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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2019 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. 1 point
    Federal States in Somalia - not much happening except some village news Djibouti - quite as always (most times) Eritrea - back to quite, trips limited to breakfast trips to Ethiopia Sudan - under attack by combination of real and manufactured issues. All neighbors want Al Bashir gone. Ethiopia, Eritrea and Egypt as 3 amigos of America, UAE Kenya - quite as usual, restrained South Sudan - typical African bush man. Much to be exploited, but nobody interested enough to straighten out. Somalia..Somalia..Just another Ethiopia on small scale..stumbling. Somaliland - Hot Hot Hot Can you handle being this hot from all that cold of few years? Mr. Dini is trying his best to get Puntland hot. He might succeed. Everybody needs him to slow the hotness of Somaliland, but he is not interested in that. He actually thinks can follow Somaliland into the Hottness category and mind his own business regardless of SFG.
  3. 1 point
    If the issue is between Ina Geelle Arab and the French bank, fair dinkum, the Court proceedings can take place in Hargeisa. As far as business loans are concerned, banks loan money based on indivitual's Collateral assets that they take into security. At the time of loan, the French bank must have put its name to GSK's assets as being used as part of the loan agreement. Since GSK's Djibouti assets (read the Collateral) has now been nationalised by IOG, then the French bank needs to go after IOG not Ina Gelle Arab. The French bank may be is in bed with IOG. They need to come clean. Somaliland Gov't needs to thread this carefully and not to throw its son to the sharks.
  4. 1 point
    The UAE is holding IOG by the balls, so to speak. It is designed to make Djibouti tow the Western line and not go too far with China.
  5. 1 point
    This is desperation. Of course this dumb doesn't know you can search in Google with pics.
  6. 1 point
    Now that is very funny. We need a sense of humor sometimes.
  7. 1 point
    Marmarsiyo muu Muuse Muqayil u raadinayaa? Maskiinkaan meesha ha iskaga tago inta dulinimo loola dhaqmi lahaa. Waxee u egtahay in mar dhow Ismaaciil Cumar Geelle loo gacan galin doono. Rabi haka haayo xaqdarradaan.
  8. 1 point
    Somaliland govt is not the U.N. sposored Bantu protected govt who has mandates and what not. The international community suggest idea's and recommendations. But Somaliland is not like the Amisom bunker. Where they are forced to live under the mandate of theEU. Misery loves company. Bururshkina xaarka nama marmarinkartan.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Stunning. Are they doing it to distract people and make everyone believe the government is fighting hard against terrorists?
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