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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/12/2018 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    The Xamar administration should secretly explain to the Canadians that as a poor country Somalia is very susceptible to blackmail by the arrogant Arabs and so any statement made against Canada is null and void in reality
  2. 2 points
    If Ducale was killed by Oromo mob, I could still see saying as long as certain community is not in power, I am happy to die as they lynch him.
  3. 1 point
    Does it make any difference if you get lynched by Oromo mob because you happen to be a Somali or Iley clan militia because you hail from a different clan? I don't think there is anything wrong if Duale looks after his clan interest first.
  4. 1 point
    Those Somalis killed in Diridhabe shared clan with those in Djibouti but they were also the original owners of Diridhabe and surrounding districts. What the Oromo Neanderthals are doing to the Somalis in Ethiopia and Kenya is exactly what the Europeans did to the native Americans and Aboriginals. It is time they are bushed back violently if necessary.
  5. 1 point
    I guess the BS Caydiid Junior u sheegay tolkiisa ayaa aaminsantahay. I guess the propaganda is strong for he couldn't believe his mooryååntii bililiqo ku nool ragtags being kicked from Koonfur Galbeed deegaan, tails between their legs. All those weapons armed by Eritareeya and foot soldiers consisting Oromo's OLF did not help. They were still kicked out. This was also the beginning of the end of iljeex occupation of others' deegaano. Here is the days mooryååntii Caydiid Junior were kicked from Baydhabo. Look how bad state they left the city and its sad residents.
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