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  1. 4 points
  2. 1 point
    Hadal heynta ugu weyn waa deegaanka Soomaali Galbeed maahmahaan. Waxaa la yaabay anagoo wada Soomaali ah inaan isticmaalno ereyo iyo magacyo kale ay ula baxeen deegaanadaas dad aan Soomaali ahayn. Sida 'Kilinka Shanaad,' sida Jijiga for Jigjiga, sida 'Dire Dawa' for Diridhabo (same way it is Baydhabo, which tells you it is a Soomaali word in its originality). Waxaaba ugu sii daran kuwa Soomaalideena ah haddana yiraahdo 'Soomaalida Itoobiya.' Yaxyax weyn ayaa ka qaadaa markaa maqlo kuwaas. You wouldn't find Oromo right-wing extremists calling Adisababa its name. It is always Finfine for them. The re-liberation of Soomaali Galbeed needs to start with its names. Haddaa isticmaaleyno magacyada kuwa heysto isticmaalaan marka waxee u dhigantaa inaan ogolnahay inay iyaga leeyihiin.
  3. 1 point
    Why all those sudden cabsi-based fears from Oromada in the last few years. Oromada iyo Soomaalida waa isyaqaanaan ee maxaa cusub. Also they are not some kind of monolith group as some of us are portraying them to be. They are far more divided and disunited than Soomaalis could ever be. If Xabashada and Tigrey ruled them for decades because of their division and internal squabbles, Soomaalida oo dal weyn leh wax ee ka qaadi karaan iska yar. Again we need to separate Oromada. They are Booranta iyo Soomaali Aboowda who are far more closer to Soomaalida than into other Oromo. Millions of them are Muslims, too. We just need a little strategy iyo midnimo baaxsan ee waxba yaanan la iscabsiin.
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