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Everything posted by India

  1. Samuria, Is this how desperate you are getting? I am a Burcawiyad But I love Hargaisa and indeed all of Somaliland equally. Your ill attempts to taint Somaliland have made you infamous and now you are trying to distort reality again to create amonisty between the regions and it is people. NOT GONNA WORK MATE-SORRY.WE LOVE EACH OTHER-SOMTHING (LOVE) YOU HAVE NO UNDERSTANDING OF Samuria---what in gods name feeds your hate of Somaliland? There is a arabic saying that says "AL Hasad ma yaflah" . Once Hargiesa is in full swing all efforts will turn to burco, erigavo , berber, las anod all around Somaliland. Cappichi Senior. Dusty.
  2. Samuria, "1. Marka hore, waxaa loo baahan yahay in la helo heshiis buuxa oo ka dhexdhaca beelaha Soomaaliyeed oo idil. Waxaa loo baahan yahay in la wada fariisto oo si walaatinnimo iyo daacadnimo ku jirto loo kala garbaxo, la kala sheegto wixii la kala tabanayey, la isu celiyo wixii la kala haystey, la isuna cafiyo wixii la doono." "2. Waxaa lagama maarmaan ah in la helo nabad iyo xasillooni buuxda. Haddii kale ma jiri karo hab hirgela noocu rabo ha ahaadee." --------------CASE CLOSED------------------------- Dusty.
  3. LOL@@@Ayoub. Walaahi that must be where the confusion lies- SOMALIWEYN it is NO not NOH! I laughed so hard when it finally hit me . Smith and Co( primarly Mr Nacamle himself:Horn)===something tells me you all be eating your words soon. Do you even know what Federalism means? How can you even entratain the idea of bringing federalism to a illitrate nation? DO you have the capcity to fund such large adminstrations? Do you have the instituations and or the labor to implement these systems cohesively? Common Somalia THINK! Damn Dusty.
  4. Indeed mummy and daddy did teach me good manners. I can always play the "age" card--WHAT IS YOUR EXCUSE?
  5. Samuria Pleasee spare us the BULLSHIT! They only reason you staying shuhhhh is because of the state of your so called "Puntland" is in (turmoil to say the least here!) and worse more the state of the collapsed talks in Kenya. BASICALLY MR SAMURIA HAS FINALLY (PERHAPS) RUN OUT OF FABRUICATION/LIES/PROPGANDA'S---SO MUCH SO HE STEEPed AS LOW AS BOOSTING ABOUT A MERE 2000+REFUGEES OF PUNTLAND BEING REPATRIATED HOME IN ANOTHER THREAD--I FEEL SORRY FOR THE OLD CHAP. SMITH WEST-still the dreamer! dee Somaliland doesn't fancy Somalia- on what ground shall we be engaged if the sight of Somalia is a turn off?? We practice democracy not "arranged marriages" my friend. Brother Odewyne--it is true the only solution left for Somalia is for Somaliland to step in before they wipe each other out. We have already begin to show them they way with Hadraawi leading the way with the "peace" march. Don't you just admire the man- brave, wise and talented. See what they fail to realise is this top-down approach of thiers is not workable. How can you have talks when you dont even have the same vision??? Obviously we can teach them a thing or two about constructing a nation. But I dont wish to see this happen at the expense of Somaliland-No offence. Dusty.
  7. LOL @@ Horn, He is one hella of supertitous person. Angel Dust is Sami Gyl Ayoub Sheikh is T/Cade But his best line has to be: Ethopia is destroying Somalia Ethopia is responsible for the warlords Ethopia Oh no More Ethos Oh no I see > > > > > > "I c Ethopians" :confused: HORNAFRIQUE Dusty.
  8. Faarax Brother believe me you are not the first to notice the double standards that Somaliaonline admin use. That they bat blind eye to all those who favor "Somaliweyn" derogatory comments is obvious to all. Better not challenge them or you will have your ass terminated. Peace Dusty.
  9. Xalimo Gal I hear what you saying me L O V E Somaliland too---what is there not to Love--beautifull country with equally beautifull people=SOMALILAND. Sophist incinuations are cheap my dear. Somaliland is the land of many great tribes who co-exist habpply and lovingly. Have you ever been in Love? I bet you never have? Tell you what come to Somaliland and you are sure to fall head over heals or vice versa--depending on your flex appeal*LOL* J'adore Somaliland le pays d'amour Pour decrouver L'amour visiter Somaliland
  10. Bon, Pas mal OG-Gal. Ce fait long temp that I wrote anything French--infact left it at my A'levels but few trips to the Val Louron in the south of France keep me going. AS they say Vivre L'etat de Somaliland. A la grace de la SNM --nous sommess aujourd'hui (bientot j'espere) le nouvelle nation du monde. A Plus Dusty.
  11. Well over due Mr Samuria. I hope from here on you freeze all this "negative Vibe" you've been spreading. But.... Somthing tells me you will just show up under a different disguise taag badanida"lol" On the issue of legdin--dont you dare go there--that is one form of the maritial arts I have mastered being the seventh sibling
  12. BEFORE PUTLANDERS CAN PROPOSE CONSTRUCTIONS FOR OTHERS I SUGGEST THEY PUT THIER OWN SH** TOGETHER FIRST. SO MUCH FOR PUTLAND IS PEACEFUL AND IT IS JUST "MOGASDHISHO" that is lawless BALH BLAH BLAH. SEE THIS IS HOW FRAGILE PUTLAND STATE IS AND THE VERY REASON IT WAS ESTABLISHED WAS TO UNDERMINE SOMALILAND'S CASE---NOT GONNA WORK MY BROTHERS. I HOPE THEY RECOVER AND ATTAIN THE PEACE THEY HAD AND I AM SORRY I HAVE TO PUBLISH SUCH NEGATIVE ARTICLES OF PUTLAND BUT PEOPLE LIKE SAMURIA LEAVE YOU WITH NO CHOICE AS I DONT WANT TO TALK OUT OF MY **** LIKE HIM AND OTHERS. SO MR SAMURIA THIS ARTICLE AM SURE TELLS ME OTHERWISE THAN WHAT YOU CLAIM OF PUTLAND TO BE: Dagaalo ka dhacay meel ka tirsan gobolka Mudug Xassan Bariise - Xassan Bariise Waxaa uu mar kale dagaal qaraar ka billowday tuulooyin fog-fog oo ka tirsan gobolka Mudug, halkaasoo ay ku dagaallamayaan labo beelood oo wada dega gobolkaasi. Sida lagu helayo wararka xagga isgaarsiinta fooneeyeyaasha iyo weliba talefoonnada waxa uu dagaalkan ka socdaa gudaha iyo agagaaraha tuulo la yiraahdo Cawle oo ilaa 200km dhinaca woqooyi bari ka xigta degmada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug. Fogaanshaha goobta uu dagaalkan ka socdo oo ku beegan woqooyiga dooxada caanka ah ee la yiraahdo Dooxada Golol una dhaxaysa degmooyinka Hobyo iyo Jarriiban darteed ayaanan saamaxaynin in warar badan oo sugan laga heli karo dhibaatada inta ay la egtahay. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, wakiilka ururka USC/SNA ee Gaalkacyo, isla markaana ka mid ah duqeyda magaalada Gaalkacyo, Cali Diiriye Alloore, oo aan khadka talefoonka Gaalkacyo kula xiriiray ayaa sheegay in labada dhinac mid ka mid ahi ay dagaalkaasi kaga dhimatay 25 nin inta la hubo, iyadoo in ka badan 50 kalena ay kaga dhaawacmeen. Dhaawaca kontonkan nin ayaa xalay la keenay magaalada Gaalkacyo si loo daweeyo, kuwaasoo in badan oo ka mid ahina uu dhaawacoodu fududyahay. Cabdullaahi Maxamed Cali oo loo yaqaanno Dayib oo isagana ka mid ah waxgaradka dhinac ka mid ah dhinacyada dagaallamaya ayaa ii xaqiijiyey in dhimashada dhinaca kalena ay tahay 18 nin inta la hubo, dhaawacuna uu ka badan yahay 40 kale, taasoo guud ahaan tirada dhimashada labada dhinac ka dhigaysa 43 nin, halka dhaawacuna uu cagacagaynayo ilaa sagaashan kale, kuwaasoo u badan dadkii dagaallamayey. Sababta rasmiga ah ee dagaalkan kicisay ayaanan la ogayn, hase yeeshee waxay duqeyda labada dhinac isku raacsan yihiin in colaaddu ay salka ku hayso muran xagga milkiyadda deegaanka ah iyo aanooyin qabiil oo dad la kala dilay ka soo billowday oo aanan si rasmi ah xal looga gaarin. Waxana ay dilalkii ugu dambeeyey labada dhinac dhex mareen horraantii bishii la soo dhaafay goortaasoo labo nin la dilay, isla markaana wada hadallo laga galay aanay waxba ka soo naasocaddaanin. Meesha uu dagaalku ka socdo oo fog darteed iyo labada dhinac ee dagaallamaya oo aan muujinaynin dabacsanaan ayaa meesha ka saartay ilaa iyo hadda in cidi isu taagto joojinta dagaalkan ay dadku ku hoobanayaan. Sida uu ii sheegay Cali Diiriye Alloore, meesha lagu dirarayo waa meel cidlo ah oo hawd ah oo aanayba oollin wax lagu diriri karo dhul ahaanna dadka ku diriraya iyo xoolahoodaba ka badan iyagoo weliba ku martigelin kara qabaa'il kale. Sababta khasaaraha badan keenaysa ayaa lagu sheegay in ay tahay iyadoo uu dagaalku ka socdo meel bannaan ah, isla markaana la adeegsanayo baabuurta qoryaha ku dul rakiban yihiin ee loo yaqaanno tiknida, baasuukeyaal iyo qori gacmeeyo intaba. Waxaana dhibaatadan ay mar kale hoosta ka xarriiqeysaa baahida weyn ee loo qabo in Soomaaliya hub ka dhigis guud lagu sameeyo si ay u yaaraadaan khasaaraha ay geysan karaan dagaallada qabaa'ilka Soomaaliyeed ee reer guuraaga ah ku dhex mari kara meelaha fog-fog kuwaasoo weligoodna jiri jiray, laakiin aanan dhibaato baaxaddan leh geysan jirin. Take note of the initial opening sentance "mar kale" giving way to my argument that Somaliland is the only part that has experianced constant peace. Take a leaf from our chapter, clear you cache"heartS" of the hate you consume for Somaliland and for the sake of humanity stop killing each other. Peace Dusty.
  13. "victim-hood like the Jews are cleverly doing in the world" by Sophist. So now we are being compared to jews. Keep it coming Somaliweyn but remember it sure will not bring us back Desperation is indeed an ugly site.
  14. [/This discerning desire of selfish form synonymous with people who never came into direct contact with any form of persecution other than stories circulated within the family gatherings only turn people who would have felt sincere remorse for the genuine victims. Whilst the Samaritan acts are found inspirational, and carrying the torch on behalf of the victims is admired, the superficiality and discriminatory practice on the part of the Samaritans is not only criminally deafening but also gets in the way for rewarding the victims of all genre whilst penalising the culprits of all makes] So Samuria our pain is not real experiances but mere stories? And So not worthy of any remorse and Zadiqa's and many Somalilanders experiances of bain and brutality is and I quote "superficial". How can you disregard the pain the sister shared with yuo so easliy? See it is EXACTLY acts like this that Somaliwey camp have committed against us. Oh it was the regime, no nothing has been committed against you.---and on and on they come with the excuses. Thank you Samuria, but you can not erase history so easily adeero. And by the way I am glad you bared all for people to see the HATE and Malice you have for Somaliland. It adds to our strength though [whom suffered in the hands of generals of Northwest (i.e Mudug and Nugaal in the 80s) and SNM (i.e. Sool and Awdal in late 80s and early 90s), ] MR SAMURIA< I have asked you before nicely, next time I will not be so tolerant :mad: . Please leave your filth against the true heroes of ALL of "Somalia". They are simply ABOVE you. Men of stance and conviction--not the kind that hide behind pc to scholar the younger generation hate and lies. I take comfort in the fact that you would not dare utter such cowardly words in person. So enjoy your propoganda's--but bare in mind as far as we Somalilanders are concerned "they fall on deaf ears". [/The future my dear is federalism, like it or loathe it, and the train is on the platform. Be seated in your allotted compartment. If no, “Waa adi iyo dantaa, iyo faraskaa ha ku qaado” as the old saying goes so far as the Somaliland of the present is concerned, and let us see how far the horse cart could drag you into the future. QUOTE] AND HOW EXACTLY DO ENVISAGE SOMALILAND JOINING THIS FEDERAL "MAKE SHIFT" GOVERNMENT-BY FORCE. PATHETIC. Just like the cow dung huts in the southern regions that wash away as soon as the rain season arrives my dear uncle samuria, the make shift govt will not last a season. [/QIf the desired future as Halima7 seems to suggest is one similar to that of DJibouti fraught with all the ills of the world including 16 year old boys and girls in godforsaken state lining up outside five-star hotels, soliciting and falling prey to the paedophiles and the masochistic elements of the West disguised in philanthropy and patronage, and a whole state being dependent upon the donations and merciful handouts of the colonial mastersUOTE] you have just insulted a whole nation, the first that gave you one of those "make-shift" none functional govts I might remind you. See it is ok for Somaliwey to call others names...yet when someone challenges them then they all shout fall. Frankly Samuria, I find you immature. I have one word of advice "Grow-Up" monsiuer. Zadiq sis I feel your pain. I dont think you will find one Somaliweyn person who will say the same yet they say it was the "regime". But if the regime is no longer around why are his actions being defended? Finalement' I am happy becuase the more I vist this site the more I notice how envious they are of us, the prouder I am. The future is BRIGHT my fellow landers the future is Somaliland-as they say these day in Erigabo style "Somaliland wa Malab". :cool: Peace Dusty.
  15. Baashi come again? The Flag was designed by a Putlander? Is that what you jsut said? walahi Of all the claims I heard here this one just takes the cake!! I shall leave in disgust. peace Dusty For your info the flag was designed in Burco and by a lander too ---but now you all gonna tell me otherwise I suppose.
  16. Samurai, Garaad, MRSmith, That I indeed dont talk out of my **se unlike the SOmliweyn camp, please see the bottom list which shows the resluts from Somaliland's elections. Gobolada Kulmiye UCID UDUB Tirada Ansaxday Tirada Xumaatay Tirada Guud Hargeysa 50 606 37 892 57 341 145 839 3 333 149 172 Gebiley 23 684 2 208 15 781 41 673 1 383 43 056 Balligubadle 3 900 1 471 3 109 8 480 189 8 669 Salaxley 3 395 6 380 3 097 12 872 187 13 059 Wadar Gobol 81 585 47 951 79 328 208 864 5 092 213 956 Boorama 11 664 4 270 29 581 45 515 1 373 46 888 Salyac 1 700 189 3 221 5 110 588 5 698 Baki 1 703 1 013 8 524 11 240 388 11 628 Lughaya 1 540 504 2 021 4 065 117 4 182 Wadar Gobol 16 607 5 976 43 347 65 930 2 466 68 396 Berbera 8 555 2 234 12 836 23 625 425 24 050 Sheekh 1 716 478 4 718 6 912 166 7 078 Wadar Gobol 10 271 2 712 17 554 30 537 591 31 128 Burco 54 213 5 085 21 562 80 860 680 81 540 Oodweyne 7 554 8 347 13 714 29 615 278 29 893 Buuhoodle 1 739 21 2 829 4 589 24 4 613 Wadar Gobol 63 506 13 453 38 105 115 064 982 116 046 Caynabo 5 524 463 3 715 9 702 83 9 785 Wadar Gobol 552 463 3 715 9 702 83 9 785 Ceerigaabo 18 286 3 779 16 059 38 124 579 38 703 Gar'adag 8 912 1 774 2 999 8 685 59 8 744 Ceelafweyn 5 632 1 196 4 301 11 129 205 11 334 Wadar Gobol 27 830 6 749 23 359 57 938 843 58 781 Wadar Guud 205 515 77 433 205 595 488 543 10 096 498 639 Boqolkiiba 42.07% 15.85% 42.08% 100.00% Do you see that indeed the election have taken place in Buuhoodle and Erigabo. So what do you have to say for yourselves now??? Please! Dusty.
  17. Gediid, Ehm nope...BUT I will bet my last dime it was a Somalilander--can not envisage any one else with such creativty and patriotism. Funny, the flag they make claim to is not really thiers and almost none of them understand what it symbolises.
  18. LoL@Mobb I have noticed that warrior has indeed taken shine on me.
  19. Mobb Deep When the joke is on the "Somli-Weyn", it is not a joke but when it is on is acceptable huh? Funny walahi. I think it is your"camp" who needs to get a grip not the vice versa and maybe while you lot at it get a "personality" please! peace Dusty.
  20. "forgetting a basic criterion that a question is no longer a question if answer(s) adverse or otherwise, has been provided though the questioner consciously and on purpose blinds herself of the availed ripostes." Am I missing somthing here or are you not the very person who told me to wait for your response becuase as you put it you were in "Joyous mood" for the 1st of July. Previous to that your article suggested that I could not decipher and I quoute "my 0's from my 1's" and that you were obliging to simplify things for me. Now neither of your promises beared fruit and hence why your persona comes into question. Now Samuria, I was nice to you . I was willing to let it be but on the condition that from here on you behave yourself and indeed refrain from making garabge allegations. But you leave me no choice but from hereforth I shall track all your articles and expose you. It shall be a self assigned assignment--allbeit a tedious one-god help us. On the "offer still standing", am considering this now as I think you could benefit from me as I TRully believe I could set you free and make you see the truer picture. On second thoughts being an ol school you would probably need gogles and am afriad I could not dent my "trendy" reputation like that. SORRY. Dusty.
  21. Mansha Allah A beautiful flag indeed. Hey I hear it was the falg of SNM revolution. walahi when I found that out I fell in love with it too. Their moto: In the name of Islam:green In the name of Peace: white The black star is to remind us of the soar and indeed dark days of the union and the idealogy of Somaliweyn that day with it. And if all fails in the name of blood: red. Now that is symblic flag. Dusty SNM thro n thro.
  22. Ehmmmmm Ayub... Why emabarrass our neighbouring brother like that. They shy away from question.
  23. Samuria, I see you cant answer my Q's. Now I suggest we leave this behind us and from here on I dont think you should dare to utter another word of lies-cappichi mate? As they say in Somali "Bane rad ma leh". Next time be VERY careful on how you carries yourself and views in public forums....where all your fabrications can be EASILY dismantled. On the trip to my beautifull homeland plans are already in the works I dont think I would care very much for your company as matter of fact you dont qualify --only a gent would acompany me -a trait I regretfully have to say you lack in:p Dusty.
  24. Sophist, Brother your article is not even worthy of a reponse. Just read it over again and make the correction necessary ( perhaps TRY all over again) or did as you did before and refrain from taking part becuase to take part you should atleast be willing to tell "half thruths" not utter nonsesnse. No offence and No more comment. Dusty.
  25. Mojam, Walahi brother I appluad you. You told it like it is. I too have family from Las Anod and they are more fanatical about Somaliland than myself. I think the THRUTH about whether regions like Las Anod want to be part of SOmaliland is an open debate. At best it is 50/50. Look at the voting that took place in Las Anod. They overwhelming voted for Kulmiye. The party that they voted for is not in question but the number of people that voted in a so called "disputed" region. The truth, we can all come here and put opinions forward which are undertoned by our wishes. But the reality is on can say for sure. Only time will tell where this people give allegience to. I think a important FACTOR that hardly gets discussed is that people in Las Anod and other regions are worried about tribal implications. In order words they don not wish to be the minorities in Somaliland and have lesser of a say or rights. I think it is upto the Somaliland government to put effort into eliminating these worries. In the issue of tribal differences and consequences I think time has proved that people in Somaliland have moved on and indeed tribal differences are a thing of the past. Prove of this is simply the government of Somaliland which has a diveristy of Qabil's in very important positions--look at the president he is as minority as it gets in the country today. Again I think time is going to play a crucial factor to ease these poeple's worries, as time goes by you will notice a drastic shift towards Somaliland by all these "disputed" regions. Dusty. Dusty.