramble on about animal cuteness. Just pick out two animal forms, apply an "It is cute" sentence to it and the girl you are with will be impressed to no end. It works every time. There is a warning here, though. Do not apply this to rodents, reptiles, or insects. Don't say, "That baby Bolivian slug rat" is cute. The girl you are with will simply stare at you in nauseated disgust and decide right there to never go out with you again. Why? because she's thinking about what your children will look like. Lesson 2 in Girl Logic. Girls draw conclusions to a set of circumstances or events in such a manner as to completely bewilder men. For example, you're at your girl's house or apartment. She has just gotten ready. She looks good. You both are going to the zoo. You say, "You better wear some of your not-so-good clothes because we're going to be doing a lot of walking." Of course, your girlfriend or date hears these words all right, but something bizarre happens in her hearing processing unit. There is a little vocabulary filtering device imbedded in this unit called... The Bewilder Filter This is how it works. When you say a perfectly harmless sentence that contains even the slightest implication of her possessing clothes somewhat below the level of Vogue, what she hears is, "You have ugly clothes. Wear them out in public. All the walking can wear you out because you are only a girl." Now, you don't mean anything like that at all. But, as sure as frogs poop in a swamp, because of this Bewilder Filter, you are now in deep trouble. She puts her hands on her hips and snaps at you, "You don't like what I am wearing?" You instantly realize that the Bewilder Filter has kicked in. You think frantically for a clever sentence that will get you out of this predicament. "No, I mean yes. It's fine. Whatever you want to wear is fine. You look good." She examines you slightly. Her bewilder filter is now working in over-drive. "Are you saying you don't like what I wear? Because if you don't then you don't have to be seen with me in public. I can always find someone who will appreciate me for what I am." Now, what exactly happened?! I mean, what were you doing?! Nothing! Heck, you were just trying to think about her comfort and look at the consequences. Now she thinks you are an insensitive rogue, and she's threatening the old dumpster routine with you being the garbage. Of course, your facial expression looks like you've been trying to figure out quantum physics and ancient Hieroglyphics all at the same time. She then picks up on your obvious state of confusion, hurt, and dismay and quickly turns the whole charade around. "Oh," she says compassionately, "were you just trying to think about my welfare?" You cautiously mutter a confused and careful, " . . . Yes." You're so sweet," she says to her night in shining armor, "I do have another pair of sneakers I could wear. Perhaps you are right. I'll go put them on." Again you are left drifting in a universe of confusion wondering what the heck happened. Were you sensitive or insensitive? Were you right or wrong? There is no way to be sure. (Sometimes I think that girls do this on purpose just to keep us confused. The only problem is I can't quite figure out if it’s working or not.) The obvious conclusion is simple. When Girl Logic combines with the Bewilder Filter, watch out. You don't know what the outcome will be. So the only course of action is to be a gentleman and pray for the best. The Bewilder Filter could work to your advantage or disadvantage. Who knows? So, get ready for a ride. Wa-Salaam! Source
  6. Salaan sare Maakhir! We are sort of in a situation between the devil and deep blue sea, neither Puntland nor Somaliland is working on the interest of our people. ...You've become conscious of this matter a bit too late Maakhir! To Kaahin riyaale and Yey Mey, this is a political situation. Neither the peaceful and innocuous people of Sool and sanaag, nor their lives matter to these illicit and inhumane trespassers. I say let the ********** and ***** take their futile hostilities to Garoowe, wheer they can settle it brutally while we endeavour renovating and rebuilding our Lands! Great Post!
  7. "we should ban all females from the politics forum, they are messing up our forum." It has always been the prerogative of a man to think. Women's opinions are always clouded with emotions, based on this i would say kick India out!
  8. Caamir, a community centre granted to Xudeydi by the Local Authority acts as his school now. It's not only a place where music is taught though. It has I.T Facilities and also help is provided to the Somali ommunity living there with housing, finding jobs and Immigration. The computers are due to be brought in soon and then Insha-Allah I am hoping to start working there soon in the I.T department! Communites are sources of easy Income here!
  9. A simple definition of the terms is: Riba = Usury, Interest Bayc = Trade Riba and Trade are not the Same! for a further read visit the following Link and This one
  10. SillySista, If such acts, as you mentioned, are carried out, your Marriage is Annulled!
  11. India, You have every right to voice your opinions. "what motives do the reporters in saying otherwise than what he said???" ...What do you think was the motive of Sangub's actions? What do you think impelled him into such utterances against the land that he was born and bred? Reporters are often biased! p.s Did you, by direct perception, witness the events that you say took place in london Theatre?
  12. India, Propositions which are accepted blindly, without question, on the grounds of mere assumption or dogma, need to be frankly recognized as such. Progress in human thought seems to consist mainly in getting rid of such ideas. You should adopt it. Can we ever be justified in reason in accepting the judgement of another - without ourselves having verified the facts and tested the reasoning upon which his judgement is based?
  13. Great work Dhamaan! XoogSade, Did you say Nano-technology? Good luck dude, you probably the first Somalian, but i will be joining you soon! I AM doing Computer Systems Engineering
  14. That Article does not look quite convincing to me! Is there any solid proof of Sangub's actions apart from that article you posted?
  15. Caamir, You are speaking to one! Fulham is in SW London!
  16. Fortunate enough now Xudeydi has his own school of Music in Fulham. Hopefully he can inspire the new generation here and pass the tradition! Uurhooyo is a beautiful song with heart-renching lyrics!
  17. Gaashaanle Dhexe, Yuusuf Axmed Sareenle oo ahaa Taliyaha Qaybta Booliiska, isla markaana ahaa Guddoomiyaha Guddiga was gunned down near his residence on Sunday! May Allah have mercy on his Soul! MOGADISHU - Masked gunmen early on Sunday shot and killed Somalia's police chief, who was investigating the desecration of an Italian cemetery in the bullet-scarred capital Mogadishu, his family said. General Yusuf Ahmed Sarenle was shot dead early today by masked gunmen,?said one of his relatives, who requested anonymity. Sarenle, who headed a skeleton police force formed by former Somali president Abdulkassim Salat Hassan in 2000, was buried in Mogadishu later on Sunday. Under orders from Islamic courts, gunmen dug up the Italian cemetery in the Suka Hola neighborhood of south Mogadishu on Tuesday and took the remains to a dump along the city抯 southern Indian Ocean shore. Islamic clerics have distanced themselves from the exhumations, which sparked howls of protest from Rome and the Catholic church. Several sources in Somalia linked Sarenle's killing to the cemetery saga. Somalia, with a population of about 10 million, was plunged into anarchy after strongman Mohamed Siad Barre was toppled in 1991, and the Horn of Africa country became a patchwork of fiefdoms governed by unruly warlords. A new Somali government, which has remained exiled in Kenya since its formation last year, has no control over freelance gunmen equipped with a fearsome array of firearms and ready to carry out any assignment for pay in the shattered nation. Mogadishu police chief shot dead Gunmen in Somalia have shot dead the police chief in the capital, Mogadishu. It is not clear why Gen Yusuf Ahmed Sarinle was targeted, but correspondents suggest it may be because he backed the deployment of foreign peacekeepers. Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991 with militias dividing it into fiefdoms. A new Somali government has been named and is due to start relocating to Mogadishu from Kenya on 1 February. Motive unclear Gen Sarinle's relatives said four men armed with pistols and AK-47 guns forced entry into the police chief's flat in his home village of Hamar-bile south of Mogadishu at 0800 (0500 GMT) on Sunday. The general was reportedly shot seven times in the chest and head. The gunmen then fled in a waiting Toyota pick-up. The BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in the city says Sarinle's had supported the new government's efforts to deploy African peacekeepers and disarm militias. Insecurity, organised crime and lawlessness have reached alarming proportions in Mogadishu since the formation of the government, our correspondent says. Islamic courts, which have sought to extend their influence in the absence of a government, have vowed to fight the peacekeepers. But another reason for his killing has been advanced: Gen Sarinle had also been in charge of investigating the recent destruction of an Italian colonial cemetery by militiamen in Mogadishu. Some 700 graves in the cemetery were destroyed and their human remains dumped elsewhere. Mogadishu was under Italian colonial control until World War II and many of the graves belong to Italian soldiers and expatriates.
  18. Eid is now on Thursday, it was annouced on sat on Saudi TV, Arafat is on the Wednesday. ...Thats What i thought Too! Ciid Wanaagsan Dhamaan!
  19. It is not just the person who directly drank the beer that gets a sin...but everyone around him/her who helped and supported the habit. Likewise in is not just the woman who goes through the experience that will be commiting a grave sin: but the doctor that operated, the nurse that helped, the owner of the building the clinic operates, the receptionist, the people who pressured or influenced the woman to abort her baby, the government that allows these clinics to exist, the people who donate money to it, and those who support abortion and waste their time protesting and yelling for a women's right to murder her child. FF, i don't quite comprehend how you can compare Abortion to "Khamr". Abortion could be a MUST if it is for medical reasons and your health is at grave jeopardy. Islam gives great sanctity to human life. It has legislated an indemnity for causing abortion called "ghurra". A Hadith tells us that it is after 120 days (four months) that an angel comes and blows the spirit in the human embryo, and if after that a person undergoes abortion she pays something called Diyyah or bloodmoney. Before 120 days the fetus is said to be a non-living mass of flesh and Allahu-Aclam whether it can be destroyed! I remember my mom telling me how in Somalia abortion and premarital sex was a norm Ms, All this may have occured behind closed curtains. If the public somewhat discerned that a certain person was engaging in pre-marital sex, she/he would have severely been punished, and if they were married, Stoned to death!
  20. Used to Live in Wardhiigley, Hodan and Madina depending on the time of the year! Most of my summers were spent in Ballidoogle
  21. Despite the ticket prices being higher than the average annual income... This increase has surely put my financial status in doubt! a hefty £1,056 in just transport is ridiculous! But I cannot deal with ........ all the bloody SINGING! Xu, those "incessant shrieking pulses of terror" as you call them are inconsequential compared to a bunch of Yardies or sometimes Somali teenagers huddled in the back row screaming If you don't know 'bout me, POW, you'd betta' ask quickly, POW, Coz am POW, yeah am POW!" God sometimes i wish the floor beneath them would swallow them or they Vanish WHOOSH! I hate teenagers. I hate Somali teenagers in Woolwich even more, because why aren't their parents smacking them upside the head like they ought to? ...Hate is a rather strong word to use! Don't let it injure you dear.
  22. "Londoners who travel by public transport will know the pain of our existence are fellow travellers" ...Tell me about it! How can the parents be respected for their achievements when our youths are behaving in such an appalling way in front of everyone? At the end of the day, the bad things are more evident than the good. So why aren’t our children disciplined and mannered? ...Dawoco, I live in those parts of London where you would consider to be the most appaling and detestable - Woolwich! Being a Resident here for so many years and encountering all sorts of disruptive deeds from most somali youth here, i can't help but wonder why our youth nowadays have so much volatility and hostility in them. I have come to the conclusion that it is due to the lack of extra-curricular activities! instead of just hanging around in the corner shops, if these youth are encouraged into some sort of activity such as sports, etc, they outcome would be a more civilized nation. I am pretty sure you've watched Channel 4 documentaries such as "Gang wars" and "Who You Calling A Nigger" where Woolwich was depicted despicably and somalis were described as "Vermin". it sure does enrage you! Our behaviour could unquestionably be exasperating at times, but i remember the times when Somali women were physically assaulted on the streets, spat on, scarfs taken off and abused! those days are long gone now. Also Somali communities and elders don't seem to be doing much either. these so-called communities are beyond the pale. All they do is get fat and chew uncompromisingly on Government dole, how disgraceful? Anyway, those identity crisis crippled Somali teenagers made me miss my appointment and basically wasted my time. Bloody uncivilized savages ...Could it be because we were born "uncivilized"! But hey not all are "Uncivilized savages", just a tiny few!
  23. Subxanallah! may Allah forgive me if i have Erred! I myself didn't know what Taqlid was untill i read that article. I could be misleading people here! but what about when a person is illiterate, would Taqlid necessarily become a better option for him?
  24. Excuse me? Our opinions, thoughts, and feelings on this subject does not matter at all. If Allah has stated that abortion is HARAM then there should be no discussion on whether its a woman's right or not. FF, Your right, It is Xaraam! So why is the number of Somali women practising abortion increasing so rapidly? We are well aware that it is not a Muslim Woman's right to undergo abortion, heck she shouldn't even reach that state, May Allah forbid her, yet the stories are ever so escalating and subsequently ensuing in a tarnished reputation! What really infuriates me is the lack of deen of of some Somali sisters and their abhorrent acclimatization into western cultures. And you say we can't discuss it! Well said Juba! Yes Fiance, You will be brought to account if you hold a position of power, of all those things! You are the ruler, your rules should be more of an authoritarian type and emphasize the consequences of such actions! If you exercised your position's power to the utmost regarding such issues, and still people neglect them, then Allah is oft Merciful! Allahu calam