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Dubai to set up Prophet Mohammad Museum

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Originally posted by Geel_jire:

There is an excellent museum in Turkey with many original artifacts such as the old wooden doors of the ka'ba, the swords of the Prophet P.B.U.H and those of Cali,Cumar and Khalid bin waleed and you can even find the copy of the mushaf on which Uthman bin Afaan bled to death on.


if it is something along these lines........ it is an excellent idea

Geel Jire,

Wooden doors and swords and a Mushaf...when are we crossing the line and placing value on particular items rather than the Diin itself?


I mean, I would to believe that the Emirati shiekhs are attempting to create an educational cultural centre that would enlighten generations to come...HOWEVER, from their track so far, I seriously doubt it. I see another Fabulously extravagant monument to the rulers of Dubai. After The Burj, and the 2 (or 3) Palms, built on cheap asian labour with no afterthought on human rights, what can you truly expect for them?


P.S. These are the same rulers who canceled Eid celebrations because sheikh Zayed died in Ramadhan of 04.

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“The museum will stand as evidence that Dubai is serious about extending bridges not only between the East and the West, but between the Islamic nation and the rest of the world as well," he added.

In laymen's terms,


"We just want to square the circle and appease the critics who say that we are too western oriented."


Whats next, an island with a redesign of the kaaba and medina?

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Originally posted by Northerner:

It is for the benefit of non-Muslims mostly. It unlikely it will becoe a shrine. [/QB]

Again, 30 minutes crash course does little in terms of educating non-Muslims about the Prophet. Also, it is kind troubling to make the Prophet central theme of museum which I'm sure westerners would identify itwith Islam. Maybe instead of this, they might open Islamic institution where scholars can interact and exchange ideas.

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^^There are plenty of Islamic Institutions. A 30 minute crash course is too little? Who says? Better than nothing for people visiting your country right?


There seems to be a hint of Anti Arab sentiment in here.


a) Give the shiekhs the benefit of the doubt (there is a ministry of Afqaaf who deal with religious issues)


b) Where does it say there will be any commercial gain?


c) Somalis should not be criticising Arab leaders who take care of their people (whatever their short-coming).


The Museum is a positive however you try to play it folks.

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There seems to be a hint of Anti Arab sentiment in here.

Was that for me or you just throw in there to give your argument little more weight.



P.S. Better option would have an Islamic museum dedicated to the achievement whether be art, science,architecture,and history of the past Islamic civilisations. Of course, the history of the Holy and the Prophet could included. This would give visitors an encapsulating view of the Islamic history.

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^lol. What's the most single positive thing that this museum brings other than capital? Up lifts Islamic teachings in Dubai? Promotes Islamic understanding in Dubai? Display of prophets garment, piece of sand or hair?


Mohammed was not sent to mankind and be displayed in a museum as art work or historical objects.

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My argument is clear and is in line with the article. Surely you can come up with a better argument than 'a crash course in the life of the prophet (pbuh) and Islam is a bad idea'!

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UD im not talking about a religious idea.... and a museum would not be suitable for any kind of religious education but i do value history...... and those artifacts are a part of our history as Muslims....... is there a danger in some people idolizing... yes but the benefit outweighs the risk.


Imagine teaching young Muslim kids about the seerah and the life of the prophet and then taking them on a field trip to see the sword of Umar bin Khatab and then you can truly appreciate how physically strong the man must have been to even lift something of that size. these artifacts would be a good educational tool i would say.

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North; Isn't that what Dubai is all about. You're not really naive to think 'a global destination' museum of three different stages with possibility of 'future expansion' is all a charity work and good welcome to most of its potential visitors, tourists?

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^^Tell me of a major Arab city without an Islamic museum of some sorts. I will give the initiators the benefit of the doubt until things are up and running (as you should).


Dubai might be on the map for many other things but until you visit or live here you will not be aware of the good the city, its residents and charities do for Islam and Muslims. Your on the outside looking in whereas I'm here seeing Mosques being built, books shops (McGrudy's, Borders etc) selling Islamic literature, tours of Mosques, inter faith gatherings, Holy Quran award and many charities. Forgive me for seeing things from a more informed perspective.

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c) Somalis should not be criticising Arab leaders who take care of their people (whatever their short-coming).

This one pass by me. What does this have to do with anything.Maybe you shouldn't criticise us for criticising Arab leaders which we haven't criticise.Anyhow, I can understand museum about the Islamic civilisations and the contributions of the Muslims to the world. It is not good idea to have an institution where the Prophet is centre and everything about the religion serves the tourist in ancillary capicity. The emphasis should on the faith itself,and not the Man who preached It. Anything about the Prophet (PHUB) should be within the context of Islamic faith and history. The way this museum is setup, it sounds like Islam emanated from the Prophet (PBUH).

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